Fate (Drift Series Book 4)

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Fate (Drift Series Book 4) Page 18

by Michael Dean

  “Well…you haven’t been doing a very good job at it.” Christian looked to me, which I in turn looked at Argento.

  “You sit idly by while the humans suffer, all the while pretending to care. You twist things in your favor while pretending it’s in the name of balance, when in the end all you want is power on Earth as well. You’re no different than us…the fallen. The only difference between us and you is that we do not hide our hunger for power behind a curtain of good intent.” Christian chuckled.

  “Your words are poison, a master manipulator to the end,” Argento stated.

  Christian reared back and started laughing, “Me…the master manipulator? The game between us continues, eh, Argento? Was it not you that was responsible for the storm that enabled me to release the very lightning that gave or mutual friend Leo here the victory over Shimmer? You think I’m a fool? Hasn’t it been you and Elysia that have kept Leo, and still do, out of the loop about very pertinent information as it pertains to his quest of Diccittidel? How about that last little detail, you know what I need and desire, why I’m here tonight, but yet, you tell him nothing.” He continued to laugh.

  I took my gaze off Christian and looked at Argento suspiciously.

  “You can try to turn this around on us, make Leo confused, make him weak, but it will not work, beast. To know too much about one's situation can blind him to the small things that must be done in order to achieve the main goal. Leo has received counsel, precisely when he needed it…not a moment before.” Argento looked aggravated.

  “What is he talking about? What is the one thing he needs?” I asked.

  Argento looked to me with serenity, “I promise you, Leo…when the time comes, we will tell you…when the time is right. Trust in us.”

  Christian bellowed out in laughter again, “Trust? That is why you’re still a fool, Leo. You believe that line of bloody babble.”

  “There are some things that we can tell him, some things that he deserves to know…right now.” Elysia turned to me.

  I looked at her with wonder.

  “Your visions…that has been a gift courtesy of us. You need to be aware of your past, present, and future in this struggle. Having the gift of sight has enabled you to be aware of what moves around you…as well as what once was. Knowing who you once were strengthens what you will become.”

  I mashed my lips together and nodded at her in accordance.

  “But there is more,” Argento added.

  I looked to him.

  “Your earthly wife, Isabella…” I spun back around to face Elysia who continued to speak.

  “What about her?”

  “We mentioned before that her soul was with us, in our realm, safe, which it was. But her soul was sent back to Earth again, Leo. She was reincarnated.” Elysia smiled.


  “Closer than you think,” Argento said.

  “Where?” I asked Elysia again, never taking my eyes off her.

  “You’ve always wondered why your attraction to Shade was so strong. Why your feelings for her overtook all of your demon senses. The reason for that is because your souls are linked…you are as one. You and Shade are a rarity. Soul mates. You have been for centuries. There is no bond stronger within the universe. The soul of Isabella dwells within the body of Shade. That too explains why Shade is so devoted to you. You two are inseparable and always will be.” She smiled.

  My stare fell to my feet.

  “Because of Shade, you hold a power greater than any on the earth, in the heavens, and most certainly the underworld. That is why we stand on your side, Leo. That is why we are here now. You and Shade’s undying love is rare and precious. It has transformed the hate and malice within you, to that of compassion and warmth. The power of love has overcome what you are. Your love for her suppresses the demon within you. Although it still remains, it no longer dictates who you are. That is the power of a soul mate.” She placed her hand on my shoulder.

  This was quite the epiphany to me. This revelation left no doubt in my mind why there was always this strong connection between Shade and I.

  “What about you Elysia…you were once our daughter? Will you continue to watch over us…her, no matter what happens to me?” I stared at her.

  She smiled at me with comforting compassion, “I will do better than that…I will soon be reunited with my mother and father.”

  I could feel my eyes widen in shock as I stared at her.

  “I have been permitted to come back to Earth, to live another human life. A great honor. My soul will return…I will be your daughter again. When Shade gives birth to me, the three of us will be reunited.” She smiled warmly.

  Without even thinking, I grabbed her and hugged her tight. I pulled away as the two of us stared at one another; a lone tear fell from her eye.

  “Will you remember anything about all this?” I asked.

  “No…I will not. It doesn’t work like that, Leo. I will not know of our past lives together, of this time right now, nor will I know anything about my life as an angel. It will be up to you and mother, to teach me about life…to teach me about love and honor.” She continued to smile in which I returned the sentiment.

  “Oh, can we please move on with this disgusting display. You see boys, none of them care about your lives.” Christian brought us back to reality by hissing at Sam and Scruffy.

  “You are about to find out how much I care.” I pulled the Demon Dagger out from behind my back and waved my wings up and down.

  Argento and Elysia made ready as well. Their gigantic white wings shot out and I watched both of them pull out a couple weapons of their own. The duo both whipped out a blade that was similar in length to the Demon Dagger. Except the handle of the dagger looked as if it was made of one solid diamond. It was almost see-through. Even with just the dark blood red moonlight shining, the handles shined in a rainbow of colors. At the base, where the blade met the diamond-looking handle, was a set of angelic wings that too appeared to be made of the diamond-like substance. The blade itself, which curved similar to the Demon Dagger, appeared to be made of solid gold. A truly magnificent weapon.

