Tropical Tryst: 25 All New and Exclusive Sexy Reads

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Tropical Tryst: 25 All New and Exclusive Sexy Reads Page 87

by Nicole Morgan

  He withdrew his arm, pulled out his phone, and tapped a speed dial number. Quinn mouthed, “Frank’s voice mail.”

  After a few seconds, he said into the phone, “Hey, buddy, I’m looking forward to you getting here. But you need to know, I plan to continue seeing Dee. Can’t wait for you to meet her. We’ll come back to the hotel as soon as the copter tour ends.”

  She watched him close the phone. “You made up your mind awfully fast.”

  “Military training.” He slid his arm back over her shoulder and tugged her close. “No matter what,” he whispered in her ear, “you and I are going to be together tonight.”

  Her blood warmed with desire. She desperately wanted to have sex with Quinn. Tonight. Her nerves took a sickening dive. But at what cost? She pictured Frank cooling his heels in one of the bars downstairs. Or worse, in his and Quinn’s suite just down the hall. Would she be responsible for driving a wedge between Quinn and his close friend?

  * * *

  THE INTERIOR of the helicopter was surprisingly noisy. Even wearing the expensive looking ear-phone head-sets. DeAnna forgot the racket the minute they were airborne. The first time the pilot dipped and then banked the craft, her stomach lurched. She gave Quinn’s hand a painful squeeze.

  But once she got used to the sensation, she uncurled her hand to release him. Quinn shook his head, smiled, and re-laced their fingers.

  Nose pressed to the window, she marveled at the bird’s eye view of the island. “Breathtaking.” When Hawaii’s Grand Canyon appeared below, the colorful Waimea Canyon, she pointed and craned her neck to see it all.

  The other passengers, a young couple, seemed more interested in the rugged cliffs along the Na Pali coast. They asked the pilot lots of questions about accessing the small crescent shaped beaches.

  They had to be honeymooners. The pilot happily made another, lower pass.

  As soon as they landed, Quinn checked his messages. To give him privacy, and fearing he might try to call DeAnna, she waited for him beside the extra-long golf cart.

  Striding toward her, his handsome face was carved in a deep frown. Her hands curled into fists at her side. Uh oh. What could she do to help?

  Claiming the cart’s back seat again, he whispered, “Don’t you start worrying too! There’s no word yet from Frank.”

  “Maybe you should wait for him in your room?”

  Quinn checked his watch. “He should be here by now. I’ll check at the desk, see if he left a message. Then go to the room. I might as well change now for the luau.”

  “Why don’t you see if our butler can get another ticket for Frank?”

  His frown deepened. “Not until I know he’s on-island.”

  The resort’s limo-golf-cart pulled beneath the tall latticed portico covering the entrance to Fragrant Garden. Quinn jumped out and offered his hand to her. When she stepped on the pavement, he pulled her close.

  “How’s your lei holding up?’ he asked. “Could you wear it tonight?”

  She gave him a warm kiss, then tilting her head, she considered. Flower leis had notoriously short shelf-lives, but she’d carefully placed the one he’d given her in the suite’s mini fridge. To her, it didn’t matter how brown the edges were, she’d wear it tonight. For Quinn.

  “It’s holding up like a champ,” she said. “I’ve planned my ensemble for tonight around your flowers.”

  He kissed her again and sliding an arm around her waist, they walked together to the front desk.

  “Aloha. One message for you, Mr. Quinn,” the clerk said. “And two for Ms. Smith.”

  They moved away from the counter to open the discreet envelopes and read the notes.

  Holding her breath, Dee unfolded her first message. It was from Mr. Martin’s assistant.

  “Ms. Drake, Mr. Martin directed you to purchase several articles of clothing from the resort shops. To help you fit in. As of today, we have confirmed the spa bill but no clothing charges.”

  A wave of guilt swept through her. Then, scolding herself, DeAnna cleared her mind, and was tempted to laugh. An assistant was admonishing her for not spending corporate money on personal clothing? She could—

  “Yes!” Quinn blurted out. Several guests stared at him, and he muttered, “Sorry. Good news.”

