The Dom with the Dragon Tattoo [Masters of Submission 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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The Dom with the Dragon Tattoo [Masters of Submission 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 10

by Jan Bowles

  That very same hot, sweet mouth then drifted to her left nipple, causing the same incredible pleasure. She felt as though she’d entered a docking bay for body parts—two breasts with one hot mouth circling around her mind in the utter darkness of space.

  Oh, God. What’s that? It feels so wonderful. Her clit suddenly flamed into life when she felt that same detached tongue and mouth circle its circumference before dipping inside her, with teasing, sensuous movements. Heaven help me. It was the most wonderful feeling she’d ever experienced, excruciatingly pleasurable, almost to the point of pain, and so fucking good she knew she screamed silently into the darkness, “Tyler.”

  It was his tongue. He was there. Her man was right there with her.

  Rebecca’s pussy came alive as a warm, pulsing energy slowly entered her. Although in pitch blackness and unable to hear a goddamned thing, she didn’t feel so hopelessly disorientated anymore. The hot, twitching phallus slid slowly between her legs, filling her inch by glorious inch, overwhelming her with its sheer ferocity.

  Tyler was fucking her like a man possessed. His huge prick felt glorious as it invaded her. She loved the way his body melded so perfectly with her own.

  A storm broke in her mind, shattering her world, making her scream into the noiseless blackness around her. In the total darkness of night, not a sound filtered to her ears. Her nipples, burning so hotly now, were sucked even harder into the welcoming warmth of Tyler’s mouth. A mouth that gave such unlimited pleasure as his tongue rolled seductively over her achingly hard nubs, making coherent thought almost impossible.

  With his prick embedded deep inside her, she finally came. Fucking hell, how she came. Multiple orgasms ripped through her like an unstoppable tornado through a Midwestern township. Wave after wave of erotic pleasure surged through her pussy with such incredible force that the only thing on her mind was the thought of what Tyler was doing to her.

  Euphoria flooded her psyche. Sheer, unadulterated sexual ecstasy consumed and burned so hotly within her that she felt she might pass out. It was as if her whole body had been uniquely designed as a vessel for receiving sexual pleasure.

  The ravishment of her mind and body continued unabated until Tyler tenderly kissed her lips and she drifted peacefully to some exotic faraway place…

  * * * *

  Tyler’s adoptive mother never raised any stupid children. His three older sisters were currently working as a doctor, a dentist, and a lawyer. With a woman as precious as Rebecca he’d taken the precaution of installing hidden cameras backed up by microphones inside the sensory deprivation tank. This strategically placed equipment gave him the vital information he needed in order to keep Rebecca safe. He’d watched intently on the closed-circuit television system he’d installed in the room next door. This way he kept a protective eye on the woman he adored, observing every sound and movement in her new environment.

  She’d been immersed in the flotation tank for barely an hour before he’d unscrewed the hatch and unobtrusively slipped naked into the water next to her. Because Rebecca was completely without vision and hearing and totally disorientated, she’d had absolutely no idea he was in the tank with her.

  It was well known that a spell in a sensory deprivation tank had a strange effect on people. Many thought they’d been in it for days or even weeks when in fact they’d probably only been in it for a couple of hours or so. As it was Rebecca’s first time in the tank, he figured an hour was long enough.

  As her Dom, he’d needed to know how much she trusted him, and she’d passed with flying colors, because she had absolutely no idea the tank contained the technological paraphernalia to keep her safe.

  As she’d floated on her back in front of him, he’d repeatedly told her how much he loved her and wanted to marry her. Of course, she hadn’t heard a fucking word he’d said as he’d practiced out loud. Later on that evening, over a glass of wine or two, he’d ask her for real. He was almost forty years old and wanted to get started on those healthy children he knew she would produce.

  He’d stood waist deep in the warm, salty water, mesmerized by the sheer physical beauty of the woman before him. Finally, unable to resist, he’d blown a gentle, almost unnoticeable current of air across her beautiful breasts, enjoying the smile that brightened her face. Liking what he saw, he’d gone further by sucking her gorgeous nipples into his mouth. When he’d licked her clit, she had screamed out his name, boosting his ego to no end.

