Enchanted By Fire (Dragons Of The Darkblood Secret Society Book 3)

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Enchanted By Fire (Dragons Of The Darkblood Secret Society Book 3) Page 47

by Meg Ripley

  Giselle realized with a start that the two men were leading her towards the bed, pressing her onto the thick, soft blankets and pillows. She shook her head sharply, trying to clear it, and watched as Lenth climbed onto the bed with her, sliding down between her legs, while Bronn slithered onto the bed next to her, his hands wandering over her breasts. She was surprised—almost shocked—as Bronn leaned in, bringing his lips down onto hers.

  Giselle moaned into Bronn’s mouth as she felt Lenth bury his face against her already-soaking pussy, his tongue sliding up and down along her slick labia, tasting her and exploring her sex. She twisted and writhed between the two men as Bronn deepened the kiss, his hands trailing over her body, while Lenth’s tongue worked its way slowly up from her inner labia to her clit, teasing her relentlessly. Giselle reached out blindly, exploring the two men’s bodies by touch, trying to understand the lines and ridges of their non-human shapes, the warm and slightly silken texture of their skin underneath her fingers.

  Bronn’s lips left hers, and Giselle heard herself making a sound somewhere between a groan and a whimper—before his lips began to trail along her neck, past her collarbones. His hands cupped her breasts, and Giselle shivered as she felt his mouth close around one of her nipples, even as Lenth began to flicker his tongue against her clit so rapidly she couldn’t follow the movements, only respond to the pleasure coursing through her body.

  Giselle’s hands grabbed blindly, her body pitching and twisting, arching up off the bed, as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her under the impetus of the two aliens’ attentions, driving out any thought. She heard the two men’s sounds of pleasure, her orgasm intensifying as Lenth began to suck and lick her even more eagerly, as Bronn switched from one breast to the other, worshipping her nipples with his lips and tongue. She felt a brief flicker of fear as sensation overwhelmed her, so intense it might have been pain instead of pleasure, both of the aliens continuing their attentions beyond what Giselle would have thought possible for her to stand.

  As the last of the spasms worked through her body, she sagged against the bed, trembling from the force of her orgasm. To her relief, both aliens began to slow down, pulling back from her; though electrical impulses of sensation still danced through her body in aftershocks, she didn’t have to beg them to stop—they somehow understood that she could tolerate no more. She panted and gasped for breath, curling in on herself slightly, trying to understand what was happening in her own body. “You really…you’ve both obviously done your research,” she said, her breath finally beginning to slow. She heard both men chuckle.

  “It’s necessary for human women to be sufficiently prepared in order to be able to take us,” Bronn told her; Giselle shivered as she felt his fingertips brushing sweat-dampened locks of hair away from her face, and opened her eyes to see the two aliens looming over her, their unearthly eyes full of concern.

  “One thing I will not agree to,” Giselle said carefully, her gaze flicking down to the frankly almost terrifying equipment the two males possessed. “I don’t know if you have done any research on anal sex,” she told them, scrambling up onto her elbows to look at each man levelly. “But neither of you is doing that to me any time soon.”

  Lenth laughed, the sound almost like coughing. “One of the other researchers has discovered that it’s not…that it’s more difficult to explore that particular part of the human female body, though we have seen human males perform that function,” Lenth told her. “If it is something you would be willing to try, we would make sure that you are very thoroughly prepared first.”

  “And that you are very thoroughly lubricated, also,” Bronn added. Giselle blushed, turning onto her side to bury her face against the pillows.

  “Not—we are not doing that tonight, or any time in the next…how long are you guys even here?” She peeked at them, still half-hidden behind the pillow.

  “We have a very long term of visit on this planet,” Bronn told her. He tugged the pillow gently away and began to caress her everywhere, somehow soothing and arousing her at the same time. Lenth kissed his way up to her lips from her pussy, nipping and nibbling playfully as he made his way upward.

  “You both—you want to have sex with me,” Giselle said, looking from one alien to the other as she realized it.

  “We do,” Bronn said with a little smile.

