covencraft 02.5 - carnival moon

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covencraft 02.5 - carnival moon Page 2

by Margarita Gakis

  What it did not do was leave her very much time to get ready for the werewolf carnival. Jade stripped off her decontamination suit at Counter-Magic and grabbed the box the weres delivered, hoping she still had time to talk to Paris about it. She found a post-it note on her monitor in Paris’ pristine writing (tiny little all caps) saying he’d pick her up at her place at six. It was four-thirty now which gave Jade just enough time to race to the bus stop to take the four-forty bus home, grab a shower and get dressed.

  In the shower, scrubbing down with the unscented shower gel the weres had provided, Jade supposed it made a sort of sense (no pun intended) that they would prefer unscented material. If they were anything like their wolf animal kin, they probably had sensitive sniffers. Jade wondered if the barrage of perfumes and chemicals on a daily basis was hard on them. She was careful to use all the products they sent, pulling her hair back in its customary ponytail and forgoing hairspray when she noticed none was in the box. She may not know much about werewolves, but she knew how to follow instructions and it was no skin off her nose in this case to do so.

  At the bottom of the box she found a simple sports bra and a pair of straightforward underwear - the kind you would wear at the end of the week, when all your pretty underthings were in the laundry. Comfortable, but hardly noteworthy. The black slacks and top they sent were soft. She checked for a label and found none. If Jade had to guess, she would say they were some kind of cotton-silk blend. Maybe rayon? They weren’t linen as they were unwrinkled even after being in the box all day. Everything seemed to fit okay - not great, but not bad. For an outfit picked out by people she hadn’t met and to Jade’s knowledge hadn’t ever seen her, it was all she could have hoped for.

  Bruce, her lizard familiar, gave her the once over with his snout when she came downstairs, sniffing up one side of her, across the backs of her knees, and down the other leg. He then pushed up against her leg firmly and ‘whuffed’ in her pant leg - a sharp, hot exhale of breath coming through the fabric and reaching her skin.

  “Is that approval or disdain?” Jade asked, reaching down and petting his supple, scaly head. He flicked his long, forked tongue at her, making his customary ‘pffft’ sound and Jade laughed. “I’ll take that as approval.”

  A knock at the door had her checking her watch - five-forty-five. Paris was early, as usual. Jade opened the door with a question.

  “What about a coat? My note didn’t say anything about a coat. Is that yours?” she pointed to his wool coat.

  Paris was dressed similarly to her in black slacks and Jade could just make out a hint of a black top peeking out from underneath his coat. “Your own coat should be fine. You used all the products the weres sent along?”

  “Yep.” She slid her arms into her own down jacket. The days were cold now and the nights cooler, the sun setting early and taking its limited warmth with it. “Although, I spent most of the day down in the sewer so here’s hoping I don’t smell like that.”

  “I hear you did quite well down there,” Paris replied, leading Jade to his car. He made a motion like he was going to get the car door for her, but she beat him to it, sliding into the passenger seat easily.

  “I will be so glad when we get someone newer than me and I’m no longer on Rookie Duty,” Jade said wondering how many more times she’d be sent down into the sewer. Yuck.

  Paris laughed softly as he got in and started driving. “They do like to put the rookies through their paces. But it’s good work. I hear you’re learning quickly and doing well.”

  Jade preened a bit under the praise, feeling proud of herself. She liked learning, and she thought she was doing really well, too. But it was still nice to hear Paris say it.

  Earlier in the week, Paris had let Jade know the Wolf Moon ball would be held at the Pack Estate. Technically, their host would be the Alpha, a woman named Lucia, but Jade and Paris would be considered guests of the entire pack, around thirty wolves and fifteen human members. The humans were part of the pack through birth, marriage or close ties. Jade was still a little fuzzy on what that meant. Paris had indicated that sometimes, humans who had done a service for the pack or perhaps were close friends with someone in the pack, could be considered pack by association. Paris and Jade would be the only non-pack members in attendance. To Paris’ knowledge, no one from any of the neighboring covens had attended a wolf ball in many years, not since Paris’ mother attended one when Paris was very young.