  Rebecca looked stunningly beautiful in her rubber suit, sexily enhanced by specially made cutouts for her breasts, ass, and pussy. His cock had been rock hard and he’d finally laid his body over hers and filled her sweet, wet cunt with his prick. He smiled to himself. She’d fucking enjoyed it, too, climaxing repeatedly until he’d finally shot his load inside her.

  Tyler removed the blindfold from her eyes and cast it aside and then broke the tight seal of the rubber hood from her head with his fingertips, allowing her beautiful dark-brown hair to flow freely once more. She offered no resistance, and her eyes were still tightly shut as he removed the foam plugs from her ears.

  He loved her this way, all soft and compliant, with submissive animal whimpers coming from her lips. When he pulled the tight rubber mitts from her hands, she immediately dug her fingernails into his biceps. Tyler lifted her upright so her feet rested on the bottom of the tank and she responded by laying her head against his shoulder. She repeatedly rubbed her cheek against his bare flesh, and he guessed she was savoring the embers of sexual enjoyment still running through her body.

  He figured the sensory deprivation experience would make her appreciate the things she’d previously taken for granted. Things like sight, hearing, touch, and smell. With the hatch open, the tank was a very relaxing place. Subdued light filtered through the opening, illuminating the turquoise-blue interior with a softly undulating hue. Used this way, the tank was a very relaxing and tranquil place to be, and he would often relax here after a stressful day at Cerberus Technology. He’d regularly chill out for a half hour or so, restoring much-needed equilibrium to his otherwise busy life.

  When her head lifted from his chest, he looked down into her beautiful velvet brown eyes and kissed her possessively on the lips.

  “Tyler,” she whispered, and he knew she’d finally returned to reality. The last time she’d uttered his name, she’d screamed it so loud, he’d thought his eardrums would burst. “I love you so much, Tyler.”

  He stroked his hand down her face, grazing his thumb across her full, luscious lips. “I love you, too, Becca. Let’s get you out of here and dried off.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Rebecca sighed with utter contentment as she settled back on the soft cushions and allowed her hand to dangle over the side of the small boat. The sensation as her fingers trailed idly in the cool water felt very decadent and relaxing as Tyler effortlessly rowed them toward the center of the private lake.

  Backlit by the slowly setting sun, he looked magnificent. A halo effect of orange and gold lit up his hair and highlighted the powerful muscle formation of his biceps and shoulders to amazing effect. Splashes of red and yellow spread out along the horizon, and every so often the lake would sparkle with golden glints as the water lapped and eddied against the small wooden craft.

  Feeling wonderfully alive, she sighed again. “This is pure bliss, Tyler.”

  “Sure is, honey. I don’t get the chance to come out here as often as I’d like, but today’s a special occasion.” He smiled as he continued rowing, the sound of the seasoned oars creaking enchantingly against the shiny brass oarlocks. The words of a favorite song drifted idly through her mind, and such was her happiness, she couldn’t stop herself from singing, “Oh, it’s such a perfect day, I’m glad I spent it with you.” She couldn’t remember the words after this point so hummed the rest.

  Tyler beamed at her, taking her happiness to an even higher level. “I must be doing something right. It’s lovely to see you this way.”

  “Tyler, yo
u do everything right, but don’t let it go to your head.” She lifted her hand from the water and flicked the contents of the lake at him before roaring with laughter.

  What could be more perfect? His beautiful house lay just a few hundred yards behind them on the shore. Surrounded by mature live oaks, the modern building somehow seemed to complement the beauty of the lake, as though it belonged there. Tyler’s own creative design looked amazing from any angle. A smattering of light made the place look warm and welcoming and illuminated the buffalo grass with a seductive orange glow, while the pathway leading down to the wooden jetty slowly started to appear from the descending darkness as a myriad of tiny LEDs automatically switched on.

