Enchanted By Fire (Dragons Of The Darkblood Secret Society Book 3)

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Enchanted By Fire (Dragons Of The Darkblood Secret Society Book 3) Page 10

by Meg Ripley

  Resa looked down as she rolled the glass between her palms and chewed the inside of her lip. “I’m surprised to hear you say that, but the fact is I don’t plan to market it as the truth. I want my story to be out there, but I still want it to be mine. A fantastic tale of fiction, as real as it might seem, isn’t going to put me in harm’s way of the hunters or get me interviews on the news. In fact, there’s no telling if anyone will even buy my story. But at least it will still be mine.”

  She thought she saw the barest tremble of a smile on his lips as he stood and went to the window. “That’s entirely up to you. Would you humor me and stay here a day or two while I have your apartment checked out?”

  “I don’t think that’s enough time.” Her mouth said the words without consulting her brain, but she knew it was right. She continued when he looked over his shoulder at her questioningly. “I still haven’t gotten a chance to get to know you, and I’d like to. Not for the paper or for my blog, but because I just need to. For myself.”

  Ethan turned to her fully and slowly set his drink down on a nearby shelf. He was so sexy as he stood there in front of her. His head had nearly healed, leaving only a pale scar against his hairline. He smelled of fire and whiskey and cologne, a scent that had been driving her crazy. “As a man or as a dragon?” he asked huskily.


  His electric blue eyes met hers directly. “You don’t know how glad I am to hear you say that.” He had her in his arms in a second, his muscles holding her tightly against his hard body as he kissed her.

  Resa softened in his arms, forming herself to him as she touched her fingertips to his angular jaw, relished in the softness of his thick stubble, and pulled him down on top of her. The leather of the couch was cool and smooth, but Ethan’s body was on fire as his hands explored her hair, her ribs, her hips. She arched herself against him, eager for more of his touch.

  “I need you,” he whispered against her neck. “I’ve needed you from the first moment I saw you, but I knew it when I found you on the roof of my office. You’re strong, and beautiful, and so damn stubborn, but I need you so badly.” His grip was strong as he massaged his way up her leg and cupped her ass.

  “Take me,” she whispered. She couldn’t remember ever feeling so turned on in her life, and she needed him more desperately than anything else. Even the book could go flying out the window, as long as she could have this with him. “Please, if there’s anything you do for me, let it be that.”

  He didn’t let go of her as he removed her clothes, keeping one arm around her waist and his lips pressed against her neck. His strong hands peeled back the thin material of her panties, and he moved down on the couch to kiss each breast as he freed them from the confines of her bra.

  Resa undid the buttons on his shirt and ran her hands across the strong planes of his chest, letting her thumbs linger in the soft down of hair before she pushed the garment off his shoulders. She ripped desperately at his belt buckle, eager to feel his erection without a layer of denim in between them. Soon enough, she was rewarded with his hard member between her hands, the soft skin stretched tightly over it. Resa traced the surface of his cock with her fingertips, pleased that Ethan wasn’t driving that expensive car to compensate for anything.

  Skin-to-skin, Resa could feel his heat like she never had before. It filled the room and consumed her, burning her to her very core. She quivered with excitement as her bare breasts lay against his chest, and his hardness pushed against her. Widening her legs to let him in, she wrapped them around him and clung tightly as he entered her.

  The moan he let out turned her on all the more, knowing that he did for her what she did for him. Resa bucked her hips against his and traced her lips along his neck, reveling in the way he filled her up. Their heartbeats synchronized, the pulse vibrating out through the universe. Ethan had saved her life in so many ways, and this final joining was the only thing she lacked. Her core grew wet and slick as he pounded into her, waves rippling through her body and begging him never to stop.

  Ethan obliged, roaring his pleasure as he came. When he finished, he scooped her up off the couch and carried her out of the library in his arms, bending his head to kiss her breasts as he walked.

  “Where are we going?” she giggled, seeing their clothes lying abandoned on the library floor as they came out into the hallway and Ethan turned toward the stairs.

  “To my bedroom,” he replied roughly. “I don’t think I’m done with you yet.”

  Ethan carried her carefully up the stairs and laid her down on the plush down comforter. His eyes locked with hers and a playful grin spread across his face. Bringing his lips to her neck, he slowly began to nibble on her soft flesh. She closed her eyes to take in every beat of pleasure. She felt his fingers wrap around her hips and his tongue lightly caressed her nipples as they tightened with anticipation.

  Resa’s hips began to squirm as her lips let out a soft moan. “I can’t take it anymore…you’re driving me crazy,” she managed to whisper. She felt his warm breath on her stomach as he let out a teasing laugh and slowly planted a trail of kisses, making his way down between her thighs.

