False Security

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False Security Page 10

by Evan Grace

  Shayla looks around in disbelief. “This is your room?”

  “Yeah, I know. The posters came down the minute I shipped out for boot camp. Now it’s a ‘guest room’ unless I’m home.”

  She climbs under the covers and then pulls her leggings off, dropping them next to the bed.


  Shayla shrugged. “This is your parents’ house.”

  “They have you sleeping down here with me—I think they know we’ve had sex.” I pull off my t-shirt and take my jeans off before climbing into bed. After turning the bedside lamp off, I pull her into my arms. “Now shut up and cuddle me.”

  She slaps me in the stomach, and I tickle her sides until she squeals. “You’re a real buttface.” In all my life, no one has ever called me that. Shayla gets quiet for a moment. “Thank you for inviting us to spend the day with you. Grant’s the only family I have, and sometimes it’s lonely to spend the holiday not surrounded by family or friends.”

  This is the most she’s opened up to me—maybe it’s because it’s dark and we can’t see each other. “You’re welcome. They enjoyed having you both here today.”

  It isn’t long before her body goes limp and her soft snores fill the room. I take a moment to just savor the feel of her in my arms, and not long after, I let sleep pull me under.


  A moan slips past my lips. My eyes open, and that’s when I realize that Shayla’s mouth is wrapped around my cock. “Fuck, baby, that’s good.” She moans around my length and swallows me down as deep as she can go before swirling her tongue around the crown of my cock. I let her get a few sucks in before I pull her off and hoist her up my body.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispers. “I know this is your parents’ house, but it was hard and poking me in the stomach.”

  I don’t let her say anything else before I grab her face, pulling it down to mine. The kiss is a slow glide that I feel all the way down to my dick. Her mouth opens to me, beckoning my tongue inside. My tongue fucks her mouth, and I reach down to grip her hips, rubbing her up and down my cock to get it nice and wet.

  I press her down harder on me. As the kiss intensifies, she makes these breathy little moans. If I move her just a tiny bit, I could be deep inside her. “Are you on the pill?”

  “I have an IUD. Why?”

  “Baby, I don’t have any condoms. I’m safe, but I’ll let you decide if you want to fuck without protection.” I don’t want her to feel like I’m pressuring her into anything. I’d be totally fine with her just grinding against me until we both came.

  Shayla is quiet, but she reaches between us, lifts her hips, and then I feel her impale herself on my dick. “Ohhhh…fuuuuuuck,” I moan. Right now I’m in heaven; she’s hot, tight, and oh-so wet. “Fuck me, baby,” I whisper.

  Ever so slowly, she begins to rock back and forth, up and down. I reach around and grab her ass cheeks, holding her in place while I sit up. I place her feet next to my hips on both sides. A groan rips from my throat as I feel myself sink deeper inside her.

  Shayla grabs my face and kisses my mouth. Her tongue slips inside, dancing with mine. She fucks me slowly, her arousal wetting my groin.

  “You feel so good, baby,” I whisper in between kisses.

  “Yesssss,” she moans, and then begins to increase her speed. I lift her enough to wrap my lips around her nipple, sucking it into my mouth. Her pussy clenches around my dick with each pull. I give the other breast the same treatment.

  I remove one hand from her ass and reach between us, rubbing her clit. I know she’s close to coming when her movements become erratic. “Give me your mouth when you come, baby.” On her downward thrust, I thrust up and pinch her clit. She smashes her lips against mine as she comes hard, moaning into my mouth.

  Two more thrusts and I groan as I empty inside her—the only time in my life that I’ve done that with someone. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and rests her head on my shoulder. “That was amazing,” Shayla says against my neck.

  “You got that right. That was off the charts ah-fucking-mazing.” Once our breathing returns to normal, I pull her off my dick, grab my shirt from today, and use that to wipe us both off. I throw my boxer briefs back on while Shayla throws on her sweater and underwear.

  “Happy Thanksgiving, Erik.” She kisses the underside of my chin and snuggles in close. Just like before, she falls asleep almost immediately.


