Fate (Drift Series Book 4)

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Fate (Drift Series Book 4) Page 9

by Michael Dean

  It was eerily silent between us for a short few seconds, the sense of yet another obstacle interfering in our relationship; the biggest one to date. Shade snapped us out of our silence by turning into me and placing her hand on my breast.

  “Just you and me now.” She grinned up at me.

  “Yes it is…you and me.” I rested my cheek on her forehead.

  “Tell you what.” She patted me on the arm, saying, “I’m going to go in and feed Fate, then let’s go up to the roof and look at the stars. Maybe we can go on a short flight like we used to do? Haven’t done that in a while…I think that will help to calm our nerves, huh? What do you think?”

  “What do I think? I think that one of the reasons I married you is because you have enough brains for the both of us. That sounds real nice.”

  With a kiss on the cheek and a pat on the other one, Shade went inside to feed our furry friend. I waited outside and when she came back out with a couple towels, I grabbed her and flew up to our rooftop.

  Shade put down the towels for us to lie on, side by side, and we held hands and looked up at the stars. We talked and giggled for a bit; I thought I would let her know a little something about what Argento and Elysia showed me. I still wanted to keep the fact that Elysia was once my earthbound daughter when I was human a secret for now. Not because I wanted to hold anything back from my wife, but more because it was a personal revelation about myself that I still hadn’t fully processed. A time would come, if I was still alive, that I would tell her, but for now, this part of my story was just for me.

  “I have learned something new about myself as of late.” I turned to her as Shade took her gaze from the stars above to look at me.

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah. When I was away while everyone was sick, I was visited by Argento and Elysia.”

  “Okay? What happened?”

  “Well, they showed me, as only angels can, that I once was an American soldier in the Continental Army during the American Revolution.”

  “Wow. That’s a pretty important time period in this part of the world.”

  “I was a ranking officer. My name was Leonard Smithey. I guess that’s why I was named Leo when I became what I am today, by whomever. I was ordered to kill a spy by my superior. Well actually two spies, but one of them wasn’t as such, I’m pretty sure of that.”

  “What did you do?” She turned into me and placed a leg over both mine and rested her head on my chest.

  “I set out to do as I was commanded, but at the moment before I could pull the trigger on the rumored spies, I turned the gun on myself, taking my own life.”

  “Oh my. Why didn’t you kill the spies? If that’s what they were?”

  “Because I couldn’t pull the trigger on two crying woman…or should I say one and a half. The other was about an eight or nine year old little girl.”

  “That is terrible! No wonder you couldn’t go through with it. You superior must have been heartless.”

  “That’s just it. At that time, when I was human, I didn’t know who my superior was.”

  “And who was he?”

  “It was Christian.”

  “Holy crap!” She sat up over me.

  “I know. He was soul collecting. For whatever reason, he was doing it himself. He usually dishes out the orders, never getting his hands too dirty. I guess he saw something in me that he wanted to investigate for himself. I don’t know. When I took my own life, what you see before you now is what the results of my actions were.”

  “That’s terrible. I can’t believe because you chose to spare two lives by taking your own, a noble move if you ask me, you were condemned. Doesn’t seem fair.”

  I snickered a bit, “I said the same thing. But…I guess I must have been guilty of other offenses other than just killing myself.”

  “That’s so sad, hunny. I’m sorry.” She squeezed me.

  “There’s just one more thing to this story.”

  Shade rose up from my body and looked at me in attention.

  “It was Christian who killed Darryl.”

  “What?” She shouted.

  “While I came to rescue you that night, Christian was there too, in hiding. He grabbed Darryl and tossed him over the railing, making it look like Darryl committed suicide.”

  “That jerk! I took so much heat, and still do by some people in this town, for that. I know you remember, but a lot of people thought I had something to do with his fall off that porch that night. Uuugghh, I want you to beat his ass even more now. I…we all went through so much hell for that.”

  “I know it. Not only that, and without my knowledge, Christian was also working on soul collecting Darryl at the same time I was. I’m not sure why he was soiling his hands again, but there must be a reason why he continues to involve himself when it pertains to me. There must be a bigger reason. I just can’t put my finger on it.”

  “I hate that guy…that thing, so much.”

  “I just thought I’d fill you in. You’re my wife, you deserve to know as much about me as I can give you. So what do you think?”

  “Think about what?”

  “Well…me…who I once was?”

  “I think…that you were once a human being that made his share of mistakes, like we all do. I still love you just as much now as I did five minutes ago. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, if there is anyone out there in the spiritual world that deserves a second chance, it is you, Leo. After that story you just told me, my feelings are even more reinforced now.”

  “Thank you for that.” I smiled at her and pulled her to me.

  “Well, what do you say to a short flight out?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  I stood up and grabbed Shade, letting my wings free and gently soared us up into the sky. We weren’t out for very long, but we managed to fly over locations that meant something to the both of us. We cruised over the Gardens of Zeus, Gold Rock River, Millers Hill, and even the spot located on Eagle Peak Mountain where I first started my quest for Diccittidel.

