False Security

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False Security Page 16

by Evan Grace

  He nods. “Yes, they’re my favorites.”

  My mom grabs a plate and brings it over to Grant, peeling back the foil. “Well it’s a good thing that I made these especially for you.” The kid’s eyes widen, and he takes the plate, carrying them to the table.

  An hour later, we’re all sitting down for dinner. I just filled my plate and am digging in when my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and see it’s Marcus. “Sorry, I have to take this. It’s about a case I’m working on.” I grab my coat out of the closet and step out onto the front porch. “Hey Marcus, what’s up?”

  “I just wanted to let you know that I’m in town. I’ll keep an eye on Shayla when they’re out during the day, and then tomorrow night while you guys are out to eat, I’ll keep an eye on the house.” A couple of the other guys volunteered to do it too, but the fewer people, the better. Marcus has mastered the art of going unnoticed.

  “Thanks, I appreciate you doing this.”

  “Seriously, it’s not a big deal. I love Shayla, and I’ll do whatever you need me to do to make sure she’s safe.”

  After telling him I’ll text him when the girls leave for their spa day, I walk back inside. Shayla looks at me, and I don’t miss the worried look on her face. I lean in close to her. “Everything’s okay. Marcus just had some information to give me for a case I’m helping him with. I promise.” I kiss her before digging back into my food.

  We’re all lounging around the living room watching Guardians of the Galaxy…well, Shayla is asleep with her head in my lap. Gretchen and Grant are asleep on the floor, and my mom and Tad are lounging in their matching recliners. While I watch the movie, my fingers sift through Shayla’s hair.

  I feel eyes on me and turn to look at my mom, who has a soft look on her face. “I’m so happy for you,” she whispers.

  I give her a chin lift before turning back to the movie.



  Today has been the best day ever. First, Mom and Shayla made chocolate chip pancakes that were so yumm-o that I ate one too many, but it was worth the gut ache. After breakfast, I had to load the dishwasher and wipe off the table before I got ready to go with Mom and Shayla for the day.

  We went to this little salon in the mall, and while Mom and Shayla talked, I just closed my eyes. It was so relaxing, and they had my toes looking totally cute. They’re light purple with white tips now. After that, we walked around the mall, stopping in different stores.

  While we were in the shoe store, I was looking at some Toms when I felt eyes on me. I glanced up and looked around, not seeing anyone. I went to look for my mom and Shayla and found them looking at shoes for Grunt.

  My friends all tease me because I love spending time with that little boy, and I’ve told them that if Erik and Shayla get married then he’ll be my nephew. Of course that’s not the only reason I like spending time with him. He’s just so cute, and silly. The Tinkerbell snow globe he got me sits on my nightstand next to my bed.

  After we finished at the mall, we came home. The guys were all watching some movie about football when we came in. They weren’t going out, so I went up to my room to take a nap.

  Now, I’m pulling the frozen pizza Grant and I are having for dinner out of the oven. The grown-ups just left, but not without Erik first going over things I already know: keeping the doors locked, not answering the door for someone I don’t know, keeping my phone on me, and remembering where the panic button is for the security system, just in case.

  “Grunt, come eat,” I holler. He’s in the living room watching Boss Baby on Netflix.

  He comes running into the room. “Pizza? Yummy!”

  We finish most of the pizza, and I take him upstairs to wash his face off after we eat. We’re heading back downstairs just as the power goes off. I grab Grant’s hand and pull my phone out of my back pocket. After turning on the flashlight app, I use it to lead us downstairs. “Don’t be scared, okay?”

  “Okay.” Grant’s little hand grips mine tightly. When we make it downstairs, I go to look out the front window and see that our house is the only one completely dark. The hair on the back of my neck stands up when I hear glass breaking in the kitchen.

  Grant’s body trembles against mine. I lean down and whisper in his ear, “It’s okay, buddy.” We walk quietly to the hall closet and get inside. I shut off the flashlight app, hearing footsteps.

  After pulling up Erik’s phone number, I send him a text.

  Gretchen: The power is out, someone’s inside the house. Grant and I are hiding in the closet. Please hurry home.

