The Heroes of Olympus: The Complete Series
Page 117
‘These letters are Greek,’ Leo said in surprise.
‘Well, lots of Romans spoke Greek,’ Hazel said.
‘I guess,’ Leo said. ‘But this workmanship … no offence to you Camp Jupiter types, but this is too complicated to be Roman.’
Frank snorted. ‘Whereas you Greeks just love making things complicated.’
‘Hey,’ Leo protested. ‘All I’m saying is this machinery is delicate, sophisticated. It reminds me of …’ Leo stared at the sphere, trying to recall where he’d read or heard about a similar ancient machine. ‘It’s a more advanced sort of lock,’ he decided. ‘You line up the symbols on the different rings in the right order, and that opens the door.’
‘But what’s the right order?’ Hazel asked.
‘Good question. Greek spheres … astronomy, geometry …’ Leo got a warm feeling inside. ‘Oh, no way. I wonder … What’s the value of pi?’
Frank frowned. ‘What kind of pie?’
‘He means the number,’ Hazel guessed. ‘I learned that in maths class once, but –’
‘It’s used to measure circles,’ Leo said. ‘This sphere, if it’s made by the guy I’m thinking of …’
Hazel and Frank both stared at him blankly.
‘Never mind,’ Leo said. ‘I’m pretty sure pi is, uh, 3.1415 blah blah blah. The number goes on forever, but the sphere has only five rings, so that should be enough, if I’m right.’
‘And if you’re not?’ Frank asked.
‘Well, then, Leo fall down, go boom. Let’s find out!’
He turned the rings, starting on the outside and moving in. He ignored the zodiac signs and letters, lining up the correct numbers so they made the value of pi. Nothing happened.
‘I’m stupid,’ Leo mumbled. ‘Pi would expand outwards, because it’s infinite.’
He reversed the order of the numbers, starting in the centre and working towards the edge. When he aligned the last ring, something inside the sphere clicked. The door swung open.
Leo beamed at his friends. ‘That, good people, is how we do things in Leo World. Come on in!’
‘I hate Leo World,’ Frank muttered.
Hazel laughed.
Inside was enough cool stuff to keep Leo busy for years. The room was about the size of the forge back at Camp Half-Blood, with bronze-topped worktables along the walls and baskets full of ancient metalworking tools. Dozens of bronze and gold spheres like steampunk basketballs sat around in various stages of disassembly. Loose gears and wiring littered the floor. Thick metal cables ran from each table towards the back of the room, where there was an enclosed loft like a theatre’s sound booth. Stairs led up to the booth on either side. All the cables seemed to run into it. Next to the stairs on the left, a row of cubbyholes was filled with leather cylinders – probably ancient scroll cases.
Leo was about to head towards the tables when he glanced to his left and nearly jumped out of his shoes. Flanking the doorway were two armoured manikins – like skeletal scarecrows made from bronze pipes, outfitted with full suits of Roman armour, shield and sword.
‘Dude.’ Leo walked up to one. ‘These would be awesome if they worked.’
Frank edged away from the manikins. ‘Those things are going to come alive and attack us, aren’t they?’
Leo laughed. ‘Not a chance. They aren’t complete.’ He tapped the nearest manikin’s neck, where loose copper wires sprouted from underneath its breastplate. ‘Look, the head’s wiring has been disconnected. And here, at the elbow, the pulley system for this joint is out of alignment. My guess? The Romans were trying to duplicate a Greek design, but they didn’t have the skill.’
Hazel arched her eyebrows. ‘The Romans weren’t good enough at being complicated, I suppose.’
‘Or delicate,’ Frank added. ‘Or sophisticated.’
‘Hey, I just call it like I see it.’ Leo jiggled the manikin’s head, making it nod like it was agreeing with him. ‘Still … a pretty impressive try. I’ve heard legends that the Romans confiscated the writings of Archimedes, but –’
‘Archimedes?’ Hazel looked baffled. ‘Wasn’t he an ancient mathematician or something?’
Leo laughed. ‘He was a lot more than that. He was only the most famous son of Hephaestus who ever lived.’
