Changed (Marked Duology Book 2)

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Changed (Marked Duology Book 2) Page 15

by Jennifer Snyder

  * * *

  When I woke it was already nightfall. The house was alive with pack members, and I wondered how much longer I would be able to hide out in my room.

  Apparently not for long.

  My bedroom door flew open and in dashed Jenna, flipping on the light and shouting: “Wake up!”

  I bolted upright and squinted. “Where’s the fire?”

  “There is no fire, but you’re going to be late for Jace’s Rite of Passage Ceremony and your Bonding Ceremony, too, if you don’t get up. Now!” She scrambled around the room in a long, flowing sage-green gown, moving around flower bouquets I didn’t even know were there.

  They were all yellow roses… five dozen yellow roses. I stood and rolled my shoulder. How long had I slept? And why didn’t my shoulder and throat hurt as badly anymore?

  “There should be another dress in here, one for the Bonding Ceremony,” Jenna said, rifling through the wardrobe.

  I made my way to the full-length mirror behind the door and gasped at myself. The wound in my shoulder had already healed… as well as the one on my neck. All that was left was a thin pink line in the shape of a bite on both areas.

  “Here it is,” Jenna said, pulling a long white box down from the top shelf. “This has to be it.”

  She pealed the lid off and flung tissue paper out onto the floor. I smirked at her, Jenna who was normally so peaceful and held together. It was comical to see her so flustered.

  “What happened to my wounds? I didn’t know that we healed so fast,” I muttered, vaguely remembering Jace saying something about our healing abilities as he named things that werewolves could do.

  “We heal at a faster rate than humans do. Those lines will be gone within the hour. Here, put this on,” Jenna insisted, holding out a skinny, strapless, white flowing gown.

  “It’s gorgeous.” I took it from her hands and held it out in front of me. Silver thread stitched in a pattern of moon phases trimmed the bottom and the thigh-high slit as well.

  “Yeah, Greta is a master when it comes to sewing.” Jenna smiled. “Get changed so I can do your hair again.”

  While I changed, Jenna pulled out a small purple bag and began touching up her makeup. The dress fit perfectly and the slight ripples across the chest gave the illusion I actually had something there.

  Jenna did my makeup quickly, but before she started on my hair I got up to check the five vases of yellow roses for cards. I wondered if one of them was from my mom. My heart dropped to my stomach like a rock—I’d forgotten to call and let her know I was okay and had survived the Ordeal. I’d have to call her later, as soon as this was all over with.

  I sat back down on the bed and turned so that my back was facing Jenna. There had only been one card among all of the flowers. I opened it and read:

  Didn’t think I would only give you one, did you? I love you, Tessa Morganton. Please don’t hold pack traditions against me forever.

  — Jace

  I smiled and tossed the card on the bed beside me. He was a smooth one. I had to give him credit for that.

  “So what should I expect tonight?” I asked as Jenna ran her fingers through my hair.

  She sighed. “Nothing like last night, that’s for sure. And let me just say that I’m so relieved you’re okay.”

  “Thanks. Me, too.”

  “You won’t have to do anything for the Rite of Passage ceremony. It’s just a few sentences between Nicholas and Jace and it’s done. I don’t remember much of Nicholas’ ascension to Pack Leader. I was just a kid, but I’m positive it wasn’t very long,” she said as she began twisting my hair tightly.

  “What about the Bonding Ceremony?” I wondered. This was the part I was most nervous about.

  “It’s sort of like a human wedding, in the sense that you repeat after the preacher, who in this case is just Nicholas.”

  “So, no biting or clawing? I’m not going to get hurt, am I?” I asked, part joking, part serious.

  Jenna hesitated and I felt my heart thump more forcefully. “Well, no biting or clawing. No. As far as getting hurt, maybe just a little. Nicholas will cut each of your palms to bind the ritual at the end.”

  I swallowed hard. “Great.”

  A knock sounded at the door and Vivian poked her head in. “Is she ready? It’s time.”

