She started again. What a wonderful experience! She was on a wave, its crest she could ride forever. She brought Mal’s hand closer to her lips. She could plant a cushy kiss on the finger tips, couldn’t she? Just one! Her mouth held pliant and tender against the flesh and she found her tongue probing between the lengths of the fingers to the folds of her palm. That first light touch of her tongue grew like a rising flame, spreading into a ring of thrilling fire, burning into the centre of her body. She felt torched; melted.
She licked the soft mound of the thumb then realised her saliva was dribbling down Mal’s arm. She brought her hesitant hand to smooth it away, but her jerky movements caused her to press too hard. Mal’s eyelids fluttered open and in the diffuse light she saw Jells’ face so close; her arm pressed against the swelling of her breasts. The covers were down, but her body was not cold. It was burning hot. She had awakened to the carnal touch as if exposed to a fire; a fire that had smouldered for too long and now could only be smothered by her erotic attention. With lust-filled sleepiness, she rolled closer to Jellie and pressed herself along her warm, yielding length.
Before thought, Jellie’s arms came round to encircle this body she had longed to hold for such an age. Fully awake Mal responded, seeking the tender mouth and placing her lips gently against it. As soon as they met, passion shook them. The wet softness spun Mal into a dizzying rapture. She felt her body, more alive than it had ever been. Her skin registered the slightest touch; every nerve-end active; alert. What also registered was Jells’ sweet yearning. So delicious, so welcoming, it pierced her heart. As an experimental creature of her own making, shaped by her nature not nurture, she had needed to find a kindred spirit who could speak to her alone. Her implausible karma had crossed her path with Nigella Patchford, from an opposed time; a disparate heritage, but their meeting had forged a bond which transcended the individual. It was an authenticity that had surmounted the distance of space and the river of time and passed on into the eternal mysteries; a level of connection between two people beyond comprehension. She had put the idea of Mallory Mason into an existence which allowed her to know herself, to herself. It seemed, in her most intimate moments, she could speak to her very soul. It was her language of love which brought her reality into being. There was no brilliance greater than this.
Breathless with a sudden fear, a wave of caution in a moment of reality, Mal’s emotions steadied. She pulled back and rolled to her other side to turn on the bedside lamp. In the halo of its golden glow she unveiled her disquiet. “Jells, is this real?” A frown creased her brow; her voice was gravely with the power of her feelings. She had to be sure the reciprocation was not her perverse sensuality at work, willing for what she hungered; not seeing what was genuine. That hunger for the touch of another person runs deep, as does desire. Treacherously, she could be led to confuse her need with love.
But I know there is far more to love then physical passion. I do know the difference! She didn’t want to respond to a self-delusion and she was not interested in the illusions of avatar creations. Kylie’s words still rang in her head, but she wouldn’t react because someone had sewn a seed she too badly wanted to germinate.
Jellie was startled. “Real, Mal? I don’t know if my dream has come true, or if I’m living my dream?” she answered softly, breathlessly. She couldn’t put her thoughts together coherently, filled only with desire and confusion. Weak with emotion and overcome by wanting, she turned mutely to Mal for her need and looked imploringly into those blazing blue eyes. She was captive, with no way out … out of what? She didn’t know.
More than Jells’ words, Mal read her body and knew, for sure, this was their time. It was now a certainty; she could grasp its reality. Her eyes glittered with a gathering fire. Finally she could express her love, free to reveal its depth. She could pour out and let flow, all she had in her heart to give.
