Chapter Two
After Ann went up to her room, Shelly sat in stunned silence for what seemed like an eternity. She considered her daughter's reaction to the yearbook. There were no tears of humiliation, no apparent hurt feelings, just simple rage. And boy was there a lot of rage. Shelly shivered just thinking about it. The house, normally quiet anyway, seemed like a tomb now, so deep was the unnatural silence of the afternoon.
Shelly shivered again without warning. She wondered if something had just walked across her grave. That had been an explanation for an unexplained shiver when she was a child. Then, realizing the afternoon was growing late Shelly quickly rose from her chair and started toward the kitchen to get supper ready. She thought about just once doing something daring - like order a pizza and bread sticks, maybe even cheesy breadsticks. But of course she didn't do that. Her husband would not like it.
Shelly's was a good cook, but it really was a thankless job. No matter what she prepared, she never got a compliment unless Mal was home on vacation. However, if the meal was not to Ann or Fredrick's liking, Shelly knew she would be scolded roundly. Tonight would not be any different. She knew basically whatever she prepared, no one would really be hungry. The three of them would only pick at the meal, and discuss Ann's situation. But it would only add additional stress to the situation if something nice was not on the table. There must be something on the table so Ann and Fredrick could turn up their noses. Shelly quickly threw together an "oven meal". That was a quick meal, where everything went into the oven to bake. This time it was fish, potatoes, and eventually hot rolls. Fresh Salad mix was in the refrigerator, as well as 5 kinds of salad dressing designed to suit whatever mood her husband's appetite and taste buds might require. She would use ice cream for dessert if anyone asked. That done, Shelly sat at the table sipping herb tea and wondering how soon the end of the world was coming. If it were coming any time soon, Shelly wished it would come before supper. But, the clock kept ticking, and eventually, it was 5:20 and Fredrick walked through the door.
Ann met him at the door and quickly filled him in on the details. Fredrick really surprised both Shelly and Ann with his immediate response. He simply said, "Well, let's eat while I think this over."
Ann also surprised Shelly by agreeing that was the thing to do. Ann even joked that being so angry had made her quite hungry.
Nervously, Shelly sat with Fredrick and Ann at the dining room table.
"You know Shelly," Fredrick began, "I usually leave everything to you where the children are concerned. But this seems pretty much out of your league. You would probably come up with some stupid idea to just forget about it and let it blow over." Shelly cringed inwardly because that was exactly what she was thinking. In her opinion that was by far the best idea, but she didn’t dare voice an opinion.
With that statement made Fredrick paused to add a little salt to the fish on his plate. Ann looked at her mother as if to say, "See I told you so. Dad knows how you are too."
Fredrick ate slowly and thoughtfully. Finally he began to speak.
"Isn't it nice that I am a man of influence?’ he remarked smugly. ‘You know I have favors owed to me by just about every business in town. As an accountant, I know the business of just about every business in town as well. And, you know, getting on the school board wasn't really something I wanted to do, but I thought it would a good way to gain more name recognition. Now I am certainly glad I did that.
We need a long term strategy here Ann. Your mother really isn't good at this. She is sort of like those silly Psalm singers on old movies. You know, turn the other cheek and things like that. So, Shelly, I won't ask you to be involved in any of this because you would probably mess up the entire game plan anyway.
Frederick pointedly turned his chair away from Shelly and focused completely on Ann.
‘Now - Ann - Let's start at the top and then go out from there.
The way I see it, the first person is the teacher who was actually in charge of the year book. No matter what a student did, the teacher should have stopped it. We have to see that she is properly chastised for such neglect of her duty. You attend the finest school in the district, maybe the entire state. That teacher should probably get a transfer to whatever is considered the absolute worst school in the area. I don't know what school that would be. Ann honey, can you find that out for me? I can take care of the rest.
Second, this Alice Wilson must be dealt with in a very firm and final way. She can't go off to college scot-free. I suppose the best way to bring miss high and mighty down a peg is a very vicious but believable rumor. I will have to think about that. And of course her boyfriend needs to dump her.