  She dangled her hand in the cool water again. “Mmm, you’re really spoiling me today. Now let me see. Ah, yes, first we had pizza and champagne. Then I had a life-changing experience in the flotation tank. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that, and now, a boat ride with the world’s most beautiful man, on the world’s most beautiful lake, with the sun just starting to dip below the horizon.” This was her perfect day. Her body still simmered with an intoxicating mix of contentment and excitement.

  He stopped rowing and looked directly at her, and she knew he had something on his mind. He held out his hand. “Come and sit with me.”

  Oh God, that sexy look in his amber eyes turned her on every time. This evening really was perfect. She briefly wondered if he’d set the whole thing up in order to ask that one little question. Will you marry me, Becca? Startled by her own thoughts, she suddenly sat bolt upright. Where the hell had that idea come from? Look around you, girl. The guy’s made a lot of effort. He hasn’t brought you all the way out here to talk about global warming or the price of gas. “You’re going to ask me something, aren’t you?”

  “Yes.” He smiled and plumped up a couple of cushions. “But you won’t know what it is unless you get that sexy body of yours over here.” He encouraged her to move by patting the cushions.

  Careful not to rock or capsize the boat, Rebecca tentatively moved across and sat between his legs. She loved him so much, and it felt wonderful when he wrapped his strong arms around her waist and rested his chin on top of her head. She heard him breathe in as though ready to speak, and she breathed in, too.

  “I can see you’re really happy.” His deep voice rumbled against the back of her head.

  “Never more so.”

  “Good. I want to talk about our future together, Becca. I thought this would be a good place well away from any interruptions.”

  “I wondered why you asked me to leave my cell phone behind. Go ahead, Tyler, I’m all ears.” She so wanted him to ask her to marry him, but she desperately needed to tell him that she couldn’t have children. Her deception had to stop, now, even if it finished their relationship.

  Tell him.

  Tyler breathed in before letting out a long, contented sigh. “I love you, and you love me, right?”

  “More than anything else in the world.”

  Tell him.

  He pointed to the shoreline. “See that house over there, our house? I want to see it overflowing with happy, healthy children, our children. I want to leave the legacy I’ve built to them.” He took a deep breath. “Something’s been bugging me for a while now. What’s the point of owning the most successful software company in the US if I haven’t got any kids to leave it to?”

  Rebecca knew exactly where the conversation was leading, but talk of children made her feel inadequate. Why the fuck hadn’t she told him already? She’d had numerous chances, but she’d always taken the coward’s way out and put off telling him for another time. The time was now.

  Tell him.

  “Marry me, Becca.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “Yes,” she whispered, knowing full well she deceived him.

  Coward. You’ve got to tell him. You’ve got to tell him now.

  He hugged her closer still and tenderly brushed his lips over her ear. “You’ve just made me one happy guy. I’ll row us back to shore, and we can get started on those kids right away.”

  Tell him, tell him, tell him. What the fuck are you doing, woman? What you’re doing is not fair. If you can’t give him the children he craves, let him go. Leave him. Let him find a woman who can give him children—a real woman—not some barren vessel.

  No, no, no, I won’t leave him. I am a real woman, and I love him, and I won’t let him go, because I can’t live without him.

  You can, and you will. Leave him before it’s too late. Leave him before you see the disappointment etched on his face.

  Leave him!

  Tears trickled down her cheeks and dripped into the boat. She was so confused. She just didn’t know what to do anymore.

  A breeze was getting up and he stroked a stray hair from her eyes. “Why the tears, honey?”

  She wiped them away with the back of her hand, but however many times she did it, they just kept coming. “I’m so happy, Ty,” she lied.

  “That’s just great, honey, now let’s get you home.”

  Rebecca had crossed the line in the sand. She’d promised herself she’d tell Tyler the truth before their relationship got to this stage. That way, she’d have given him the option of moving on without her. She hated herself at this precise moment, because she knew she’d trapped the man she loved with her lies and deception, and it would be impossible for him to continue loving her once he inevitably found out the truth.

