Completing The List

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Completing The List Page 14

by P.J. Lowry

Shannon and Hayden had always been close, even after high school but they split on mutual terms when she left to attend college and he went on to become a fireman. She didn't want to be married to someone with such a dangerous profession and for a while Lizzy was thinking she was the smart one for not falling for someone like that but she still had no regrets. While in the car, David spilled the beans about what he knew concerning Shannon and Damon. It all started when David was working a case downtown because they had found a body in the ally and that resulted in him and four other detectives knocking on every door to ask if anyone saw anything. He came up to one door and David could have been knocked over with a feather when he realized it was Shannon who had answered it.

  David had knocked on the door a few times, and waited patiently because he could her someone inside. He was slowly becoming more impatient with each knock. “Open the door, this is the police!”

  A few seconds later, the door finally cracked open. A young, blonde haired woman answered the door. “Can I help you?” she softly asked.

  It was right then and there that David realized who it was. “Shannon Nichol?”

  “Yes,” Shannon replied, “Who are you?”

  David was still in shock. “It’s me, David Sheppard!”

  “Oh, hello.” She said with a little more enthusiasm. “I didn’t realize it was you. I thought you said you were the police.”

  “I am the police.” He said with a smile, holding up his badge. “There was a crime committed in the apartment down the hall. We’re just checking to see if anyone saw anything going on a few hours ago.”

  “Is everything all right?” Shannon asked.

  “I really can’t get into it.” David answered. Yet as he said that, Shannon was looking over her shoulder. David wasn’t the kind of guy to panic, but considering the serious issue that was being investigated down the hall, he wasn’t in the mood to take any chances. Without any warning, he barged into the place and even had his hand on his gun when he did so. His cop instincts were telling him that Shannon was hiding something, and while he was right about that, what she was hiding had nothing to do with the crimes down the hall. Standing in the hallway behind his mother was a small boy, no more than three years old. He was the spitting image of his brother and without saying a word as he looked at Shannon for a moment and then walked out the door. It was a few days later at one of Dad’s barbeques that David took Hayden aside and confronted him. He told his brother about talking to Shannon and seeing the boy.

  “What have you got to say for yourself?” David asked.

  “What do you expect me to say?” Hayden asked.

  “I don’t know.” David said as he openly mocked him. “Gee, I’m sorry might be a good ice breaker in such situations.”

  “I don’t know what I’d be apologizing for.” Hayden replied.

  David was less than impressed to the point where he started a scuffle right there in the back yard with Hayden. It took several people to break the two of them apart.

  Lizzy remembered the fight that David was referring to. She had no idea what it was about and Hayden has refused to talk about it saying it was between him and David. Turns out it had a lot to do with her and this Shannon and this boy. She looked back at David whose eyes were firmly on the road, as he had a hard time looking back at her afraid of how she might be glaring at him.

  “You okay, Liz?” he asked without turning.

  Lizzy paused for a moment. “Is that boy Hayden’s son?”

  David took a deep breath. “I have no proof but my gut says yes.”

  It was more than what Lizzy was willing to take. "Take me there, now."

  David was going to protest but then realized that look in her eye meant business and he changed lanes and the direction he was going in and started to drive towards their new destination.

  David pulled up to the building which he had no trouble finding since his job required him to be in this part of town often. "Here we are. Now when we get up there..."

  "No." Lizzy said as she interrupted him. "Both of you are staying down here. I want to speak with this woman alone."

  Both of them wanted to protest, but couldn't find the words to do it. After what had happened with Gary, David really didn't have the strength or the breath left to put up another fight.

  "You're looking for apartment five, zero, six." David informed her.

  "Thank you." Lizzy said as she got out of the car and walked into the building.

  She had considered buzzing in, but when someone came out to leave Lizzy decided to hold the door open and then used it to let herself in. Once inside it was a piece of cake to get up to the fifth floor and look for the apartment David told her to find. Lizzy paused for a moment and then knocked on the door and waited for a response.