  I wake up and find that I’m alone. Staring up at the ceiling, last night flashes back through my mind. I’ve never, ever thought about taking someone without protection, but with her, there was no thinking about it. It felt good, it felt right. I climb out of bed and quickly shower before heading up upstairs. At the kitchen table I find my mom, Tad, Gretchen, Grant, and Shayla. “Good morning, everyone.”

  “Honey, your plate is in the oven, I didn’t want your food to get cold. There’s also fresh coffee.” My mom, always the caretaker.

  I grab my plate and take it to the table. I sit next to Shayla and grab her by the back of the neck, bringing her toward me for a quick kiss. My family is staring at us, I know this, but I don’t really care. When I pull back, Shayla gives me a soft smile and then goes back to eating.

  After breakfast I take Shayla and Grant home. She’s quiet on the ride home, but she takes my hand when I hold it out to her. At noon we pull up in front of her place, and immediately I sense something is off. I pull into an open spot up the street. Shayla reaches for the handle, but I stop her.

  “What’s wrong?” She’s looking around like she’s expecting someone or something to show up.

  I lean in close. “Your door to your apartment is open. Let me go check it out. As soon as I step out, I want you to lock the door behind me. Just promise me you’ll sit tight.”

  “Yes, of course. Be careful,” she tells me. I kiss her quickly and look in the back seat to see that Grant is oblivious to what’s going on while he watches something on his device. Thank God for headphones.

  The minute I shut the door behind me, I hear the locks engage. I bend down to “check my shoelaces”—in other words, I unsnap my ankle holster. I make my way toward her apartment, and my eyes never stop checking everything out. I move around to the back, checking the windows to her place. Luckily they all seem to be intact. Once I reach the door, I find Lucifer sitting right inside the door.

  Thank God the cat didn’t run off—I know how much Grant loves the furball. Pushing the door open slowly, I peer inside before I enter the apartment. Room by room, I move through her apartment and don’t see anything out of place. Of course I haven’t been here enough to know for sure.

  After checking every nook and cranny, I head outside. When I inspect the lock it doesn’t look like it’s been tampered with, but there are kits out there now that make it hard to tell. I shut the door behind me, head to my Explorer, and let Shayla know it’s safe to come in.

  Until I know for sure what happened, I don’t want her staying here. For her and Grant’s safety, I’ll have cameras installed as an added safeguard, but I don’t want her returning until that’s done. When they follow me inside, Grant runs past us and heads into the bathroom.

  I pull Shayla into the kitchen. “Until I can get some cameras installed, I want you guys to stay with me.” She opens her mouth to argue, but I hold my hand up. “I know it’s not ideal, but I can’t in good conscience let you stay here until I make sure it’s absolutely safe.”

  The safety of the women in my life will always be my priority. I’ll never forget watching Delilah give birth on the ground and how much she struggled at first. I’ll be damned if that happens to anyone else.

  “You both can stay in Gretchen’s room if it’s an issue for you.” I lean in close. “You know what happened to Delilah. I’m not going to risk your safety or Grant’s. I’ll even let you bring Lucifer.”

  She worries her bottom lip. “I’m a little freaked out right now.”

  I pull her into my arms. “Don’t
get freaked. It’s probably nothing, but I just want to make sure of that, okay? We’ll bring Grant to Luna every morning and then I’ll take you to work.”

  “But what if you’re busy with a case? I don’t want you to make the extra trips just for me.”

  “There’s a whole group of men who would be happy to come get you. You can go back to taking the L when I’m a hundred percent sure that your door being open was just a fluke. I know this is a lot, but please do this for me.”

  She reluctantly agrees, and while she gets a bag ready for her and Grant, I take care of Lucifer. He immediately starts crying when I stick him in the cat carrier. Shayla and Grant come walking out a few minutes later with their bags over their shoulders. Grant drops his bag by the door and gets down in front of the cage.

  “Luci, it’s okay. We’re going on a little twip.” The kid is freaking adorable.

  “Are you guys ready?” I pick up Lucifer’s carrier and wait for Grant and Shayla to step out. I shut the door, pushing on it to make sure it’s not going to open. We head down to my Explorer, and while we walk I shoot a quick text to Egan.