  Paris had given Jade a crash course on werewolf etiquette. Jade was to monitor her stance and posture, focusing on keeping aggression out of her body language. Jade wasn’t quite sure what that entailed other than she couldn’t go in there with her chest puffed out and her hands on her hips. Paris assured her that simply her intent at staying calm and focused would keep the aggression out of her scent and aura. The weres were very sensitive to magic, and Jade was not to use any at all while at the estate, unless explicitly asked by the Alpha - apparently it was sometimes customary for a witch to perform some magic for the wolves. Jade got the feeling it was like going to a party and showing off that you were double jointed in your thumb, or that you could do a handstand and walk on your hands - fun, but only if you were invited to do so, otherwise you were just being an asshole and showing off.

  The strangest thing, the thing she was most worried about, was The Scenting. Every time Paris mentioned it, Jade could hear the capitals. The Scenting. When Jade and Paris first arrived, they would be invited in to see the Alpha and perhaps another higher ranking pack member; Jade and Paris would then be scented - the pack members taking in and cataloguing their scent as well as marking them as guests of the pack for the evening.

  “But no one’s going to bad-touch me right?” Jade asked, unable to stop herself as they pulled up to the large estate house. It was in an affluent neighborhood where all the houses were set back from the street, each having their own long personal driveway. They’d had to be buzzed through a security gate and Jade had felt her nerves rising as they rolled slowly up the graveled way, Paris bringing the car to a stop in front of a large set of double doors.

  Paris gave no indication that he’d already answered the same question from Jade a few times, answering it as calmly and clearly as he had the other times she’d asked. “No. It will at most involve your neck, perhaps your shoulders and a little bit under your ear. The weres are quite aware that the rest of society isn’t as used to or comfortable with casual touching as they are. However, by submitting to The Scenting you’re indicating your willingness to accept their culture and customs.”

  Jade nodded a bit, fiddling in her purse for her lip-gloss and putting a little on. She’d taken care to keep her makeup to a minimum - only foundation, a little mascara and some gloss. No makeup had not been an option. She didn’t even go for groceries without her war paint; she certainly wasn’t going to meet werewolves without it.

  She ran her hands over her pants, smoothing away imaginary wrinkles. As soon as Paris reached for his door handle, Jade reached for hers, getting out of the car at the same time as him. Paris knocked on the front door of the estate with confidence, and Jade was about to ask how many times he’d been there when the door opened.

  It revealed a young man, perhaps in his early or mid-twenties. His hair was in that messy-on-purpose spike-y style that younger men seemed to be wearing these days. It looked good on him though. He had large brown eyes and Jade would have killed him for his eyelashes if she thought she could get away with it. It wasn’t fair when men got eyelashes like that. His face broke out in a smile when he saw them.

  “It’s good to see you, Paris,” he said, tipping his head once in greeting before turning to Jade. “You must be Jade. I could feel your magic coming up the driveway.”

  “Oh, sorry,” Jade blurted out. “I’m not using any, I swear.”

  His smile got a little wider. “Nah, I meant I could feel the sense of ‘you.’ It’s been pretty cool since the Coven’s magic has been reset. Way better than before.
I hear we have you to thank for it.”

  Jade looked at Paris uncertainly and he gave her a sort of reassuring nod. “Uh, yeah,” she finally said. “I guess.”

  “Cool. I’m Steve. I’ll take your coats and then show you to the Alpha.”

  Jade was probably overly careful as she took off her coat and handed it to Steve. Paris had instructed her not to touch anyone - no handshakes, no brushing past - until she’d been seen by the Alpha. Paris’ movements were much more relaxed - Jade forgot to ask if he was exempt from the rule since he’d already met the Alpha. Maybe he was just more used to dealing with the weres.

  Once their coats were hung, Steve jerked his head in the direction they would be heading and when he turned away, he didn’t walk so much as lope. Jade could almost see the wolf underneath his skin. It was in the way he moved, the way his limbs hung and swung easily from his body. The house, if she could still call a residence so large by that name, was homey and well lived in. The hardwood was scuffed and worn and Jade found her eyes drawn to the markings on the floor, wondering if they were claw marks. They passed through a kitchen where a few people milled about, all dressed in the same kind of utilitarian clothing that Jade and Paris wore - black slacks and black shirts. No one looked up as they came through and Jade tried not to stare.

