Showdown at Yellow Butte (1983)

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Showdown at Yellow Butte (1983) Page 5

by L'amour, Louis

  Later, he ventured farther down the crevasse, which seemed to dip steeply from where he was. Hearing no voices, he pushed on, coming to a point where the crevasse turned sharply again. The force of the water had hollowed out a huge cave which looked like a bowl standing on edge. Then the water had turned and shot down an even steeper declivity into the black maw of a cavern.

  Having come this far he took a chance on leaving his horse alone and walked on down toward the cave. The entrance was high and wide and the cave extended deep into the mountain with several shelves or ledges that seemed to show no signs of water. There was a pool in the bottom, and apparently the water filled a large basin, but lost itself through some cracks in the bottom of the larger hollow.

  Although he penetrated no great distance he could find no evidence of another outlet, nor could he feel any motion of air. Yet, as he looked around him, he realized that with some food a man might well hide in this place for weeks, and unless someone went to the foot of the slide and found the opening into the crevasse, this place might never be discovered.

  The run-off from the cliff, then, did not go to the arroyo, but ended here, in this deep cavern.

  The day wore on slowly. Twice he walked back down to the cavern to smoke, leaving his horse where it was. In a few hours he would try to make his escape. Yet when dusk came, and he worked his way back up the crevasse slide and crawled out on the edge where he could look toward the entrance, he saw two men squatting there beside a fire. They had rifles. They believed him concealed somewhere near and hoped to starve him out.

  Kedrick knew that by this time Dornie Shaw must have returned to Mustang with news of his disappearance, and probably, of their murder of the messenger. For he was sure that it had been his own group who had committed the crime. It was scarcely possible that Gunter or Keith would countenance such open violence near town where it could not fail to be seen and reported upon by unfriendly witnesses.

  Returning, he studied the slide to the rim. It was barely possible that a horse might scramble up there. It would be no trick for an active man, and the palouse was probably a mountain horse. It was worth a gamble … if there was no one on top to greet him. Pulling an armful of grass from near the brush and boulders, he returned to the horse, and watched it gratefully munch the rich green grass.

  Connie Duane was disturbed. She had seen the messenger come to her uncle and the others, and had heard their reply. Then, at almost noon the following day, Dornie Shaw and the other men had come in. Tom Kedrick had not returned with them. Why that should disturb her she could not have said, but the fact remained that it did. Since he had stepped up on the veranda she had thought of little else, remembering the set of his chin, the way he carried his shoulders, and the startled expression when he saw her. There was something about him that was different, not only from the men around her uncle, but from any man she had known before.

  Now, when despite herself she had-looked forward to his return, he was missing.

  John Gunter came out on the veranda, nervously biting the end from a cigar. ‘What happened?” she asked. “Is something wrong? Where’s Captain Kedrick?”

  “Wish I knew!” His voice was sharp with anxiety. “He took a ride to look over those squatters an never came back. I don’t trust Shaw, no matter how much Keith does. He’s too bloodthirsty. We could get into a lot of trouble here, Connie. That’s why I wanted Kedrick. He has judgment, brains.”

  “Perhaps he decided he wanted no part of it, Uncle. Maybe he decided your squatters were not outlaws or renegades.”

  Gunter glanced at her sharply. “Who has been talking to your he demanded.

  “No one. It hasn’t been necessary. I have walked around town, and I’ve seen that some of these outlaws, as you call them, have wives and children, that they buy supplies and look like nice, likeable people. I don’t like it, Uncle John, and I don’t like to think that my money may be financing a part of it.”

  “Now, now! Don’t bother your head over it. You may be sure that Loren and I will do everything we can for your best interests.”

  “Then drop this whole thing!” she pleaded. “There’s no need for it. I’ve money enough, and I don’t want money that comes from depriving others of their homes. They all have a right to live, a chance.”

