MC: Brighton

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by L. Ann Marie

  MC: Brighton

  MC Series

  Book 8


  L. Ann Marie

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  MC: Brighton

  Copyright 2015 * L. Ann Marie

  Published by Beau Coup Publishing

  Cover by JRA Stevens

  For Beau Coup Publishing

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

  Digs has been an MC IT geek since he was recruited at 17. Digs can’t say no, when the MC asks you to do something the only answer is ‘when do I start.’ He likes his body parts right where they are so he takes the order to move closer to the crazy Brothers without complaint. He likes breathing so he takes the new job offer/order without resistance. With the threat of dying in his sleep or another Brother staying with Penny, he does that too. After one date, that turns his bike into a pile of parts, he is moved into Penny’s house to watch over her and keep her safe from her stalking ex.

  Keeping Penny safe from her ex is no problem for the new High Security Officer. Keeping her safe from him is another story. Digs dark thoughts of rough sex, rope play and a dirty mouth keep him on edge with his not so innocent Penny.

  *Content Warning: includes graphic language and sex. Intended for mature audiences 18+


  This book was written based on a whisper in my ear from Pam. Of all the characters I write, Digs is the one that Pam noticed. She had very specific ideas on Digs. For Pam. I hope I did your Digs justice. SOS, Always.

  Table of Contents


  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  About the Author

  Other books by L. Ann Marie



  It started out as the best morning and turned into a nightmare in the blink of an eye. I call Tess because she knows everyone and just who to get help from. She’s sending one of the computer guys to see if he can get me up and running before the shop opens. Most everyone pays by credit card and I can’t take a payment without my computer. Technology is your friend until it isn’t then it’s your worst nightmare.

  Someone is pounding on the door. I take a breath and open it with my heart in my throat. I should have asked who she was sending. As soon as I see him I let out my breath. “Fuck, did I scare you? Of course I did. Sorry, Penny, Tess said it was an emergency. I thought something happened to you. I was getting ready to kick the door in but hesitated because I don’t want Danny killing me in my sleep.”

  I can’t help it. I giggle and cover my mouth quick. “Sorry. Why would Danny kill you in your sleep, Digs?”

  “Because he’s a fuckin’ lunatic like VP and I would be making work for him before lunch or you could have been hurt and I didn’t get here quick enough. Either way I could have been a dead man. So you’re looking good enough to eat, you’re obviously not hurt. What’s the big emergency?” He’s serious and I giggle again. I never giggle unless I’m drinking, so I cover my mouth before he thinks I’ve had a few before lunch. He smiles and his whole face changes. He’s handsome when he smiles.

  “I tried to turn my computer on and it won’t work. My credit card swiper thingy works from the computer, so I can’t take money until it’s fixed,” I tell him while I lock the door and walk through to the front. I think he’s laughing behind me but when I turn he isn’t smiling.

  “Do you have your mobile phone? We can hook it up to take your payments while I see what’s wrong here.” He’s looking around behind the desk and pulling cords out. Oh dear.

  I have to think for a minute, then I get it. Phone. “I don’t have a mobile phone, just the wall phones here and at my house. Danny made it so they ring in both places.”

  He stops and looks at me. “Who the fuck doesn’t have a phone in this day and age?”

  I step back. He’s mad. “I never needed one.”

  His whole body relaxes. “Look, Penny, I’m the last guy that would hurt you. I don’t talk pretty like the other guys. No one’s ever given a fuck, so I never had to change my language. I am just a guy here to fix your computers. Tess wouldn’t have sent me if she thought I’d hurt you. She knows fuckin’ everything and everyone. She didn’t call one of the Brothers. She called me directly and said it had to be me that showed, NOT one of the Brothers. Relax, I don’t bite.” He smiles again. “Unless you ask me nice.”

  Fiddlesticks. I laugh to cover my embarrassment and put my hand on his arm. I meant to tap it playfully but it won’t move. I look at it, then at him. He’s looking at it too. He clears his throat and I move my hand fast. Holy Moses that was weird. “It felt weird. Did you feel it?”

  He looks at me surprised. “Yeah, fuckin’ current or something. Maybe you zapped your computer.” He’s smiling. “Look, I have to get my bag, I left it in the truck not sure what kind of help you needed. I’ll be right back.” He touches my wrist as he walks by and I feel it again.

  That was weird. I take deep breaths and run to the bathroom. My panties are wet and I need to collect myself. I haven’t felt so darn turned on since I was a teenager. What is going on? Tess wouldn’t have sent him if he wasn’t safe. I pull up my big girl panties and march right back out to the counter. Digs is moving stuff and his muscles are rippling. I turn fast and go into the back. For God’s sake, he’s just fixing the computer. I keep myself busy until he calls me a few minutes later.

  “This is a burner phone. You can take credit cards on it until the Prospect gets here. We’ll get you straight so this doesn’t happen again.” He watches me. I don’t get it. “You’ll have a backup in case the computer fucks up again.”

