MC: Brighton

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MC: Brighton Page 11

by L. Ann Marie

  His head whips around and he smiles huge. “Did you say Badass?” I feel my face heat. Darn it all, he had to notice that? “My girl just used a bad word?” He laughs, coming closer to me. “I want to bury my dick balls deep and pound into you until you say it again. Fuckin’ spunky.” He’s moving slow but still toward me.

  Oh dear. I step back. “Shouldn’t we wait until the men leave?”

  He smiles. “Don’t really give a fuck if they’re here or not.”

  “Umm, I do. I don’t want me while they are here.” Jiminy! I feel my face burning and know I must be as red as an apple.

  “I think you want me as much as I want you, but you’ll have to be on top. You’ll have to control how fast or slow we go.” Oh my gosh! I want to be on top. I liked that. “Tell me you don’t give a fuck if the men are here. I’ll lock the door and sit you on my dick right now.” He’s right in front of me and I feel the heat from his body.

  “I don’t care if they’re here,” I say softly.

  “You don’t give a fuck if they’re here?”

  It is so hot in here I’m having trouble breathing. I shake my head no. He pulls me to the room and let’s go of my hand while he locks the door. When he comes back to me I’m still having trouble breathing. He unbuttons my shirt and let’s it fall. “You take what you need and stop when you need to. This is about you and your need. Yeah?”

  “What about you?” My voice cracks. Fiddlesticks!

  “I got a hand and this awesome fuckin’ shower that can fix my need. Right now is Penny’s need.” He flicks my nipple and I moan. “Yeah?” I nod because I just know the next sound out of my mouth will be a squeak. He’s on his knees, taking my shoes off. I hold his shoulder to get my pants off. By the time he’s standing I’m ready to have an orgasm. Holy Moses! He brings me to the other side of the bed. There’s a lounge chair here, but he doesn’t put me on it. He stands in front of it and drops his pants. I pull his shirt off and he bends so I don’t have to stretch.

  * * *


  I’m not going to make it. Three fuckin’ days with her almost bare assed and I’m ready to lose it because she’s breathing heavy. I’ve done more push-ups in the hospital than two full weeks of training. Shit! She pulls at my shirt and I help her get it off. There is no way I’m going to let her feel pain right now, so I think of the best way to do this. My brain is throwing out everything but this seat, so I grab the condom I dropped on it and roll it on. She’s got her hands on my chest, killing me while I’m covering. I sit and move her to sit on me. “On your knees, babe.” She moves and I help her, holding her at her hips. She reaches down and I see her wince. “No, I got it.” She relaxes. “Nothing that hurts. You move only where you can.”

  “Please.” She’s ready. Holy shit, she’s ready.

  I hold my dick and guide her on. She slides down some then lifts up, moaning the whole time. “Hold my shoulders ,baby.” She does and keeps her rhythm. “That’s it, pretty Penny, take what you want.”

  “Please, Digs.” She’s taking almost all of me. I don’t know what she’s wanting.

  I move my hands to her ass and help her. “Please what, babe?” She arches her back and hisses. “No! Tell me what you need. I’ll do the work.” I roll my hips up into her and she yells.

  “More, with your mouth. Please,” she begs.

  Not a problem. I put my mouth on her nipple and flip the stud. I’ve wanted to do this every fuckin’ day. I’m a sadistical bastard, but she’s looking happy about that right now, so I keep going and take her sensitive nipple in my mouth, getting her yelling my name. “Is this where you want my mouth?”

  “Yes! Please, Digs.” Her hand goes to my hair. She’s holding on to it and it sends a jolt to my balls. Fuck, I’m not going to last.

  “Say it, babe. Say it and I’ll put my mouth right back on your nipple.” Fuck, what the hell am I thinking? I move a hand to her clit and roll it every time she hits down. “One more time, babe. You want my mouth on that nipple, say it one more time for me.”

  “Please!” She’s starting to shake. I’m going with her. I feel my balls draw up. Every time her pussy clenches it’s rolling my studs.

  “Tell me again, babe.” I flick her nipple with my tongue.

