The Christmas Dragon's Heart

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The Christmas Dragon's Heart Page 4

by Zoe Chant

  “One day, I’m sure you’ll do the same. I’d love to see what sort of castle you’d build.”

  “Would it be a castle?” Claire stopped for a moment to look out of a window. They’d left the balcony behind, climbing a winding staircase and then crossing a long corridor. They could no longer hear the music, and in the distance, the frozen lake rested calm and serene in the moonlight.

  “Perhaps,” she mused. “I like the mountains. It’s where I grew up. I think my castle would have hot springs though, and hidden pools and waterfalls to explore in summer. There would be snow in winter, but people would also come to hike in the summer sun, or to simply enjoy our hot pools and good food. And there’d be lots and lots of activities for children.”

  “It sounds like a good place for—” Raul stopped for a moment, the fire in his eyes burning bright. “A good place for someone like me,” he finished softly.

  Claire’s heart was beating fast. She couldn’t look away from him. His scent surrounded her, that tempting, masculine scent of wood and spice and smoke. She struggled to breathe. Something inside her was aching. For a moment, all she could think about was what that hard, warm body would feel like pressed against her, his strong arms holding her close, holding her safe...

  Then Raul looked away, his eyes turning towards the window once more, and Claire drew in a shuddering breath. Her heart was still pounding. No man had ever caused such a reaction in her.

  What would happen if she threw caution to the wind and just pulled him close again? He’d almost asked for that kiss. He wanted her too. She had to be insane to let a chance like this pass unused...

  She swallowed. “Maybe you should come visit, if I ever get to build my dream hotel. Maybe you should...”

  Her voice died off. His head had turned back from the window to look at her, and this time, his gaze was nearly burning her. There were flames in his eyes. Real flames.

  For a heartbeat, red and yellow fire flickered in them—and then, just as abruptly, they were gone again. But Raul’s eyes were still dark with desire, and when he took a step towards her, she instinctively breathed in deeply, trying to place that delicious, tempting scent.

  Smoke, but something deep and spicy. Like burning sandalwood and cinnamon on a fire of old apple wood. She nearly groaned at the sudden stab of need, a deep, aching pull low in her belly.

  Raul leaned forward a little. He wasn’t touching her, and the absence of it was painful.

  “You know,” he said, his eyes dilated and his voice hoarse, “we’re not even coworkers. I’m just... hanging around for a few weeks as a favor.”

  Claire shivered at the way she could feel his hot breath ghost over her lips as he spoke. All he’d have to do was to lean forward...

  “It’s still not appropriate to kiss one of my employer’s relatives,” she murmured.

  She couldn’t look away from those full, generous lips. No one who looked like Raul had ever wanted to kiss her. She’d have to be insane to resist this...

  “I’m not even really family.” Raul’s voice was low enough that it came out as little more than a soft, sexy growl. “We’re related through our great-grandfathers. Surely a third cousin however-many times removed doesn’t count.”

  “I’m not sure it works like that,” Claire said. Her heart seemed to flip in her chest. Her throat was so tight she couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think anymore. There was just one thought running through her head with terrifying clarity: if you throw away this chance, you don’t deserve any other.

  And after so many years of loneliness and hard work, perhaps she finally deserved an actual, real holiday with a person who cared about her.

  “Oh, to hell with it,” she breathed and then leaned forward without thinking.

  The moment their lips touched was electrifying. A groan escaped Raul, deep and guttural—and then his arms wrapped around her, his muscles strong like steel cords as he pulled her hard against his body.

  His lips were soft and warm. And he was the best kisser she’d ever met. His tongue was hot as it slid against her lips, and a moan escaped her as it slid inside. It felt incredibly intimate, his taste overwhelming her. There was that same delicious hint of spice and distant fire—but mostly, all she could feel was the heat of his body that held her tightly, the strength of his muscles that flexed against her. Despite his overwhelming strength, the kiss was so gentle it made her sigh and melt against him.