  He moved to her side, peered over her shoulder. “Did you get a good message, too?”

  “Pretty good.” She slid the note back into its envelope. Tore open the second one. From Mr. Martin, it read:

  “Ms. Smith, Great information, terrific suggestions, you’re doing a marvelous job. Keep up the good work. M.”

  She read it out aloud and turned to hug Quinn. “Now. Tell me your news.”

  “Frank missed his flight. He won’t be here ‘til morning. Tonight’s going to be all about us.”

  “I need to make a slight detour before I go upstairs to get ready for the luau.” When Quinn started to speak, she added, “You go on up. Let’s meet in my room at 6:30.”

  No need to say anything about the contents of the assistant’s note. In just a few minutes, she’d charge a spectacular, expensive dress. She knew exactly which one she wanted. Who could miss it? It was prominently featured on the center manikin of the Hawaiian Couture Boutique’s lobby display. Bonus? The purchase would show up almost immediately on the hotel bill.

  As soon as Quinn stepped into the elevator, she hurried to the Boutique. Stopping just inside the door, she stood near the front display.

  The approaching saleswoman was carefully dressed, without a hint of the flowered fabric used throughout the rest of the resort, and was perfectly groomed. The only clue she was part of the staff was her discreet nametag that read: Lalani. “May I help you?”

  DeAnna smiled in return. “I’m Dee Smith, in the Hyacinth suite. Does the white silk dress in the window run true to size?”

  “Yes, Ms. Smith, it certainly does. It’s an original from a Honolulu designer. May I bring a size ten to you in the dressing room?”

  “No need. I’ll take the ten in a hanging bag. Oh, and please remove the tags. I’m wearing it to the luau tonight.”

  “Excellent choice, Ms. Smith. May I suggest adding the Plisse stole?” She indicated the designer silk wrap with lace border draped over the dress manikin’s arms. It was exquisite. A Valentino that was more expensive than the dress itself.

  DeAnna fingered the lace. “Lovely. However, to my eye, the stole is a bit too formal for this dress.” She shot the clerk a confiding look. “Plus the fact, there’s no way can I afford to get both the dress and this wrap. Could you show me something along the lines of a Pashmina with a coordinating blue in it?” The blue hand-painted design on her new white dress shouldn’t be hard to match or coordinate.

  Despite the drastic drop in her potential commission, Lalani beamed and said, “Certainly.” She hurried across the store, and returned with a perfect match.

  “Great choice, Lalani,” DeAnna said. “I already have the shoes and bag.”

  “Would you like to look at a necklace or a decorative comb to wear in your hair?”

  “More terrific suggestions. However, I’ll be wearing my flower lei so that’s all I need.” She followed the woman to a small desk at one side of the boutique.

  “You’ve been very helpful.” DeAnna leaned forward slightly and asked, “Did you decorated the front window?”

  The woman’s voice dropped to nearly a whisper. “Yes. Well, sort of. Our corporate buyer decides which fashions and accessories to feature. Then I do my best to—er, arrange them.”

  DeAnna matched the confidential tone. “I understand completely. I fell in love with this dress thanks in part to your stunning window decoration.” Corporate should consider allowing this jewel of an employee to make her own decorating decisions.

  “Thank you for saying so, Ms. Smith. Should I ring for a—“

  “No, I’ll take both bags with me.”

  “Mahalo and enjoy your evening.”

  In the suite, she finished her prepar
ations by pinning the front of her hair up, away from her face, curling the back, and applying a little extra make-up.

  In the living room, she decided to splurge on a bottle of wine—to pay for it separately, on her personal card—and made her selection from the honor bar.

  Hearing a tap on the door, she slipped the lei over her head, and hurried to let Quinn in.

  He took one step inside and froze. Stared at her. “You’re so damn beautiful.”

  She did some staring herself. He was gorgeous in dark tailored pants and a silk vintage Hawaiian shirt. The man looked like he’d stepped off a GQ cover, Tropical Edition. Her knees wobbled and her mouth watered.

  Kicking the door closed, Quinn spun her around and used his rock-hard body to pin her to the wall.