  I hit send and stick my phone in my back pocket. Grant hugs my waist, his little body trembling against mine. Bending down, I place my lips against his ear. “Erik will be here soon.”

  The door to the closet opens and a scream slips from my lips.

  “Well, look at what we have here,” the man says.

  Chapter Nineteen


  We walk into Steak and Chop, and the smell makes my stomach growl. Of course Erik hears it and starts to laugh. I smack his chest and shake my head. The hostess greets us, and she’s blatantly checking out my man. Ugh…I want to scream, but it’s no use. He’s hot and huge—his hotness oozes off him, and it’s just something I’m going to have to live with.

  Erik and Tad take our coats to the coat check before rejoining us and following to a nice, intimate table by the large fireplace. Erik pulls my chair out for me, and once we’re all seated the hostess hands us our menus. She stands right next to Erik while she tells us the specials.

  Nicole smiles at me from across the table and all I can do is shake my head. “Sweetheart, it’s been this way since he was a teenager. I’ve learned to just ignore it.” A giggle slips past my lips because she says it right in front of the hostess.

  She leaves us in a huff when she realizes that Erik’s not impressed with her flirting. I want to stick my tongue out at her, but I refrain because I’m better than that. Thankfully our waiter is male. Tad and Erik pick a few appetizers and wine for us.

  My phone sits on the table next to us, and I want to check it. When we were getting ready to leave earlier, I had Gretchen put her number into my phone. Erik leans into me. “They’re fine. She’ll call if there is a problem.”

  He places his arm on the back of my chair, playing with the ends of my hair. While Erik talks to his parents about work, I can tell he’s vague about a lot of stuff, but I can’t imagine it’s easy for his mom to hear about the dangerous stuff that her son may or may not do. Hell, I’m sure there is so much more that I don’t know about.

  Our waiter brings out the stuffed mushrooms and bruschetta, and then takes our orders. I’m just taking a bite of a mushroom when my phone buzzes. My stomach dips because it’s an unknown number, and there’s a picture. Dread fills me as I pick it up and open the message. I bend over and vomit right on the floor.

  Erik takes my phone from me while Nicole pulls me into her arms as I begin to cry. There’s commotion all around us, but all I can do is squeeze my eyes shut and pray this is a bad dream—that my ex-husband just didn’t send me a picture of my son and Gretchen tied up and gagged.

  Before I know what’s happening, I’m being loaded into the car and we’re on the move. When we reach the house, the police are there along with an ambulance, and that’s when I see Marcus sitting in the back holding something to his head. “What’s Marcus doing here?” My voice sounds detached.

  “I asked him to come keep an eye on things while we were gone. It was to give you peace of mind.” As soon as Erik throws the car into park, we’re all rushing out of the car.

  The police ask for a picture, and Erik hands me my phone. I pull up the most recent picture and send it to the officer. I look around for Erik and see that he’s consoling his mother right now while talking to someone on his phone.

  My phone vibrates in my hand. I’ve got a text from Ryan.

  Ryan: All I want is you. Come to me and I’ll send the ki
ds on their way safe and sound.

  There’s no question I’ll sacrifice myself for them. I start moving toward Erik’s Explorer, hoping he left the keys in it. I head behind the ambulance and starting tapping out my response.

  Shayla: I’m on my way. What’s the address?

  I hop in Erik’s Explorer, crying in relief when I see his keys in the ignition. I turn it on, and as soon as it starts the lights turn on, gaining Erik’s attention. “Shayla, what are you doing?”

  “I’m going to fix this,” I mouth. His mom stops him from coming to me. Her eyes are red-rimmed and puffy. She shoots me a dirty look I don’t have time to think about as I pull out of the driveway.

  When I’m a couple of blocks away, I pull over to plug in the address in my GPS, but when I start inputting the address, it pops up in the history. “What?” I hit the Go button and head toward the kids.

  My phone vibrates over and over but I ignore it; I need to stay focused. My main goal is to get there and have him let the kids go. He’s a wife beater, but I hope he wouldn’t be stupid enough to hurt a child, especially his own.