  “I’ve heard that human women are excellent at mating,” Lenth said. “You taste very good,” he added with a pleased grin, drawing his fingers along her slick labia and bringing them to his mouth. As her tremors began to abate, her body heating up with more and more desire under the influence of the two aliens’ touches and caresses, Giselle found herself fascinated by their bodies, intrigued by the fact that neither male seemed to possess even a single body hair. She glanced at each of them in query, reaching down to wrap her hand around first Bronn’s long, thick member and then Lenth’s erection as well, stroking them experimentally.

  Giselle moved around on the bed, sitting up and then shifting onto her side. “After this,” she said, faintly remembering the benefit that she was to receive from the arrangement, “you both had better answer any questions I have about your culture.”

  “Can we trade a question for an experiment?” Lenth suggested, moving her onto her hands and knees.

  “I’ll accept that deal,” Giselle said. Bronn shifted in front of her, splaying his legs; his large, ridged erection stood almost proudly a few inches in front of her face. Behind her, she could feel Lenth’s hands moving over her body, caressing her, touching her everywhere.

  “Shall we try this configuration first?” Bronn asked her, his voice low in her ears. Giselle looked at his erection and took a deep breath, steadying her nerves.

  “I’ll have to go slow,” she said, licking her lips. “And so will you. And you, too, Lenth,” she glanced over her shoulder.

  “I won’t force or hurt you,” Bronn told her gently. “You may stop when you become uncomfortable.” Giselle smiled, meeting his gaze.

  “Aliens from another planet are more gentlemanly than the best guys I’ve ever met here,” she mused, licking her lips again. She had to admit that the prospect was intriguing; she wondered idly what alien semen tasted like.

  Giselle took a deep breath and leaned forward, wrapping her hand around the base of Bronn’s member. She glanced up at his face as she brought her lips down onto the tip, flicking her tongue against its silky skin. Up close, breathing in as she tightened her lips around Bronn’s erection, Giselle realized that neither of the two men seemed to sweat; but they exuded a kind of lemony smell—strange, but pleasant to her nose.

  Behind her, Giselle felt Lenth’s weight shifting, felt him spreading her legs wider. She took a deep breath, steadying herself as she took more and more of Bronn’s cock—was it his cock? —into her mouth, sucking and licking. Bronn let out a low, almost growling sound of pleasure, saying something in his strange alien language that Lenth replied to.

  Giselle began to work her lips up and down along Bronn’s shaft, slowly but surely taking him into her mouth, becoming accustomed to the strangeness of the ridges rubbing against her lips. The tip of his thick, large member brushed against the back of her throat, and for a moment, Giselle panicked—she knew there was no way for her to take everything that he had. She wrapped her hand more firmly around the base of his shaft and began to work on him with both her mouth and her fingers, bringing her lips down as far as they could comfortably go and bringing her hand up to her lips.

  Behind her, she felt the thick hardness of Lenth’s penis rubbing against her slick folds; she felt a shiver of fear work down her spine at the thought of him filling her up, taking her—but she knew that both aliens were serious in their goal not to hurt her. As Lenth thrust into her slowly from behind, Giselle moaned, her lips and hand tightening around Bronn’s member in reaction; Lenth’s cock felt almost uncomfortably large inside of her, pushing past the resistance of her body, aided by her fluids. She forced herself
to breathe steadily, forced her body to relax as Lenth moved his hips in a slow, rocking rhythm, pushing deeper and deeper inside of her.

  Giselle lost all track of time, lost all ability to do anything but respond to the sensations coursing through her body as Lenth began to move gradually faster inside of her. Her muffled moans were not quite loud enough for her to hear over the sound of the two aliens’ pleasure as they worked her mouth and pussy at the same time; Bronn’s hips began to move, though Giselle realized that he was holding back, that he was being careful—mindful even in his pleasure not to hurt her. She swayed and rocked between the two men’s bodies, sucking and licking, pushing her hips back as her body began to adjust to the size of Lenth’s cock filling her up over and over again.