  “Thank you, that would be great!”

  “You’re fuckin’ cute when you’re excited. You don’t have to thank me yet. I haven’t even looked at the computer.”

  “Oh. I hope you can fix it.” What am I going to do if he can’t fix it? “Can you help me find a new one if this one is broke beyond repair?” He’s a computer guy, he’d know.

  There’s that darn smile again. “Sure, but I can rebuild it so you won’t have to look for a new one. If you’re looking for easier technology, you might want to consider a tablet. I can show you.” He pulls something from his bag and starts talking and moving things so fast.

  “Too fast. Slow down so I can see how you work it.” Everybody does the same thing, they move so fast I don’t get a chance to see how to do it.

  He pulls me over to t
he desk and sits me down, then shows me how to work the tablet.

  * * *


  She sounds busy already. Shit. “Penny, I can’t make it back for our date. I’m stuck in New York until later tonight. I’m not sure when I’ll get back and I wanted to catch you this morning. Can we make it for tomorrow night?” She doesn’t say anything. “I’m really sorry, it’s a work thing. If I could, I would be back earlier, but my last meeting is scheduled for six.”

  “It’s not that, Jake. Can we meet for coffee in the afternoon? I have the Little Sisters on Thursdays.”

  She’s cute. “Sure, what time should I pick you up?”

  “How about I meet you in front of the Bakery? It’s supposed to be a nice day, so we can sit outside. Is four good?” She sounds guarded again.

  I hope her ex isn’t giving her trouble. I need to find out what the hell is up with him. I’ll ask Danny tomorrow. “Four is great. I’ll see you at the Bakery. Thanks for understanding, Penny.”

  “You’re welcome. Bye, Jake.” She rushes off.

  I must have caught her at a bad time. I pick up my flight bag and jog to the chopper. Cloud and Kevin are already doing preflight. “You catch her?” Cloud asks.

  “Yeah. We’re on for coffee tomorrow. She has Little Sisters at night.”

  “Yeah, her and Tess are doing a service project for the younger girls. Joey is helping them out,” he says, distracted. I sit and listen to them go back and forth. Kevin is actually flying us down, he got his license a couple of years ago and always flies when he’s onboard. Cloud doesn’t seem to mind.

  New York is fuckin’ crazy. Meetings get changed and we don’t get back until one in the morning. The last meeting was in a bar. What a place to meet. The government owns a million fuckin’ buildings and we meet in a bar at nine-thirty at night. Kevin has a sheet of paper. We waited forever so he could get one sheet of paper.

  I know the other information will come in another way, but it all seems so pointless. Cloak and dagger is ridiculously old-fashioned in this day and age. I shower and flop in bed. There is no way I’m making muffins for tomorrow is my last thought.

  * * *

  On the ride over I think about what Knight said. She must be a nervous wreck. She hasn’t dated in years and her ex was abusive enough that she’s still covered in Officer protection. I’m at the Bakery early, so I get a coffee and sit outside. Penny was right. It’s a nice day. I see her come around the building but keep my head still and pointed at my phone. She goes in the Bakery, then sits on the other side of me before I look up. Let Digs think she just stopped when she saw me.

  “Hi, Penny,” I say, looking up.

  She’s shaking. Shit. “Hi.” I smile, trying to ease her nervousness. She doesn’t say anything else.

  “I was just at Security, I heard Digs say he was taking you out.” She looks away, so I keep going. “It’s been a long time since you’ve had a date, hasn’t it?” She nods but doesn’t look at me. “Not everyone makes the cut, Penny. If we don’t work ,that’s okay. This is yours to decide. No matter what, it’s always yours to decide. Can you look at me?” I don’t want to put my hand on her to turn her to face me.

  She turns slowly. “I’m sorry, Jake. I don’t know how to do this. I never expected Digs or that weird feeling.” She looks miserable. Shit.

  “I get it. Is that why you wanted coffee?”

  “Yes. I didn’t want to go on another date and I had to tell you, but then I got scared.”

  I smile at her. She’s honest when it’s important. “I’m glad you did. It wouldn’t have been fair to me or Digs. It sounds like you feel something for him, so you should see where that goes. I need to get back to the office. You take care, Penny.” I stand and pitch my cup into the trash barrel.

  She looks unsure. “Thank you, Jake. You’re not mad?”

  “No, Penny. It is what it is. You need to do what is right for you. I’ll see you at the next party.”

  I walk to my bike, leaving her at the table so Digs won’t think too much of that. “Jake!” I look back at her. She’s smiling. “You’re a nice guy for a Badass Biker.” I laugh. She said Badass. She never swears. Waving, I start my bike and drive away. As soon as I turn the corner I lose the smile. I’m a nice guy, again. Shit.