  “Badass!” she yells. I suck her nipple, flicking my tongue over it and she screams. Holy fuck!

  I moan and all but swallow her tit as I’m shooting my load and holding her down on me. Her pussy is milking my dick and I’m fuckin’ happy to be right here for the rest of my life. Shit! Where the hell did that come from? I move my mouth to her neck then ear. “Love you, babe.”

  She puts her head on my shoulder. “Love you too, Digs.” She sounds tired. I look down and her eyes are closed, but she’s keeping her body off mine. Shit. I didn’t think about after.

  “I need your help to move you, babe, then I can clean you up.” She moans. Damn, I didn’t think. “Can you kneel up for me?” She does, pushing against my chest, hissing again. Fuck. I pull out and slide my arm under her, turning her so her good side is leaning on me. I don’t waste time getting her on the bed. She turns to her side, moaning. I kiss her head. “I’m just going to get a towel to clean you up.” She makes a noise sounding like yeah. I get her then the clothes cleaned up and cover her to her waist with the sheet. She’s sound asleep, so I flip the switch on the baby monitor Danny told me about and head downstairs.

  The work crew is still at it, so I go into the computer room and flip this monitor on. I leave the iPod in the drawer so I don’t miss hearing her if she gets up or has a nightmare. I’m hoping for a dreamless sleep. She hasn’t been bothered too much during the day, but her nights are rough.

  Chapter Nine

  Two days later...


  “Pen, what do you want to do about the appointment with the scar doctor?” She’s behind me at her computer, mumbling something at it. It’s not easy working with her. I want to laugh every two minutes. Her fiddlesticks and darn it all happen a lot more frequently when she’s on the computer.

  She spins around to see me. “Do you want me to go?”

  Like I’m going to answer that. “This isn’t a me thing, this is you, babe. If you want the scars removed I need to confirm the appointment. If you don’t, I need to cancel. What do you want to do?”

  “Fiddlesticks! You’re not helping.” She’s pissed and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Just once I’d like to hear you say fuck.”

  She sucks in a breath as if I offended her. “I’ve never said that.”

  “I can dream.” I smile at her, but she’s not smiling. “You want to go or not?”

  She takes a minute. “The kids made the worst of it go away already and Amanda said she can camouflage the rest with flowers.” She looks down. “Would you rather them be gone?”

  “Look at me, Pen.” I wait until she does. “I loved you with the scars. They’re not as red or deep as they were before. I don’t give a fuck if they stay or go. This isn’t about me, this is about how you feel about them. Does it hurt you to see them every day?” She shakes her head no. “Do you want to have more surgery, leave it alone or sit for Amanda’s gun?” She’s watching me but not answering. “I would love to see ink on your body but that’s another you decision.”

  “I like the idea of flowers and it can’t hurt as much as the acid.” She says it like a question, waiting for me to agree. I’m not saying a fuckin’ word. Her shoulders slump and she looks down again. ”I want the tattoo,” she says softly.

  I’m relieved, but I’m not telling her that. “What was that?”

  She looks at me pissed and I’m clenching my jaw. “I. Want. The. Tattoo!”

  “That’s what I thought you said. I’ll cancel the appointment and get you in with Amanda.” I spin around and smile. She’s had enough surgery to last a fuckin’ lifetime. At the hospital she told the nurse about the reconstructive surgery for her “private parts” and I wanted to kill him
all over. He poured that shit on her pussy, causing her to have to go through grafts and having everyone and their brother looking at her. Knowing how she is, I’m proud of how determined and brave that was. My girl is a fighter.

  I cancel the doctor and schedule an appointment with Amanda. She wants me to get a picture to her so she can plan it out using the scars as a natural color. I get a measuring tape and have Penny take her top off. Standing her by the desk, I set the tape so it’s starting from the top of the scars. When I put the camera up to my eye she turns.

  “Wait! I can’t be showing my lady parts all over!”

  I’m doubled over laughing. “Lady parts?” That’s a new one. When I straighten I see she’s not amused. “Babe, lady parts? You’ve called them breasts before. That’s better than lady parts.”

  “You talk like a man! I’m not a man. I don’t say things like you do!”