  I noticed how her eyes seemed slightly puffy like she’d been crying, and I wondered if it had something to do with Shelby or if it was just the simple fact that her son wasn’t bonding with the mate she had chosen for him.

  “Almost,” Jenna answered. She walked to the wardrobe and handed me a pair of silver high heels.

  * * *

  With Jenna on one side of me and Vivian on the other, we stepped through the thick woods behind the house and out into the clearing where the pond glistened in the moonlight. My eyes found Jace instantly. He stood beneath a large white archway with green ivy weaved throughout its slats, in a solid white tuxedo. His face lit up the moment I entered his view, and his lips twisted into that smirk that sent shivers to all the right places.

  Vivian and Jenna took their places elsewhere, leaving me to walk the remaining five steps to Jace all by myself. He took my hands in his, and all of my fears and anxieties from everything that had led me up to this moment disappeared and nothing else mattered besides this. I was with Jace. I was where I belonged.

  “God, you’re gorgeous,” Jace whispered, leaning into me, his hot breath brushing against my ear. He pulled away and his eyes grazed over me slowly.

  My cheeks grew warm and I smiled. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  Nicholas took a step forward. I hadn’t noticed him standing so close until now. I looked away from Jace for the first time and realized the pack had surrounded us. Some faces were already familiar, some not so much, and two which were not the least bit happy about what was to happen here—Regina and Shelby. Shelby’s unwavering stare made angst float through my stomach.

  Nicholas cleared his throat and I shifted my eyes back to Jace’s. “Welcome, pack members. On this night we will celebrate many things… a joining of two souls, the end of an old leader, and the birth of a new.”

  Whistling, shouts of joy, and clapping filled the night. I broke into a smile that mirrored Jace’s, my eyes never wavering from his.

  “Tonight I stand before you to unite these two hearts, these two souls, as one. Repeat after me…” Nicholas insisted. “One born by blood.”

  “One born by blood,” Jace and I said in unison.

  “One born by bite,” Nicolas said.

  “One born by bite,” we both repeated.

  “Together we stand beneath the silver light,” Nicolas continued.

  “Together we stand beneath the silver light.” The words flowed from my lips smoothly as my eyes remained locked with Jace’s.

  “To be forever bonded as one heart and one soul.”

  “To be forever bonded as one heart and one soul.”

  “United as one, complete and whole.”

  “United as one, complete and whole,” we finished.

  “Each of you hold a hand out, palm facing upward,” Nicolas demanded as he withdrew a large blade, its handle made of dark wood.

  I held my breath as I gave Nicolas my extended hand. Jace gripped my other just before the blade sliced across my palm in one swift movement. Blood pooled across my skin and I felt my knees grow weak at the sight. Jace didn’t flinch as the same was done to him.

  Nicolas took our cut hands and pressed them together palm to palm before everyone. “Palm to palm, blood to blood, heart to heart… they are united as one.”

  “United!” the entire pack chorused back.

  “And now, my son, you may kiss your mate beneath the moon for luck.” Nicolas smiled.

  Jace pressed his lips to mine, and I became lost in the warmth and the happiness that seemed to ooze from his touch and into me. It was a kiss unlike any before it—it was tender and passionate, adoring and fiery; it was blissful and heave

  “Blood of my blood, we are bound together forever. I love you,” Jace whispered as he pulled away.

  “I love you, too,” I uttered in response, meaning it whole-heartedly.

  “Okay, lovebirds, we aren’t done here yet. Tonight there is one more thing on the agenda. Jace, step forward, my son,” Nicolas commanded.

  Jace released me and stepped directly in front of his father. I took a few steps backward, giving them some space to be front and center for everyone, and licked my lips. They still tasted of Jace, and I pondered the thought that they always would from here on out.

  “I stand before you on this night, during your twenty-first year, as a proud father ready to bestow upon his son his birth rite as the next Pack Leader.” Nicolas’s words were thick with emotion as he spoke. “Jace Fowler, with the Goddess of the Moon and each pack member present as witness, I renounce my position and pass it on to you.” Nicolas dropped onto one knee before Jace and bowed his head in respect. “It is done.”