  She felt boneless, completely overwhelmed by sensation. If he hadn’t held her up, she wasn’t sure if she’d been able to stand. Her knees were weak, and her stomach was twisting with the need to be even closer to him. She wanted to feel his hot skin against hers, wanted to feel those incredible, strong muscles at work as he positioned himself over her...

  “You're cold,” he murmured worriedly as drew back.

  Claire was breathless, her entire body on fire. She couldn’t even feel the cold with his hot body warming hers. Still, she didn’t protest when he wrapped his arms around her to protectively pull her close.

  “Come back with me.” His voice was rough with the same need that was still making her ache. “Let me warm you.”

  I must be insane, Claire thought. I’ve never felt anything like this...

  Her heart gave another painful beat, something inside her pulling her towards Raul with an irresistible force.

  But I’ve been the responsible one for so long. Just this once, let me have something that’s just for me. Just this one Christmas. One happy Christmas with a man who cares for me...

  Silently, she nodded. Then, when that didn’t feel strong enough, she leaned forward, tilting her head up to brush her lips against Raul’s again.

  There was that same electric tingle, goosebumps covering her entire body at the connection. It was incredible, and it felt so right that she pushed all her worries away.

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  She couldn’t even say how they made it back to Raul’s rooms. All she could think of was the heat of his hand holding hers, and the clenching need deep inside.

  His suite was incredible. She’d been given a stunning room herself, but Raul’s rooms truly looked like they belonged into an ancient castle. The wallpaper was patterned in blue and silver, there was an actual chandelier that gleamed as if it was studded with diamonds, and—most importantly—he had a sumptuous, giant bed.

  She gasped in surprise when Raul effortlessly lifted her, only to set her down on the gorgeous, silver quilt spread across it. A moment later, his lips covered hers once more, and she forgot everything around them.

  Yes, something inside her thought with fierce desire.

  She ran her hands up his strong arms, moaning against his lips as his biceps flexed at her touch. His shoulders were broad, and she clung to them as he gently pressed her down. Her purse had fallen from her hands and dropped to the floor near the bed earlier, and with relief she remembered that there should be an emergency condom in there.

  Not that she’d ever needed it before. She’d always felt a little silly keeping it there—it had been little more than wishful thinking, because Claire, who’d always been the serious, responsible one, would definitely never end up in a situation where a gorgeous, broad-shouldered, incredibly sexy stranger pressed her down into his sumptuous four poster bed.

  Yet here she was. And it wasn’t a dream.

  Raul’s tongue was sliding against her own. He was so hot, kindling flames in her belly that made her arch against him, her panties already soaked.

  “I want you,” he said, drawing back for a moment to look down at her from eyes that shone like there was a fire hidden inside him.

  Breathlessly, she nodded. “Yes. Please. I’ve got—there’s a condom in my purse—”

  “Good,” he said with a little smirk, and then leaned forward again as if to kiss her.

  But instead, teasingly, he moved downward, just when Claire tried to lean into the kiss.

  She could feel the heat of his breath even through the
fabric of her dress as he kept slowly moving down. She moaned as his lips brushed a nipple, her hands clenching around his shoulders to keep him there.

  With a low laugh, he indulged her, teasing her with little kisses through the fabric until she was squirming beneath him, her thighs slick with her need for him. Then he moved further down—and this time he didn’t stop until he was positioned right above the core of her, her clit already pulsing with anticipation.

  He breathed against it through the dress, and a gasp escaped Claire. The stimulation had been enough to send a shiver of pure pleasure through her, her body aching for more.

  And then his hands found the hem of her dress. Slowly, he began moving upwards beneath it, his hands hot on her bare skin as he pushed the dress up over her thighs.

  She moaned as she was uncovered. He didn’t give her even a second to relax before he put his mouth right above her soaked panties, a slow stroke of his tongue caressing her aching clit with so much deliberation that she cried out in surprise when a first wave of incredible pleasure rolled over her.