  Chapter One


  I watch her walk into the Bakery and still can’t believe she’s going out with me. Rich told me to take her to the Seafood Shack. It’s not formal but it’s not McDonald’s either. I’m still wondering what the fuck I’m supposed to do after that. I follow her on surveillance in the Bakery then back out. What the fuck is she doing sitting with Jake? I look up at the boards. Nothing is happening, so I focus back to my monitor. Jake stands up and sinks his cup in the trash bin ten feet away. Fuckin’ show-off. He walks away and Penny calls out to him, making me wish we had sound out there. He says something back, smiling at her. She smiles and I’m fuckin’ pissed. What the fuck is going on?

  “She’s telling him she can’t go out with him because she’s seeing you. Relax, Brother,” Rich says from behind me.

  I look at him to see if he’s pissed about me watching her. “You know this?”

  He smiles. “Yeah, I do.”

  Fuckin’ guy is always smiling. “Okay.” He sees too much already, so I close the feed down and get back to work.

  “You run from the minute you walk in until it’s quitting time every fuckin’ day. You can take a minute to watch your girl without thinking you’ll get shit for it.”

  “She’s not my girl and I’m done,” I tell him, hoping he’ll drop it.

  He laughs. “She will be and I think this is just the beginning, not the end, Brother. It’s always a fuckin’ war when the Officers take an old lady.”

  “What the fuck? I haven’t even gone on the first date with her. You’re jumping the gun here, Brother. I don’t know what to do on a fuckin’ date. She may not want a second.” I’ve been on three fuckin’ dates in my life. They were all before the Club and not one ended up as a second date.

  “Call Patches, he’ll get you a list. Follow what he says. The fuckin’ guy knows what he’s talking about. He helped Bob with Amanda and he keeps Tess happy with us. Do that now. We have a meeting in half an hour.” He turns and walks over to Sticks’ console.

  Fuck, I pull my phone and call Patches. He doesn’t laugh and says he’ll send the list right over. Now I can focus back on work. My job has been tracking and following the flesh traders. They’re getting smart and moving around quicker than we can track them. I spend time tracking then, sending IP addresses to the Club Kids, then grab the pages from the printer so I can make it to the meeting with the updates for the last couple of days. I run in, handing out pages, then I sit, taking a breath in and letting it out slow.

  VP comes in, not looking happy. Shit. I think about what’s been going on and relax. I shouldn’t even be on his radar.

  He looks right at me. “Safe today.” He turns and looks at Rich, not saying anything, but Rich smiles and nods. This used to freak me right the fuck out, but now I just wait for what’s next.

  Little Ben and Darren come in, followed by Bob, Tiny, and Geek. Once they’re seated, Rich sits and VP starts. “Got trouble comin’. Need everyone focused on Joey and the women. What you’re workin’ on goes to Club Kids for trainin’. Baxters doin’ same thin’.” He looks at Rich, nods, and walks out.

  Rich smiles and stands. “I guess that’s the new plan.” We all chuckle. He looks at Darren and signs, “Darren, I need you to keep the Club Kids working on the trafficking ring. Make sure little Ben knows where you are with that at all times. It’s back-burnered here, but we’ll schedule what we can for one day a week. I need to know what day that would be so I can get Tiny’s Brothers and HS on that schedule.”

  “Thursday is the highest action day we have lately, meaning over the last month and a half,” Darren says and signs. Little Ben nods in agreement.

  “Tiny, little B
en, get the Brothers and Security on a Thursday schedule for that. I’ll get HS paired with your Brothers and the PD and Baxters up to date with the changes.” He types it out on his phone, then looks at Bob. “We need extra Security on with the women. Add HS on them in the yard, their regular Security in the backyard is fine. I’m adding HS to the backyard Security starting today. Little Ben, get with me after the meeting and I’ll give you the changes.”

  Little Ben smiles and slides a tablet down to Rich. “Thought you might say that. Taylor made me a form for your changes. Seeing as they happen all the fuckin’ time, it will be easier to keep up with you.” We all laugh, including Rich. He nods to Geek and sits down.

  Geek stands while he puts the changes on the tablet. “Digs, you’ll be working with me when you’re not on an OPs. I dropped some files on your desktop. Do what you do best and get me all you can on these pussy politicians.”

  “Fuck, I hate politicians.”

  “We all do, fuckin’ slimy bastards. You’re digging until I know what the fuck they’re eating for breakfast.” He sits back down and I throw him chin.

  We wait for Rich to finish typing. He slides the tablet back to little Ben. “Fuckin’ smartass, but it’s a good form.” He stands up again. “Who is ready to move into Security IT?”

  Little Ben looks at Darren. He signs back, ‘You just took Brantley and Taylor. Leaves me with Ricky at second, Victor, José, Billy, Diego, and Niko.’

  Little Ben looks at Rich. “After that I have just little ones, they’re not ready for the consequences of the job. You looking for good or to borrow?”

  “For good. I have one leaving HS IT at the end of the month. He’s moving up north. Hammer has a job for him and it puts him closer to his wife’s family. The father had a stroke last month and needs help,” Rich tells him.


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