  “They’re waiting for the Alpha to meet you,” Paris said, not bothering to lower his voice.

  Jade gave him a sharp look and kind of jerked her head toward the group, her face clearly saying, ‘they can hear you, you know.’

  “They’ll hear me even if I whisper, Jade,” Paris replied in response to her look. He tapped one of his own ears and only then did she remember he’d told her the wolves had exceptional hearing.

  “It’s not being rude,” Steve said from up front, turning around and walking backward down the hall in the casual way that young people had - not believing they’ll ever fall or run into anything. “I can talk to you since I answered the door. But they have to wait until Alpha addresses you first.”

  “Are you the Walmart greeter of the werewolf hacienda?” Jade asked, head turning slightly at the soft laughter she heard from the kitchen at her comment. Steve’s face lit up in a grin.

  “I totally am!”

  Steve pushed open a door, the heavy weight of it making it swing inward slow and easy. Paris gestured for Jade to go in before him and she had a quick, uncharitable thought, thinking herself a sacrificial lamb. Again, Paris read her expression well.

  “As you noted earlier, I am your ‘plus one.’ You get to go in first.”

  The room was a casual ‘living’ room - a large soft couch, a chaise lounge, a loveseat and one of those ‘chair and a half’ things that wasn’t quite big enough to seat two but was a little too large for one. A woman and man were standing in the room waiting for them. As Jade walked in, the woman smiled.

  “Hello, Jade. I’m Lucia, Alpha of this werewolf pack. This is my brother and my second, Galen.”

  Her smile was wide and bright and not at all toothy or feral, as Jade had (maybe, kind of, not really, TOTALLY) expected. Jade stepped forward slightly, fingers twitching by her side and spoke the words that Paris had taught her.

  “I am Jade, witch of the Coven to your southern border. This is my Coven Leader and mentor, Paris.”

  “It’s good to see you again, Coven Leader,” Lucia said to Paris, hands clasped in front of her. Her brother, Galen had yet to speak.

  “It’s good to see you as well, Alpha,” Paris replied.

  Lucia and Galen, according to Paris, were ‘Irish twins’ - born with in twelve months of one another. Dressed in black, like the rest of their pack, they made quite a cutting pair - dark hair, whiskey eyes, sharp bone structure. Jade was sure she could use their cheekbones as blades, they were so sharp. Galen however was the taller of the two. Lucia was a few inches shorter than Jade’s five-foot ten - maybe five-five, but Jade would have to tip her head back a bit to look Galen in the eye. He stood a little behind his sister and off to the side - his traditional place as second, as Jade had learned.

  “May I scent you, Jade?” Lucia asked.

  Jade nodded. She tried to keep perfectly still as Lucia stepped forward, her body moving with a lithe, easy grace that was more cat-like than canine. Or maybe it was wolf-like. It wasn’t as though Jade had ever been close enough to one to know. Lucia moved into Jade’s space, one of her hands sliding up and around the back of Jade’s neck, the other clasping Jade’s bicep. Jade tipped her head down slightly and off to the side, exposing her jugular to Lucia - a sign of submission to wolves - and pretty much anyone ever, if Jade was being honest. Lucia came up on her toes, pulling Jade down a bit toward her, running the tip of her nose across the soft skin of Jade’s throat. Jade stayed perfectly still, wondering how much exactly it must mean in the werewolf world for her to let Lucia’s teeth so close to the tender skin of her neck.

  Lucia inhaled deeply and then breathed out against Jade’s neck, her exhalation warm and slightly damp. Jade’s collarbones flexed but she didn’t pull away, holding her ground. Jade could see Paris out of the corner of her eye, standing still and unmoving, waiting. Lucia moved her head slightly, pulling Jade’s head down further and then rubbed her cheek against Jade’s. The skin of Lucia’s face was soft and warm - slightly above Jade’s own temperature. Lucia stayed where she was and simply breathed for a few moments.

  Finally, Lucia dipped her nose down one more time, settling it in the hollow of Jade’s throat and breathing a few more times. Her entire body gave off heat in a wave pressed up against Jade’s own.

