“Are we going to my place?” she said.
Ethan nodded.
“Yes, I’m taking you home,” he said, trying to sound casual.
She shook her head slowly.
“Your place is better. My friend from Long Beach is crashing for a few more days. No privacy,” she said, smiling seductively.
Ethan reached forward and turned the air conditioning up, but stayed silent. Mia shifted in her seat.
“Just take Highland and we can cut back,” she said.
She took her phone out of her clutch purse and scrolled through it. Ethan continued on the freeway and after a few minutes he passed the Highland exit. Mia looked up again.
“You missed the exit,” she said, looking back.
He sighed through pursed lips. This wasn’t going to go well.
“I’m just going to drop you off, Mia. I have an early morning. I left a lot unfinished today and I have to find a way to squeeze today’s work into tomorrow’s schedule. I’m just wiped,” he said, hoping she would accept his decline gracefully.
“I thought we were going to spend the night together,” she said, her hand reaching out to touch him.
She slowly slid her hand up his inner thigh until it rested on his cock. Ethan smiled awkwardly and reached down to remove her hand. He gently placed it back on her lap.
Mia’s annoyance was clear in her stare.
“I was looking forward to getting you home and fucking you senseless,” she slurred. “And in case you’ve forgotten, I’m not wearing panties.”
She shifted in her seat to stroke him again, probably a little more forcefully than she’d intended. He took her hand in his and held it.
She looked upset.
Ethan didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but wasn’t sure how that would be possible. Unless he broke down and gave her what she wanted, she was not going to be happy. He could take her home and fuck her, but then what? Break up with her a few days after? He wasn’t the type of guy that could easily do that. He respected her too much.
He smiled at her. He knew he wouldn’t break up with her tonight, the timing wasn’t right. He needed to buy a little time.
“While your offer is oh so tempting, I’m serious, Mia. I just want to get home and go to bed,” he said. “I’m sorry.”
She pouted and pulled her hand out of his. She sat in silence for several minutes before speaking.
“This is the second time you’ve turned me down, Ethan,” she spat. “You know there are a lot of men who would be thrilled to sleep with me,” she taunted.
Ethan clenched his jaw, refusing to comment. He didn’t want to fight.
She continued.
“I don’t get you,” she goaded. “What’s wrong with you?”
Ethan took her hand in his once more, silently encouraging her to calm herself. This was really the first time he’d ever given her any reason to be upset, and she was not handling the situation well.
“I’m just tired. Let’s not say anything we may regret tomorrow.”
Mia snickered and pulled her hand away, then stared vacantly out the window.
When he finally pulled into her driveway, he turned the radio down low. She picked up her clutch as he went around to the passenger side to open the door for her. She slipped her long legs out of the car, purposefully exposing her pussy to him. She definitely wasn’t wearing panties. Mia smirked, pleased he’d noticed.
“See what you’re missing?” she slurred.
She stuck a finger in her mouth and sucked it, then touched her pussy with it. She leaned back in her seat and put one of her heels on the handle of the open door. She locked eyes with him as she slid the wet finger into her pussy and moaned. Then she brought her finger out and touched his lips with it.
Ethan smiled uncomfortably and offered her his hand to help her out of the car. She rolled her eyes, disgusted with him and herself that her taunt hadn’t worked.
She stood up, straightening her dress, trying to reclaim what dignity she could. Then she launched herself into his arms. He caught his balance and steadied her before they both tumbled into the side of the car.
She giggled.
“I’m sorry, babe. I was acting like a bitch,” she said.
She let out a little burp and giggled again.
“Do you forgive me?” she purred in a little girl voice.
Ethan hated when grown women did that. He nodded, chalking it up to the alcohol.
“Of course. I’m sorry I let you down. Let’s talk in a few days?” he suggested, desperate to get rid of her for the night before she did something she’d really regret.
She nodded and leaned in for a kiss. Ethan accepted it, keeping it short and sweet. She gave him a hug and then staggered up her driveway, swaying side to side. He was impressed that she managed so well considering the four inch stilettos and the tipsy state she was in. He didn’t think he could have done so well.
He waited for her to get inside before getting back into the car and driving away.
When he got home he took a quick shower and slid naked into his bed. He picked up his cell phone and reread Reagan’s most recent text. He stared wistfully at his phone, weighing a decision he’d been contemplating all night.
He started to write.
Milady, Will you see me again?
(Pet)ruchio ;)
He placed his phone on the bedside table and turned out the light.
Reagan read over her text several times before sending it. She’d woken that morning to his request. Initially she was thrilled to hear from Ethan, but her enthusiasm quickly turned to apprehension, her thoughts conflicted.
With a flutter of nerves, she pressed send.
My Pet, nothing would please me more, however I think it’s important we speak first. What is your availability to FaceTime? I’m free to speak anytime before noon today.
Their first session had been incredible, but she’d allowed things to spin out of control and wasn’t sure how to transition back into a professional relationship with him.
