False Security

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False Security Page 7

by Evan Grace

  Again, when I stand next to Erik, I realize just how large he is. He looks like a giant. A built, blond, gorgeous giant who has the most beautiful dick I’ve ever seen. Before my husband I only had one other lover—my high school boyfriend. Obviously we didn’t know what we were doing, but we learned a lot together. Meanwhile my ex-husband didn’t care if I came, or if I was even aroused half the time.

  Erik was a giving lover. Sure, it was only one night, but he didn’t come unless I did at least twice. I want more of him so bad I can taste it, but I’m scared. I’m scared that the novelty of me will wear off and he’ll leave. I’m afraid he’ll cheat—I’ve seen the way women look at him, and hell, on our blind date he checked out the hostess right in front of me.

  Most of all, I’m afraid that Grant will always be fearful of men, including Erik, and he’d eventually leave us because he couldn’t deal with it.

  I push all of the thoughts away and give Erik a smile and a wave. When we pass around again, I look at him and shake my head when he gives me a wink. I turn toward the kids, and again I’m smiling—it seems that’s all I’ve done today. My son’s smile makes my eyes burn, and my cheeks are aching from smiling so hard.

  When the ride stops, I help Gretchen and Grant down from their horse. Erik meets us at the exit and we walk around for a bit. Up ahead is Climbing Walls. I turn to Erik. “Have you done that before?”

  “I’ve done a little climbing. Do you want to give it a try?”

  We stop and I look at it, then back at Erik. “Will you do it first?”

  He gives me his devastating smile that makes my belly ache. “Yeah baby, I’ll do it first.” Erik and Gretchen walk ahead of us, and he buys tickets first for him and me.

  Erik’s sister and Grant walk hand in hand over to the wall, where she says they’ll wait for us. He helps me get my harness on, and then I and every other woman there watch him put his on. I follow Erik over to the wall that looks way more advanced than some of the other ones. I move off to the side, watching as he makes his way over to a man standing to the side.

  He chalks his hand, and then I watch as he starts climbing. His muscles bulge and contract with each movement. All around me women are stopping to watch him gracefully move up the wall. He’s a big man, but fuck me, up there he’s ginormous.

  As I watch him, a tingling starts low in my belly, my breasts feel heavy, and if I close my eyes, I can remember the feel of his lips wrapped around my nipple. God, I can still feel his teeth nip at the hardened flesh. At one point he’s holding on with just one hand, and his legs are dangling. He’s super strong, because the night we had sex he kept picking me up, flipping me around like I weighed nothing.

  It suddenly feels very hot, even though it’s cool out. I focus back on Erik, and I feel slightly disappointed that he’s coming down. When his feet hit the ground, the guy standing there helps unhook Erik and then claps him on the back.

  He comes walking toward me looking hot as fuck. I’m guessing that Erik can read the desire on my face because his eyes darken and his tongue peeks out, rubbing back and forth over his lower lip.

  When Erik stops right in front of me, a part of me wants him to kiss me—oh hell, it’s all of me that wants to kiss him. My lips tingle with the memory of his kisses. Every time he did, he dominated my mouth. Of its own volition, my body carries me toward him. “That was amazing,” I say with a sigh.

  He begins to bend down, his face getting closer to mine, but we both freeze. “Erik, that was awesome,” Gretchen calls, skipping over with Grant’s hand clasped in hers. Erik wraps his arm around her shoulders.

  Grant comes to me and takes my hand. I smile down at my son. “Did you see Erik climb?” My boy nods. “Do you think I should do it?” He looks up at the wall, and then back at me before smiling and nodding. “Okay, stay right next to Gretchen, okay?” He nods again and moves right to Gretchen’s side.

  “I’ll keep him right by me, Shayla.” I smile at the girl, and then let Erik lead me over to one of the easier walls.

  My palms begin to sweat the closer we get. Once we stop in front of it I look up, and it seems much higher than I originally thought. I’m by no means scared of heights, but my heart begins to race. They hook me up to the safety harness, and I chalk up my hands. I walk up to the base of the wall and take a deep breath.

