Completing The List

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Completing The List Page 27

by P.J. Lowry

Lizzy had always thought this item on the list was going to be a slam dunk. She assumed it would be okay to just find any kitchen and volunteer to help out and use her expert serving skills to make a very valuable contribution. Yet the more she thought about it, the more complicated it became. Hayden wasn’t talking about any kitchen, he was referring to a kitchen that he already volunteered his time with. The twenty-sixth item on the list doesn’t say volunteer time, but volunteer more time which to her meant he had already been a volunteer in someone’s kitchen. The only question she had to answer now was whose kitchen was he referring to? Lizzy wanted to seek help like she had many times before, but at the same time was determined to take care of this one herself. There couldn’t be that many kitchens in the area that accepted help from volunteers, and it seemed like the right idea to start at the locations close to Hayden’s old firehouse and work her way out. After checking with a few charity kitchens, Lizzy suddenly realized she was attacking this item the wrong way. Rather than look based on geography, she had to look at this how Hayden would have. He wouldn’t just start working in a kitchen for no reason at all. He had to have a very good reason to do anything, and something or someone convinced him to be at this kitchen. It was here when Lizzy came with the answer. She was confident it was the right one, and travelled to the neighbourhood where Hayden grew up to prove it. She had called ahead to the church where Hayden attended to see if there was a kitchen that served to the needy, and there was. It was open three days a week, serving food to those less fortunate every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It was all she needed to know, for she finally had her answer. Hayden’s kitchen was more about doing something good for those less fortunate then himself; it was also about spending time with a good friend who also donated his time for charity. The next night the kitchen was open couldn’t come soon enough for Lizzy but when she got there, a huge smile came across her face as she walked in. Father Adam O’Reilly was there as well and didn’t hesitate to return the smile and wave to her. She walked up and gave the priest a big hug.

  “It’s nice to see you again.” Lizzy said when she finally let him go.

  “It is,” Adam confirmed, “Are you here to volunteer?”

  “You mean like Hayden did?” Lizzy asked.

  “Did he tell you about that?” Adam responded with his own question.

  “No, I figured it out on my own.” Lizzy answered. “I’ve learned a lot about Hayden that I didn’t know before since his passing.”

  “That’s great.” Adam replied, “I was very worried about you. I hope that you remember that you’re always welcome to come by if you ever need to talk or vent.”

  “I appreciate that.” Lizzy said as she looked around. “I would still like to help out if you need an extra pair of hands.”

  “Always,” He said with a smile as he led her to the kitchen. She did various tasks and never complained as she was there to do the stuff that Hayden did, and the best way to achieve that would be to do as much as she could to help out and one of them should be something he did. Washing dishes, serving meals, and even a little cooking was what she managed to get done in the few hours she was there. Jumping from job to job allowed the regulars who were there to take a full break in the middle of their work without being called back too quickly, which was greatly appreciated. When it was her turn to take a break, she had company as Father Adam appeared at her table with some soup and a warm cup of coffee for her.

  “It’s the least I can do after all the hard work you’ve done tonight.” He said.

  “Thank you.” Lizzy said as she was quite hungry.

  “Thank you,” Adam replied, “It’s been a while since a Sheppard came down to help in the kitchen. I remember sitting at one of these tables during Hayden’s break to speak with him and catch up. It was something I always looked forward to.”

  “I think he looked forward to it as well.” Lizzy said as she produced the list for Father Adam to look at. “He wanted to come back more often.” Adam took the list from her and took a long moment to look at it. He smiled when he came across the one about helping out at the kitchen more often. “I think was Hayden was doing here was very admirable. I would like to come in maybe once a week and help out as much as I can.”

  “How many of these have you done?” Adam said as he was still looking at the list.

  “When I found it, Hayden had only finished the first four.” Lizzy answered.

  “And you’ve done all the rest up to this one?” Adam said as he was clearly stunned. He looked at the list, “You gave Gary back his Hermy?”

  “Yes, the Sergeant Major was very happy to see his long lost teddy bear again.” Lizzy answered with a smile. Thinking of Gary seemed to do that to her lately.