  She’s pissed. I hide my smile. “Breasts are still better than lady parts. That sounds like a fuckin’ dish.”

  “It’s better than tits!” she yells, then covers her mouth with her hand. I’m too stunned to speak. She said tits. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.”

  “The fuck you are! You know the words, now you can use them. That ranks right up there with Badass.” She looks mortified. “No going back from that one, babe, from now on it’s tits.”

  “No, I didn’t mean it. I was angry. I’m sorry.”

  I move closer and put her hands on her nipples with her elbows out so she’s not covering her torso, then step back. “Not letting you take it back. Move the hand at your sensitive tit so I can see the underside.” I’m smiling and know it’s pissing her off. “Perfect.” I hold the tape sideways and snap two more pictures.

  When I put the camera down she relaxes and I bend to take her bar in my mouth, then flip it. She steps back. I straighten and look at her. She’s still pissed. What the hell?

  “I don’t want you to touch my tits.” She spins around and grabs her shirt, then stomps by me. She’s shaking as she goes. I’m not sure if she’s pissed or scared.

  “Babe!” She stops and puts her head down. Her whole body is shaking. Shit! “Being pissed at me is okay. I pushed you to it because I’m a bastard like that. When I put my mouth on your tits is up to you, I gotta tell you hearing it come out of your mouth is a fuckin’ turn on. So you walking away is your right and justified, but I don’t think you want to walk into the construction crew with no shirt on.” Her shoulders are shaking. Shit, she’s crying? “Pen.” I step closer and she raises her head with the biggest smile.

  “Because it’s me, I would have walked straight into a worker.” She cracks up and I hug her because she’s fuckin cute.

  I help her get her shirt on. “Now you can go be mad at me. I’ll make you a special dinner because I was a dick then I’ll fuck you until you scream Badass and tits for me.”

  She smiles up at me. “Okay.”

  I sit laughing and log into surveillance. The CK have quite a few tags running. I get lost in tracking and logging info. This gets them more time to do whatever else they’re working on. When the last is tagged with the info I jump into OPs and start digging on the politicians Geek left me. I only have two left and get one almost halfway done. I have a week, so I’m not worried about the deadline, but two of these pussies have some of the same shady characters putting money into their treasure chests, or as the public knows it, campaign funds. One fuckin’ guy took his girlfriend to Paris and charged her new wardrobe to his campaign. I have no idea how he’s still in office.

  I check the time and close out of the programs, then pull out of the satellite. I love the satellite. It keeps what we do hidden and only a select few have access. I get the information but can’t talk about it, so no one knows I’m clued in. Geek says it will keep me safe and I’m all for that, so I keep my mouth shut. I smile, remembering washing windows and mirrors for days when I was Prospecting. Pres told me I should take a good look at myself and decide if I’m becoming the man I want to be. I never needed another lesson like that. By the time I finished the glass in all the buildings I knew what kind of man I wanted to be and exactly how I was going to get there. I work and train to be that man every day. We do some shit jobs, but it’s always for the right reasons and I can be proud of that.

  Thinking of being proud, I remember I need to get my girl fed. She stood up to me when I was being a dick, she deserves something special. I get to the kitchen and see the chicken I pulled out. I decide on chicken parmesan and start prepping everything when the doorbell rings. Danny follows me back to the kitchen and washes his hands to help.

  “You didn’t come to cook, so what’s up?” I ask as I’m cutting tomatoes.

  He starts slicing the chicken breasts in nice even sections. He can do every fuckin’ job in the MC, but I’m always surprised by how well he does them. “We have some trouble coming and HS will be spread pretty thin. You know how OPs work, your reactions are good and you’re a crack shot. If you were needed to run with HS, would you do it?”

  Fuck! “If I’m needed, I won’t say no, but I’m more valuable behind a computer than a gun. Why would HS need me?”

  He looks at me with that damn eye. “You’re good. You surprised the fuck out of everyone not only keeping up with me but the dead eye shot with only a second to assess.” That felt good. I throw chin, letting him know I’m listening as I bread the chicken. “We’ve got kids coming up that can work the boards but aren’t equipped to run with OPs. Jessie, little Ben, and Darren can run with HS, but they handle the kids and training more effectively than the Brothers do. VP, Bob, and Rich are running with HS when they’re needed, but lately they’re needed every fuckin’ day and it takes them away from their real jobs.”