  “It’s strange,” Lucia murmured, her voice soft and quiet. Jade wondered if Paris could hear it. “You almost have two distinct scents. Like two people.”

  Jade’s entire body stiffened and this time she didn’t manage to control herself as well and she tried to pull back. Lucia’s grip on her neck and arm tightened. There was no way Jade could break away without using force. Or magic. Lucia was too close, too far into Jade’s space and now she was bringing things up that Jade wasn’t ready to deal with.

  “I have just the mask for you,” Lucia breathed, finally pulling back, leaving Jade feeling a little cold in her wake. Jade stood up straight, toes curling under in her shoes.

  “You smell like magic and sorrow, Jade,” Lucia said. Paris turned his head sharply toward Jade and she resolutely didn’t look, at him, keeping her eyes focused on Lucia.

  Lucia again clasped her hands in front of her, looking proud and somewhat prim. “I will get your masks,” she said. “Galen,” her voice had an authority now that wasn't there a moment ago. Jade could hear the command before it was spoken. “Please scent Paris for tonight’s event.”

  Lucia turned away, heading for a chest in the back of the room - a large heavy wooden box that looked aged and well-loved. It creaked slightly as it opened and Jade was about to crane her neck to see if she could sneak a peek when her eye was caught by Galen stepping into Paris’ space to scent him.

  Paris stood still, as Jade had done, although his posture was more of one who was relaxed and comfortable rather than Jade’s ‘prey caught in the forest’ stance. Galen and Paris were of a height and as Paris moved his head off to one side and cast it slightly downward, Galen only had to tip his own down slightly to brush his nose up against the skin of Paris’ neck and Holy Homoeroticism, Batman! Jade felt a little weird and like a voyeur watching the whole thing. Paris didn’t seem concerned as Galen rubbed his nose against the tender, hollow point of Paris’ neck and then brushed his cheek over Paris’ own. The sound of their stubble scraping seeming loud in the quiet of the room. Jade could feel how her eyebrows had crept up and she was full out staring while Galen brushed his other hand down Paris’ neck and across his shoulder. She really should look away - she wasn’t even being subtle.

  She totally kept staring.

  Galen pulled back and Paris inclined his head in a sort of formal ‘thank you’ gesture. Paris finally turned to Jade and met h
er stare.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No,” Jade said immediately, rounding her lips around the letters. She cleared her throat. “Nope, nothing.” She didn’t think she’d ever seen two men who weren’t lovers share that kind of space. Galen was next to Lucia now, helping her by the chest as she rooted around for something. Jade seemed to be the only one that had been… intrigued by the moment.

  Jade leaned a bit closer to Paris. “Are you and… I mean, it’s not any of my business.”

  Paris frowned a bit, not seeming to understand her question.

  “Werewolves have different notions about personal space and proximity than you may be used to,” Lucia answered from across the room. Jade jumped back a bit from Paris. She’d completely forgotten about the wolves excellent hearing. Again.

  “Sorry,” Jade stammered. “I didn’t mean anything, I just… never-mind.”

  Lucia smiled, warm and friendly. “No harm done. Paris is used to dealing with us. As a trusted guest of the pack, he’s familiar with the scenting ritual and doesn’t have the normal hangups some members of society have on other males in his personal space.” She tipped her head to Galen and it must have been a kind of a dismissal because he nodded once back at her and then left the room through a door off to the side rather than the one Jade and Paris had originally entered through. Lucia stepped forward, two items in her hand.

  “Paris,” she began, holding up a mask for him. He took it carefully, almost cradling it in his hands, tracing his fingers lightly over the nose. It was a simple masquerade mask - white but not shiny, more matte or satin looking. It would cover his forehead, brow and the tops of his cheeks, as well as most of the bridge of his nose when he placed it on. It had long, dark blue ribbons trailing from the side, presumably for Paris to tie it around his head. It shimmered a bit when he turned it in the light and Jade could almost make out some glyphs and rune markings on it in pale, silver ink - almost like hidden text on a page. “This is the same mask your mother wore when she was once invited to the Sanguine Moon, our festival of October. My mother, the Alpha at the time, had this mask prepared for her, choosing the markings you see after a consultation with our seer. I hope you will also wear this mask at tonight’s celebration.”


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