  When we returned, I landed us in front of the house. After I released Shade, I started to walk inside of our home when she grabbed me and pulled me back to her.

  “Baby, can you whip out your wings again and hold me in them like we used to?”

  I couldn’t refuse that and embraced her within my arms and wings. We stood there for quite a few minutes, holding each other in silence before we went back in.

  Shade had some trouble going to sleep, but when she did, I sat up on the end of the bed, admiring her and the stomach that was housing our child, all night. The morning was coming and I grabbed the Demon Dagger in preparation for the oncoming meeting. The time had arrived for War. The final step before encountering Christian had come.



  When the morning came, I waited patiently, not moving an inch from the corner of the bed, for Shade to awaken. When she did, she greeted me with a warm smile.

  “Everything okay, Leo?” She wiped her groggy eyes.

  “Couldn’t be better.” I smiled, “You know it’s time for me to go…right?”

  “Well yeah, you’re going to leave in the daylight though?”

  “Yes. I’ll fly high so as not to be seen by anyone. It’s time to get this thing over with. I don’t want to be on pins and needles throughout the day today too over this.”

  Shade crawled up to me from out of the covers and we held each other.

  “I love you so much, Leo. Now you have to come back, not just for me…but for us.” She rubbed her stomach.

  “I love you, baby. I will carry the thought of you with me, as I always do, for strength.”

  “You mean…the thought of us.” She pointed to her belly.

  “Of course…the thought of the both of you will be with me.” I bent down and kissed her on the belly.

  With that, the two of us got up and walked outside. We kissed passionately and said our goodbyes all over again. When we finish
ed, I soared up into the air slowly, watching her, watching me, every bit of the way as I soared up above the clouds.

  When I couldn’t see her anymore, I turned my attention to Antarctica. I was taking Anne’s advice. This is where I too felt War would be waiting for my arrival. It was a matter of time now before I finally encountered the beast.

  The closer I got to the bottom of the planet, the worse the weather conditions got. When I got to the snow and ice shores of the frozen tundra that was Antarctica, the wind was blowing snow so violently that is was nearly impossible to see. I kept flying all over the area, keeping a vigilant surveillance on anything that moved. I was seeing multiple seals and penguins but no trace of War. Just as I was about to cash in my chips and head north, thinking that my and Anne’s instincts were wrong, I came across one of the most remote and untouched parts of the continent. I descended to get a better view through the battering snow.

  When I got near ground level, I began to recognize something that I was sure I had seen before. There was a dark crack formed within the ice and snow in the ground below. The further I flew along the crevice, the wider it got. It appeared to be very deep as well. I began to wonder if this was the earth-splitting crack I had saw War and the hellhounds crawl out of in my visions.

  The split went on for what felt like miles, then suddenly, I saw a dark spot, standing just to the side of the split. As I drew near it, I could make out that it was a figure, dressed all in black, standing still as a windless night. I flew around in a circle to verify what I was seeing. There was no doubt who the figure was after getting a second look; it was War. Waiting oh-so-patiently for me like he or she had been there the whole time.

  I doubled back around and landed about twenty-five yards away, directly in front of the dark beast. I wasn’t sure right off the bat what to expect, but when we stood there, facing one another in total silence, I knew I’d have to be the first to call out.

  I had never seen War before, besides what little of the being I saw in my visions. War was an intimidating figure, even more so because of its silence. The creature reminded me of one of the Ring Wraiths from the Lord of The Rings stories, without the armor. The sound of the wind howling between us heightened my growing anxiety.

  “War…I am Leo Cutler, the one who has claimed Diccittidel. I’ve come for you. Reveal your identity so we can settle this matter,” I shouted.

  War remained silent and as still as a stone. I waited for a few moments more before growing impatient.

  “I’ve been searching for you…long and hard. I haven’t come all this way to stand here before you in further delay. Show yourself so we can get this thing on.”

  Again, not a move, nor a word of reply.

  “Show yourself!”

  Then, still without a movement, War’s dark, low voice finally responded.

  “Keep your traitorous tongue behind your teeth. I wasn’t released from Hell to serve at your beck and call. When I was ready for you, was when we’d meet…not a second before. I do not answer to a lowly Drift Demon.”

  “Whether or not you answer to me is irrelevant. I am here now, War, and I’ve come to kill you.”

  War’s hooded face began to shake as laughter broke through the howling wind like a knife into butter.

  “I know what it is you possess…the only weapon that can kill me...us. It will not be my death on this day, demon,” War threatened.

  “Once again…I’ve heard that before…but yet, here I stand.” I tossed my arms in the air.

  “There you stand indeed.” War laughed again.

  “Enough with the introductions, War. Reveal your identity so our battle can commence.”

  War laughed, yet again.

  I stood there waiting for a minute, but War refused to show me his true identity. He was toying with me and I knew it.

  “C’mon! I don’t have time for games. I thought you were something to be feared, War. Yet, you delay.”

  Laughing from War commenced again.

  “I delay only to savor the suspense, fantasizing, for just a moment longer, about seeing your face when I show myself.”