  Ethan took his time as his tongue explored her folds for the first time. Her hands reached down and she gasped, running her fingers through his hair as he used his mouth to playfully suck on her clit. He slipped a finger inside her and began to work in a steady rhythm, all the while using her moans as his cue to speed up or slow down his approach.

  Resa gripped the duvet as fire and tension built within, and moments later, her back arched, a flood of pleasure shooting through her core. She cried out, her body shuddering as sheer ecstasy rippled through her. As she rode out the ebbing waves of her orgasm, he continued his ministrations, ensuring she experienced every last exquisite sensation.

  “That was incredible,” she breathed, melting into the bed and relishing the euphoric buzz that hummed through her.

  Ethan made his way up beside her and spooned her, holding her close as he smiled against the back of her neck. “You’re incredible, Resa,” he murmured, and within seconds, both drifted into a deep, blissful, satisfying sleep.


  Two Months Later

  Resa hammered away at the keyboard, ignoring the growling in her stomach. She just had one more chapter to go, and then she could be done for the day. Maybe. There were too many things in her head that were begging to get out, and she didn’t want to make them wait any longer than they already had.

  In the back of her mind, she knew she would have to get around to calling Mr. Stephenson back. Even though she no longer worked for The City Chronicle as a full-time reporter, he had continued to commission her for certain articles, convinced that she was finally on her way to becoming a big name in the writing world. She obliged when she had the time, but it wasn’t nearly as intriguing as writing her novels.

  A plate appeared next to her on the desk, startling her out of her writing reverie. “I could hear your stomach from the other side of the house,” Ethan said from behind her. “I’m starting to think your fingers are permanently attached to that computer.”

  “It’s not my fault your company makes such a great device,” she said with a smile, turning around and wrapping her arms around his hips. “My compliments to whoever designed this keyboard.”

  His grin widened. “Thank you very much.”

  She slapped him playfully, picked up the plate, and brought it to the couch. “I guess you’re pretty good at designing sandwiches, as well. This looks like a masterpiece.” There were several layers of meat and cheese, plus numerous vegetables. He’d even laid a pickle on the side of the plate.

  “I was going to see if you wanted to go out for dinner, but you were so busy, I didn’t want to bother you.”

  Resa touched her hair, which she had twisted into a loose bun secured with a stray pencil. In her tee shirt and yoga pants, she wasn’t anywhere close to looking good enough to go out. It was the perfect attire, though, fo
r cranking out stories. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” he assured her. “I’m glad to see you look so happy. But I thought you already had the story finished and your editor was looking over it.”

  The idea still sent a thrill through her stomach, one that couldn’t be quelled by the delicious sandwich. “It is. In fact, she said she wants it out on the shelves by the beginning of the year. But that one was about our little adventures with the hunters. This is a completely different story, about the dragon I met in the woods that day. It’s not based on real life as much as the first one; it’s more like what I would have liked to have happened.” She took another bite of the sandwich, trying to remember just how long it had been since she’d eaten last. “What are you doing home, anyway? I thought you were going to The Club after work.”

  “That was the plan,” he admitted, sitting on the leather couch and leaning his head back. “But it was because I felt like I had to. Mr. Cross found some useful information on that USB drive you stole, and I think he might be interested in actually doing something about the hunters.” He paused and looked out the window. Resa could see the war he was having within himself. He had wanted to track down the hunters, but he had become far less interested in it over the last few months. “I used to go there to get away from the world, but not so long ago, I was thinking about leaving the Darkblood Society completely. I didn’t think I had a use for them. After they helped me save you, I realized that I really can’t be who I am without them. I need the other shifters just as much as I need you.”

  “I’m glad to hear you say that.” Resa’s heart warmed, but not because of the compliment to her. Ethan had told her all about the Society and The Club, and she understood that he would feel a need to be with his own kind.

  “Tell me,” Ethan said, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, “are there ever any romantic scenes in your stories? You wouldn’t let me read the first one.”

  “That’s because it’s not ready for the public to read yet,” she explained, flushing. “And I don’t know if I’ll ever let you read it.”

  “Why not? I think you know by now that I appreciate dragon-based literature.”

  Resa studied his eyes. It was hard to reconcile the pale blue orbs and the way they tipped down slightly at the corners with the reptilian creature she had come to know so well. But she knew they were one and the same. Ethan in dragon form was something that made all of her senses come alive, that made her believe that anything was possible. When he was in human form, he made her body awaken in a completely different way. She set down her plate and climbed on his lap, straddling his hips and pressing her body into his. “Because,” she said softly as she kissed his neck, “I’m afraid you might recognize yourself in the love scenes.”

  He brought her mouth to his and kissed her deeply, his tongue invading her as his package hardened. “Then I’d better get the very first copy,” he rumbled. Ethan lifted her shirt over her head and whisked away her bra, kissing her bare breasts and suckling her nipples. “It’s not fair that I’m in the city all day at my office, knowing you’re here without me.”