  Erik: Hey man, when you’re free I need security cameras put in at Shayla’s. When I brought them home her door was open. Luckily I didn’t find anything. She and her son are staying with me until I know it’s safe.

  I stick my phone back in my coat pocket and load Lucifer into the back so his door is facing Grant. Shayla buckles him in, and then hops in the front. She’s quiet on the drive to my place, and even Grant seems to be lost in thought. I glance at him in the rearview mirror and smile. He looks just like his mom.

  For a little boy, his expression is so serious. I’m hoping this time at my place he’ll get to know me and not be so quiet or skittish around me. I pull into a spot down from my apartment, and we grab Lucifer and the bags, heading into my building. In Gretchen’s room, I set Lucifer’s carrier on the bed and let him out.


  I walk next to Shayla as she pushes the cart up and down the aisles at Whole Foods. One thing about being a bachelor is I usually eat out, but now with them staying with me, I need everything. Grant walks on the other side of her. Our cart is full with lots of healthy food, and the deal was I buy and she cooks.

  She didn’t completely agree with me, but I want to take care of them. I’m stubborn, and wouldn’t have given up. When we get in line at the checkout, I can feel eyes on me. I turn and find a busty redhead giving me “fuck me” eyes. Normally, I’d find someplace to fuck her and then be on my way.

  But now…now I feel nothing. I look down at Shayla to see her glaring daggers at the redhead. Why does it get me hot that she’s pissed off and looks like she wants to pounce on the other woman?

  I throw my arm around her shoulders and hug her into my side. Leaning down, I whisper in her ear, “You’re the only one I see, baby.”

  “I suppose this is something that happens everywhere you go?”

  “I can’t help it I’m sexy—yeah, baby.” I give her my best Austin Powers impression.

  She rolls her eyes, but then laughs softly as she starts putting the groceries on the belt. I look down at Grant, and he’s smiling as he looks at both his mom and me. “Your mom thinks I’m silly. What do you think—am I silly?”

  He looks at me closely, and then nods. I give myself a mental high-five.

  One we pay for the groceries, we take them home and put them away. During dinner, which consisted of turkey hot dogs cut up in macaroni and cheese, I make sure she knows that whatever their routine is, it’s fine with me. “Seriously, whatever you need to do, just do it. I don’t want Grant’s schedule getting screwed up.”

  “Thank you,” she says quietly. My eyes go to Grant, who shovels his food in like he’s never had anything better. To be honest it is pretty good, and in order to keep eating like this I’m going to have to hit the gym. Of course I could make my own meals, but that would be rude.

  After we eat, I tell her that I’ll clean up so she can get Grant cleaned up for bed. My phone dings while I’m loading the dishwasher, and I see it’s a text from Egan.

  Egan: You moved them in, huh? You work fast, not as fast as Reece though.

  I shake my head as I see the dots dance again.

  Egan: On a serious note I’ve got time to stop by there Monday morning. Just drop me off a set of her keys. We’ll stay out of her room, but put one in Grant’s. I’ll make sure they’re set up. We’ll monitor through Rogue too.

  Erik: Thanks brother. Send the bill to me for the equipment. Don’t let Carrie know, she’ll tell Shayla.

  Egan: You got it. You’ve got it bad for her…I like it.

  I don’t send a response because that dickhead is just fishing for answers. I knew he’d be all over helping Shayla.

  I hear Shayla and Grant’s laughter from the bathroom, and it makes me realize what I’ve been missing in my life.

  Chapter Twelve


  “I love you, Grunt.” I bend down and kiss my baby boy’s forehead. “Mommy will be in later.”

  His arms wrap around my shoulders, holding me tightly to him. “I love you too.” Grant finally lets me up, and I smile down at him.

  Lucifer moves into the spot I vacate when I stand up. I blow Grant a kiss, and he catches it then hugs it to his chest. It makes me smile, and I turn to walk out of the room. Erik stands in the doorway—his eyes are soft as they watch me. When I reach him, he looks over my shoulder. “Goodnight, Grant.” My little boy just stares at Erik, and then rolls over.

