Maid to Order

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Maid to Order Page 14

by Penny Birch

  ‘You can’t make me do corner time, Danielle!’

  She picked up the hairbrush.

  ‘OK, OK!’ I promised. ‘I’ll go in the corner, but for goodness sake!’

  ‘Just do as you’re told.’

  I was going to go, but first I craned back to inspect my bottom, which was one huge bruise, the backs of my thighs too. But as I tucked up my dress so that I’d be showing, I caught a noise outside and realised there were people on the terrace. They’d probably heard, because I hadn’t exactly been quiet, and I was blushing again immediately but very grateful John had told me to leave the blinds down. Dropping my dress, I poked two fingers between the slats, opening them to peep out and see who it was, because all they’d have to do was look down through the slats and they’d be able to watch me doing corner time.

  ‘Don’t ...’ Danielle began, but it was too late.

  There was a man looking in at me; an elderly Chinese man with a completely bald head and a face like a big moon. He’d been watching, peering down through the slats as I was stripped and spanked by Danielle, and he wasn’t alone. There was a whole line of them, the Chinaman, three who looked like American tourists, a pair I guessed were Turkish or Greek, an Arab in full traditional dress, a big, greasy looking individual who might have been Spanish or Latin American, Mr Hegedus and Morris Rathwell.

  It took a moment for the truth to sink in. They’d watched my spanking, no doubt from the start; everything, including my surrender to Danielle. And it was no coincidence they were there. I’d been set up, and as all the pieces gradually came together in my brain my mouth had dropped open and the blood was rushing to my face in a blush so hot I must have been purple. The Chinaman had stepped back, and said something to Morris which I didn’t catch, then laughed.

  At that my paralysis gave way, a blinding humiliation welling up inside me as I dashed for the door. Tears streamed down my face, only for my grief to give way to anger before I got to my chalet. I turned back, choking with fury, to see Danielle already outside with Morris and Mr Hegedus shepherding the men away towards the car park.

  ‘You ... you utter, fucking scumbags!’ I screamed as I approached them. ‘They were watching, weren’t they? They saw everything! How could you, Danielle, you ... you let me suck ... you ...’

  ‘You came,’ she interrupted, her voice full of laughter.

  I flew at her, going for her face with my nails, but Morris caught me, holding me around my waist as I clawed at Danielle. She had stepped back, well out of range as she went on.

  ‘Get a grip of yourself, Jemima. You’re a submissive little slut, and the sooner you accept that the better!’

  ‘Ladies, Ladies!’ Morris urged. ‘There’s no reason to argue, not when you have both earned a very substantial sum for a little fun. Now calm down, Jemima.’

  I’d been trying to kick him and elbow him in the gut, but he was too strong for me, holding on with no real difficulty. Danielle put her hands up in a calming gesture, but I spat at her, catching her on the leg. Her face went dark and I thought she was going to slap me, but Morris turned me away, putting his body between us.

  ‘Ladies!’ he repeated, and now his voice was harsh. ‘Calm down! For goodness sake, it was only a spanking.’

  ‘Only!’ I stormed. ‘They think I was getting it from my Mum, don’t they? You had it all worked out, didn’t you? I suppose you even had the blinds put in just so that bunch of filthy old perverts could watch! You bastard, you fucking pig, you ...’

  ‘Of course,’ he responded, without the slightest hint of shame. ‘Planning is everything. Why, even the two young gentlemen you treated to blow-jobs knew what was going on. I leave nothing to chance.’

  Vince had appeared around the corner of the gallery, grinning, and I realised why he’d thought he could squeeze a suck out of me so easily. John followed, and at least had the decency to look embarrassed. But that hadn’t stopped him taking advantage, and they’d probably watched my spanking too.

  ‘Bastards!’ I spat.

  ‘Come, come, my dear,’ Morris urged. ‘You were planning exactly the same for Summer, weren’t you?’

  ‘No, I ... I ... not like that!’

  ‘Oh yes you were,’ Danielle put in. ‘And that alone more than earned you what you just got. But if you touch my Summer you’ll think that was nothing, I warn you!’