  I pull up in front of a sketchy apartment building. There are two guys sitting out front smoking cigarettes. I look around the inside of the Explorer for something I could protect myself with. I try to open the glove box, but it’s locked—locked could mean weapon. I pull on it until I can get my fingers in there, and then I yank.

  It pops open, and all I find is a six-inch blade. That’ll work for now. I stick it in my bra. I hop out and lock the door behind me. My hands tremble as I make my way up the snow-covered sidewalk. I slip twice, but luckily keep my footing.

  “Hey darlin’, how much do you charge? I could go for a blowjob.” I ignore the man and walk inside the building. The smell makes my nose burn. I honestly can’t believe he’s living in a dump like this. We were never rich, but we were comfortable and had a cute little home.

  I reach his door and knock. A moment later he opens it and I run inside, but as I move toward the kids, I’m stopped by a hand in my hair. I cry out, grabbing his wrist to stop him from pulling it. How could I forget that he could strike as fast as a fucking snake?

  “So glad you could join us, baby. Fuck, I’ve missed you.” He sticks his nose against my neck, smelling me. Nausea pools in my belly. “You smell so good.”

  I ignore his comment. Gretchen’s hands are tied behind her back, and Grant’s are tied in front of him. They both have duct tape over their mouths. I quickly assess them, and neither one appears to be hurt.

  “That boyfriend of yours tried to intimidate me, but no one is gonna fuck with me!” With a quickness, his hand wraps around my throat, and then we’re moving until my back hits the wall. My head hits it with a thud, but I ignore the pain. “Do you know what it was like for me in that hell hole? All because you couldn’t just do what you’re told.”

  He backhands me, so fast I can’t brace for it. I hear both kids cry out. “Guys, I’m okay. I promise.” I look at Ryan. “You said if I came you’d let them go. Just let her get our son out of here.”

  “You’re right, I did.” He leans in close. His breath is hot and acrid against my skin. I want to gag, but I swallow it down. “I can tell you this, though: Once these brats are gone, you and I are going to leave so we can get reacquainted.” Ryan kisses my cheek, and I shudder.

  Remembering the self-defense moves that Dalton taught me, I grab the front of Ryan’s shirt and bring my knee up, hitting him right in the groin. He doubles over and grips his balls. I punch him in the side of the head and feel excruciating pain shoot up my arm.

  While Ryan flops around on the ground, I run toward the kids, pulling the knife out of my dress. I cut the bindings off both of them. Quickly, I take off the coat that I was thankfully still wearing and help Gretchen slip it on. “The keys to your brother’s SUV are in the pocket—go take Grant out there and lock yourself in.”

  “Noooo…come with us, Shayla.” Gretchen cries after ripping the duct tape off both her and Grant’s lips.

  I wrap my hand around the back of her neck. “You keep our boy safe.” Leaning forward, I kiss her cheek. “I love you, sweetheart. I love you too, my little Grunt.”

  “I love you, Shayla.” Gretchen grabs Grant, and they go running out of the apartment. I hold up my hands and see that my right one is obviously fractured or at least sprained badly. It’s double its normal size.

  Ryan reaches out, grabs that hand, and twists. Screaming, I fight the urge to pass out.



  Marcus and I pull up outside of Ryan’s apartment building and right behind my Explorer. I hated leaving my mom when she was so distraught, but I had to see to it myself that Gretchen and Grant were safe.

  I don’t know what Shayla was thinking coming here alone. I get out and tuck my gun in the back of my jeans while Marcus does the same. As we head toward the entrance, Gretchen comes tearing out of there with Grant in her arms. “Erik!” They run right into my arms.

  “Are you guys okay?” Marcus and I look them over quickly—neither appears to be hurt, and we load them up in the Explorer. “Lock the door, and call the police, okay?”

  “D-Don’t leave us.” She begins to cry. Her body trembles with fear.