Would it even work?
Did she even want that anymore?
Ethan was special. That was the only thing she knew for sure. Before he left, he’d assured her that when they met again, he’d have no expectations. He said he wanted her to be who she was, and yet, he also promised her full control.
What did he mean by that?
Reagan needed to know the answer before she could decide how to move forward. Things would have been so much easier if she had kept up her walls.
She made coffee and a light breakfast and went out to the balcony to enjoy her meal. She’d planned on going to the retirement home that afternoon to visit with the seniors. She tried her best to volunteer there at least once a week.
She loved the residents, who were always so kind to her, and she enjoyed their stories over a game of scrabble or euchre. Most of them had worked in the entertainment industry at one time or another, and their tales were filled with the fascinating history and drama of old Hollywood. Often the stories were so outrageous she wondered if they were even true, but it didn’t really matter. She loved the smiles and laughter that often ensued.
Today she planned to read to Bill. He was losing his sight and reading was a luxury now lost to him. He was a kind man, a retired screenwriter. His wife was gone and his children lived on the other side of the country.
Reagan’s parents had both passed, and Bill was quickly becoming a father figure for her. He adored Jack Reacher books. At the moment, they were reading Die Trying. Reagan had a surprise for him today. She’d bought him several Jack Reacher audio books to enjoy when she was unable to read to him.
She gazed out at the beautiful Hollywood view from her balcony when her phone chirped. It was a reply from Ethan.
Milady, I am heading to the office shortly. Can we chat between meetings? I have twenty
minutes free at eleven. Shall I call you?
smiled, happy he’d responded so quickly. She returned the favor.
That will please me.
She put down the phone and went to her bedroom. She stripped naked and then went into the bathroom to look at herself in the full length mirror.
She found herself getting down on the floor and spreading her legs. She looked through her knees at the reflection in the mirror. Her legs were wide open and she had the exact view of her pussy that a man would have before going down on her.
Was this the view Ethan would have?
Would he like what he saw?
She touched her clit tenderly, and imagined what it would feel like if Ethan’s face was between her legs. What would his tongue feel like as it pressed against the sensitive folds of skin? What pleasure would shoot through her body?
She rubbed her clit with increasing pace, and then, as her pussy got wetter, began to slide a finger inside herself.
She followed it with a second finger and imagined it was Ethan’s erect cock sliding inside her.
It had been so long since she’d felt the thrust of a man’s cock inside her body. So long since she’d felt the pulsing contraction of a man’s orgasm inside her. She wanted to feel Ethan pouring his load inside her. She wanted him to cum so hard inside her that he’d fall in love with her and never let her go. She wanted him to pour so much of himself into her that she’d feel him dripping out of her later in the night, wetting her bedsheets while his arms were still wrapped around her.
She knew she was losing control of her emotions. She was falling for Ethan.
She slid her fingers deep inside, and curled them, toying with her G-spot.
When she climaxed, she silently mouthed Ethan’s name, his face ingrained on her imagination.
After showering, she pulled her wet hair into a ponytail and threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.
She debated whether or not she should dress as Lady Grace, but decided against it. She wanted Ethan to see another side of her. Besides, she wouldn’t have time to change again if she wanted to get to the retirement home by twelve-thirty.
She didn’t need the clothes to be commanding. They just helped.
She finished getting ready by applying a small amount of makeup and made her way into her office. She had time to answer a few emails and confirm a few sessions. She had a client coming that evening, an easy going, submissive fellow who enjoyed sensation play.
This client had actually never seen Reagan, except through the masked images on her website. He would blindfold himself before she even opened the door. She could stay dressed in her jeans and t-shirt and it would make no difference to him.
She was finishing up the last of her correspondences when Ethan’s FaceTime came through. It was precisely eleven. She liked how punctual he was.
He looked a little frazzled when his face lit up her screen, but he still had a sensual smile on his face.
“Good Morning, Milady,” he said.
Reagan couldn’t help but offer him her smile back. She felt her skin flush and internally scolded herself.
Come on Ray, hold it together.
“Good Morning,” she replied softly.
He looked beautiful, his blue button-down shirt complementing his eyes.
“Do I have your permission to speak freely?” he teased.
Reagan laughed.
“I think this situation calls for it,” she said.
He looked up and signaled to someone, having obviously been interrupted.
“Give me ten seconds?” he asked, and proceeded to take some papers that were handed to him.
It appeared as though he was signing some documents. Reagan waited quietly.
“Thanks, close the door behind you,” he ordered to the person on the other side of the monitor.
“Sorry about that,” he said sincerely. “We won’t be interrupted again.”
Reagan nodded and began to talk.
“Thank you for meeting on such short notice,” she said.”I thought it was important that we clear the air.”
Ethan raised his eyebrows.
“Clear the air?” he said.
Reagan smiled, then sighed. She wasn’t sure where to begin.
Ethan ran his fingers through his hair and then smiled gently back at her.