  “Then you should work from home.” Resa tipped her head back, basking in the attention. The days went by quickly when she was working, but she had missed him.

  “No,” he muttered as he clawed at her back. “I’d never get anything done.”

  “I’m so selfish, I didn’t even ask you how your day was.” Pushing herself off his lap, Resa kneeled before the couch and opened Ethan’s zipper. His member was ready for her, and she eagerly took him into her mouth.

  Ethan closed his eyes. “I’m sure it was a good enough day, but I’m forgetting it already.” He sucked in his breath and dug his fingers into her shoulders. “I can tell you it’s ending nicely, though. Very, very nicely.”

  “Do you want to go up to the bedroom?” She had stopped what she was doing only long enough to ask the question. She enjoyed knowing that she could turn him on, and the way he could barely hold himself back while she was giving him head just made her want to do it more.

  “I don’t think I can wait that long,” he gasped. “In fact, you’d better get up here or you’re not going to get a chance at me.”

  Sitting on his lap once again, Resa pierced herself on him. He felt so good and so thick, and she hadn’t been kidding when she said the romantic scenes in her book were based on him. The two of them had made love every night since they had come back from defeating the hunters, sometimes several times. Ethan was passionate and generous, and he never took anything from her without giving it back with interest. His hands were deft with computers, wires, circuitry and software, but they knew how to spark her flesh to life just as well.

  Ethan traced his hands down the soft curves of her stomach, one thumb drifting down to touch her center of pleasure. His other hand moved across her hip and back to cup her buttock. With his mouth on her breasts once again, Resa surrendered herself to euphoria. She grew almost dizzy with contentment as she took her satisfaction and brought on his, her body shuddering uncontrollably.

  “I don’t know how I ever came home to this house without you in it,” Ethan murmured, kissing her mouth, her cheeks, her forehead. “I love you, Resa.”

  “I love you, too.” As she lay in his arms, her mind turned back to her story for a moment. But it could wait. She had finally found the dragon she had been looking for.


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  Shifter Romance By Meg Ripley

  Xavier’s Desire

  I’ve seen plenty of gorgeous women—and had a good number of them, too—but no one has ever had such a profound effect on me as Freya Cullen.

  I only saw her for the briefest of moments, but when I did, I knew I’d never forget her. She’s the most powerful, intoxicating woman I’ve ever seen; no mere mortal could have been responsible for this irresistible creation.

  But could it also be possible that she’s a murderer? A huntress?

  As I seek to avenge the untimely death of a fellow dragon, I can’t ignore the fact that Freya now holds a sacred possession that once belonged to my dearly departed comrade.

  But there’s something about her that’s unlike any human I’ve ever known; something that threatens to consume me entirely if I can’t rein in the fiery beast within.

  For the first time in my long existence, I’m finding it hard to control myself. But to be honest, I’m not sure I want to.


  She opened her eyes to the early morning sun peeking through the blinds. The room was warm; too warm. She kicked and wriggled until the covers that had cocooned her fell to the floor. A breeze wafted through the window and she stilled, letting the cool air slide over the light sheen of sweat that dampened her bare skin.

  A moment passed, and then another while she enjoyed the cooling touch of the gentle wind. She couldn’t linger in bed all day though; she had to…

  What do I have to do today? she asked herself. There had to be some reason to force herself off the mattress that was just firm enough beneath her to hold its shape, but soft enough that it might be mistaken for
a sturdy cloud. She closed her eyes and focused hard, trying to recall what was on her agenda, but nothing came to mind.

  Alright, what did I do yesterday? she pondered, but there was nothing. She couldn’t remember, and come to think of it, she had no recollection of what she’d done the day before that…or the week before…the month before…

  Last year…

  There was nothing.

  Her breath came quicker as panic welled in her chest. She couldn’t remember a single thing before waking to the morning light flickering in through the window. She looked around, searching for something that would explain the enormous blank in her mind, but she didn’t recognize her surroundings.

  Wait, is this my room? She spied a picture frame on the bedside table and reached for it, but it was empty. What kind of person had a picture frame with no picture in it?

  She vaulted to her feet. There had to be something…somewhere that would explain what was going on. She opened the chest of drawers by the window and found it brimming with woman’s clothing: socks, lacy underwear, slips, camisoles. Were they hers? None of the things looked familiar.

  Spinning around, she continued her search, but there were no pictures hanging on the wall; no phone book in the bedside table drawer. She opened the closet door to find more women’s clothing, and all of it looked about her size. Hoping it would trigger some recollection, she grabbed for the nearest item—a pale yellow, linen sundress—and yanked it over her head. It fit—perfectly, in fact.

  Just as she closed the closet door, she noticed a small piece of paper taped to the bedroom door.


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