  She knew she would love Tyler Stone until the day she died.

  Chapter Seventeen

  In the sweltering heat of the cab, Tyler opened his flight bag and took out Rebecca’s letter. When he’d first discovered it three weeks ago, the day after he’d proposed, he was so fucking angry he’d screwed it into a crumpled ball and thrown it away. Later, when he’d calmed down, he’d taken it from the trash can and smoothed it flat. Now he slid the letter from the battered envelope again and began reading, already knowing the words by heart.

  My Darling Ty, I don’t expect you to forgive me for what I’ve done to you, but I hope an explanation will go some way to helping you understand the position I find myself in.

  I know when you read this letter you will be sad and disappointed, as well as angry, and, my darling, I fully understand you have every right to feel this way.

  You’re better off without me, Ty. I always thought of myself as a strong, independent woman who made her own luck in life, but I was too weak and selfish to tell you face-to-face what I’m about to reveal to you now. You may think I am a coward, and you have every right to believe that, because in truth, I am. I just couldn’t find my courage when it was needed most.

  You see, my darling, it deeply saddens me to tell you that I am unable to have children, and because you were adopted yourself, I fully understand how much it means to you to have a family of your own. Please believe me, Ty, it was always, always my intention to tell you before I fell so deeply in love with you, but the time just never seemed right. I suppose I just couldn’t bear the thought of seeing the disappointment in your eyes.

  Please believe me, even if you had comforted me and told me everything was just fine, I know the nagging disappointment would return and haunt us both a year or two from now, when the realization finally hit home what you’d sacrificed by marrying me. I told my previous Master, Mitch. Like you, he longed for children, and our relationship eventually finished. I love you so much, Tyler. I couldn’t bear to see you react in the same way as him. When I looked at Mitch, I saw a face frustrated and disappointed by my infertility, and I hated the way it made me feel. Barren, fruitless, desolate. Not a real woman.

  I was diagnosed with leukemia when I was barely ten years old and spent the next two years fighting the disease. While the chemotherapy helped save my life, it unfortunately had the side effect of destroying my fertility. Over the years I have seen endless doctors, and they’ve all told me the likelihood of me producing a child of my own is realistically zero.

one can understand the gnawing ache I feel deep inside when I see a happy little boy or girl walking hand in hand with their mother. The ache in my heart at times seems unbearable, knowing that I cannot enjoy and savor what millions of other women take for granted. I’m not trying to make you feel sorry for me, Ty. I don’t deserve your sympathy. All I’m trying to do in my own clumsy way is to try and explain as best I can.

  My dearest Master, yesterday, the day you asked me to become your wife, was the most wonderful day of my life, and despite me writing this letter, I’m so glad I got to share that perfect day with you. I know if we’d become man and wife, you would have shown me many things, but because I love you so much, I have to let you go.

  Be safe, be happy, but above all remember I will always love you so very much. Have a wonderful life.

  With all my love, Rebecca.

  “This is the address, senhor.” The cab driver’s broken English announced his arrival.

  Tyler glanced across the street at the low-level property. It looked like a thousand other beachfront houses. White stucco walls, with landscaped gardens.

  In irritation, he dragged a hand across his face, feeling the stubble rasp beneath his fingertips. Fuck, it was hot, probably more than a hundred degrees. Three weeks ago today, he’d woken to find Rebecca gone and just a handwritten note to take her place. The waking nightmare had continued until he’d been given this address by the private investigator he’d hired at considerable cost.

  He shook his head. Was it really only three weeks since Rebecca had left without a word? Shit, he still felt so fucking angry, but he felt compassion, too. Each day seemed a lifetime without his Becca and he missed her so badly, he’d hardly slept in all that time. The icy chill that had gripped his heart when he’d discovered her letter lying on the pillow next to him still remained. Tyler glanced across at the unassuming property again. He had every right to be angry, but he also understood her reasons for leaving, even if they were totally fucked up.


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