  All around me members of the pack dropped to their knees and bowed down to Jace in submission and acceptance of his new position. I remained standing, unsure if I was supposed to drop, too, hoping I wasn’t doing something disrespectful.

  Jace shifted toward me, a commanding look gleamed in his eyes. “Rise,” he addressed everyone and then winked at me, gesturing for me to come to his side.

  Goose bumps prickled across my skin as I started toward him, and I wasn’t sure if it was from the power of authority he’d put into his words or the icy wind floating across the pond. Jace gripped my hand and spun me to face the crowd.

  “I stand before you with my chosen mate at my side as your new Pack Leader,” Jace said, his smile reaching up and touching the corners of his eyes.

  Music turned on from someplace behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to look at where it was coming from and realized for the first time that a little reception area had been set up just across the pond.

  “Pop the champagne, already, let’s get this party goin’!” Gavin shouted from across the pond at us.

  Laughing, we all made our way to the other side of the pond to join Gavin in celebrating.

  * * *

  Later that night Jace and I lay side by side in his bedroom, my head resting on his shoulder.

  “So, what happens now?” I asked in a hushed whisper, trailing my fingertips across his bare chest.


  “Life, huh? That’s a vague answer.” I smiled.

  Jace chuckled lowly. “Only to you, to me it seems endless.”

  I shifted my head so that it lay over his heart and listened to its strong and rhythmic drumming against my ear. Jace brushed his fingers through my hair, and I sighed with the contentment that fell over me. Minutes passed before either one of us spoke again.

  “What will Shelby do now? What happens to her and her mom?” I asked, unsure as to why I even cared, but knowing I wouldn’t be able to stop wondering if I didn’t ask.

  “Either she’ll back off and become a regular pack member now or else I’ll force her and her mother to leave. I will not tolerate her attitude and disrespect toward you anymore.”

  “Oh, now you won’t tolerate her attitude and disrespect toward me, huh? What about before?” I teased, raising my head to meet his eyes.

  “Well, now I can do something about it. I couldn’t then,” he answered.

  “Uh-huh, right, like you couldn’t have stood up for me before…” I continued to rag him.

  “Tessa, you know how things work.” His face softened and guilt washed in. “I couldn’t have done—” I cut off his words by pressing my lips to his.

  “I know; I understand,” I said in between kisses. “Well, sort of,” I added with a grin, enjoying watching him squirm a little too much.

  “Come here you,” Jace growled, flipping me beneath him. “I think I may just have bit off more than I can chew with you,” he said, as his lips brushed across mine before detouring to move down my neck.

  My hands traveled the length of his back, and I inhaled his scent—that spicy cologne I’d grown to love. “Oh, it’s possible.”


  “This is so untraditional. We should be on our first run with the pack as Alphas right now,” Jace muttered from beside me.

  I laughed. “Right, because you’re so all about doing everything the traditional way.”

  “For the most part.” He winked.

  “Yeah, well, you did agree I could do this a long time ago. Besides, I’m sure the pack will be fine without your profound leadership skills for one night,” I teased, slipping out of my jeans and dropping them on the damp, frozen ground.

  Warmth began to flow through my veins as I glanced around me and my surroundings, taking in the familiarity of the woods that had been behind the house I’d lived in since I was a little girl. My brain grew fuzzy and I held my breath as I waited for the burning sensation I knew was to come next. Nervous butterflies broke into flight in the pit of my stomach, but not due to anxiety from changing. It was due to the thought of who was waiting for me beyond the edge of the woods and what their reaction to seeing me in my other form might be.

  My muscles grew tense as the pressure began to push on my bones, forcing them to shift. A heavy fog clouded my mind and for a split second I forgot why I was here. My skin began to ripple as the bones shifted into place beneath, my eyes locked on Jace’s. Before I knew it, I was on all fours and Jace’s thick, golden pelt was nuzzling up against mine. Each time I shifted, it seemed to be easier, smoother, than the last.