  ‘Just piss off!’

  It was all I could think of to say, because in a sense she was right. I stopped struggling and Morris let go, leaving me to flop down in one of the cast iron chairs, unable to face them but staring out to sea. They left me to my thoughts, Chris handing out cold beers as Morris spoke to Danielle.

  ‘That was good, very good in fact. Most of the men are delighted. But one or two did feel you overplayed it a little, especially letting Stefan watch, and you were so obviously enjoying yourself. They were expecting a bit more maternal authority and a bit less lewd delight, I think. Not that I’m blaming you, with little Jemima over your knee, who wouldn’t have a bit of fun, eh? Still, we need to take everything into account. And you know how picky spankers can be, expecting every little detail to be perfectly suited to their fantasy. They’re keen for more though, and prepared to pay, which is what matters. It really would be a good idea to have Jemima spank Summer, you know, or if not, how about doing her yourself?’

  ‘Absolutely not!’ Danielle gasped and there was real outrage in her voice.

  My mouth had twisted up into a crooked little smile.

  Chapter Ten

  I’d thought Morris had given in a bit easily when I refused to let Danielle spank me and now I knew why. Looking back, I could see how he had planned the whole episode, right from telling Mr Hegedus to have the Venetian blinds installed. That had been a master stroke, allowing the men to watch undetected from just a few feet but ensuring that the conversation between Danielle and I couldn’t be heard properly through the double glazed windows, because that would have been sure to give the game away. He had taken a few risks, and he’d been lucky the sun had gone in, or I might have seen the men’s shadows against the blinds, although even then I couldn’t have stopped them looking in while I was spanked and I wouldn’t have known I’d been set up until afterwards. As it was, he’d got away with it; everything working perfectly save for the fussy old gits who’d felt the spanking was too rude and not disciplinary enough, and as they’d paid in advance his only concern was to provide them with another spanking more to their tastes at some future date.

  They’d paid a lot too. I don’t suppose it matters to rich men, not when they are used to throwing money at a problem until it goes away. When the problem was wanting to see a mother spank her daughter they could appreciate that they were at the top of the market, like maybe, egg collectors paying top dollar to have somebody raid the nest of an osprey. They had no more morals than egg collectors either, not only willing to go along with Morris’s scheme, but thinking of it as the height of entertainment. It was followed by a lunch that lasted most of the afternoon.

  I’d flatly refused to waitress and they made Danielle do it, but that was small consolation for what she’d done to me and the way I’d been tricked. The spanking was bad enough, and she’d really laid in, leaving the whole of my bum and most of my thighs black and blue. Having them think she was my mother while she spanked me was worse, but nothing to the appalling humiliation of having surrendered to her, so that the perverted old gits genuinely thought they had watching me suckle at my own mother’s breast after a punishment spanking. That was what stuck in my head, creating emotions so strong and so muddled I couldn’t even think straight.

  Seeing the envelope on the mantelpiece in my chalet just made my feelings stronger still, and it was three days before I could bring myself to pay in the money. I did no work at all, and Mr and Mrs Hegedus left me alone, no doubt on Morris’s instructions. When Chris told me there was another spanking party at the weekend I flatly refused to attend. As before, we were going to clear the hotel
of ordinary guests on the Saturday morning, with a show at lunchtime and games in the afternoon leading up to the main event.

  My bum was still a mess, but I knew that Melody wouldn’t take any nonsense, and that even if she decided to leave me alone some of the other girls were sure to want to talk to me, and would inevitably try to persuade me to come along and watch if not actually join in. I was determined not to, and walked up onto the downs in the morning, meaning to stay out all day.

  For the first hour I was all right, enjoying the open air and the bright summer sunshine despite my black thoughts. Unfortunately there’s not a lot to do on open downland, except to sneak off into the bushes and play with myself, and I didn’t dare for fear of where my thoughts might take me in the weakness of orgasm. By half past eleven curiosity had got the better of me and I had come back to where the hill overlooked the hotel.