  “You’ve got this. Just take your time,” Erik says from next to me.

  I grip the first little handle thingy. Soon I’m making my way up. While I climb, I hear Erik and Gretchen cheering me on. Then, lo and behold, I hear, “Go Mommy, go!”

  I finally reach the top, and then make my way back down. When my feet touch the ground, the attendant unhooks my harness.

  Erik grabs me and pulls me into a hug. “You did amazing.” I feel his lips on the top of my head and smile when I hear him breathe in deeply. I swear that I hear him growl, too—low and deep in his chest, and it makes me smile. He gives me another squeeze before letting go.

  Gretchen climbs the same wall, and then she and Erik race—he’s doing the more difficult wall while she does the easy one. Erik, of course, beats his sister with ease. It’s no wonder since it would take about three or four of Gretchen to make one Erik.

  When we finish, we stop at Ben and Jerry’s for ice cream. We eat our cones as we head back to Erik’s Explorer and then back toward my place. I turn to Erik. “Thank you for such a fun day.” I turn to the back seat. “And it was so nice meeting you, Gretchen.”

  Gretchen gives me a huge smile. “It was nice meeting you too.” Then his sister wraps her arms around Grant. “It was nice meeting you too, Grunt.” My boy hugs her back. Erik comes around, and when I get Grant out he grabs my boy’s booster seat.

  “Bye, Gretchen,” my little man says quietly.

  Erik smiles at me. “I’m glad you guys had fun today. We did too.” He kisses my forehead. “See you Monday.”

  Grant and I head inside. “Hey buddy, why don’t you take a bath, and then we’ll have a movie night.”

  He nods. “Okay, Mommy.” Then he runs down the hall to his room. I watch him run naked into the bathroom and follow him in, turning the water on for him. He splashes around while I sit on the toilet seat reading my Kindle.

  When he’s turned into a little prune, I wash him up quickly before rinsing him off and pulling him out of the tub. After he’s dried off, he’s got jammies on, and with his hair combed, we head into the living room followed by Lucifer.

  I pop some popcorn while Grunt and Lucifer snuggle into the couch. Our movie extravaganza starts with Cars and ends with Love Actually—that one’s not until my little Grunt falls asleep with his head on my lap. I cry every time Emma Thompson’s character opens the box and instead of the necklace, it’s the CD. She loses it in the privacy of her bedroom, but then pulls it together.

  When the movie ends, I pick up Grant and take him back to his bedroom. I get him settled into bed, and Lucifer jumps up. He curls into the crease of my boy’s legs. Bending down, I brush Grant’s brown hair away from his forehead and kiss it gently. I take a minute, breathing in his clean little boy scent, and smile.

  He snuggles deep into his covers, and then I freeze because it sounds like he mumbled something. “Grant?” I whisper. Sometimes he talks in his sleep. Instead, his little snores fill the bedroom.

  I turn on his nightlight before heading back into the living room. My phone dings as I sit down, and when I pick it up, I see a text from Erik.

  Erik: I had fun today. My sister called my mom after we got back to my place and told her all about Grant.

  I smile as I start typing.

  Shayla: I had fun too. Grant fell asleep during our movie marathon.

  I watch the black dots dance across the screen, and while I wait for the message to pop up, I grab a handful of popcorn and munch on it.

  Erik: Do you guys want to meet us for breakfast tomorrow?

  I can’t help but smile at the thought of seeing him again. Yes, we see each other at work duri
ng the week, but seeing how he is with his sister just further proves that he’s a good guy.

  Instead of agreeing to meet them for breakfast, I do something that surprises even me.

  Shayla: Why don’t you guys come here? I make amazing pancakes from scratch. Why don’t you come at nine, unless that’s too early?

  He doesn’t even hesitate.

  Erik: We’ll see you at nine. I’ll bring the OJ.

  Shayla: Okay, see you tomorrow.