  Giselle felt Bronn tensing, felt his body coiling like a spring, and pulled back slightly—not sure of what to expect, but reading the symptoms of what was remarkably like a human orgasm. The first gush of his climax spurted into her mouth, coating her tongue with tingling, almost citrusy-tasting sweetness, nearly choking her. Giselle instinctively swallowed as more and more of the fluid poured into her mouth, the sweet taste making her eager for more. She moaned as Lenth began to thrust harder and faster inside of her, every movement of his hips driving him up against her g-spot; she cried out, the sound muffled by Bronn’s still-erect member between her lips, as she felt Lenth’s fingers rubbing against her clit even as his cock rubbed along her inner walls.

  Bronn gently pushed her away, lifting her head from his lap, and Giselle arched and twisted as ripples of ecstasy coursed through her, so intense she could barely hold herself up even as Lenth continued to pound into her from behind. She moaned and cried out, animal sounds of pleasure filling her ears, and felt Lenth’s body tensing against hers as he reached his own orgasm. The alien shouted out in his strange language, and Giselle collapsed helplessly onto her elbows, her head falling forward as her orgasm intensified with the sensation of tingling, thick liquid gushing into her. The room spun around her until she closed her eyes, trembling as she blacked out.


  Bronn watched the human woman closely as Lenth composed their initial report, murmuring softly into the speech pickups at his station. “She is as beautiful as any human woman could be,” Bronn remarked to his colleague, smiling slightly.

  “Stop talking about me in your crazy alien language,” Giselle said, opening one dark eye to look up at him. Bronn laughed.

  “How do you know we’re talking about you?” Lenth asked, turning away from the terminal to regard them on the bed. Bronn looked from Giselle to his colleague.

  “She’s also extremely bright,” he remarked, in English for her benefit. “I believe we’ve found a wonderful recruit for our research.”

  “Who else would you be talking about?” Giselle observed. Bronn smiled more broadly. He watched as Lenth finished the report, sending it to their superiors before standing up.

  “We must develop a course of experimentation,” Lenth said, reaching the bed in a few steps. He sat down on the other side of the woman that they had selected, reaching out to touch her breast. “It will be very rigorous, indeed. We have much time to make up for.” Bronn brushed his lips against Giselle’s temple—something he had seen human men do. Their mating with her had already made it easier for him to detect her emotions with the latent empathy that all Khateen possessed.

  “I believe she’s very willing,” Bronn told Lenth.

  “Stop reading my mind,” Giselle said, glancing at them with an expression that spoke of suspicion—although minute shifts in her facial muscles betrayed her amusement. “I’m not going to let you do another thing to me until you answer about a dozen questions.”

  “That wasn’t our agreement!” Lenth frowned at Giselle. Bronn chuckled.

  “Considering how good it felt to experiment with her,” Bronn told his fellow researcher, “I’m willing to make a new deal.”

  “So,” Giselle said, and Bronn watched her nimbly shift so that the best features of her body were in ready view to both men, “Tell me about where you come from. Your planet must be similar to ours, or you couldn’t live here.”

  Bronn teased one of Giselle’s nipples, marveling at the way her breast responded. “Let us answer your questions while we prepare you for the next experiment,” he suggested. “After all, it is hardly fair that Lenth has felt your—is it ‘pussy?’ ”

  Giselle burst out laughing, nodding, and Bronn smiled. “He has felt your pussy, but I haven’t. I must make my own examination.”

  Giselle chuckled, “Okay, okay. But you have to answer my questions.”

  “Full disclosure,” Lenth said. “Yes, this agreement is going to work out well.”

  Bronn let his hands trail all over Giselle’s body, watching in fascination as she shivered; he could feel her body temperature rising. “You are a very intriguing creature,” Bronn murmured lowly, one hand slipping down between Giselle’s legs.

  “I would ask if you two had ever seen a woman naked before…” Giselle started to say with a chuckle. Lenth echoed her amusement, laughing in the Khateen way.

  “We’ve seen films,” Lenth explained. Bronn brushed his lips against the woman’s neck, feeling the flutter of her pulse.