Frank scratched his ear. ‘I’ve heard his name before, but how can you be sure this manikin is his design?’
‘It has to be!’ Leo said. ‘Look, I’ve read all about Archimedes. He’s a hero to Cabin Nine. The dude was Greek, right? He lived in one of the Greek colonies in southern Italy, back before Rome got all huge and took over. Finally the Romans moved in and destroyed his city. The Roman general wanted to spare Archimedes, because he was so valuable – sort of like the Einstein of the ancient world – but some stupid Roman soldier killed him.’
‘There you go again,’ Hazel muttered. ‘Stupid and Roman don’t always go together, Leo.’
Frank grunted agreement. ‘How do you know all this, anyway?’ he demanded. ‘Is there a Spanish tour guide around here?’
‘No, man,’ Leo said. ‘You can’t be a demigod who’s into building stuff and not know about Archimedes. The guy was seriously elite. He calculated the value of pi. He did all this maths stuff we still use for engineering. He invented a hydraulic screw that could move water through pipes.’
Hazel scowled. ‘A hydraulic screw. Excuse me for not knowing about that awesome achievement.’
‘He also built a death ray made of mirrors that could burn enemy ships,’ Leo said. ‘Is that awesome enough for you?’
‘I saw something about that on TV,’ Frank admitted. ‘They proved it didn’t work.’
‘Ah, that’s just because modern mortals don’t know how to use Celestial bronze,’ Leo said. ‘That’s the key. Archimedes also invented a massive claw that could swing on a crane and pluck enemy ships out of the water.’
‘Okay, that’s cool,’ Frank admitted. ‘I love grabber-arm games.’
‘Well, there you go,’ Leo said. ‘Anyway, all his inventions weren’t enough. The Romans destroyed his city. Archimedes was killed. According to legends, the Roman general was a big fan of his work, so he raided Archimedes’s workshop and carted a bunch of souvenirs back to Rome. They disappeared from history, except …’ Leo waved his hands at the stuff on the tables. ‘Here they are.’
‘Metal basketballs?’ Hazel asked.
Leo couldn’t believe that they didn’t appreciate what they were looking at, but he tried to contain his irritation. ‘Guys, Archimedes constructed spheres. The Romans couldn’t figure them out. They thought they were just for telling time or following constellations, because they were covered with pictures of stars and planets. But that’s like finding a rifle and thinking it’s a walking stick.’
‘Leo, the Romans were top-notch engineers,’ Hazel reminded him. ‘They built aqueducts, roads –’
‘Siege weapons,’ Frank added. ‘Public sanitation.’
‘Yeah, fine,’ Leo said. ‘But Archimedes was in a class by himself. His spheres could do all sorts of things, only nobody is sure …’
Suddenly Leo got an idea so incredible that his nose burst into flames. He patted it out as quickly as possible. Man, it was embarrassing when that happened.
He ran to the row of cubbyholes and examined the markings on the scroll cases. ‘Oh, gods. This is it!’
He gingerly lifted out one of the scrolls. He wasn’t great at Ancient Greek, but he could tell the inscription on the case read On Building Spheres.
‘Guys, this is the lost book!’ His hands were shaking. ‘Archimedes wrote this, describing his construction methods, but all the copies were lost in ancient times. If I can translate this …’
The possibilities were endless. For Leo, the quest had now totally taken on a new dimension. Leo had to get the spheres and scrolls safely out of here. He had to protect this stuff until he could get it back to Bunker 9 and study it.
‘The secrets of Archimedes,’ he murmured. ‘Guys, thi
s is bigger than Daedalus’s laptop. If there’s a Roman attack on Camp Half-Blood, these secrets could save the camp. They might even give us an edge over Gaia and the giants!’
Hazel and Frank glanced at each other sceptically.
‘Okay,’ Hazel said. ‘We didn’t come here for a scroll, but I guess we can take it with us.’
‘Assuming,’ Frank added, ‘that you don’t mind sharing its secrets with us stupid uncomplicated Romans.’
‘What?’ Leo stared at him blankly. ‘No. Look, I didn’t mean to insult – Ah, never mind. The point is this is good news!’