  Do you want me to go with you? Jace’s voice, soft and concerned, filled my mind.

  Can you just hang back for a little bit? I’d be scared enough just seeing me, two wolves might be too much for them, I answered, hoping he understood.

  I’ll be waiting at the edge of the woods for you then.

  Slowly I started to make my way through the trees. Emotions and fear seemed to have crippled my body once I reached the bordering edge between my backyard and the overgrown woods though, because I paused.

  After a few minutes, I forced myself forward and noticed the exact moment when I became clearly visible to those waiting for me. Three pounding heartbeats greeted my ears as shocked expressions met my eyes.

  I inched toward them slower now, counting my steps as I took them… one, two, three… wondering when I would be close enough to keep everyone’s comfort level still intact. Thoughts of the first time I saw Jace in his wolf form and I knew what he was flooded my mind, but I was sure it was nothing in comparison to what they were all thinking and feeling at this moment because I had been a wolf, too, they weren’t.

  I stopped when only a few feet remained between us. It was more for their comfort than mine because I knew I wouldn’t hurt them. Slowly I shifted my eyes from one face to the next. They all looked terrified of me, all except for my mom—she looked heartbroken—and I wondered in that moment if this had been such a good idea. Maybe Jace had been right and this was too much for them to handle.

  I stared at my mom as her eyes began to swell with tears and guilt hit me so hard I could barely breathe. This had been the one thing I thought I had needed in order to feel some selfish sense of closure from this part of my life, but all I was doing was hurting those I loved most. I hadn’t taken into consideration anyone else’s feelings beside my own, something Jace had warned me about before hand, and now I was completely aware, but it was too late.

  I’m so sorry,I said to them, even though I knew they couldn’t hear me.

  I should have never done this. It was worse than the goodbye I’d had before. There was no sense of closure here, only pain brought on by the frightened look in their eyes.

  “Tessa?” mom whispered.

  I nodded my head in acknowledgement and her lips formed a thin smile.

  “This is un-flipping believable,” Rachel muttered with a shaky voice.

  “It’s all true, isn’t it? Every word is true,”
dad insisted. From the sound of his voice I gathered he was trying to convince himself just as much as he was trying to convince Rachel that what they saw was really me.

  I started to take another step forward, but saw my dad flinch backward slightly so I dropped to my stomach instead. Mom was the first to move toward me. I could sense her hesitation and I tried my best to remain perfectly still. When she finally reached me, she extended her hand out, and I slowly raised my head to meet her fingers.

  “Oh, my God,” she muttered.

  “This is crazy!” Rachel said. “I mean, I can tell it’s you… there’s something about your eyes. They don’t belong on an animal.”

  My dad dropped to his knees behind Rachel then, and I shifted my eyes to him. Tears flowed freely down his face as he stared at me. “I’m not crying because of seeing you this way, if that’s what you’re thinking. I’m crying because this is a little much to take in.” He paused. “Elizabeth, I’m so sorry for doubting you.”

  “I understand,” she said, leaving me to go to his side. “Believe me, I understand.”

  Rachel moved to sit beside me, folding her legs beneath her. “I cannot get over this,” she said, staring at me fixedly. “This isn’t going to be the last time I ever see you, is it? I mean, you’re going to come back and visit sometime as a human, right?”

  I laughed, but I knew all she heard were grumbles and groans, and I noticed her shift back slightly startled.

  Of course, I answered her, wishing she could hear me.

  My eyes flickered to my parents. They sat wrapped in each other’s arms, crying. I stood and made my way to them.

  Dad reached out and stroked my face lightly. “I love you, Tessa, no matter which form you’re in.”

  And just like that, any desire I may have had to seek out my biological father evaporated into thin air. There was no need to. After all, he hadn’t given a damn about me and whether or not I lived or died… and I didn’t need him anyway. Bill Morganton was all the dad I could ever need.


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