  “Of course!” Gunter was impatient. “We’ve gone over all this before. But I tell you most of those people are trash, and no matter about that, they all will be put off that land, anyway. The Government is going to buy out whoever has control. That will mean us, and that means we’ll get a nice, juicy profit”

  “From the Government? Your own Government, Uncle?” Connie studied him coolly. fail to understand the sort of man who will attempt to defraud his own Government. There are people like that, I suppose, but somehow I never thought I’d find one in my own family.”

  “Don’t be silly, child. You know nothing of business, you aren’t practical.”

  “I suppose not. Only I seem to remember that a lot of worthwhile things don’t seem practical at the moment No,” she got to her feet, “I believe I’ll withdraw my investment in this deal and buy a small ranch somewhere nearby. I will have no part in it.”

  “You can’t do that!” Gunter exploded impatiently. “Your money is already in, and there’s no way of getting it out until this business is closed. Now, why don’t you trust me like a good girl? You always have before!”

  “Yes, I have, Uncle John, but I never believed you could be dishonest.” She studied him frankly. “You aren’t very happy about this yourself. You know,” she persisted, “those people aren’t going to move without a fight. You believed they could be frightened. Well, they can’t. I’ve seen Bob McLennon, and he’s not the kind of a man who can be frightened. Even by that choice bunch of murderers Loren has gathered together.”

  ‘They aren’t that. Not murderers,” Gunter protested uneasily, but refused to meet her eyes. ‘Reckless, yes. And temperamental. Not murderers.”

  “Not even Dornie Shaw? The nice-looking, boyish one who has killed a dozen men and is so cold blooded and fiendish at times that others are afraid of him? No, Uncle, there is no way you can sidestep this. If you continue, you are going to countenance murder and the killing of innocent people.

  “Loren doesn’t care. He has always been cold blooded. You’ve wondered why I wouldn’t marry him. That’s why. He has the disposition of a tiger. He would kill anything or anyone that stood in his way. Even you, Uncle John.”

  He started and looked at her uneasily. “Why do you say that?”

  “Because it’s true. I know our tall and handsome man. He will allow nothing to come between him and what he desires. You’ve chosen some choice companions.” She got to her feet. ‘If you hear anything of Captain Kedrick, let me know, will you?”

  Gunter stood still for a long time after she left. He swore bitterly. Connie was like her mother. She always had the faculty for putting her finger on the truth, and certainly, she was right about this. It was beginning to look ugly, but away down deep in his heart, he was upset less over Keith than over Burwick. That strange, fat, and dirty man was a thing of evil, of corruption. There was some ,foul thing within him, something cold and vicious as a striking snake.

  Connie Duane was not the only person who was disturbed over the strange disappearance of Tom Kedrick.

  Bob McLennon, unofficial commander of the forces for defense, sat in his rambling ranch house on the edge of Yellow Butte. Pete Slagle, Burt Williams, Dai Reid and Pit Laine were all gathered there. With them was Sue Laine, keeping to the background. Her dark, lovely eyes were stirring from one to the other, her ears were alert for every word. “Blazes, man!” McLennon said irritably. “Where could he have gone? I’d have sworn he went into that box canyon. There was no other place for him to go unless he took wings and flew. He had to go in there.’

  “You looked yourself,” Slagle said dryly. “Did you see him? He just ain’t there, that’s all! He got plumb away.”

He probably did that,” Dai Reid commented. “A quick man, that Tom Kedrick. Hand or mind, he’s quick.” He drew out his pipe and stoked it slowly. “You shouldn’t have jumped him,” he continued. I know the lad, an’ he’s honest. If he said that was what he come for, it was the truth he told. I’d take my oath he’d no knowledge of the killin’. “I’d like to believe that,” McLennon agreed. “The man impressed me. We could use an honest man on the other side, one who would temper the wind a bit, or get this thing stopped.”

  “It won’t be that Shaw who stops. He’s a murder-in’ little devil,” Slagle said. “He’ll kill like a weasel in a chicken pen until there’s nought left to kill.”

  “Kedrick fought me fair,” Williams said. “I’ll give him that.”

  “He’s a fair man,” Dai persisted. “Since a lad I’ve known him. I’d not be wrong. I’d give fifty acres of my holdin’ for the chance to talk to him.”