  “I believe that in order to fully understand your body, we’ll need a great deal of time,” Bronn said. He grazed her sensitive skin with his teeth, and felt a thrill of heat work through his body at her response.

  “What kind of time are we talking about?” Giselle asked, her breaths becoming rapid and sharp as she became more aroused. Lenth began to touch and tease her as well.

  “Every night that you’re available, for at least the next six months. Can you commit to that?” Bronn watched Giselle consider the proposal, twisting and writhing under the combined attentions of the two aliens.

  “I can do that,” Giselle said. “But only if you promise that every session is going to be as good as this one has.” Bronn glanced at Lenth, amused.

  “We’ll make sure that every time is better than the last,” Bronn told her. He watched the play of emotions on her face.

  “Then I absolutely accept. Now let’s get to work.”

  Bronn chuckled, knowing that his and Lenth’s experiments with Giselle would be fruitful indeed.


  Saved By Alien Love

  Caden is a cyborg soldier. Deadly and precise, she’s used to being sent on risky space patrols that never seem to challenge her strength. Like the other Minders, she’s been bred specifically for security and combat, but her unusually short stature means she’s used to being underestimated.

  Because of this, Caden allows her Commander to think she has an innate berserk mode that makes her impossible to take down, preferring to be seen as a fierce underdog rather than a dangerous anomaly who can’t control her violent fugue states.

  Her denial works for years—and then she is reassigned. Before she can blink, she’s escorting a strikingly handsome alien council member back to his home planet, and she’s not sure how much longer she can keep up the illusion of control.

  An emergency landing throws Caden face first into her worst nightmare, and she has to learn to tap into the terrifying emotion that has ruled her for years—while keeping this gorgeous other-worldly being safe. Saving the day has never been more of a challenge—but no one said that being a hero means being without fear.

  It took forty-six Galaxy minutes to get from Caden’s hub to Xondux, and only ten of them had passed. This was the longest inter-system flight she’d ever taken. She kept looking out the ship’s windows expecting to see that they’d actually circled back to her hub, or gotten caught in the atmosphere of a planet. The cyborgs in her dorm were fond of pranks, and once they’d convinced her that her weekly mission had begun without her in her sleep. No matter how often she checked, all she could see was the inky blackness of space, dotted with pinpricks of light and occasionally interrupted by a gas giant or a belt of asteroids. She tried to
remember her parental unit’s words--- Evan and Willow were all about logic: close to one hundred percent of cypeople make it through a flight vessel catastrophe. Their fatality rates in common accidents were far better than most other organisms, but this statistic never did anything to stop the ice rattle of anxiety from coiling around her heart.

  Reflexively, she tapped her right index finger against the cuff of her left sleeve, activating the projection screen in her suit that allowed her to access the ships data as well her own. Caden brought up the map of their flight path, letting her cold gray eyes move over the bright blue trail for what must have been the tenth time. Thirty five more minutes, no stops. Thirty-seven if they allowed for possible interceptions of the Ridley Asteroid Belt around the gold sector. The belt was a nuisance, but it was more effective at keeping out pirates than any other method the Intergalactic Council had come up with thus far, so no one could object to its continued existence. Caden didn’t mind, because that meant fewer incidents and therefore fewer reasons to have her pulled from regular patrols---but her regular patrols seemed to be at an end now, anyway. She always felt more daring on pirate missions, and those were often the times she liked to pretend she was a caped crusader, or a masked vigilante.


  Caden spun her chair around so forcefully that she did a full revolution and had to come back around again. She placed her heeled boots on the ground to stop herself, facing the Hyppo accompanying her while she wrangled her pulse under control. The tall alien was sitting about fifteen feet away in his straight-back chair, his slim face an expression of calm and understanding. She fought the urge to drop her gaze and cut off her projection screen with another sharp tap of her finger. “No,” she lied, crossing her legs at the ankle in an attempt to appear more relaxed. “I just want to see if we’re getting ahead of the asteroids.”


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