  "Who is it?" a voice called out.

  "My name is... June. We have a friend in common." Lizzy said trying to sound as friendly as possible. "Hayden Sheppard."

  There was a pause at the door and then Lizzy listened as multiple pad locks unturned and the door opened. "How do you know Hayden?"

  "We’re cousins." Lizzy replied. Lizzy had dropped the name June because Hayden had told her that was the cousin that he could tell almost anything to. They were very close since they grew up together. As she patiently waited for the door to open, Lizzy could hear someone running up and down the halls.

  "Damon, try to settle down.” The lady called. “We have company.”

  Lizzy patience paid off as she could hear the lock turn and then the door opened for her. Shannon was standing there and she was a little older but Liz could recognize her from the photo in Hayden’s yearbook. “Hi there, can I come in.”

  “Of course.” Shannon said as she stepped aside. “Have a seat in the living room. I’m just putting on a pot of tea. Would you like a cup?”

  "Please.” Lizzy said as she tried to be polite. As Shannon went to the kitchen, Lizzy strolled into the living room. Sitting on the floor and playing with some toys was a four year old boy. Like David had said before, the resemblance was striking that her husband could have called the boy his clone. He had brown curly hair and smile that Lizzy knew all too well. She gave the young man a smile, "Hi there. How are you doing today?"

  "I’m okay." the boy said as looked up from his toys. As she came into the living room, scanning pictures for any familiar faces. There were a lot of pictures of another woman but she passed it off as possibly a sister or close friend.

  “How do you take your tea?” Shannon called from the kitchen.

  "Two sugar and crème please.” Lizzy answered as she kept looking around the room. She was searching for anything that could verify what David had suspected without actually having to confront the other woman for a confession instead. As Lizzy looked around more she finally spotted something that might help. There was a five by three photo in the corner of the room and she walked over and picked it up. As Lizzy looked at the picture, it was more than she could take as her knees began to buckle. She could barely stand on her feet and took a seat on the couch and continued to stare and the small framed photo. It was a picture of the boy named Damon and behind him with his arms wrapped around the boy was Hayden. Seeing the two of the in the same picture made the resemblance between the two stand out even more. It's no wonder David thought this kid was his nephew. She was looking at the picture so hard that she never noticed that Shannon had returned to the room with a cup of tea.

  “Thank you.” Lizzy said with a smile as she took the mug from her.

  “You’re welcome.” Shannon said as she quickly left the room. Lizzy assumed it was to get her own cup of tea.

  Lizzy kept looking at the picture of her husband. She looked back at Damon who was also looking at her and held up the picture in front of him.

  “Do you know who the man in this picture is?” she quietly asked.

  “Yes.” the boy replied with a giggle. “That's my Daddy.”

  Before Lizzy cou
ld respond, the boy’s mother came into the room. She had aged a bit since that picture Lizzy saw of her with Hayden, but she could easily tell it was the same Shannon that Hayden had been sweethearts with in high school. She had long blonde hair and was getting ready for what looked like a shift at a hospital. David had mentioned she was a nurse, so this was hardly surprising.

  “I don't have much time but I wanted to let you know how bad I feel about what happened to Hayden.” Shannon told her, “I'm sorry for your loss.”

  “I'm the one who should be sorry,” Lizzy replied, “I lied to you.”

  "About what June?” Shannon asked.

  “My name isn't June,” Lizzy waited to give Shannon time to clue in on what was going on. “It’s Elizabeth Sheppard.”

  “Oh my goodness!” Shannon said as she walked over and sat down on the couch beside hers. “I am very sorry about your loss. I had heard so much about you but I never had a chance to meet or share time with you.”

  "Why would you want to meet me?” Lizzy asked, “Aren't you the other woman who had a lovechild with my husband?”

  Shannon was now the one in for the shock of her life. She took her towel and held it to her face to hide the gapped mouth she had from hearing that statement. It took a moment for everything to sink it but she was a smart cookie so it didn't take that long. “Hayden didn't tell you?”