Fredrick stopped speaking momentarily as he drank his tea. "Alice Wilson," he said thoughtfully. An Andrew Wilson is a competitor of mine. His accounting firm is not as prosperous as mine of course. It seems I have heard Andrew has a daughter named Alice."
"That's right dad," Ann said. They only live a few blocks from us. Their house is newer, but not quite as big. Our pool is quite a bit bigger than theirs as well. They are always having parties, too. But she never invites me."
"Yes, well, I can probably at least cause some damage to Mr. Wilson's company. I know a little on some of his clients. All I really have to do is suggest to his other clients that Mr. Wilson works for businesses that have, shall we say, a less than pristine reputation. He is probably living from pay check to pay check like most of the people in this country. Fortunately, I have had the fore site to plan ahead. My business could take a big hit without causing this family's lifestyle to drop"
Shelly resented her husband's smug remark about his planning ahead. He never acknowledged that she had brought to the marriage a very large trust fund, which paid yearly sums which would have allowed them to live a very pleasant life style without one penny of the income he earned. It was her money that had set him up in business. It was her money that paid for the house, it was her money that paid for Malachi's college, and would pay for Ann's college as well. Yet he lived under the delusion that she contributed nothing except an ability to cook and vacuum. "Oh well," Shelly thought. "This was hardly the time to worry about that." Instead she forced her mind to try to grasp the full meaning of what Fredrick had so matter of factly suggested as a way to deal with Ann's yearbook crises. She was certain he had said they would destroy the journalism teacher in charge of the yearbook; that Ann should start a terrible rumor about Alice Wilson; and that Fredrick himself would start rumors that would at least give Andrew Wilson a big financial set back. Shelly considered throwing up right at the table. Instead she said weakly, "Ice cream anyone?"
At Shelley's words, Fredrick and Ann looked at each other, and then burst out laughing.
"Don't pay her any mind Ann," Fredrick said. "Your mother just isn't able to grasp anything beyond the kitchen and the house. Oh by the way, we better get you an immediate makeover, and I will see about upgrading that car of yours as well. Your mom will take you shopping for a new wardrobe, but if she can't help you get your wardrobe right, I will get my secretary to go with you. She does know how to dress. Actually, I will have her set up a few appointments with the right people to give you the makeover too. You have good bone structure. I’m sure you can be made up to stand out in any crowd.
Shelly, listening to her husband's cruel words, felt the strangest sensation growing inside her heart and her head and her stomach. The sensation was one of relief. Blessed relief, pure and simple. Shelly didn't know what had just happened, but something had changed. Something was over. But one thing she did know, from this day forward, her trust fund was once again hers. And she would order pizza for supper anytime she wanted to from now on. No telling what else she might do either.
"I think I will go for a walk and leave you two to finish your conversation," Shelly said firmly. Shelly got a sweater and walked out the door. She was goin
g to see what was going on in the neighborhood. Maybe she would find a smiling face.
Mal was convinced something was going on at home. So he decided to make a surprise visit for the weekend. He really hated to go because he liked seeing Belle on the weekend. Mal decided to give her a call on her cell phone and see if they might be able to have dinner tonight on short notice. He knew women didn't like to have dates made on short notice, but they had been seeing each other long enough he hoped it would not bother to be asked out at the last minute.
Belle was agreeable to dinner, but suggested they just meet at a restaurant instead of Mal coming by to pick her up. She chose a place located between his apartment and her home. It was typical of a place Belle would choose, medium price range. That was her idea of choice. She didn't really care what they served as long as it wasn't too expensive. Mal made a note to explain to her that she could order most anything she wanted on a menu when they were together. He could afford it.
Mal arrived at the restaurant 15 minutes early. Belle, not one to be fashionably late, was 5 minutes early. It was a nice arrangement. Mal showed respect to Belle by being there waiting on her. Belle showed respect to Mal by not keeping him waiting too long. Soon they were seated at a corner booth looking at a menu.