For the first time in days, Leo felt really hopeful.
Naturally, that’s when everything went wrong.
On the table next to Hazel and Frank, one of the orbs clicked and whirred. A row of spindly legs extended from its equator. The orb stood, and two bronze cables shot out of the top, hitting Hazel and Frank like Taser wires. Leo’s friends both crumpled to the floor.
Leo lunged to help them, but the two armoured manikins that couldn’t possibly move did move. They drew their swords and stepped towards Leo.
The one on the left turned its crooked helmet, which was shaped like a wolf’s head. Despite the fact that it had no face or mouth, a familiar hollow voice spoke from behind its visor.
‘You cannot escape us, Leo Valdez,’ it said. ‘We do not like possessing machines, but they are better than tourists. You will not leave here alive.’
Leo agreed with Nemesis about one thing: good luck was a sham. At least when it came to Leo’s luck.
Last winter he had watched in horror while a family of Cyclopes prepared to roast Jason and Piper with hot sauce. He’d schemed his way out of that one and saved his friends all by himself, but at least he’d had time to think.
Now, not so much. Hazel and Frank had been knocked out by the tendrils of a possessed steampunk bowling ball. Two suits of armour with bad attitudes were about to kill him.
Leo couldn’t blast them with fire. Suits of armour wouldn’t be hurt by that. Besides, Hazel and Frank were too close. He didn’t want to burn them, or accidentally hit the piece of firewood that controlled Frank’s life.
On Leo’s right, the suit of armour with a lion’s head helmet creaked its wiry neck and regarded Hazel and Frank, who were still lying unconscious.
‘A male and female demigod,’ said Lion Head. ‘These will do, if the others die.’ Its hollow face mask turned back to Leo. ‘We do not need you, Leo Valdez.’
‘Oh, hey!’ Leo tried for a winning smile. ‘You always need Leo Valdez!’
He spread his hands and hoped he looked confident and useful, not desperate and terrified. He wondered if it was too late to write TEAM LEO on his shirt.
Sadly, the suits of armour were not as easily swayed as the Narcissus Fan Club had been.
The one with the wolf-headed helmet snarled, ‘I have been in your mind, Leo. I helped you start the war.’
Leo’s smile crumbled. He took a step back. ‘That was you?’
Now he understood why those tourists had bothered him right away and why this thing’s voice sounded so familiar. He’d heard it in his mind.
‘You made me fire that ballista?’ Leo demanded. ‘You call that helping?’
‘I know how you think,’ said Wolf Head. ‘I know your limits. You are small and alone. You need friends to protect you. Without them, you are unable to withstand me. I vowed not to possess you again, but I can still kill you.’
The armoured dudes stepped forward. The points of their swords hovered a few inches from Leo’s face.
Leo’s fear suddenly made way for a whole lot of anger. This eidolon in the wolf helmet had shamed him, controlled him and made him attack New Rome. It had endangered his friends and botched their quest.
Leo glanced at the dormant spheres on the worktables. He considered his tool belt. He thought about the loft behind him – the area that looked like a sound booth. Presto: Operation Junk Pile was born.
‘First: you don’t know me,’ he told Wolf Head. ‘And second: bye.’
He lunged for the stairs and bounded to the top. The suits of armour were scary, but they were not fast. As Leo suspected, the loft had doors on either side – folding metal gates. The operators would’ve wanted protection in case their creations went haywire … like now. Leo slammed both gates shut and summoned fire to his hands, fusing the locks.
The suits of armour closed in on either side. They rattled the gates, hacking at them with their swords.
‘This is foolish,’ said Lion Head. ‘You only delay your death.’
‘Delaying death is one of my favourite hobbies.’ Leo scanned his new home. Overlooking the workshop was a single table like a control board. It was crowded with junk, and most of it Leo dismissed immediately: a diagram for a human catapult that would never work; a strange black sword (Leo was no good with swords); a large bronze mirror (Leo’s reflection looked terrible); and a set of tools that someone had broken, either in frustration or clumsiness.