  “I have to say I am very impressed with your progress.” Adam said as he gave her back the list. “How long have you been working on this?”

  “It’s been just over a year and a half.” She confessed. It was a long time to work on something like Hayden’s list, but she had learned so much and did so many great things with friends and family that it was worth it. She pointed out certain parts of the list and started to tell Adam what they meant and how going through with them gave her a better understanding of who Hayden was and made her love him that much more. Like the little lady in Carolina, the school play that she funded and saved and other things that not only helped her but brought more light into the lives of others. Father Adam seemed to be very pleased that the list brought more happiness and joy during her grieving then sadness. He was afraid that obsessing over Hayden’s missed things to do in life might make it harder to let go, but she was dealing with her pain in a very constructive and positive way that not only made her feel better, but brought joy to others. You couldn’t ask for better way.

  “I am simply amazed,” Adam said as he listened to some of her stories. “I am curious to how you managed to do all this Lizzy. I mean where did you find the time to go back to work?”

  “Well, I haven’t.” Lizzy confessed. “Before I decided to finish the list, I accepted a very large settlement with the company that owned the building that killed Hayden.”

  “I see.” The priest replied.

  “Well, despite all I’ve done with this list… I’ve barely scratched the surface when it comes to the money they gave me. So I really don’t need to work for the next while if I don’t want to and that’s what has been funding my little adventure.” Lizzy realized that not doing anything to move on with her own life was a little unhealthy, but she was so close the idea of quitting was just not going to happen.

  “I’m just a little concerned about you.” Adam said as he gave the list back to her. “What do you intend to do when it’s all over?”

  “You’re not the first to ask that question.” Lizzy responded.

  “It’s a very valid question.” Adam confirmed, “I’m proud of what you’ve done but you need to make plans for your future. What do you want to do for the rest of your life?”

  “I’ve been thinking a lot about that.” Lizzy honestly answered. “I thought about going back to school. One reason why I wasn’t able to finish college was a lack of funds, which is no longer an issue. I might go back at the beginning of the next school year and finish what I started.”

  “Wow, that’s ambitious.” Adam said. “I’m just happy to hear you are making plans to move on after this is all done.”

  “I am but I want to finish this first.” She waved the list around. “I know it sounds crazy but this has really been an adventure more than a chore.”

  “I’m very happy to hear that.” Adam said as he was genuinely worried about her. The young priest had been very worried about her since Hayden had passed away. Despite his own loss of a good friend, he was concerned that those around him wouldn’t take the time to talk and properly grieve, but Lizzy was using the list to do her thing and that made him feel confident that while weird and not the usual route to grieve, she was doing all right. Before he
could say anything else, something caught his attention and caused him to smile.

  Lizzy turned around to see what he was smiling at, and much to her surprise was her best friend Anna. She hadn’t seen her in almost two months since she disappeared with Crispin, who was actually with her as they walked into the kitchen. Anna saw that Lizzy was there and she ran over and give her friend a big hug. “Lizzy! It’s so great to see you!”

  “It’s been a while.” Lizzy said as she was out of her seat and returning the hug. She turned to Crispin who had a wide grin of his own. “But I can’t get too upset since you did help out with my online gaming issue.”

  “I was happy to help.” Crispin replied, “But it looks like we are going to be able to help you again.”

  “Is that so?” Adam said as he was very curious. “What one might that be?”

  “Number twenty-eight.” Anna said as she squealed with excitement.

  Lizzy tried to remember, but checked the list she had on her just to be sure. She read it over and then looked back up in shock. “Are you kidding me?”

  “Yes!” Anna said as she whipped up her left hand to show off a very beautiful ring. “We’re getting married! This means you’ll be able to give a toast because there is no one else I’d rather have as my maid of honour!”

  Lizzy was so caught up in the moment that she started to cry. She gave her friend another big hug and held on tight for quite a while. “I’d be my pleasure to be your maid.”

  “This is fantastic.” Adam said as he surprised as well. “But is that the reason why you came here tonight?”

  “Actually, no.” Crispin answered.

