The Blackstone Heir

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The Blackstone Heir Page 11

by Dani Wade

  “Yes, sir,” she said with as much cheek as she dared, then headed inside.

  Contrary to her concerns about being treated as an inferior, the two women in the store were more than helpful, taking it upon themselves to find her the perfect dress for the ball. Both had heard about the event, so they knew exactly what she needed. After a couple of tries, KC found something that had her grinning like a buffoon at herself in the mirror. “Oh, yes, this is it.”

  “I agree,” one of the salesladies said from behind her.

  The black dress was anything but ordinary. A flesh-colored silky layer was overlaid with a transparent black lace appliquéd with black roses, showcasing glimpses of the flesh tones underneath. The bodice had a deceptive plunging neckline that cupped her abundant curves and provided support at the same time, the décolletage formed by the uneven edges of rose petals and vines entwined throughout the intricate layer of lace. The neckline was echoed in the low scoop in the back, and the hem fell to the fullest part of her calf. Here again the material’s uneven edge gave the dress a uniquely strong, sexy look that KC found flatteringly feminine. Jake would love it as much as she.

  Twenty minutes later, she had shoes, stockings and a small clutch to match, along with a filmy shawl to protect against the cooler evening air. The saleswoman added everything up and stowed the dress in a garment bag before Jacob was led into the store. Without a single question, he handed over a credit card, his cooperation earning matching smiles from his audience.

  “You’re gonna love it,” the saleslady assured him.

  Reaching around KC’s waist and pulling her snug against his side, Jacob placed a light kiss on her neck, just below her ear where he knew she was sensitive and the touch would bring on chills. While she was still recovering, he said, “I’d love anything on her.”

  “Yeah,” she joked, unsettled by this public display of affection. “He even loves my T-shirts covered in baby spit.”

  “Men love anything that highlights your, well, cleavage,” the redhead said with a wink.

  KC’s heart melted when Jacob blushed. Yeah, she knew exactly how he felt about her boobs.

  The brunette grinned at them before adding, “Nah, accepting you no matter what you look like is a sign of true love.”

  As they walked away, KC wondered with a touch of panic how right she was.


  Jacob’s breath stuttered to a stop as KC breached the doorway from the bedroom. She hadn’t been kidding when she’d said her dress would be well worth the anticipation.

  Boy, had he anticipated.

  The saleswoman’s comments had kick-started his libido, making him wish for X-ray vision to see through the garment bag. Then, from the dress shop, they’d gone to a nearby lingerie store for the proper undergarments, which consisted of a smooth satin corset and matching panties. Was she trying to kill him? Then they had a late lunch; all throughout, KC’s sexy persona was turned up high.

  Just when he thought he couldn’t take any more, he found himself pacing the suite and ignoring his work while she had her nails done in the hotel salon. It hadn’t been how he’d pictured their first day in Philly, but his body and mind slipped into overdrive as he soaked in her beauty.

  If anything could capture his dual vision of KC as both angel and sex goddess, this dress was it: black flowery lace and flesh-colored fabric gave the illusion of lingerie, yet she was technically covered from chest to midcalf. Of course, knowing what she had on underneath tipped the scales in a dangerous direction. But the steamy look in her eyes—now turned a deep green—warned him that was part of her plan.

  Her inner and outer beauty stole his breath. The intensity of his need sparked a touch of fear, but he quickly brushed it away.

  He was tempted to persuade her to stay in—skip the reason they were here and give him a chance to peel her out of that dress and the lingerie he knew was hidden underneath. But one look at the tentative excitement on her face shut down his desires without a word.

  I’m good enough for sex but not allowed into any other part of your life. Back in Black Hills, he couldn’t openly acknowledge his relationship with her and Carter without endangering them. But here, he could take her out in public with pride.

  He was ashamed that she had believed he viewed her only as a sex object. He would never demean her like that again.