  Most of the grounds were hidden by the trees, and I could see why it was such a good place for their kinky fox hunt. I could also see the car park and the front of the hotel. Morris’s gold Rolls Royce was there, which was no surprise, also the Razorback Jeep, which meant Gavin and probably Jeff were in attendance, maybe Monty too. There was also a big, black car just pulling in, almost certainly Mr Morozov’s Mercedes.

  My Russian gentleman and lover, who had taken advantage of me just as surely as Morris and Danielle, but who I found it hard to resent. That set me thinking about my own motives, and how what Danielle had done was so much worse. It all seemed to come down to pride, really, because both had mistreated me, but both had brought me to ecstasy as well, and society would have found their behaviour equally unacceptable. It wasn’t even Morris who was the real problem, but Danielle, who claimed she wanted me to think of her as my mother, but had been happy to accept money to spank me in front of a paying audience.

  Not for the first time I swore that I would get her back, even as an involuntary shiver ran through me at the memory of what she’d done, both the spanking and the suckling. I called her a bitch, out loud, but my voice was swallowed by the empty downland, making me feel utterly insignificant, my problems trivial. They were, really, in the great scheme of things; a thought I found more comforting than depressing, leaving my head clear for the first time in a week.

  Far below me in the car park I could see Karay, prompting a truly wicked thought. For him to fuck Danielle, preferably with her strapped up tight after getting a well smacked bottom, would be delightful. To let Summer watch would be better still, a perfect and well deserved humiliation, but unfortunately impractical. Even if Mr Morozov agreed, and I could somehow set it all up, it was sure to end in disaster, with Summer completely freaked out and me in Holloway.

  It was better to concentrate on Summer, if only to teach her to enjoy having her bottom roasted and maybe licking pussy. Danielle would be furious, and yet there would be nothing she could do unless she wanted her own behaviour to get a very public airing. Besides, the thought of spanking Summer and teaching her how to lick was deliciously horny. I was fairly sure she’d go for it too, just from the way she behaved with me, and after all, she was her mother’s daughter.

  Another car had arrived at the hotel, a taxi which left immediately after dropping its passengers, two girls. I didn’t recognise either of them, although they might have been at the first hotel party, but they walked into the hotel with complete confidence. Both knew what was coming to them, any number of bare bottom spankings dished out by other girls and a load of dirty old men. Morris’s girls knew, at least in general terms, if not the particulars, and once spanked they’d be leaving the next morning with several hundred pounds in their pockets, while I’d be sulking in my chalet.

  I bit my lip, thinking of my savings account and the three years at university ahead of me, starting in just over two months. Another few hundred would be very useful indeed. While if Mr Morozov wanted me to do him a special favour it might be a great deal more. They’d go easy on me too, because they were bound to want to see my bruises they’d spare me anything heavy. That meant only hand spanking, and perhaps not so very much of that, while Morris was sure to show his appreciation for my return. All I had to do was swallow my pride.

  Half-an-hour later I was still thinking about it, although my meandering footsteps had taken me a fair way down the hill. I knew they’d be in lunch, which would mean a display spanking for somebody, just as Mr Hegedus had used me the first time. Chris had told me how they were going to do it as well, making the girls draw straws and the loser getting it over Melody’s knee. The draw would already have been made, I was sure of that, and I was also hungry, having forgotten to take anything with me. All I had to do was turn up, make my peace with Morris, watch some hapless girl get her bottom roasted while I ate my lunch and then, if I decided I couldn’t cope, I could easily escape.

  I set off towards the hotel, my tummy fluttering and unable to shake the feeling that I’d given in too easily, but driven on by hunger and the thought of the envelope of cash that would be on my mantelpiece that evening if I just allowed a few men to spank me one more time. It really was the sensible choice, or so I was telling myself all the way down the hill. I said hello to Karay, who was still outside reception, and went in. Everybody was in the dining room, and to judge by the slaps, laughter and girlish squeals, whoever had drawn the short straw was suffering the consequences. I poured myself a glass of wine and joined them.