  God, he even smelled great—bay rum and coconuts. The last thing she saw was his eyes darken with need, then he crushed his mouth to hers, the kiss fierce, demanding. Responding instantly, her blood pressure spiked. She curled her arms around his neck, and hung on. Quinn’s tongue plunged into her mouth and made demands of its own.

  His hands roamed up from her waist to pause just at the outside curve of her breasts.

  A firm knock on the door reverberated through her. The kiss broke. Still clinging to him, she struggled to bring the world back into focus. Their foreheads touched while they both gasped for air.

  “Ms. Smith?” A female voice said from the hallway. “It’s your butler.”

  DeAnna pushed against Quinn and he stepped back. When she had enough room, she opened the door.

  “Pardon the interruption,” the butler said, balancing a large silver tray. “I have a delivery for Major Quinn but he’s not—”

  “Excuse me?” Quinn moved to stand beside her. He seemed startled. Because the woman used his rank?

  “Major. I missed you at your suite. Hoped to catch you here. I know you’re scheduled for the luau tonight.”

  The butler dipped her head to indicate the tray with its large wine bottle nestled in an ice bucket, two crystal flutes, and a generous scattering of flowers.

  “The Fragrant Garden’s VIP Champagne service compliments of Major F. Whitney, Jr.”

  Frank? DeAnna darted a look at Quinn, who was helping the butler steady the heavy tray.

  “From Frank,” he whispered confirmation. Addressing the smiling butler, he gave her one of his charming grins and a quick shrug. “Ms. Smith and I are about to leave for the luau. Could you keep the wine on ice for us?”

  “My pleasure.” She retook possession of the tray. “You both enjoy the celebration.”

  The stroll to the luau led them through yet another garden. This one joined the resort property to a different section of sandy beach reserved for the traditional luau. They were greeted by the sound a man blowing a huge conch shell. Several willowy women dressed in sarongs and with flowers in their long dark hair, presented each arrival with a shell lei.

  “Aloha malihinis, welcome newcomers. Are you two honeymooners?”

  “No,” DeAnna answered quickly. She was well aware of the State’s popularity as a honeymoon destination. It translated into profitable business. Why this event was such a favorite those tourists in particular?

  After inspecting the Imu, the underground oven where the pig and other meats were roasted, they sat at a long communal table near the stage.

  Whispering to Quinn, she said, “I’m getting a tropical drink in one of those tall commemorative glasses. If you’d rather order a beer, I‘ll be happy to share my umbrella and all the garnish.”

  His laugh sent shivers of delight down her spine. “It’s a deal,” he said. “Mahalo.” He kissed her soundly. Under the table, Quinn’s hand rested on her leg. Until the food service began. Course after course arrived and much of it could be eaten by hand.

  Finishing off his serving of Imu-cooked Kalua Pig, Quinn cleaned his hands. “I have to say, this whole deal is pretty romantic. Remember the name of the place Meg Ryan talked about, in the movie, IQ? Something about pools and bubbles kissing your skin.”

  A question lots of resort guests asked her. “That is in Hawaii,” she said, “the Seven Sacred Pools. Not on Kauai. The sacred pools are on the road to Hana on Maui.”

  “So… not this trip?”

  “Fraid not. Want to try a bite of my Huli Huli Chicken?”

  “Sure, you can distract me with food.” She tore off a bite-sized hunk and fed it to him. Holding on to her wrist, he licked her fingers. “You’re delicious, too.”

  “I’d love to take credit, but I’m sure it’s the tropical guava sauce.”

  He drew her finger in his mouth and sucked.

  A hot shaft of desire pierced her.

  When Quinn released her finger, his hazel-green eyes gleamed with heat. “I’m sure it’s you.”


  Q uinn had to admit, he wasn’t giving the entertainment portion of the luau much of a chance. He’d enjoyed the food, drank two cold beers—they were no help cooling him down—and now, all he could think about was getting Dee back to the suite. And naked.

  He was just about to suggest they make a break for it, when Dee’s hand squeezed his. Quinn gave himself a mental shake. Reconsidered. Everything here tonight: the balmy breezes, the sound of the nearby surf, the dark, star-studded sky, provided a classic formula for romance.