  Daylight brought the first attack. It came swiftly, a tight bunch of riders who exploded from the mouth of the arroyo, hit the dusty street of Yellow Butte on a dead run, pistols firing, and then there followed the deep, heavy concussion of dynamite. As suddenly as they had come, they were gone. Two men sprawled in the street.

  Peters, the man Shaw had faced down in the streets of Mustang, was one of them. He had taken three .44 slugs through the chest and died before he hit the ground. He had made one fine effort to win back his self-respect. He had seen Donnie Shaw in the van of the charging riders and rushed into the street to get him. He failed to get off a single shot.

  The second man down was shot through the thigh and arm. He was a Swede who had just put ill his second crop.

  The riders had planned their attack well ant’ had worked near enough to the guards at the mouth of the arroyo, and had come at a time when no attack was expected. The one guard awake was knocked down by a charging horse, but miraculously, suffered only bruises. Two bundles of dynamite had been thrown. One had exploded against the door of the general store, smashing it off its hinges and tearing up the porch. The second exploded harmlessly between the buildings. The first rattle of rifle fire brought Tom Kedrick to an observation point. He had saddled his horse, hoping for a break, and instantly he saw it. The two guards had rushed to the scene of action. Quickly, he led his home out of the crevasse, rode at a canter to the canyon’s mouth. Seeing dust over the town, he swung right and skirting close to the Butte, slipped out into the open a free man once more.

  Chapter VI

  KEDRICK did not return toward Mustang. He had come this far for a purpose, and he meant to achieve it. Turning west and north, he rode upstream away from Yellow Butte and Mustang. He wanted actually to see some of the homes of which so much had been said. By the way these people lived he could tell the sort they were. It was still morning and all was motionless and warm. Soon he slowed his horse to a walk and studied the terrain.

  Certainly, nothing could be farther from swampland. In that, at least, the company had misrepresented. Obviously, they had lied in maintaining that the land was vacant. But if the squatters were a shiftless lot, Kedrick knew he would continue his job. Already he was heartily sick of the whole mess, yet he owed Gunter money, and how to pay it back was a real problem. And then, although the idea lurked almost unthought in the back of his consciousness, there was Connie Duane.

  In his fast-moving and active life he had met many women, and a few had interested him, but none so much as this tall girl with the quiet, alert eyes. His desire to get back to Mustang had nothing to do with the company, but only with her. At the same time, Dornie Shaw had acted without his orders, had slain the messenger and attacked the town. For all he knew, Donnie and the others might think him dead.

  Turning due north, he rode through the sagebrush and catclaw toward two towering blue mountains. They stood alone this side of the rim that bordered the country to the north. On his left, he saw broken land, and what was evidently a deep arroyo. He swung the appaloosa over and headed it toward the canyon. Suddenly, he reined in.

  On the ground before him were the tracks of a trotting horse, and he recognized them. They were the same tracks left by the strange rider on the grulla mustang who had scouted their approach to Yellow Butte. The tracks were fresh.

  Riding more slowly, he came to the edge of the canyon and looked down at a long green meadow, fenced and watered by a small stream. At the far side, tucked in a corner, was a stone cottage. It was more attractive and better built than any other he had seen in this section. Ahead of him he saw a trail. Without delay, he rode down it and walked his horse across the meadow toward the house.

  It was a pleasant place of sandstone blocks and a thatched roof. Shade trees sheltered the yard, and there were a half-dozen hens pecking about. In the corral there were several horses. His heart jumped as he saw the grulla, saddled and waiting. He drew up in the dooryard and swung down, trailing his reins. The door opened and a girl came out with a pan of water. She started as she saw him, and he recognized her instantly. It was Sue Laine, the girl of the trail, the girl in whom Dornie was reputed to be interested.

  “You!” she gasped as she stared at him. “They told me you were dead!”

  He shrugged. ‘Not dead, just hungry. Could you feed a man?”

  She studied him a minute, then nodded. “Come in. Better tie your horse, though. He’ll head for that meadow if you don’t. And,” her voice was dry, “you may need him. This isn’t exactly friendly country.”