  In the hall, I look up at him after I shut the door. “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  He cups my cheeks in both of his large palms. “Don’t be sorry. He’ll warm up to me when he’s ready.” Erik leans down, kissing my lips softly.

  The kiss goes on for a while until he finally pulls back. “I’m going to head to the gym—it’s just down on the corner. I want you to lock the deadbolt behind me. I’ll have my keys to get back in.” He picks up his gym bag off the floor, grabs my hand, and walks me into the living room. “I’ll be back in an hour or so.”

  “Okay. Have fun.” Erik kisses my lips one more time before he leaves. I do as he requested and lock the door.

  After checking on Grant, I curl up on the couch with my Kindle. I’m reading the latest Kristen Ashley book, and since it’s so easy to get lost in her stories I lose all track of time. The next thing I know, Erik’s stepping into the apartment. I close my cover and sit up. “How was your workout?”

  He sits down next to me and pulls me onto his lap. “It was good, but I’ve got a way I’d rather get a good workout in.” Erik kisses my neck, making me squeal. It causes goosebumps to pop up all over my body.

  I slap at his chest. “You’re bad.”

  “I have to shower. Wanna come scrub my back?” Erik stands up with me in his arms and carries me down the hall into his bedroom.

  “What about Grant?” We haven’t done anything since we’ve been here. I worry about him hearing us.

  “Was he asleep?” I nod. “Then baby, he’s not going to wake up. Plus if he does, I’ll hear him.”

  I kiss him and let him carry me into the bathroom, where we proceed to get each other very dirty, and then very clean.


  “How long are you going to be staying with him?” I’m at Luna’s dropping Grant off. Erik is sitting in his SUV waiting for me.

  “Egan is installing cameras in the apartment, and they’re going to change my lock. This is all just a precaution. We should be home by this weekend,” I say, shrugging. I know it’s only been a few days, but I’ve loved spending time with Erik. He has so many layers I’ve loved uncovering. He’s funny, sweet, good with my kid, and patient with said kid.

  Luna misses nothing. “Why does it look like someone took your favorite toy?” She smiles at me. “You really like him.”

  I bite my lip. “Yes, and it scares the shit out of me.”

  “Oh, honey…” She wraps her arms around me. “It�
��s understandable, so just take your time. Get to know each other; let Grant get used to him. This is a good thing, I can feel it.”

  After hugging her, Grant, and the girls goodbye, I run out to the Explorer; once I hop in and shut the door, I turn to Erik. “Sorry, I was talking to her about the security cameras being installed and stuff.”

  “That’s okay. I had a couple of phone calls to make.” We head toward downtown and our office. I hop out as soon as he parks in the garage.

  We head upstairs, and I stop to talk to Carrie while Erik disappears into the back. “How’s it going staying with Erik?”

  “It’s an adjustment, but it’s been good. Did Egan tell you what happened?” I’m not sure if everyone knows or not.

  Carrie nods. “Egan mentioned that he was going to install cameras. Do you think someone broke into your place?”

  Do I? No, I know Ryan’s no longer in jail, but he hasn’t made any attempt to contact me. He’s moved on, thank god. Oh fuck, but then in thinking it’s not him, I’m just like those heroines in the romance novels I read, and he’ll end up being the bad guy. But…none of our stuff was messed with, Lucifer wasn’t gone, and no one was there when we got home.

  I shake my head. “No, I think when we were leaving I just didn’t shut it tightly. Lucifer didn’t leave the apartment, so I think it had happened shortly before we got home.”

  “Well, that’s good. The cameras will at least give you peace of mind. I think they’re all still on edge after what happened to Delilah.”

  We talk about having lunch together and then I head to my office—well, Delilah’s office, when she comes back. After dumping my stuff, I head into the break room for a cup of coffee. Surprisingly, I find the room empty. After pouring a cup, I head down the hall. When I get close to Erik’s office, I hear him talking. I know I shouldn’t stop and listen, but I do.


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