  He’d told himself, and Dee, he was willing to wait. Do whatever it took to make their first time together memorable. Why let his impatience guide him now?

  Glancing at Dee, he read the rapt expression on her face. Tracking her line of sight, he refocused on the stage. Dee seemed to enjoy the couples having a good time, and at the same time, she was working.

  When the MC had called for all the newlyweds in the audience to join him in the spotlight, twelve couples responded. Now he was asking each bride and groom where they hailed from, how they’d met, and when they’d tied the knot.

  Quinn gave Dee another sidelong glance. Even in the flickering lantern and tiki-torch-light, he could almost see the wheels turning. He checked out the other couples at their table. Everyone appeared engrossed, and or amused.

  Finally, the MC summoned the colorfully dressed dancers to give the couples hula lessons. Under the table, Quinn stroked Dee’s knee. Her hand covered his, squeezed again.

  “I knew it had to be something like this,” she whispered under her breath.

  “Getting lots of good ideas?” He mouthed into her ear.

  She whipped her head around, gave his mouth a quick, hard kiss. “I knew you’d understand.” And returned to watching the stage.

  After the newlyweds had thoroughly massacred the traditionally graceful dance, the entire cast crowded the stage for a rendition of the Hawaiian Wedding Song. That brought down the house. All around him applause filled the air along with shouts of “Aloha” and “Congratulations” from a wildly enthusiastic audience.

  “Right,” Dee murmured. “I’ve seen enough.”

  “Sure? I don’t mind if there’s something else you—”

  “No, the rest is the same as our luau. Ready?”


  Half-rising from her seat, she signaled good-bye to their table-neighbors. In a half-crouch, she hurried toward the exit. He followed hot on her heels. When they reached the quiet of the garden outside, Quinn straightened and stretched his back.

  With a touch to her elbow, he asked, “You’re certain you got everything you needed?”

  “Absolutely. Thanks. I especially wanted to see why this luau gets such rave reviews, especially from honeymooners. Now I know. Plus, I’ve come up with a few ideas to expand the whole concept.”

  “That’s great news.”

  She stopped, turned, and with one fluid step toward him, she was in his arms. Her tantalizing kiss succeeded in emptying his brain and stealing his breath.

  Dee whispered, “Edmund Quinn, I’m excited about spending the night with you. Thank you for not rushing me. For giving me a chance to evaluate the luau
. Let’s go drink Frank’s expensive champagne and celebrate.”

  “Don’t you want to write your report while it’s fresh in your mind?” He sucked in a deep breath.

  “I sure I can remember the details. How about you?”

  “I’ll admit, I might be a little keyed up.” He laughed. “And a lot turned on. I’d much rather ravish you.”

  This time the kiss was slow and sensual, an experience that left him wanting more. Abruptly, Dee moved her mouth to the side and shoved against his chest. Grabbing his hand, she treated him to a devilish grin. “Race you back to the room?”

  Laughing, Quinn gripped her hand and started them toward the main building at a brisk pace.

  For most of the ride upstairs, the elevator was crowded with happy, chattering people. When the lift slid open on the VIP level, the butler was nowhere in sight.

  “Your place,” he announced as they started down the hall. Crowding her from behind, he nibbled on her neck as she swiped the key card and opened the door.

  Inserting the Do Not Disturb card on the outside lock, he remembered to slide the chain, and firmly shut the world out.

  Would you like a drink of our champagne?”

  “Not now. Not for me, unless you…?” Shaking her head, she looked young and vulnerable. Ignoring his own inclination to rip her dress off, instead, he took her hand and sat her beside him on the sofa.

  “Dee, you’re so beautiful it hurts. I want you—more than I can put into words. But, you need to know, nothing’s going to happen unless you want it to.”

  Damn, what was he saying? It sounded honorable and he meant every word, but hell, was he trying to sabotage himself? Dee affected him, his dick, his brain, maybe even his heart, like no other woman. He’d better say it all. “I’m surprised how quickly you’ve become important to me. We can take it slower. It’ll kill me but we can wait a while longer.”


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