  “Why would he tell me about your affair?” Lizzy asked, tears starting to roll down her face, upset at what she was learning.

  Shannon could see the tears and knew what was going through her head. “I know how this looks, but it's not what you think!” she paused for a moment to pass her guest a few tissues to dry her eyes. “Just stay here for a few moments and all will be explained.”

  “What good is waiting going to do to explain all of this?” Lizzy asked, ready to walk out the door and never return to see them again. Before she had a chance to do that, the door slammed and someone called out.

  “Anyone here,” a voice bellowed out, “I’m home!”

  Lizzy watched as a tall woman with short black hair strolled into the room. From the looks of it she was just getting back from her job and she casually tossed her stuff on one of the easy chairs. She looked into the living room. “There you all are!”

  “Mommy!” Damon called out. He hopped out off the floor and ran to the woman in the dark hair and gave her a big hug.

  Lizzy was cleared confused. “You're not his mother?”

  “Yes, I am his mother.” Shannon replied.

  “We’re both his mother.” the other woman said, “And who are you?”

  Shannon stood up and walked to the woman that was hugging Damon. “I’m so relieved you’re not late getting back to day.” She took the other woman in her arms and embraced her with a deep, passionate kiss. She turned to Lizzy who now had a look of shock on her face. “This is Michelle, my wife. We got married in Canada a many years ago.”

  “You haven't answered my question, Shannon.” Michelle said, expecting to get an answer to her satisfaction.

  Shannon blushed and then gave Michelle another kiss on the cheek. “This is Elizabeth, Hayden's wife!”

  Michelle put her hands to her mouth, and came over to the couch. “I am so sorry for your loss dear!” she said as she sat beside her and gave Lizzy a big hug. “We have been dying to meet you for ages!”

  “You have?” Lizzy repeated.

  Shannon stepped in. “Hayden never told her about us or Damon!”

  “My goodness!” Michelle said as she turned to face Lizzy, “I can only imagine how this looked before I came home. You poor thing!”

  “I’m starting to realize I’ve made a mistake.” Lizzy confessed.

  “Your husband didn't have an affair.” Michelle replied. “We wanted to have a baby and your husband supplied the means artificially. Our Damon here is the product of invetro fertilization. He did this for us, and we are so grateful for this amazing gift.” Damon came running over and he hopped up on Michelle's lap. “What are we going to have for supper tonight?” she asked the small boy.

  Damon took a moment to think about it. “Clam chowder!”

  Shannon gave him a hard stare. “Didn't you have that last night?” she asked.

  "How about some chicken nuggets and fries? Michelle replied, “That way we can invite Elizabeth here to stay for supper. She was a very close friend of your father.”

  “You're free to stay as long as you like.” Shannon told her, “Eat with us and we will answer all your questions.”

  Lizzy pondered over the idea for a moment and then smiled. “How about we order a Pizza instead?”

  "Yeah! Pizza!” Damon cheered as he hopped of Michelle's lap and darted into the other room.

  Shannon watched as the boy bolted out and turned to Liz. “You don't have to do that. We have plenty here for everyone.”

  “Maybe for three of us, but not for five. I have two more people in the car downstairs. One who might be very interested in seeing Damon.” Lizzy said, “We'll order a pizza and everyone can come up and talk.”

  “Who’s downstairs?” Shannon asked.

  “My friend Gale, and his Uncle David.” Lizzy replied.

  Shortly after Lizzy sent a text message to David’s phone, there was a knock at the door. Shannon walked over to open it and immediately recognized who it was.

  “Hello David.” she said as she opened the door for him.

  “Hello Shannon.” David said as he walked inside.

  “David,” Lizzy called out, “Where's Gale?”

  “She took off.” David quietly answered. “I'm used to doing stakeouts all the time but she didn’t have the patience for it. She went back to the apartment.”

  Michelle walked into the room and immediately offered her hand, “David Sheppard, I presume?” she quickly asked and he quickly nodded to confirm that. “My name is Michelle, Shannon's wife. I hear you already met our son, Damon?”