  “And so it begins.” The middle Christian snarled.

  “Last chance, Christian, let the humans go,” Argento ordered.

  “Not today.” He grinned with malice.

  Before I could even react to make a move, I saw Argento and Elysia hurl their blades at the two Throgs that were holding Sam and Scruffy hostage. They hit Christian's doppelgangers with laser like precision, right in between the eyes. The middle Christian screamed in pain momentarily while his doubles exploded into pure light and then shot back into his body. The two angelic blades fell to the ground. In this moment, I guess with his high level of police training, Sam made a break toward us for safety, whereas Scruffy on the other hand, hesitated and hunched over to gasp for breath.

  “Run, Scruff…run!” I screamed at him.

  He’d made a mistake. Christian reached over and put him in a strangle hold again. I went to charge at him but was held up by Elysia.

  “Leo…wait…he’ll kill him.” She proclaimed.

  I stopped in my tracks.

  “Christian…free him. Let’s settle this.” I tried to reason with him, a foolish notion on my part but I had to try something.

  “Not going to happen, traitor,” Christian emphasized as I watched him reach down to pick of one of the angelic weapons while Scruffy struggled in his grasp.

  Just as he was about to touch it, he yelped in pain and rose back up.

  “You should know you can’t touch our holy weapons beast of the deep,” Argento said as he and Elysia extended their arms and the two weapons raised off the ground and soared back to their hands magically.

  “No matter, I’ll just do this the old fashion way.” Christian made deep eye contact with me.

  I knew what he meant by that, “Christian…don’t.” I extended my hand in request for mercy for Scruffy.

  “This is on you, Leo�
��say goodbye to your friend.” His glare continued to pierce me.

  “Leo…” Scruffy stared at me in horror.

  Then, as if in slow motion, I watched as Christian pulled Scruffy’s neck around in a direction it wasn’t meant to be turned. I heard the bones in his neck shatter like the snapping of a twig. Christian released him and his limp body fell to the ground like a sack of rocks. I lunged at my brother, kneeling to catch him before he hit the ground.

  I was holding him at the feet of Christian, who looked down upon us without an ounce of remorse.

  “You’re pathetic,” Christian stated as I turned my head up to look at him.

  “Until we meet again…for the final time.” He half smirked as he thrashed his wings out and shot into the air.

  I felt my fury rise within me, there would be no next time. I’m going after him right now.



  Without wasting another moment, I gently laid my brother, who was still gasping at air, on the ground and shot off like a rocket after Christian. I could hear Elysia below me screaming not to follow him, but I didn’t care. I was ripe with anger and Christian was going to pay for what he’d done.

  Just above the clouds I caught up to him and clawed at his waist, trying to pull him to me. Christian just snarled and cold-cocked me right in the mouth. He’d never struck me that hard before. I guess in the past he must have been holding back. His real power, even in one punch, was more than I had ever felt from anyone in the past.

  His single blow was so strong that it immediately knocked me off of him. It dazed me badly enough that I fell near lifelessly to the ground below. I crash landed just a few yards away from where my allied friends stood. I tried to gather my senses enough to go back after him, but when I did, Argento placed his angelic hand on me, preventing me from leaving. Just his touch on my shoulder weakened me enough to where I couldn’t take flight.

  “Let me go, Argento.” I hissed.

  “Now’s not the time for vengeance son, it is a time of mourning. You’ll do Mark no justice in seeking revenge for his death now,” he said calmly.

  “He’s getting away. Let me fight him now. I want this to be over.” I tried to get free from his touch, but to no avail.

  “That’s what he wants, Leo. Don’t let the demon direct your emotions…that’s precisely what Christian wants. Don’t make it easy for him.” He advised.

  “Argento…please…” I tried to stand as he held me down.

  “Leo…Father…your brother is dying, you have just a few more moments to be with him. Go send him off looking into the face of a friend.” Elysia walked over to us, removing Argento’s hand and kneeling next to me.

  Her sincere eyes calmed me. I got to my feet. Elysia stood with me and pointed to my fallen friend. Sam was sitting next to him, trying to give him aid. I rushed over and placed my hand on his chest. His face had gone pale, I could see the life leaving his body. I knew he was about to die. I looked to my angel connection for help.

  “You can save him…please…do something.” I pleaded.

  “I’m sorry, Leo, there is nothing we can do. His time here is up.” Argento looked almost ashamed.

  “Nothing? You’re the only ones that can do something…how can you…” Just then, I felt Scruffy’s hand grab a hold of my arm and pull on me. I looked down at him as he struggled to speak.

  “L-L-Leo…shut up.” He tried to smile, as did I.

  “Don’t…lash out at those who are trying to help you,” he added.

  I grinned and nodded at him, granting his last wish.

  “As-as I once promised you-you must now promise me…I-I need you to watch over our mother and father…over Sandra…please.” He struggled for breath.

  I couldn’t answer him. I just continued to nod at his requests. He knew I would do everything he asked of me.

  “That means…you have to win…for me…for us all.” He smiled while continuing to cling to life.