“Do you mind if I begin?” he asked her.
“Go ahead,” she said, curious as to what he had to say.
“I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind,” he admitted. “The whole experience last Sunday was incredible. I loved every minute of it.”
Reagan sat back. Part of her was pleased by his words, but they also made her anxious. Did he think that what had happened the other night was a typical scenario?
That it was routine for her to bend the rules?
Had she built up his expectations?
She pursed her lips and saw his smile fade. He appeared to be reading her face. She tried to make her expression more neutral. She had to be straight with him.
“Ethan,” she said gently, aware that it was the first time she’d said his name out loud to him. The only other times had been while fantasizing about his cock climaxing inside her.
She loved the way his name flowed from her mouth. He must have liked it as well because he smiled on hearing it.
“I need to be honest with you.”
He nodded.
“Of course,” he said, “ I want to know everything you’re thinking.”
She swallowed hard.
“Ethan,” she said again, “I enjoyed myself the other night with you too.”
His eyes lit up and it gave her the confidence to continue.
“I’ve worked very hard to separate my business life from my private life. I’m sure you can imagine why that’s important.”
He nodded.
“I have clear and specific boundaries with all my clients. I don’t display my nudity. I don’t perform sexual acts. I only touch my clients with implements, never my hands, unless I’m spanking them. Even then, it’s very rare. I maintain control at all times. But most importantly, I don’t kiss them.”
She paused and looked deeply into his eyes. He nodded slowly, as if he was processing her words carefully. She continued.
“I’m an erotic woman by nature. I enjoy exploration and I get excited by kink, I really do. I like that kind of play. However, I have never been aroused by a client. When I’m working, it’s methodical and specific. I want my clients to have their needs met, don’t get me wrong. They come to me because they can’t explore their kink anywhere else in their life. That’s important. Most of the men who come to me could never talk to their partners about their fantasies. They pay me for my skill and my discretion. When they are with me they feel safe and accepted. Do you understand?”
Ethan smiled. “Yes, I do,” he said.
Reagan sat forward, wanting her words to be heard.
“Ethan, when I was with you the other night, I mixed business with pleasure. That was the first and only time I have ever done that. I found myself incredibly drawn to you and I acted unprofessionally. I got caught up in the moment and let my guard down. I liked being with you,” she admitted. “I like you.”
Ethan chuckled. “Yeah?” he said smiling.
She nodded slowly.
“Reagan, you lit a fire under me. I’m so into you.”
She let out a sigh and smiled back, but she knew she needed to explain further.
“But here’s my dilemma,” she continued. “I don’t think I can work with you as a Professional Domme. I don’t believe I could be with you and work within the parameters of my business ethics and standards.”
He looked crestfallen and confused.
“In other words, I doubt I could keep my hands off of you,” she grinned. “I’m a Domme. I don’t offer sex to my clients. If that were to happen, it would be deemed prostitution. That is a line I will not cross. I do not trade sex for money.”
Ethan sat back and let out his breath, as if suddenly understand
ing. Reagan paused and waited for his response. Finally he chimed in.
“I see. So are you telling me that you won’t take me as a client?”
Reagan nodded.
“I can’t see you professionally,” she concluded.
Ethan regarded her quietly for a moment and she gave him the time he needed to process what she’d just shared. Finally, he sat forward and looked into her eyes.
“Reagan, would I be over stepping if I asked to see you personally, see where things could go between us?” he asked tentatively. “I mean, I’d totally understand if you didn’t want to, but you’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met. You’re confident and sexy and so uninhibited. I know we haven’t known each other very long, but even so, I feel a connection to you. You’ve given me the courage to explore my own curiosities, and I’m grateful for that, but that isn’t everything. I’ve been curious about you too. When I said I haven’t been able to get you out of mind, it wasn’t just about the session. I’m intrigued by you as a person. I’d really like to know more about you. I like you.”
He smiled tenderly at her, his eyes exploring hers.
He looked vulnerable but still strong. Reagan felt her cheeks flush. She was touched by his words. The thought of exploring a personal relationship with him was so tempting, but at the same time it scared the hell out of her. Was she ready to open her heart again? She wasn’t sure, but she did know she wasn’t ready to say goodbye.
“I’d be open to that,” she admitted. “Of course, I’m still in charge,” she said with a devilish grin.
Ethan returned her smile.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am your humble servant, Milady,” he teased, bowing his head in a gesture of mock servitude.
Reagan shot him a stern look and he laughed.
“Would it surprise you to know that even as you’ve been pouring your heart out to me, I’ve had a raging hard on?” he said with a grin.
Reagan couldn’t stifle her giggle. She loved inappropriate humor and was grateful to him for lightening the mood. She sat up straight and got into character.
“Well, aren’t you naughty,” she said in her stern Lady Grace voice.
Ethan raised his brows in anticipation.
“I’m afraid you’re going to have to be punished.”
Fire & Ice: A Ménage Fantasy Page 79