  “You are incredible,” he said simply. “I couldn’t be more proud than to have you on my arm tonight.”

  The faint uncertainty in her expression fled, and she glowed under his praise. But soon enough that saucy look returned. “I do believe you’ll be rewarded for your kind words, sir...later.”

  Her husky promise sent him back into overheated territory. He hustled her out of the suite and away from the bed before he proved himself a liar.

  Never had the dichotomy in KC’s personality been more evident to Jacob than in the crowded ballroom, where they were surrounded by men and women Jacob had been doing business with for years. The lights sparkled off tiny jewels embedded in each flower on her dress, and she shone like the star she was as she conversed with an ease that shouldn’t have surprised him. After all, he’d seen her calm the most ruffled of feathers at Lola’s. Here she was an angel, but Jacob could read the latent sensuality in the graceful movement of her body and the continual meeting of their eyes. Hers held a promise. Which turned to surprise when his name was called from the stage.

  “We are happy to honor all the board members for their hard work for a charity that goes above and beyond in caring for children and their families as they receive the medical treatment they need. Jacob Blackstone, our chairman, would you please make the presentation tonight?”

  Jacob cursed in his mind. He should have remembered this part and prepared KC. He’d been more focused on having her here than on the presentation he’d made numerous times.

  After announcing how much money the event had raised for the charity, and giving the usual plea for continued generosity, Jacob returned to KC’s side. Only there was no time to explain as one person after another came up to talk.

  Finally Jacob swept her to the dance floor, taking advantage of a few moments of privacy. Of course, he was fooling himself if he didn’t admit he was eager to hold her close once more, even if he couldn’t take what his body was begging for. Still, his fingers savored the bare skin of her back in the dim lighting.

  KC, with her usual no-nonsense attitude, went straight to the point. “That was a surprise. I guess I should have done a Google search of you before we dated, found out how important you were everywhere, not just in Black Hills...”

  “I’m sorry, KC. I should have made it clearer that I was the chairman when I asked you to come with me. I just wasn’t thinking—”

  “About more than getting into my pants?”

  He choked back a laugh but couldn’t help the big grin that split across his face. “Guilty.”

  It was a much more rewarding subject of conversation, in his opinion. “Have I told you how beautiful you are tonight?” And every night?

  He savored her upturned face, that gorgeous hair swept to the top of her head, giving him a view of the vulnerable parts of her neck where he knew a simple kiss would have shivers running along her body. They moved in time to a classic slow dance, their bodies barely brushing against each other.

  Good thing. Jacob didn’t want to embarrass himself.

  “This is incredible,” KC said, her wide-eyed gaze taking in the crystal chandeliers suspended from the ceiling and the glittering decor that sparkled in the strategically dim light. “Way better than the Under the Sea theme from my senior prom.”

  They shared a grin.

  “Yeah, the committee goes out of its way to create a very special night. We have a wonderful coordinator, and she makes it well worth the amount the donors give.”

  “You’ve made a big jump from executive with all the perks to running the mill. Are you really ready to leave all this behind?”

  He looked around the room, seeing so many people he knew, so much from the life he’d built away from Blackstone Manor. “My family, brothers, Carter—” You. “Sometimes life is where you’re needed. Besides, I won’t be giving it up completely.”

  He felt her stiffen beneath his fingers. “What do you mean?” she asked, her voice calm despite her body’s message.

  “I’ve enjoyed working with this children’s charity for a good many years. While I won’t be located in the city, I will be visiting regularly and remain on the board to help keep it viable.” He smiled down at her. “I think we’ll have plenty of opportunities for glamour, because I’d sure hate to never see you in this dress again.”

  Her husky laugh tingled along his nerves. “You are such a man,” she said.

  He couldn’t resist this time. His hips pressed briefly against her before he returned to a polite distance. “Yes, ma’am, I certainly am.”