  After turning off the living room lights, I head into the bathroom and go through my nightly routine. I smile as I head back into the room while I rub lavender lotion into my arms, but it quickly disappears. I really can’t get too excited. My complicated life will scare him away in no time.


  “Erik, would you like another one?” I ask while holding up the skillet with a cooking pancake on it.

  They showed up right at nine, and I was pleasantly surprised when Erik held out a bouquet of flowers for me, along with a bag with fruit and orange juice in it. I thanked him and stood on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Thank you.”

  Again, as soon as they got there, Grant quit talking. He took Gretchen to see his room and while I checked on him, I could hear him talking quietly to her.

  Back in the kitchen, I found Erik holding Lucifer. The cat was leaning into him while he scratched behind his ear. “He hates everyone,” I told Erik, and he gave me that damn cocky smile of his. “Whatever,” I muttered, and then started mixing up the batter.

  Erik leaned against the counter right next to me, and together we whipped up chocolate chip pancakes. I called the kids, and they rushed in.

  Gretchen smiled at me. “Wow, it smells good in here.”

  I plated pancakes for both kids, sprinkled sliced strawberries on top, and then finished them off with whipped cream. On Erik’s, I just added strawberries, but he gave me a look so I gave him whipped cream too.

  Now, I’m scooping up the last pancake and placing it on Erik’s plate. After shutting the stove off, I grab a wet paper towel and make quick work of wiping the chocolate from Grant’s mouth. “I hope they tasted okay,” I say as I grab a grape, popping it into my mouth.

  “Babe, they’re delicious.”

  Once we finish, Erik kicks me out of the kitchen, insisting that he would clean up. I read while I sit on the couch, but every time I can hear him clink around in the kitchen, it fills me up with warmth I’ve never felt before. I push it away when Grunt and Gretchen come into the living room. They lie on the floor and we watch The Angry Birds Movie.

  When Erik joins us, he sits downs right next to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. Together, we all sit and watch the movie together, and it feels good.

  Chapter Eight


  The day has just started and I already want to go home and crawl back into bed. Things started out okay, but then Grant spilled his milk all over himself and my phone; I got it and him cleaned up. Right before I took him up to Luna’s, she called and told me Lennon had just thrown up. She tried to apologize for not being able to watch Grant, but I told her it was fine. It’s not their fault her baby’s sick.

  I quickly made Grant snacks and put them in a little lunch bag. He was going to come with me to the office and hang out while I did some work, and then I was going to see about finishing the rest of my tasks from home.

  Now we’re in our Uber heading toward the office. I hope it’s not going to be a problem that Grant is with me. Plus it’s an office full of men. But they’re my friends and co-workers and I want him to be comfortable with the people I spend time with. He’s just finally started warming up to Rocco, and he’s a great, standup guy.

  I want him to know what it’s like to be around good, strong men—not weak woman beaters and deadbeat dads. But let’s face it: I’m weak too, because I stayed with the man.

  I shake those thoughts off as we get to the office. Thanking the driver, I grab Grant’s booster seat and his hand as we head into the building.

  Inside the elevator, he looks up at me. “Can I push the button, Mommy?”

  “Of course.” I show him how to swipe the card, and which button to push. “Good job, honey.”

  When the doors open, I spot Carrie and Egan standing at the front desk. “Good morning, guys. My babysitter has a sick kiddo, so I brought Grant with me just for a few minutes while I finish a couple of things. Do you think they’ll have a problem with him being here?”

  Carrie smiles and shakes her head. “Not at all. You know you could’ve just called me and let me know that you couldn’t come in today.”

  “I know, but I haven’t been here very long, and I want to make sure I pull my weight.” Plus once Delilah’s back, I want to prove my worth so they keep me on.

  “I’ve heard nothing but great things about you. I don’t think you’ll have to worry too much.” Carrie smiles at Grant. “How are you, buddy? Are you going to help your mom work today?”

  He smiles and nods at her, but won’t look at Egan. I smile at both of them before I head into the back and into Delilah’s office. Grant curls up in the chair across from my desk, and I hand him the iPad and headphones. Once he’s settled, I log into my computer and go over my to-do list.