“Come here my darling, let me hold you.” She turned Jellie to face her. She would love her with all the urgency and imperative passion of her pent up craving. At last Jellie was enfolded in her embrace. They lay close, bodies pressed all the way. For the first time Jellie felt the potent tips of Mal’s breasts against her own softness; they speared to her core. Her sharp pelvic bones pressed against her responsive belly and she pressed harder, with barely a conscious thought. No thought at all! Mal was invading her mouth. Her lips and tongue were giving her such sensations, she responded with more of her own. Mal released her and began to stroke her body. With her face buried against her neck, Jellie felt the pressure of Mal’s hand as it slid smoothly over her knee and under her hem. The hand stopped at the top of her thigh where it seemed to brand her skin. It stayed there; she knew she was her possession. Mal began her drowning kisses again. Jellie couldn’t stop her body from twisting against the pressure of Mal’s pelvis until she realised she was following the rhythm of her tongue as it withdrew then thrust again, into her mouth. She was filled with the strength, the sweep, the power of her love.
“Jells let me take you to the top.” Her voice was heavy, but Jellie heard her.
“I want you to do whatever you desire,” she assured, in a voice equally as thick. “I don’t ever want you to stop.”
“I’m going to lie on top of you. I want you to move any way and as much as you feel. Or you can lie still. Do whatever you wish. I’ll love all of it.” As she spoke she removed her boxers. Gently she lifted off the shift and eased her body over, but totally, and let Jellie receive her full weight. She welcomed this treasured burden and put her arms around Mal’s back holding her even closer. She felt they were one flesh, one essence. Only fascination and ardour existed.
Mal’s mouth captured Jellie’s once more and as her tongue worked her hand softly kneaded her breast. The nipple was insistent in her palm as she rhythmically lifted and then let fall this voluptuous heaviness, only to do it again and again.
Oh God she’s all woman. I loved that girl … but this woman … is to die for.
Almost beyond hearing, she became aware of Jellie’s moan inside her uneven breathing. It was more a primordial vibration than a sound; a vibration that penetrated her body and reached deep into her own living centre. Reluctantly, she had to let Jellie go, just for a moment, but she had been aroused for more.
Quickly now, like a serpent, she slithered her body over this intoxicating flesh. The green eyes flew open startled; more prominent than usual, as Mal’s lips took the youthful peak inside her mouth. She heard a sharp cry, but Jellie settled. Now her hand was free to stroke down to her cleft and explore its hot wetness. As she sucked at the rising nipple, her fingers were guided to the heated fervour of Jellie’s body where they slid easily between the folds of her womanhood. But – she had to go carefully, too important that this first time be perfect. This was for Jells, but she could feel her own climax building. With that first brush of those engorged lips and that demanding bud, she knew it would happen. She didn’t have to be touched. Then she would need all the control she had ever commanded. She would never risk breaking Jells’ rhythm just for her own gratification.
Jellie gloried in the slow, languorous strokes. She stopped moving her body and further opened her legs. It was as if she were an empty vessel which Mal had come to fill. She would let her. She would let her do anything she wanted. She was willing to receive all she had to give and would lie perfectly still, but she found her body demanding action. Jellie wanted to feel that kiss again. She brought Mal’s face up to hers and took her mouth greedily. In swift response, Mal’s body came over, a perfect cover, pinning her down. She was snared with nowhere to run, but wasn’t this where she wanted to be?
She nestled herself between Jellie’s thighs and worked her pubic bone against her clitoris. With gentle rotations, not too much, she started a slow tempo. They continued exploring their kiss and Jellie responded with her own elemental rhythm until they had a cadence in harmony all their own. In a sensual metre matching the thudding of her heart and the drumming of Mal’s, they bui
lt toward their ecstasy until Mal could not hold back from thrusting with abandon, as fast as her partner demanded. When Jellie cried out, a sound as though wrenched from the depths of her very soul, Mal let herself go and they climaxed as one. Not only in the physical release of a glorious orgasm, but with an emotional fulfillment so loving, they came together and were awakened to a new reality.
The demonstration of this love had been so long denied, but here at last was unmitigated joy. Joy in the total freedom of its unreserved expression. They clung to each other as tears of rapture welled up in their eyes and only their hot breath, which paused as a cloud in the cold air, broke the stillness of the night. Not even one small degree of separation would be allowed between them. For the two lovers, the world had jolted on its axis and nothing would ever be the same again.