  “Wife?” David took a moment to clue in now that all the answers were present and accounted for. “Hayden was your donor, wasn't he?”

  “He was.” Shannon said as she closed the door behind her.

  “I see.” David said as he then spotted the young man hiding behind one of his mothers. David smiled as he pulled out his badge. “There's no need to be afraid, I'm a policeman.” he said with a smile on his face as he crouched down.

  Damon saw the badge and slowly stepped out. He walked up to his uncle and had a small smile on his face. “Do you have a gun?” he quickly asked.

  “Damon!” Shannon scolded at the boy.

  “No, it's all right.” David replied, “All kids his age ask that. It's perfectly normal.” He turned to face Damon to answer his question. “I actually have three of them, but I keep them hidden so people don't get scared.”

  “Wow.” Damon said as he tried to look around for them. He paused for a moment and looked David in the eyes. “Did you know my Dad too?”

  David's eyes began to water and this was the closest Lizzy had ever seen the big guy come to tears. “I knew your Dad very well. He was my brother.”

  “What does that make me?” Damon asked.

  “My favourite nephew.” David answered, “And that that makes me your Uncle Dave.”

  Damon smiled as he walked up and gave his new Uncle Dave a hug. After that he turned to face his Moms, “Mommy, I have an Uncle! Can he stay for supper too?”

  “Of course he can. We'll make sure there's enough pizza for everyone.” Michelle said as she gave a soft smile. “We've been waiting for a moment like this for a long time. We had no idea Hayden had kept our family a secret.”

  To Lizzy it made perfect sense. They had been fighting about having children for a good chunk of their marriage. It led to some of their worst fights of all time. She wanted to wait and make sure they were set to handle the financial hit while Hayden wanted to start early so that they would be an acceptable age gap between them and their
kids like with his Dad and him. But Hayden was given another option, to go the artificial route for an old high school sweetheart and have the baby he wanted. If Hayden were around to see this day, there is a good chance Lizzy would have clocked him in the jaw for doing something like this. Since he wasn’t around to slap some sense into, Lizzy chose to let it go and appreciate the fact that if it wasn’t for Damon and his two moms, Hayden would have died without leaving a single child behind to carry on for him. Damon was the insurance policy in case the worst happened, which did happen a few years later. This was not a sad thing to get upset about, but a relief that he didn't die with no one to pass on his name and good nature. Damon was a good kid, and with two moms that loved him a great deal. Michelle made it clear both she and Shannon wanted Damon to be a part of her life as well as Hayden's, not a secret and they felt bad about how things came about. Lizzy had feared the worst but that all went away when the reality of the situation came to light. Hayden helped out a friend in need and at the same time took care of something he was dying to do for a long time, plant a seed while he still could. Lizzy was not angry at anyone there and spent a nice night eating pizza with her new found treasure and new friends.

  Damon's expanding family didn't stop there either, as Lizzy had the honour of bringing everyone with her to a family barbeque two weekends later. Lizzy had Damon up in her arms when she walked into the backyard and over to where Hayden's father was grilling some meat. When Mr. Sheppard turned to greet his new guest, he locked eyes the little boy who was a spitting image of his father and the old man stopped so suddenly that he almost dropped his tongs onto the ground. It was like he had been transported back in time and was looking as his own boy at that age. Mr. Sheppard for once in a long time was speechless and unable to say a single word.

  Damon turned to Lizzy and whispered to her. “Is this him?”

  “Yes, Damon.” Lizzy answered with a big smile. “This is him.”

  The little boy grinned back at the old man and waved. “Hi Grandpa.”

  Mr. Sheppard didn't know what to say, but had tears of joy running down his face as he put down what he had and walked over and gave the little boy the biggest hug he had ever given someone in a long, long time. It was almost as if Hayden had come back to him, and it was more than he could take as he laughed and smiled. Damon returned the hug and then looked his grandpa.

  “Can I have a hotdog?”


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