  “Then get on with it!” I urged.

  Very slow and deliberate, War started walking towards me, still chuckling low and fierce. I raised my wings in defense, unsure of his motives.

  “We’ve met before, Leo,” the beast stated.

  This caused me to pause, “What are you talking about? I’ve never met you before.”

  “Oh, but I think you have.” War’s voice began to change. The hollow, booming, dark voice began to transform into a milder, human-like tone. I had to admit, the voice was beginning to sound very familiar to me, but I still couldn’t figure out who it belonged to.

  “Who-who are you?” I requested once War was within feet of me.

  “I’ve been waiting for another chance at you, Leo. Now, I have become more powerful than the last time we met…much more powerful.”

  I was perplexed, trying to figure out who War was. By the tone of the voice, I knew War had taken a male form now.

  “Oh, Leo, I have to admit, I’m a little hurt that you still don’t recognize me yet.” He chuckled.

  “Stop messing around…show yourself…now,” I ordered in frustration.

  I watched War raise his arms to his hood.

  “And here I thought we were friends.”

  He sounded sarcastic.

  Very methodically, War pulled down his hood and raised his bowed head. When we met eye-to-eye, I couldn’t believe the form he had taken. It was the last being I ever expected to see again.

  “Now you have nothing to say? Your silence is a little…insulting, Leo, my old buddy.”

  “You were never a friend to me…Darryl Kite.”

  “So hurtful, is that anyway to greet an old friend? Don’t tell me you’re still angry with me over that whore you married? I’ve moved on…well, for the most part.” He grinned maniacally.

  “Today will be the last day you will ever speak her name in vain to me, or to anyone else. You understand me? Besides, you’re not the real Darryl, you’re just his form…War. Your and Christian’s psychological warfare has no effect on me.”

  “Leo, Leo, Leo…that is where you are mistaken. I am Darryl Kite…still. My mind has not been erased. I remember it all. I am Darryl, who is War now…and forever. This will be my permanent form upon the earth once I’m finished with you. Forever free upon the world of men again, to rule, side by side with Christian.”

  “What do you mean…to rule with Christian?”

  “That is none of your concern. You only need worry about the manner in which I am about to kill you.”

  “Then come for me, Darryl, I will wipe you from existence this time. There will be no coming back once I slide the dagger into your body.”

  I readied myself for his oncoming attack. Darryl stood in, ready as well before relaxing for one moment more. As smug as he could be, he pointed out one last thing.

  “There is just one more minor detail I feel I should share my old chum. Once I am finished with you, Christian has granted me with another shot at Shade. This time, there will be no one left to stop me from ravaging her…over…and over…and over again before I take her as my own.” He howled in laughter which enraged me.

  “I will make you suffer before I run you through, Darryl.”

  Darryl continued to laugh as his wings extended from out of his cloak, ripping it apart as it fell to the snow. He was dressed in solid black and his wings were almost double the size of mine. I was a little amused by this sleeveless black shirt he was wearing—perks of being a demon in such frigid conditions.

  Without further ado, I charged him, slamming into his stomach. With a laugh he reached around me and lifted me up off the ground, tossing me over his head a great distance. I recovered in the air before I hit the ground and flew right back at him. I rocketed into his body and drove him into the ice and snow. I struck him a few times before he got a solid grip on me and shot us back
into the air. He was striking me in retaliation as my backside started to hurl back down to the ground below. He was most definitely stronger than the first time we fought.

  Remembering the abilities I'd discovered while fighting Shimmer, right before I hit the ground I turned into shadow, thus causing Darryl to eat a mouthful of snow. I also knew that if I was to use this ability this time, I had to use it sparingly so as not to fade during the fight.

  Wasting no time, I appeared and grabbed Darryl by his ankles and started to spin him around in a complete three-sixty before releasing him. He hit the ground and slid through the top layer of snow, end over end. I went right after him.

  He gathered himself and turned to find me, but I got to him first and punched him square in the face with everything I had. He soared through the air and crashed back into the earth which caused the ground to shake. I leaped into the air, stopped, then shot right to Darryl. I slammed into him and drove him through the snow and ice, pounding on him the entire way. Our momentum finally stopped and we swapped blows in a blind fury. I could actually feel the turbulence from our fight continuing to rattle the environment around us.

  While under the surface, Darryl struck me with a few mighty blows and fluttered his wings while holding onto me. We surfaced and he immediately slammed me into the snow-topped ice again.

  “You are weak, Leo. I can feel how much more power I have over you.”

  He picked me up and kicked me, causing me to fly backwards and land again. While I was recovering and getting back to my feet, I saw Darryl fly up, raising his fist. He slammed it, along with his entire body, back down to the ground, which cause me to fall. The world around us shook violently as the ice between Darryl and I began to roar as it cracked and split. The ground beneath me gave way and I started to fall through it, but being that I have wings, of course, I used them and rose above the splitting area.

  “I can say one thing about you, Darryl, gaining more power sure hasn’t made you smarter.” I called him out on such a stupid move as to think I would fall through his self-made crack.


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