  She tightened her grip as if she would pull him back to her, but she, too, continued the proper dance moves. The decorum of their public display only emphasized to him exactly what was lurking beneath the surface. Fire and need that burned so much hotter for their restraint. He struggled to concentrate.

  “I’ve thought of establishing some kind of foundation in Black Hills,” he said, his shaky control letting his private thoughts free. “I simply haven’t found a cause that’s spoken to me quite yet.”

  “It should be one you feel passionate about,” she said, licking her lips in such a way that he knew she was talking about something else, something far more private.

  “I know,” he said, struggling to rein in his control. Since he couldn’t have her body, he let his mind wander and kept talking. “Here, a job is a job. In Black Hills, my job is about more—it’s about keeping a community alive and protecting a way of life. Not as a monument to my grandfather but to something—” Jacob wasn’t sure how to articulate the emotions swirling through him.

  “What?” KC asked, her voice husky, her eyes searching for the truth.

  He couldn’t help giving it to her. “Something that means more than a dollar amount, something my son—” he swallowed hard “—and you can be proud of.”

  He felt her hands clutch against him once more, but she didn’t speak for a moment. “Having a kid changes a lot about your perspective, doesn’t it?”

  “Uncomfortably so,” Jacob admitted with a quiet laugh, grateful for a break in the emotional tension building between them. “But all these charity events have taught me one thing,” he added, pulling her just a touch closer so his body took control of the dance in an elemental way.

  “What’s that?”

  “I dance a heck of a lot better than I did in high school.” And he swirled her around the floor, expertly leading her around other couples to end with a flourish as the music crescendoed. He tipped her back, savoring the slide of her hips against his as he pulled her gently up into his arms. This time he didn’t hold back. Despite the crowded room, he let his lips find hers and do the rest of the talking.

  * * *

  “Let’s leave,” KC murmured against his lips. Her body couldn’t seem to break the contact. “I’ve waited long enough.”

  Even in the dim light KC could see the yes that leaped to Jacob’s face, though he managed to maintain a strained outer decorum. He immediately ushered her across the crowded room toward the exit. Laughter bubbled up at his quick pace, but she wasn’t about to argue. The door was just in sight when a man stepped into their path.

  He stuck out his hand with a grin, completely unaware of his unwelcome intrusion. “Jacob, wonderful event. I hope there will be many more, despite you leaving us...”

  To anyone else, Jacob’s switch to consummate gentleman would have appeared seamless. Only KC noticed the tightness of his stance and the tick of the muscle in his cheek as he introduced Robert and his wife, Vanessa. The Williamsons had been to many of these events with Jacob, since Robert also served on the board of the charity.

  As they chatted around her, KC almost felt bad about knowingly pushing Jacob past his limits today in an attempt to make her point. But she had a feeling the wait would be worth it. She shivered, drawing Jacob’s arm around her bare shoulders as he spoke. Today had been a day outside of her normal experience with men, or even with Jacob. Funny, serious, sexy, emotional. If this kept up, she’d be treading some dangerous waters.

  The men chatted about some project they had worked on together, giving KC a clue that this could take a few minutes. So she turned to Vanessa. “How are you tonight?” she asked politely.

  Vanessa’s smile was slightly off-kilter, just a little too wide to be completely natural. “Oh, just fine,” she said with a heavy Southern drawl. “Where are you from?”

  KC relaxed a little. “I’m from Black Hills, South Carolina.”

  “So Jacob finally got him a down-home girl. Guess that’s what’s keeping him entertained in the back of beyond.”

  KC raised her brows, a little taken aback, even though the woman’s tone hadn’t been ugly. She was even more surprised as Vanessa looped her arm through hers. “Let’s have a little chat and a drink. I could most definitely use another.”

  Of coffee. KC had dealt with enough drinkers to know that Vanessa was a couple of drinks away from having to be carried home. Or embarrassing herself and her husband.

  They settled at the bar, and Vanessa ordered a martini. “Sparkling water with lemon for me,” KC said.