  “We were here to see you.” Anna said to Adam. “Bumping into Lizzy was an unexpected but very pleasant surprise.”

  “My local church is in another state and we want stay local, so I was hoping that we could hold the ceremony here, with you.” Crispin seemed a little nervous as he didn’t know how Adam was going to respond.

  If anything was an indication, the smile that came across his face was a good sign. “It would be my pleasure to have you start your married life here in my home.”

  Everyone seemed super excited about this development, but Lizzy excused herself to get back to work in the kitchen. She went back to the dishes and was in the middle of working over some pots when Anna came back to the kitchen to see her. She looked a little concerned as she came in, “Are you all right Liz?” she asked.

  “I’m all right.” Lizzy said without taking her eyes off her work. “I’m in the middle of working on number twenty-six right now. This is the kitchen Hayden was referring to.”

  “I’m sorry for being away for so long Lizzy.” Anna said, “I only just found out that Gail went back to New York, I feel bad thinking you were doing these things by yourself.”

  “It’s all right.” Lizzy said as she stopped working for a moment. “I wasn’t alone for most of the items. I had help.”

  “Really, from who?” Anna asked, somewhat curious.

  “From Gary.” Lizzy answered.

  "The guy from the military?” Anna’s face was a little shocked. “The same guy you had to return Hermy to?

  “The very same.” Lizzy said as he got back to work. “He came out and helped me for a very important task that only he could do. After that we worked together to finish a few more after that.”

  “A few more?” Anna repeated as she was very interested. “Did anything happen over this time together?”

  “No.” Lizzy answered, “I’m not ready for something like that just yet. I think he knew that because he was a gentleman the whole time.”

  “But do you like him?” Anna asked, prying just a little bit.

  Lizzy paused for a moment, cracked a small smile. “Maybe.”

  “That smile says more than a maybe there girl!” Anna said with a squeal. “How many items did you two actually do together?”

  “Five.” Lizzy answered. “He was on leave and I am not one to refuse help.”

  “I’m sure.” Anna replied. “Big, strong army boys are hard to find.”

  “Hey, I wouldn’t be here at twenty-six if it wasn’t for him.” Lizzy said as she defended Gary. “He was a great and I really appreciated his help.”

  “Does this mean I should add a plus one to your invite?” Anna asked.

  Lizzy blushed for a moment, “No, I’m not ready to date yet. When the time is right I’ll know before anyone else does.”

  “All right Liz.” Anna said, “I won’t push. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s all right.” Lizzy said as she resumed washing the pot. “I’ll eventually get there, it’s just going to take some time.” She looked like she was on the verge of crying but it was more about the fact that Anna was getting married. She knew what it felt like to be excited about something like that. To have the ring on her finger to show off to all the girls, and know the person who gave it to you loves you almost as much as you love him. “I’m very happy for you and Crispin, I really am.” Lizzy paused for a moment and then stopped working. “Wait one second. How long are you planning to be engaged?”

  “Oh that’s the best part!” Anna said with unbridled excitement. “We are not going to wait at all. We know this Church is free next week, and we’re getting married in ten days! So we have to get everything ready super quick. I would never make you wait months or years to finish that list waiting for us. How rude do you think I am?”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” Lizzy felt a little embarrassed.

  “That’s all right Lizzy. I know you’re going to make the most awesome maid of honour ever.” Anna gave her a half hug. “It’s going to be epic!”

  Lizzy looked back at her. “Epic?”

  “I kind of picked up a little bit of that crazy game lingo from Crispin.” Anna confessed with a smile. “Something I guess we’ll both have to get used to.”

  They both had a loud giggle and Anna took her coat off and spent the rest of time the kitchen was open cleaning the dishes and catching up with her friend.

  Lizzy was happy to see her friend again, even if it was only for a few hours. Yet now that she was the maid of honour they would be spending a lot more time together, planning the event and making all the necessary preparations for the big event. While she didn’t like the idea of being taken away from the list to do all this stuff, but she can chalk it all up to being on the list, her chance to make toast at a wedding she was actually invited to.


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