  Throughout the morning, the men have all learned that Grant is here, so they stick their heads in to say hello to him. Erik brings my son a couple of donuts, and Grant even mumbles a “thank you.” Of course, he avoids eye contact the whole time.

  When Jack arrives, I step out to talk to him. “Jack, I’m so sorry—I had to bring Grant. I had a couple of things to do, and I didn’t want to get behind. Everything else I can do from home.” My eyes burn; what if he fires me?

  He gives me a soft smile. “Shayla, it’s seriously fine. Yes, go work from home. We know how to get ahold of you if we need you.” I don’t move until he looks pointedly at my office. “Go.”

  “Thank you, Jack.” God, I hope they keep me on when Delilah comes back. He nods, and I watch him walk away.


  I’m typing up my last invoice from my makeshift office at my kitchen table when my phone pings.

  Erik: I just emailed you my billable hours for last week.

  I open my email and click on the one for him. I quickly scan it, and as I’m about to text him back, I see there’s a little video icon at the bottom. After clicking on it, I can’t help but smile when Erik’s gorgeous face appears on my laptop.

  “Hey beautiful, I missed seeing you the rest of the day. I hope your day has gone well, and I want you to have dinner with me Saturday night. Please say yes, and I’m not above begging.” The video ends with him giving me puppy dog eyes.

  Do I want to have dinner with him? Yes, even though I’ll have to watch women fall all over themselves to get a look at him while I do. But who am I kidding? I want to have sex with him again too.

  I pick up my phone and shoot a quick text to Luna.

  Shayla: Hey girl. I hope Lennon is feeling better. I have a proposition for you: If Lennon’s feeling better, how about Friday night the girls stay with me, and maybe Saturday Grunt could stay with you?

  The black dots immediately start dancing.

  Luna: YEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Momma needs some adult time. The girls would love to have a sleepover. Us keeping Grant, does this mean that you have a date?

  Shayla: Yeah, Erik wants to have dinner.

  Luna: OMG!! Tell him yes, right now. We’ll keep Grant all night!!! Oh and Len is feeling better. She never had a fever, and only threw up twice. Hopefully it’s not a bug that’s going around.

  I smile because that is so Luna: spazzy, sweet, and the world’s biggest cheerleader.

  Shayla: Thanks girl! If you need me to help with anything just text me, or come down.

  Turning back to my laptop, I hit reply and start typing.


  Yes, I’d love to have dinner with you Saturday night.


  He answers me almos
t instantly, and I can’t help but laugh.


  That makes me incredibly happy. Make sure you pack an overnight bag, because I’m not letting you go until I’ve had my fill of you.

  Your slave,


  Grant comes running into the kitchen. “Mommy, I’m hungry.”

  “Okay, baby. I’ll make dinner pretty soon. Why don’t you grab a banana right now?” He grabs one and then runs back into the living room.

  I send Carrie an email letting her know that I’m signing off, but that I’ll be in tomorrow. Plus I’ll be covering the front desk while she takes Leif to his well-baby check. Once I shut down my laptop, I make Grant and me some dinner and read him some stories.

  Chapter Nine


  Looking at the clock, I see that Shayla should be here in about a half hour. After she agreed to come for dinner earlier in the week, I’ve been like a kid waiting for Christmas morning to come. I made sure to stop in the office every day to see her. I brought her breakfast, lunch, or other little snacks, and I know that sounds like I’m trying to buy her affection, but I’m not. If anything, I’m trying to woo her.

  I know she’s reluctant to do anything with me and that I intimidate her. I didn’t make a good impression on our first date, but I guess I’ve always been a natural flirt. To be completely honest, I haven’t “dated” since high school, and even then it was just about getting my dick wet. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve never treated women badly, but I didn’t want to get serious…ever. It was easier to be superficial and selfish and only seek out the women who acted the same way. Then they never got too close—then they never wanted to.


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