False Security

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False Security Page 18

by Evan Grace

  I was, though, when seven months later my son Chance David—named after my dad—was born.



  Ten years later

  “I can’t believe my sister is getting married today.” I straighten my husband’s tie as he mutters under his breath. “She’s too young.” I can only shake my head as he keeps grumbling.

  “Honey, she’s twenty-four. That’s a perfect age. They’re both done with school. They both have good jobs. You’d be disgruntled even if she was thirty.” I fix my lipstick in the mirror. “I hate to see what you’re going to be like when Simone starts dating.”

  Our three-year-old daughter is spoiled rotten by her daddy and her big brothers, and she knows it. She looks just like Erik, and all she needs to do is bat her blue eyes at him, and he does whatever she wants, even wearing a feather boa for their weekly tea party.

  Simone’s three big brothers are so busy with sports that Erik takes one day a week to spend quality time with his baby girl. It’s so hard to believe how big the kids are all getting. Grant is fifteen, Chance is almost ten, and Reece is eight. With three boys I’d planned to be done—I didn’t want to make it four because that meant four boys, eating us out of house and home, getting in fights, and whatever else boys do.

  But Simone was a surprise, and when they said she was a girl, Erik already started plotting for her protection. It’s sweet, but over the top.

  “I’m the only man my baby girl is ever going to need.”

  I can only sigh. “Baby, I love you, but you’re an idiot. She’ll date, and sometimes she’ll get her heart broken. We’ll just help her heal, and move on. You’re not going to keep her from dating. Sorry, babe.”

  Grant comes walking in with Simone in his arms. My baby boy is already six-feet tall. He’s such a good kid, and we’re so blessed. Not only is he a good student, but he’s also a good athlete as well. Right after we got married, Erik officially adopted Grant.

  Grant and Gretchen may be nine years apart, but they’re still just as close as they were when Grant was little. He’s her “unofficial” man of honor since he isn’t eighteen and can’t sign the certificate.

  “You look great, honey.” His tux is a dark gray, and he’s wearing a bow tie that matches the color of the bridesmaids’ dresses. “Is she ready?”

  “Yeah, Grandpa Tad and GiGi are in with her right now.” He sets his sister down, who spins until her dress flutters around her.

  “I a pwincess!” she screams. We didn’t show her the dress until this morning; otherwise she would’ve insisted on wearing—wait, I’m sorry—she would’ve demanded she wear it every day. Her blonde hair is up in a bun with a little crown around it. Simone does look like a princess, that’s for sure.

  After the short and sweet ceremony, we head to the reception. Gretchen looked so beautiful and so happy when she said, “I do.” Erik denies it, but I heard him sniffle a little bit. I think Gretchen getting married was harder on him than their parents. David is a wonderful guy, though, and treats her like she’s the center of his universe.

  Toward the end of the reception, Simone is asleep on her grandpa’s lap, and the boys are running around in circles. “Come dance with me, wife.”

  My big, beautiful, amazing husband pulls me into his arms, and we begin to move to the music.

  Ten-and-a-half years ago, I was set up on a blind date…who knew that it would lead to the love of my life? He’s given my son an amazing father. He’s given me three more beautiful children, an extended family I love, and a life so full I sometimes pinch myself to make sure it’s real. Resting my cheek against his chest while we dance, I close my eyes and smile.

  The End!

  ***Sneak Peek***


  Rogue Security and Investigation Series

  Book Three

  Coming Fall 2018!

  Chapter One


  Pulling into the driveway of the blue and brick ranch-style home, I smile when I see “Sold” written in red across the For Sale sign. I’ve never owned anything in my entire life. Shutting my car off, I grab the manila envelope that holds the paperwork and keys and climb out. I’ll come back for my stuff in a bit.

  When I unlock the door, I step inside and look around. The furniture looks great and exactly what I picked out. I had it all delivered here as soon as I closed on the house. I do a quick walk through and everything is exactly where it should be, which makes me happy. My office is in the back, with an unhindered view of the backyard and all of the flowers growing along the fence.

  The desk is cherry wood and cost me some cake, but when I saw it I knew that’s where I wanted to create my stories. I’ve been writing stories for as long as I can remember, and when I published my first two books I didn’t expect them to blow up, but they did. It was slow going at first, but I was happy to at least sell one. But then they exploded, and my sales have been growing every week.

  In no time I was paying off my debt, student loans, and credit cards. When I started looking for houses I wasn’t picky, but it had to have an office space that faced something pretty to look at.

  I open the sliding glass door and step out onto the back deck, and then down the stairs. I walk around the flower beds, taking pictures of the flowers so someone can tell me what they are. Male voices coming from the backyard next to mine have me turning to see the men attached to them.

  One guy has brown hair and a lean-muscled body, and he’s holding a little girl in his arms. The other gentleman has a mixture of blond and gray hair, and when he turns so I can see his profile, I swallow. He’s got to be the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. His face lights up when he grabs the baby’s foot, and the little girl squeals at him.

  I watch the little girl lunge for the other man and he catches her with practiced ease. What is it with men and babies that makes women cray cray?

  “Hi.” I jerk and see that I was obviously staring at them. “You okay?” the younger one asks.

  “Y-Yes, sorry, I just moved in. I’m Harley.” I walk toward the fence and both men meet me there. I hold out my hand.

  “I’m Reece, the little cutie is my daughter, Charlotte—Charlie, for short. This is my father-in-law, Jack.” Reece shakes my hand, and then Jack looks at me like I’ve pissed him off somehow. Reluctantly, he takes my hand in his.

  It’s probably best not to tell him that when he shook my hand, I felt a zing that traveled up my body. He’d run as fast as he could and never look back. The sad unfortunate story of my life.



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  First of all I want to thank my family. You guys support me without question every day. Jim, you take on a lot of the responsibilities around the house while I’m on a deadline, and you don’t ever complain. You’re never ending support has meant so much to me.

Angela I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to thank you for always being encouraging when I’m ready to quit, cheering me on when I’m afraid, and always reading my words and helping make them the best they can be. I’m excited at what our future holds.

  Diane, my PA, my right hand. You do so much for me behind the scenes I could never do this without you. I can’t wait until we finally meet in person so I can hug you, even though you’re not a hugger!!

  Sydnee my amazing editor, I LOVE working with you, you know what I’m trying to say sometimes, even when I don’t know how to say it right, and help me craft my words into a beautiful story. I think we make a great team and I love working with you.

  Lydia, marketing goddess! Thank you for doing my promotional stuff for this and Security Breach. You’re always so easy to work with and I have such great success with you.

  To my readers, you’re the reason why I love what I do, thank you for your never ending support. I love you all!!

  Lastly, Crave Publishing for believing in me and my stories!

  About the Author

  A Midwesterner and self-proclaimed nerd, Evan has been an avid reader most of her life, but five years ago got bit by the writing bug, and it quickly became her addiction, passion and therapy. When the voices in her head give it a rest, she can always be found with her e-reader in her hand. Some of her favorites include, Shayla Black, Jaci Burton, Madeline Sheehan and Jamie Mcguire. Evan finds a lot of her inspiration in music, so if you see her wearing her headphones you know she means business and is in the zone.

  During the day Evan works for a large homecare agency and at night she’s superwoman. She’s a wife to Jim and a mom to Ethan and Evan, a cook, a tutor, a friend and a writer. How does she do it? She’ll never tell.

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