  She’d never come so quickly before—and it didn’t end. He kept nuzzling at her, now impatiently pushing her panties out of the way to keep licking at the small, sensitive pearl until wave followed wave and she felt like she was drowning in an ocean of ecstasy.

  At last, when she was nearly too exhausted to even move, he released her and reached for her purse.

  Little aftershocks of pleasure were still running through her as he pulled the condom out. He held it between his teeth as he gave her a grin and reached to unbutton his trousers.

  Wide-eyed, Claire stared as his rock-hard arousal was revealed. He was massive—larger than she had ever seen. But even so, all she felt was need for him. She wanted him inside her, all of him, her body clenching with desire at the thought.

  When he'd finished undressing, he moved back over her. He pulled her now wrinkled dress off her, and she couldn't look away from the way his muscles flexed and shifted beneath his skin.

  He'd looked impressive in his expensive suit—but like this, the sight of him was nearly more than she could take. He had the broad, muscled body of a movie star, with a well-defined six pack and pecs to match them.

  His skin was hot when she reached out to touch him. It was like he was burning from the inside—consumed by the same fire that had taken hold of her.

  All she could think of was that gorgeous body on top of her, having him inside her at last, to give him back the same pleasure he'd given her.

  "Ready?" he asked softly, his voice hoarse. He'd ripped open the small package and pulled the condom on, and at her breathless nod, at last he leaned over her, his erection sliding against her folds.

  She was so wet that despite his size, he slid in easily. Still she couldn't help but moan at the sensation, arching her back at the amazing feeling of his hot, hard shaft filling her so completely.

  He lowered his head. His mouth found her breasts, and then, just as he sucked a nipple into his mouth and made her cry out, his hips thrust forward and he was fully inside her.

  She clenched around him in ecstasy, a new wave of pleasure starting to build. She'd never felt so full before. With thrust after thrust, he laid claim to her, filling her and fanning the fire between them to new heights. His tongue rasped against her nipple until she was moaning nearly constantly, his hips moving against her faster and faster as he neared his own climax.

  And then, at last, the building pleasure broke over her in the strongest climax she'd ever experienced. Pleasure as hot as lava rushed through her while she cried out his name. Dimly, she could hear his answering groan. His arousal throbbed inside her as she clenched her thighs around his hips, trying to keep him within her as long as possible.

  Wave after wave filled her, her entire body made of nothing but pleasure.

  And when he slipped out of her at last, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her face against his chest. She had no idea why fate had sent her this incredible man, but if she could only have one single Christmas wish for the rest of her life, she'd wish for him to never, ever leave.

  Chapter Four: Raul

  Raul was humming to himself when he made his way through the castle’s large, endless corridors. Surprised, he stopped for a moment when he realized that he was humming the melody of Winter Wonderland. But after a moment, he shrugged and continued on his way, still humming.

  The corridors were empty, after all. No one needed to know that one of those irritating carols they played here all the time had firmly made a home in his head.

  Neither did they need to know who’d spent the night with him. Fortunately, with his suite in the family tower, it was highly unlikely that anyone had seen them. With Henrik and Dara gone to Europe with their little one, the tower stood empty—even though he was sure that in a few years, the mated pair would fill all the lovingly decorated children’s rooms with more tiny dragonets.

  The thought brought a reluctant smile to his lips. He hadn’t actually thought much about children before. As a dragon who had lost his hoard, mating hadn’t ever really seemed an option. No other dragon would mate someone like him.

  And now fate had sent him a human mate, a woman with delicious curves in all the right places, strong and smart enough to run a large place like this. He couldn’t stop thinking about how she felt like in his arms, how he wanted to woo her and lay riches at her feet and build her the home of her heart’s desire...

  And yet, his family’s hoard was gone. And with it, his dragon’s heart. Without that gem, he couldn’t focus his power. And while he had enough money to buy Claire a beautiful diamond ring and a lovely house, it would never be enough to satisfy his dragon.