* * *
No-one wanted to get up. It was almost ten o’clock before any feet reached the floor and they were Emma’s. She read the signs; the empty couch, the closed bedroom door. Making busy in the kitchen, she smiled knowingly.
She left a big pot of coffee on the stove and couldn’t wait to tell Kylie what she surmised. The aroma awakened her and she received the mug thankfully. Her head was as bad as she thought it would be. Emma spoke softly to her ear.
“I’m not surprised. Birthday parties often end like this,” Kylie replied. “I’m happy for them.” Was she? She remembered what she had wished for; what might have been, then looked across at Emma and gave her a big hug. She probably couldn’t have handled the deep moods and all that intensity. No, Em really was better suited to her mercurial temperament. “I need to eat. Do you think they have cereal?”
“I didn’t see any. I’ll go look if you like,” Emma offered.
“No, I’ll come too and get another coffee. That one disappeared real fast.”
Mal heard the sounds of kitchen cupboards and china and looked at the clock. Bloody Nora the horses! She jumped off the bed then turned to Jellie, still sleeping. She would have to wake her and tell her where she’d gone. Only EJ was coming in today, classes being cancelled because of the party; still no excuse to leave it all to him. A gentle shake and Jellie opened sleepy eyes.
“I’m off to the stables for feeds, Jells. You stay. I’ll help EJ.”
She checked the time: “Goodness … so late!”
“It’s OK. The others are up. They’ve made coffee. I’ll see you later.” She bent and gave her a warm kiss on the lips. Jellie was reluctant to let go, still dreamy in her lassitude. Mal detached her arms and this time kissed her swiftly on the cheek before heading for her room and some work clothes. On the way to the back door she called to the others; she was going to the paddocks and would see them later.
Jellie rolled out of bed and slipped on her Japanese robe, this sand-washed silk was her favourite. She was beginning to like many things of Japanese design. As the silk brushed her skin, she relived a moment of a lingering caress and felt herself filled with happiness. So many changes! She could feel herself leaving behind her Edwardian preferences. Looking in the mirror she enjoyed the contrast of the black with the primary colours. She was letting go of her pastels. She was letting go … period.
The girls offered her coffee when she appeared and she joined them at the kitchen table. It seemed out of place to see them wearing Mal’s clothes, but it was a cosy thing too. They were perfectly relaxed about it. “Was your sleep all right?” she asked Kylie.
Emma answered. “Listen. She died and I was the one who had to put up with the snoring.” She squeezed Kylie’s hand. “It’s all right. I’m used to it,” and laughed into her eyes. This exchange registered with Jellie. Last night wasn’t their first together, then.
Kylie addressed her: “How was your night?”
She coloured self-consciously and could only stammer that it had been fine. She regarded the girls as they exchanged glances and she blushed again.
“Mal doesn’t snore then?” she watched with sharp eyes as she finished off her cereal.
What’s with Ky? Emma wondered. It was not like her to be so crass.
“I don’t know, I mean … I don’t think so.”
“Take no notice of her Nigella. It’s none of her business anyway.” She looked across at Kylie and gave her a frowning stare.
Kylie responded by raising her hands wide. “Hey just making conversation.” She got up to rinse her bowl and stared equally hard at Emma. She did feel put out, though. Perhaps it was this pounding head. “I’m off to the shower.”
“More coffee,” Emma held up the pot as she turned her gaze to Jellie.
“Thank you, yes.”
She returned to her seat with two steaming mugs. “Because we stayed over … we know.” Her curving mouth smiled gently. “We’re very happy for you.” Her perceptive eyes looked sincerely into the green ones, now wide in wonder. She continued: “Kylie and I have only been together a short time too, but it’s a lovely time isn’t it, when you’re getting to know someone … in the beginning?”
She didn’t know how to react to all this candour. She had felt a love like theirs was something to keep to oneself, but this girl was talking openly, proudly. Whatever would Mama say?