  The girl being spanked was Jade, a close friend of Penny’s, and she was over Melody’s lap as I’d expected, with her jeans and knickers in a tangle around her ankles and her jumper and bra pulled up to bare her huge breasts, which were bouncing to the same rhythm as the slaps being applied to her chubby bottom with a leather spanking paddle. Everybody was concentrating on the show, some horny and eager, others laughing at the state Jade was in, or just mildly amused. Gavin, Monty and Jeff were at a table near the door, and as they’d always been nice to me, however dirty, I pulled up a chair, trying to sound confident and chirpy as I greeted them. ‘Hi boys.’

  Monty didn’t notice, his eyes glued to Jade’s wriggling bottom, but Jeff gave me a brief thumbs up and Gavin leant close to kiss me.

  ‘Hey, Jemima. How’s it going? We wondered where you’d got to.’

  ‘I wasn’t going to come. Bruised bottom.’

  He gave an understanding nod and turned back to watch the action, but Melody was just finishing up with a last few swats before offering the paddle to Jade’s mouth. Jade took it obediently, the leather gripped between her teeth. Mel told Jade not to drop the paddle or she’d be getting a dose of the cane, then slipped a hand between the plump thighs. I thought Mel was going to masturbate her and see if she could keep the paddle in her mouth while she came, but she had something much crueller in mind. Sticking both hands up Jade’s already lifted jumper, she began to tickle her under the armpits. Jade went wild, completely unable to control herself, even less so than during her spanking, with her body absolutely writhing in Melody’s grip, while she was squealing like a stuck pig.

  She looked so funny I was having trouble not laughing out loud, for all that I’d been in equally ridiculous situations myself many a time, with an audience finding my pain and humiliation amusing as well as a turn-on. The boys had no reservations at all, laughing out loud and yelling for more, only for delighted cries to break to gasps and cheers as Jade lost control of her bladder. I heard her despairing cry, begging Melody to stop before she wet herself, and then it was too late. She had her legs cocked wide and she’d slid forward on Mel’s lap, leaving her bottom stuck up so that as the pee erupted from her pussy it went almost straight up, in a great, pale yellow fountain that came down all over her bottom and legs and back, in her hair and on her jeans and knickers. Mel got wet too, with Jade’s pee spraying in every direction as she wriggled in her frantic efforts to escape the tickling, but it didn’t seem to bother her. She just carried on, with spurt after spurt of urine squirting from her victim’s open cunt until they were both dripping with it an
d the spanking chair stood in a growing pool, which Jade sat down in when Melody suddenly let go

  Everybody began to clap, and Mel stood up and took a bow before making for her room to clean up, but the show wasn’t over. Jade was left sitting in her own puddle, looking thoroughly sorry for herself. The paddle had long since fallen out of her mouth, and no doubt she thought she had at least been spared the cane, but it was not to be. Mr Hegedus appeared, waving his arms and ranting about how he’d been running the hotel since nineteen ninety-one and nobody had ever pissed on his dining room floor, but it was all show. He made Jade kneel on the chair with her bottom stuck out to the audience and gave her six hard strokes of the cane across her wet bum cheeks. Then set her to mopping up her pee puddle with her own clothes, while she was nude with a striped bottom wobbling behind her as she scrubbed.

  ‘Great stuff!’ Gavin declared.

  ‘Fucking ace!’ Jeff agreed. ‘I love the way her tits hang. I swear they’re a big as footballs!’

  Monty merely gave a connoisseur’s nod, then turned to me.

  ‘Hi, Jemima. I hear you got fucked by Karay?’

  I was blushing immediately, and while I couldn’t really deny it I immediately found myself making excuses.

  ‘Yes ... I was tied up though, and I had a pillow case on my head. I didn’t even know until ... until it was too late, and ... anyway, he was more of a gentleman than any of you lot.’

  ‘Be cool. I think it’s kind of horny. Do you think he’d hunt with us?’

  I choked on my wine.

  ‘No pressure,’ he went on, ‘But if you’re up for it that would be great, and there’d be a grand in it for you.’

  ‘I’ll see,’ I managed.

  ‘Cool. So what’s with the bruised bum? Old Vilmos get a bit carried away with the staff discipline, did he?’

  ‘Something like that,’ I admitted, not willing to tell admit the truth or anything close.


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