  “Yeah. I’ve noticed they’re putting in more hours than usual. I’ve never done Ops, though. Isn’t there someone in Security that is more capable than me?”

  He doesn’t say anything, so I look from my chicken to him. “I wouldn’t be here if there was. Look, I know where you’re comfortable, but right now we need help in HS. You’ve got all the training that everyone else does, you know how everything works, and you can ride. Driscoll and Colby couldn’t keep up, but you stuck to my side the whole time. My partner always keeps my right and you did that. If Bob, Rich or VP aren’t available I need a partner that I have confidence in. That’s you. I didn’t expect it, but there it is. Jessie’s got it from Christian we’re coming into trouble. I need a partner and you need to get comfortable with the job before that hits.”

  I start frying up the fillets and watch him get the vegetables going for the sauce. He needs a partner and he chose me. I’m fuckin stunned that he would, honored to be considered, and scared shit that he’ll shoot my toes off if I screw up. “Have any of your partners ever fucked up?”

  He adds the tomatoes in, then looks at me. “No, I work with the best of the best.”

  I think about that. VP, Rich, and Bob. Fuck, I’m no match for any of them. I put the chicken in a lasagna pan and sprinkle it with parmesan. “I’m not even close to any of them on their worst days. I rode alongside you, spending the whole time just trying to keep up. If I fuck up you’ll shoot my feet. I like my toes right where they are.”

  He smiles. “I will never shoot your feet, Digs. I’ve never shot a partner.” I stir the sauce, breaking up the tomatoes, thinking at least my feet will be safe from Danny. “Where’s the bread?” I point to the cabinet. He pulls out a knife and cuts a chunk off, then sprinkles cheese on it. I just watch as he makes a sandwich with a piece of the chicken and spoons the almost ready sauce on it. “I missed dinner,” he says, walking toward the door. “You need to get Geek the files you have open and be at the firing range at eight tomorrow. You work my schedule this week. Rich will text it to you in.” He looks at his watch. “Seven minutes. Pres says he’ll talk to Jess tomorrow about your raise and Tess is coming to help Penny. The women will work out a schedule for her. Have a good night.” He walks out the d
oor, taking a bite out of the sandwich.

  “All right, I’ll take the job,” I say to the door. They had it all worked out before he got here. Fuckin’ Brothers are probably betting on it.

  “What job?”

  I turn and see Penny coming down the stairs. She’s carrying her iPad, which is unusual to see. She seems to hate technology. “HS needs help. Danny just left.”

  “Don’t you already work for them?” Shit.

  I need to tell her, but she’s already pissed at me. “Yeah, but this isn’t on the computer, it’s working as Danny’s partner.” I watch that play out on her face.

  “So you would be like Rich and Bob? They’re his partner, right? When he’s not building things, I mean.” By her facial expressions she’s clearly confused.

  I walk back to the kitchen to check on the sauce. “Yeah, he’s the Building Super, but he works HS one or two days a week when things are quiet. When shit’s going down he works HS or whatever other job he’s needed at. Mostly it’s HS.”

  She follows me and leans on the counter, watching as I drop some sauce on each piece of chicken. “Doesn’t he build houses too? How does he work everywhere, but I always see him with the kids and Kate?”

  “He used to build houses, now he just draws them up. He’s an architect, but he only takes certain jobs. He specializes in upscale green buildings and he only works jobs for HS, so it’s not full-time unless things are bad. He works his schedule around the kids’ activities so he’s with them a lot.” I sprinkle cheese, then pop it in the oven.

  “What job will you be his partner for?”

  I want to laugh, but it’s a legitimate question since he’s every fuckin’ where. “HS, actual High Security detail. I’ll work jobs like Danny, so it would be less hours than what I put in now. I can still do IT here if they need help but when times are rough I’ll be working more out of Security and it’s still an on call position like I have now.”


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