“Emma, I’ve loved Mallory for a long time, but only now have I felt the freedom to show it,” she confessed.
“Why did you wait so long?” The question was out before she had time to think to be more circumspect. “Oh, I didn’t mean to be intrusive,” she apologised.
“That’s all right. It’s a fair question.” She took a drink and continued: “I was fearful she would be shocked, horrified even.” Then she added guardedly: “The thought of … a woman loving a woman, you know … like that.”
Emma lifted her chin high and laughed out loud. “What, a dyke like Mallory Mason, shocked, horrified. You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“What do you mean Emma?” Her face quickened with a sudden lurch of interest.
“Well, it’s for all the world to see which camp Mallory has her foot in.” She was still chuckling when Kylie joined them.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing,” she went back to her mug.
“Come on Em. Share the joke.”
Emma looked to Jellie. It was not for her to say. She took the plunge. These new-found friends seemed to know a lot more than she. No point in hiding. “I was explaining to Emma what took me so long. It made her laugh.”
“What took so long?” Kylie was trying to be patient.
Emma took over again and explained succinctly: “To come out. She thought Mal would be offended.” This time she smiled only slightly, just enough to warm to her face. Now the woman in question joined them, bringing with her an aura of vibrant energy and the cool freshness of the outdoors; honey-fair hair tousled by the brisk wind. “What would offend me?” She went to the pot then came over to the table.
“My turn for the shower, I’ll catch you guys later.” Emma rinsed her mug and took off with an airy wave.
Kylie’s eyes were faintly belligerent as she regarded the other woman, as if to say ‘your court’, but Jellie wasn’t so at ease with Kylie and that cornered sensation descended upon her. Feeling herself go pink under the keen scrutiny she froze, keeping her features impassive, almost devoid of expression. For a moment her awkwardness seemed to fill the air. Mal observed the discomfort. “No worries,” she smiled at her. “I’m here to report that all the horses are out in the paddocks, happily checking the scene and cropping steadily, although why they want to do that when I’ve given them such a lovely breakfast beats me.” She addressed herself to Jellie. “I told EJ we’d look after the evening chores so he could take the rest of the day off.”
The moment passed and by the time Emma returned they’d moved on to what needed to be done to get them back to ‘ship-shape’. Kylie was willing to stay and help for a while, but they had an appointment in town that afternoon.
“No drama Ky. Any help will be appreciated. Many hands, etcetera.” Mal jumped to her
feet declaring she’d start outside. Jellie said she’d load the dishwasher and the others said they’d bring stuff to her. It was great; they finished in no time. After one more coffee the girls were saying their goodbyes, standing at the doorstep.
“You must come to us, next time,” Emma enthused. Kylie added: “We can make it a lunch, so you can get back for the horses.” She was over her hump and once more in harmony.
Emma turned to Jellie. “It would be a good chance for you to meet the rest of the gang. It’ll be lots of fun introducing you to all the girls.” She looked at her slyly. “You’re so pretty, Nigella. A new face! They’ll all want a piece of you.” Her laughter tinkled out again as she gave her a light, brisk squeeze.
* * *
With everything done, they showered and changed into shirt and jeans and felt much better. Neither wanted a big lunch so they prepared a plate each, of leftovers, heated them in the microwave and took them to the front patio. Mal had stacked the tables and chairs ready for collection, except for one set.
The air had warmed, bringing with it the pungent aroma of damp earth, fallen leaves and faintly, the smell of horse. The clouds, that all morning had mottled the sky, were clearing and for a time, while the sun was high, sunlight dappled their luncheon nook. You could feel the mid-summer days would not be long now. Mal brought Jellie a juice then popped the top on her beer. Alone at last! She grasped her bottle and gave a chink to Jellie’s glass saying: “Here’s to us, my darling,” and followed it with a kiss.
Til Morning Comes Page 49