They order a pitcher of tea and appetizer to begin with. It was pretty amazing that you could order cheesy fries with real bacon bits at almost any restaurant of any price range.
Watching Belle munch on the fries Mal was struck again by how much he just liked to watch her. He tried several times to say something, but his throat didn't seem to work well tonight for some reason. It didn't seem to really matter that Mal wasn't able to speak. Belle was able to carry the conversation all by herself.
"You know Mal," she said, "I guess it is about time I told you something about myself that you seem to have missed entirely. I usually don't have to tell people. They usually just pick up on it. But you are a guy, and guys are sometimes a little slow to pick up on something out of their ordinary thought patterns."
Mal heard her speaking, but he really wasn't listening. He was really watching her speak. He liked to just watch her.
"What was that you said Belle?" Mal asked.
"I said I have something to tell you?"
"Huh? Nothing bad I hope," Mal said apprehensively.
"Well, it isn't bad for me. In fact it's wonderful me, and for anyone else who is interested."
"Ok Belle, just spit it out. You have my full attention." Mal tried to put on a brave face, thinking he was going to be dumped. Instead Belle started talking about God.
"Mal, I am what is currently known as a Fundamental Christian. I believe the Bible to be the inspired word of the God of creation. I believe that is the final authority on any subject. It is without error and it the foundation stone for building anything good and lasting, both in this life and the next."
"You do?" said Mal in a voice as calm as possible.
"Yes I do. And if we are going to go any farther with this relationship, you are going to have to believe it as well."
"I have to do what? I can't believe that outdated stuff. It is fine if you want to. I won't try to stop you, but it is just too old fashioned for me."
"I was afraid you might see it like that Mal, but I have news for you. It isn't outdated. It is up to date. The Bible records history BEFORE it happens. That is one of the ways the power and authority behind the Bible are authenticated. If you study it deeply enough you will see that. And not only that, but there are codes within the text that verify certain historical facts. That has really only been discovered with the availability of the computer."
"Ok Belle, lets both take a deep breath and order some food. I think your hypoglycemia must be kicking in. You will feel better after you eat something. We could change the subject and talk about this later. How about that.?"
"Yes, Mal, we can change the subject in just a minute. I have been thinking, and yes praying, about exactly how to approach you with this subject; because it is very important to me that you come to an understanding of the truth. And I believe you will come to know the truth. But before we change the subject, I need to say a couple of things. A thinking person will come to the conclusion that design proves a designer. Well look around you. The world was designed. There may be surface chaos here and there, but the core principles that make everything work were specifically designed. So there has to be a designer. The Bible tells us who that designer is. It says "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth". So we know who the designer is.
Mal interrupted, "Ok for the sake of argument let’s say you are correct, God created everything. But that still doesn't explain why he would care about the individual, or why he would care about a place like earth that is in such a mess."
"Mal, it doesn't matter WHY God cares. What matters is that the He DOES care. The Bible repeatedly tells us that God cares about us. And before you and I can become any closer we have to come to an agreement on that subject. One more thing, and then we can change the subject. I would prefer that you show me enough respect to take my belief in the Bible seriously. I would like you to put some time into study on your own. If you give it an honest chance, you will come to the same conclusions that I have reached."
“Now, do you have a Bible?
“Well no,” Mal answered. ‘”But I went to Bible School one summer for a week. I don’t remember much about it though. They gave me a New Testament and I still have that somewhere.”
“I thought you might need a Bible, so I brought you a study Bible. I also brought a couple of companion books for you as well. Are you willing to give it a chance?”
"Ok Belle, what ever you say. Now let’s order some food."
Angels of Darkness
Cabiri was both livid and elated at the same time. He was livid that Raphael was interfering with the Jones situation by sending more angels of light to assist Malachi and his mother Shelly. He was elated that Ann and Fredrick were following his plan as though they were reading a script from a play.
Choosing Soul Wars Trilogy Book One Page 3