  I sunk my head.

  “He tugged on my arm hard. “You can do it…you hear me…you can do it…you must.” He began to struggle more for air.

  “I’ve got one last bit-bit of advice…” He tried to push out a laugh but couldn’t through the pain.

  “What’s that?” I struggled to speak myself.

  “Never…never use a dentist that also practices proctology…”

  I stared at him with confusion about his odd phrase.

  “…and if you do, make sure he changes his gloves before he puts his hands in your mouth.” He tried to laugh but winced in pain instead.

  I managed to squeak out a short chuckle. In true Scruffy fashion, his last words would be a joke. I also admired his courage in attempting to comfort me as he died. The world would be a much emptier place now without him.

  I saw his face begin to strain and his eyes widen as he looked away from me. His draws for breath were becoming short squeals, like he was trying to suck air through a pinched straw. Then his eyes came back to me.

  “I-I-I love you brother…” His hand gripped my arm as death started to take him.

  “I love you, my friend…my brother…thank you.” I reached down and rubbed his cheek.

  He gasped for breath a few more times before death came for him. His eyes remained open, glaring at me. I reached over and pushed his eyelids down. My brother had fallen into the warm embrace of eternal slumber. He was gone.

  My head sunk in despair. A feeling of missing drew from within. This was deeper and more intense than the agony of depression a demon carries around. This is what the humans must experience when I’ve seen them cry, but since I’m a demon, I couldn’t cry. I am unable to experience the sweet release of agony, instead, it stays walled up within me.

  “This is my fault…all my fault,” I said as I rested my head into Scruffy’s chest.

  I felt a warm hand comfort me on the back of my neck.

  “He has joined us, in our realm now, Father.” Elysia attempted to comfort me, and to some degree it did. I rose off Scruff’s lifeless body and reached around to pull her hand into mine.

  “What am I going to say to Benjamin and Amanda?” I questioned.

  “Tell them…” Elysia knelt down beside me. “That their son went out bravely defending his brother. No matter the odds against him, he still stood up against the face of tyranny to defend his friends and family. That is what you tell them,” she said consolingly.

  I turned to her and smiled.

  “But I feel so much…shame. How are they going to forgive me?” I shook my head.

  “This was not your fault, Leo…it is us who must take responsibility for this.” Argento intervened.

  I titled my head to him looking for elaboration.

  “We should have been more reserved about mentioning to everyone that love was the way to kill Christian. Mark thought that it had to be a human that took Christian down. That’s why he trained so hard in the human martial arts. That is why he returned tonight. He thought he was the one that could take down Christian for you. He misunderstood our message. I’m afraid…this is our burden to bear…no fault of your own.” He placed his hand on me, too.

  I appreciated his attempt to comfort me, but I knew Scruff’s death was the indirect result of my actions.

  “Thank you, Argento…but I know why this happened.” I stood up.

  “Leo…son…” Sam interrupted, “this isn’t the time for blame…this is the result of one source…and that source just left. Now we must deal with the aftermath. C’mon, I’ll help you take him back to the station. We’ll have his body picked up there.”

  “That’s right…we’ll grab Sam, help you fly him back,” Argento added.

  “No…no. You all take Sam back. I’m going to take Scruffy back myself. One more bit of bro time…one last time.” I smiled.

  “I’ll see you when you get there, Leo.” Sam hugged me in understanding.

  “We’ll see you very soon, Father.” Elysia smiled.

; I smiled at her and glanced at Argento who bowed and placed his hood over his head. Elysia did the same before Argento picked up Sam and the three of them flew off. I focused my attention back on my fallen brother. I bent down and cradled his lifeless body in my arms and started walking down the hill from my spot.

  I took my time, savoring the last moments with my human friend and brother. As I walked through the streets with him dangling in my arms, I reflected on the times I'd had with him. When I first came to Mountainside, before the Darryl deal had even started, it was Scruffy who extended the hand of friendship to this lonely, off-putting outcast that kept to himself in the back of the classroom. As popular as he was in school, he managed to sneak this strange personality into his fold.

  I thought about his jokes, when he’d smack me on the back all the time, even his once very uncoordinated self—something that seemed to work itself out as he got more disciplined in his martial arts. I even thought about that stupid wooden punching dummy, that he still had by the way, the way he used to whale away on it whenever he got the chance. I focused deeply on the conversations and good times we had as of late; the promises we made to one another. Although now he was free from his oaths now, it was now time for me to honor his last requests.

  I will watch over Sandra and our parents…in honor, but not just for him, for all of us. I will find a way to defeat Christian. I must.

  I rounded the corner near the police station and Sam’s deputies held the door open for me. Everyone was silent and somber as I walked Scruff's body by them. Sam was clearing off a desk and when I approached it, I laid my brother down.

  “Dalton, go grab a sheet and call the hospital,” Sam ordered a deputy as I stepped away from his body.

  Sam approached me, “Let’s step outside, Leo. Take a moment out.”

  Without a word, I led the way and went outside. We took a squat on the end of the sidewalk, side by side. For a few minutes, we said nothing. The two of us stared blankly into the night sky before Sam broke the silence.


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