  He tied his horse near the grulla and followed her inside. “Isn’t it?” he said. “Somehow I gathered you weren’t exactly an enemy to the company.”

  “Don’t say that!” she flared. “Don’t ever say that!” Her voice lowered. “Not around here, anyway. If my brother ever heard . .

  So Pit Lane and his sister did not see alike? That was an interesting point. He washed his hands and face, then combed his hair.”

  Ruefully, he rubbed his chin. ‘Your brother got a razor? I hate to go unshaven.”

  She brought a razor without comment. He shaved, then dried his face and hands and walked into the house. It was amazingly neat. On a side table there were several books. Flowered curtains hung at the windows, and several copper dishes were burnished to brightness. He sat down and she brought him food: beef, eggs, and homemade bread with honey.

  ‘Everybody’s looking for you,” she said. ‘Where have you been?”

  He accepted the statement and ignored the question. ‘After that messenger was killed, I had to get out of Yellow Butte. I did. What’s been happening?”

  ‘Keith served a final ultimatum. We either move, or they run us out. McLennon refused.’

  ‘He did right”

  She turned on him, her eyes questioning. ‘You think that? I thought you were their man?’

  He looked up from his food and shook his head. don’t know where I stand, but I don’t go for murder, not for running people out of their homes.” “They can’t stay, anyway. If this land becomes a reservation they will all be moved off. We will, too. They are foolish to fight.”

  “At least, the Government will buy their land and pay for their investment. In any event, the company has misrepresented things.”

  ‘Does it matter?’ She sat down opposite him. “They will win. They have money, influence, and power. The settlers here have nothing.” She looked around her bitterly. “Perhaps you think I am going against my own people, but that’s not true. These aren’t my people. Pit and I don’t belong here and we never have, although Pit won’t see it. Do you think I want to slave my life away on this desert?” She leaned toward him. “Look, Captain Kedrick, you’re one of them, not just working for them, not just a hired gunman like Dornie Shaw. You can lead the men you have, and I wouldn’t be surprised but what you could even handle Keith. You could be a big man in this country, or any country.

  “Why be foolish and start thinking like you are? These farmers and ranchers can do nothing for you. They can’t even help themselves. The company will win, an
d if you are one of them, you will have a share in the winning. Don’t be foolish, Captain. Stay with them. Do what you have to do.”

  “There are things more important than money. There’s self-respect.”

  She stared at him, her eyes widening. “You don’t really believe that? Try buying supplies with it, sometime. You won’t get any place. But that isn’t the point. You’ll do what you want, but I want a man who will take me out of this desert.” She got up quickly and came around the table. “You could do it, Captain. You could become rich, right here.”

  He smiled at her. “Ambitious, aren’t you?”

  “Why not? Being a rancher’s wife doesn’t appeal to me. I want to get away from here, go someplace, be something and enjoy life.” She hesitated, studying him. “You could edge Gunter out of it, and Keith maybe even Burwick. But the first two would be easy, and I know how.”

  “You do?” He looked up at her. She stood very close to him, and she was smiling down at him. She was, he had to admit, a lovely girl. And an exciting one. Too exciting for comfort right now, and that was a fact she understood completely. “How?” She shook her head. “Oh, no! That I’d tell you only if you threw in with me, joined me. But this much I’ll tell you John Gunter is small potatoes. They needed money, and he had that girl’s money so they roped him in. Keith is dangerous because he is ambitious and unscrupulous, but the man to reckon with is Burwick. He will be top man when this thing is over, and you can bank on it. He has a way figured, all the time.”

  “You seem to know a great deal.”

  “I do. Men like me and men talk. They don’t have any idea how much I lead them to say, or how much I remember.”

  “Why tell me all this?”

  “Because you’re the man who can do what has to be done. You could whip that bunch into line. All of them would listen to you, even Dornie Shaw and he’s suspicious of you.”

  “Of me? Why?”

  “He saw Dai Reid come from your room. He was watching you.”


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