He focused on the main project. In the centre of the table, someone had disassembled an Archimedes sphere. Gears, springs, levers and rods were littered around it. All the bronze cables to the room below were connected to a metal plate under the sphere. Leo could sense the Celestial bronze running through the workshop like arteries from a heart – ready to conduct magical energy from this spot.
‘One basketball to rule them all,’ Leo muttered.
This sphere was a master regulator. He was standing at Ancient Roman mission control.
‘Leo Valdez!’ the spirit howled. ‘Open this gate or I will kill you!’
‘A fair and generous offer!’ Leo said, his eyes still on the sphere. ‘Just let me finish this. A last request, all right?’
That must have confused the spirits, because they momentarily stopped hacking at the bars.
Leo’s hands flew over the sphere, reassembling its missing pieces. Why did the stupid Romans have to take apart such a beautiful machine? They had killed Archimedes, stolen his stuff, then messed with a piece of equipment they could never understand. On the other hand, at least they’d had the sense to lock it away for two thousand years so that Leo could retrieve it.
The eidolons started pounding on the gates again.
‘Who is it?’ Leo called.
‘Valdez!’ Wolf Head bellowed.
‘Valdez who?’ Leo asked.
Eventually the eidolons would realize they couldn’t get in. Then, if Wolf Head truly knew Leo’s mind, he would decide there were other ways to force his cooperation. Leo had to work faster.
He connected the gears, got one wrong and had to start again. Hephaestus’s Hand Grenades, this was hard!
Finally he got the last spring in place. The ham-fisted Romans had almost ruined the tension adjuster, but Leo pulled a set of watchmaker’s tools from his belt and did some final calibrations. Archimedes was a genius – assuming this thing actually worked.
He wound the starter coil. The gears began to turn. Leo closed the top of the sphere and studied its concentric circles – similar to the ones on the workshop door.
‘Valdez!’ Wolf Head pounded on the gate. ‘Our third comrade will kill your friends!’
Leo cursed under his breath. Our third comrade. He glanced down at the spindly-legged Taser ball that had knocked out Hazel and Frank. He had figured eidolon number three was hiding inside that thing. But Leo still had to deduce the right sequence to activate this control sphere.
‘Yeah, okay,’ he called. ‘You got me. Just … just a sec.’
‘No more seconds!’ Wolf Head shouted. ‘Open this gate now, or they die.’
The possessed Taser ball lashed out with its tendrils and sent another shock through Hazel and Frank. Their unconscious bodies flinched. That kind of electricity might have stopped their hearts.
Leo held back tears. This was too hard. He couldn’t do it.
He stared at the face of the sphere – se
ven rings, each one covered with tiny Greek letters, numbers and zodiac signs. The answer wouldn’t be pi. Archimedes would never do the same thing twice. Besides, just by putting his hand on the sphere Leo could feel that the sequence had been generated randomly. It was something only Archimedes would know.
Supposedly, Archimedes’s last words had been: Don’t disturb my circles.
No one knew what that meant, but Leo could apply it to this sphere. The lock was much too complicated. Maybe if Leo had a few years, he could decipher the markings and figure out the right combination, but he didn’t even have a few seconds.
He was out of time. Out of luck. And his friends were going to die.
A problem you cannot solve, said a voice in his mind.
Nemesis … she’d told him to expect this moment. Leo thrust his hand in his pocket and brought out the fortune cookie. The goddess had warned him of a great price for her help – as great as losing an eye. But, if he didn’t try, his friends would die.
‘I need the access code for this sphere,’ he said.
He broke open the cookie.
Leo unfurled the little strip of paper. It read:
On the back, the paper said:
With trembling fingers, Leo turned the rings.
Outside the gates, Wolf Head growled in frustration. ‘If friends do not matter to you, perhaps you need more incentive. Perhaps I should destroy these scrolls instead – priceless works by Archimedes!’
The last ring clicked into place. The sphere hummed with power. Leo ran his hands along the surface, sensing tiny buttons and levers awaiting his commands.
Magical and electrical pulses coursed via the Celestial bronze cables and surged through the entire room.