  Vanessa didn’t seem to notice. They chatted about the party for a moment—the gorgeous decorations, delicious desserts and cool little band—before Vanessa asked, “So what do you do?”

  It seemed that KC didn’t have the appearance of a woman of leisure. “I’m a bartender.”

  Vanessa looked at her with surprise, and then their bartender set their drinks in front of them. Without missing a beat, KC switched the glasses, setting the water firmly in front of Vanessa.

  “Hey, that’s mine,” she said with a frown.

  “You don’t really need it, do you?”

  Vanessa stiffened. “I’m not drunk.”

  As all tipsy people insisted... “I didn’t say you were,” KC said, adopting the reasonable tone she knew would work with someone of Vanessa’s personality. “But do you really want to end the night puking on those fabulous Jimmy Choo shoes?”

  Vanessa blinked at her for a moment, then her eyes watered. She quickly glanced down at her shoes. “You have a point.”

  Good. Vanessa seemed nice, straightforward and interested in her as a person, not just as Jacob’s date. KC would hate to see her move into obnoxious territory. Besides, her people radar made her wonder if there was something else going on here.

  Vanessa tipped her water glass at KC before taking a long drink. Then she gave a half smile. “Well, I’m betting you’re a good bartender,” she conceded. “Is that how you met Jacob? In the bar?”

  “Nope. I met him on a plane. I’m not the best flyer.”

  “That’s a shame,” Vanessa said.

  Confused, KC asked, “Why?”

  “Because being in a bar would mean Jacob was having some fun. He needs to have a good time every once in a while. He’s so serious, as if he has something to prove all the time.”

  “Yes. He does seem that way...” Except in bed. Then his only goal was how many times he could make her explode.

  As if she was echoing KC’s thoughts, Vanessa leaned closer and asked, “Is he that focused in bed? Bet he would view each woman as a challenge to be solved.”

  Um... “I hope that’s the alcohol talking.”

  “Nope,” Vanessa said with a saucy grin, the alcoholic haze starting to
fade from her movements. “I’m just too curious for my own good—especially about hunks all hidden under the perfect business suit.”

  KC had dealt with a lot of unexpected conversations, but this one truly caught her off guard. At least Vanessa was still curious, which meant she didn’t know for sure. Still, KC wasn’t comfortable engaging in traditional girl talk with a stranger. Not that she was ready to talk about Jake at all in that capacity—it was too new, too intimate, too complicated...

  “Not gonna say? I don’t blame you,” Vanessa conceded. She shook her empty glass at the bartender for a refill. “I’m happy for him. Although having him move permanently because he’s finally found something to take his mind off work will deplete the eye candy around Philadelphia.”

  KC just raised her brows. Vanessa had obviously said what she wanted; maybe that was just the alcohol. But at least she was up-front and friendly about it.

  And she wasn’t done. “You’re lucky,” Vanessa said with a frown into her now-full glass of lemon water. “My husband has hardly looked at me all night.”

  Ah, now this situation was making more sense. KC jumped in headfirst, since Vanessa seemed the type to appreciate straight talk. “Have you made him look at you instead of wasting your time drinking?”

  Vanessa stilled for a moment.

  “I know we just met, but you don’t seem like a woman who takes no for an answer,” KC said, spotting the men approaching over Vanessa’s shoulder. “So don’t give him the chance to ignore you. You deserve better.”

  “Everything okay, ladies?” Robert asked as he reached his wife’s side. He studied her glass for a moment.

  “We’re good,” Vanessa said, winking in KC’s direction. “But I’m in serious need of a dance with my husband.”

  Robert nodded, but his attention had already been snagged by a passing suit. “Yes, dear, I just need to see—”

  “No, Robert,” Vanessa interrupted as she regained her feet. Not a wobble in sight, despite her four-inch heels. “You can talk after. This sexy getup shouldn’t go to waste.” She paused, giving her husband a chance to look for himself—and he did.


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