  His dragon wanted to shower his mate with their hoard, the precious jewelry and gold that his family had owned for centuries. Even now, so many years later, he knew every single coin and every single jewel that was missing, from the tiny, cracked amethyst his great-grandmother had worn when she was a child to the flawless diamond the size of an egg that had been his mother’s dragon’s heart.

  So many years later, and he could still feel the call of his hoard. In fact, the endless, niggling pain its loss had caused his dragon seemed to have become even stronger.

  Perhaps the presence of his mate had fortified it. Because how could he mate without it? He had nothing to offer Claire. Nothing that truly meant something to his dragon.

  Raul realized that he was no longer humming. It was probably for the best, as he had now made his way to the castle’s ground floor, where the offices were located which, at least for the time being, would be Claire’s headquarter.

  And today, the first item on their schedule was a meeting with the castle’s accountant.

  Raul grimaced. For all that dragons loved gold and riches, he’d never been one of those dragons who’d taken to the new treasures of the twenty-first century. He didn’t care much about stocks and bonds and tax evasion. It all seemed vaguely distasteful to him—he wanted his hoard to shower his mate with gifts, and he cherished the gems and jewelry for their beauty. What good was a portfolio of stocks? He couldn’t very well make love to his mate on a bed of it. Or if he could, she’d think that he was insane, and quite rightly so.

  “I hope I’m not late,” he said when he entered the office and found everyone already gathered.

  His heart immediately gave a jolt when his eyes found Claire. She flushed a little, smiling at him. Next to her sat Mrs. Henderson, and on her other side, a man perhaps in his forties, already balding, wearing a well-cut black suit and a smile that immediately set Raul’s nerves on edge.

  “Not late at all! We were just early,” the man said, his smile widening as he stood. “Welcome. I’m Malcolm Ryder, the castle’s accountant. I usually work from my office in the city, but I was asked to visit for a few days, just in case you have any questions. And with a client as esteemed as the Snow Castle, I was more than happy to comply with that request.”

  Raul forced himself
to smile as he shook the man’s hand. He’d taken an immediate dislike to him—caused perhaps by nothing but the fact that Malcolm had sat way too close to Claire for his liking.

  The sight had made his dragon rear up with jealousy inside him. But even so, Raul disliked the man’s oily smile, and the way his eyes seemed to flick back and forth, as if looking for hidden secrets he could use to his own advantage.

  He wasn’t a shifter, Raul could sense that. But something about Malcolm immediately reminded him of some of the worst dragons he’d known—the ones who didn’t treasure their hoard for the beauty of their gems and the power of the gold that sang to them, but because they delighted in causing chaos and destruction to gather more riches.

  Raul had always seen that as a weakness. After all, his own family had treasured their hoard for the connection to long-lost family members.

  But then, Raul had no hoard and nothing a dragon would call riches, so perhaps he was wrong to judge this human so quickly. And a man with Malcolm’s knowledge would be quite an asset to the Snow Castle.

  “I want to go over some papers and budgets with you, if you can spare me an hour or two today,” Claire said. “I’d just like a general overview of what I’ve got to expect in those next few week. Dara left me an excellent schedule and explanations as to the day-to-day running of the castle, but I like to be prepared.”

  “Of course,” Malcolm said with a smile that seemed genuinely delighted.

  Immediately, the dragon within Raul uncurled with seething jealousy.

  Malcolm didn’t seem to notice his reaction. “I don’t expect any emergencies, and I’m planning to use my time here to go through some of Henrik’s late uncle’s papers. It’s obviously a topic that pains the family, and their vacation will give me a chance to get that dealt with before they return. That means I’ll be at your disposal for at least a week, or maybe longer, if I’m needed here.”

  “I’m sure Claire will do just fine,” Mrs. Henderson said with determination. “Now, today, just familiarize yourself with your new office and our life here. Tomorrow, we’ve got a visit from an architect, for the sunroom at the southern side of the castle. The plans for that have all been finalized with the owners, but he’ll expect you to walk him around the area again, and if there are any additional problems, he knows to contact Henrik and Dara by email, because construction won’t start until spring anyway.”


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