  I wipe her tears away. “No tears, baby girl. I need you to be brave and look after Grant, okay?” She continues to cry, but nods. The little boy trembles in Gretchen’s arms. “Buddy, I need you to be brave. Can you do that? Be brave for just a little while longer.” Grant throws his arms around me, hugging me tight. “I’m going to go get your mom. Be brave for me just a little bit longer, please.” He nods against my neck. “I love you, son. Okay?”

  He looks up at me with those eyes just like his mom’s, and nods. I shut the door and then turn to Marcus just as Jack and Reece pull up.

  They climb out of Jack’s truck. “We thought you could use a hand,” Reece says.

  Since Marcus got hit in the head, I ask him to stay back and guard the kids until the police show up. I don’t need him getting hurt worse. Jack heads around back, and Reece and I go through the front.

  “God, this place is a shithole,” Reece says quietly.

  As we get closer to the door, I see that it’s partially open, but there’s no sound coming from the room. Jack comes in from the back and sees inside the apartment first. He rushes inside with us following behind him and freezes just inside the apartment.

  Shayla is half on, half off the futon. Her right arm is grossly swollen and deformed. “Fuck!” My feet come unglued and I run to her. “Baby…Baby, wake up. Come on, Shayla—open your eyes.” I check her over but don’t notice any other injuries.

  “I called 911,” Jack says from behind me, and that’s when I see Ryan in the kitchen with my knife sticking out of his side. From here I can tell he’s breathing…unfortunately.

  “Thanks, man. I don’t want her in here, but I don’t want the kids seeing her.” Jack nods at me. I look over at Reece and he’s got a towel wrapped around the end of the knife sticking out of Ryan. I move to stand up with Shayla in my arms, but suddenly she’s fighting me, screaming and crying. Her fucked-up arm hits me, and Shayla cries out before passing right out. Two sets of paramedics come into the apartment. One comes to us, and they have me lay her gently on the gurney.

  I let them know that we don’t know much about her injuries. When they wheel them both out, I find my sister has Grant on her lap and they’re both crying. I don’t want to leave Shayla, but I also don’t want to leave the kids right now. The plan ends up being that Jack is going to ride with Shayla, Marcus is going to drive Jack’s truck, and Reece is going to drive my Explorer. Marcus will get his car later.

  Our caravan makes its way toward Vista hospital. I sit in the back seat with Grant in my lap and Gretchen curled up next to me. Our parents are on their way to the hospital, and hopefully they’ll get there by the time we’re settled.

  As soon as we park I grab Grant, who clings to me like a spider
monkey. Gretchen stays close to my side as we all make our way inside. Jack comes out to get me when we walk through the doors. I didn’t want to bring Grant, but he won’t let go of me. I can tell the nurse wants to stop me from walking back there with him, but I’d like to see them try.

  We stop outside the room, and there are two police officers standing there. I hand off Grant to Jack, and they disappear down the hall. I tell them what I know.

  “Okay, thanks, Mr.…?” The taller of the two officers asks.

  “Name’s Erik.” He hands me his card and lets me know they’ll be in touch.

  It takes about two hours before they finish with Shayla. While they had her completely doped up on pain meds, the on-call orthopedic doctor came and told us she’s got a boxer’s fracture in her hand and a fracture in her wrist. He splints and wraps it. She’ll have to follow up with an orthopedist to make sure the bones set properly, or Shayla will have to have surgery.

  They’re getting her prescription and paperwork together now, and she’s slipping in and out of consciousness wearing the cutest, dopiest grin on her face. A knock on the door has me looking in that direction. “Hey Mom, come on in.”

  My mom has been quiet since they got to the hospital. She’s held onto Gretchen like she’s afraid the girl’s going to disappear. I can’t say I blame her.

  Shayla gives her that dopey grin. “Hi!”

  I turn to my mom. “Will you stay with her while I go get Grant?”

  “Of course, dear.” I kiss her cheek and walk out into the waiting room.


  A half hour ago, I brought Grant in to see Shayla, and she asked to talk to him alone for a moment. When we walked into the room Shayla was alone, but she seemed off. I asked her if she was okay, and she said she was. She asked me to grab her purse out of my Explorer. She needed to fill out a few forms and needed to make sure they got her insurance information for her ortho referral.


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