Maid to Order

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Maid to Order Page 22

by Penny Birch

  ‘Have I arrived in the middle of a party?’ he asked.

  ‘No,’ I told him. ‘We’re spanking her because she was going to spank me, and to get her back.’

  ‘Fair enough, I suppose,’ he remarked casually. ‘Hello, Pippa, did you enjoy Australia? And you must be Danielle’s daughter?’

  He was addressing Summer, who still looked stunned. Danielle had been making odd little bubbling gasps and not paying much attention to anything, but finally reacted, twisting around with her face set not in the fury I’d expected, but panic. Pippa let go and Danielle jumped to her feet, speaking hurriedly as she struggled to get her panties back up over her bottom. ‘We have to go, Summer, come on.’

  She grabbed Summer’s hand, pulling her from the house almost as brusquely as she’d come in. Summer went, throwing me a last astonished look over her shoulder before she’d been bundled into the car. Morris spoke as the engine started. ‘Something tells me Danielle would rather I didn’t get to know her toothsome little daughter. But she should know that I never approach a girl unless I know she’s willing. Then again, perhaps that’s the trouble?’

  ‘It is,’ I assured him. ‘So what’s up?’

  I spoke cautiously, expecting him to come up with some impossibly perverted scheme, and given the casual way he was taking what we’d just done to Danielle I wouldn’t have been surprised if it involved a combination of my entire family, the livestock of a small farm and several hundred foreign businessmen.

  ‘You left some photos behind in your chalet,’ he said, and tossed them down on the table.

  It was the one thing I had not told Pippa, although I had meant to, and her mouth came open in an O of shock. ‘Jemima!’

  ‘Two of my gentlemen,’ I explained hastily, gathering up the pictures.

  ‘You’re terrible!’

  ‘It was rather nice, actually,’ I said, trying to sound cool but betrayed by my blushes. ‘He’s the one who’s coming round later.’

  ‘You’re a disgrace, Jem,’ she said, but she was laughing. ‘And I want to see those.’

  I handed them over, blushing crimson, but strangely proud of myself because just for once I’d done something she hadn’t.

  ‘He’s not coming round, as it happens,’ Morris put in. ‘Things have changed a little since you left the hotel.’


  ‘Yes,’ he went on. ‘Suffice to say that Danielle came to a party at my Hampstead place last night and ah ... reached an accommodation with Mr Morozov. She’ll be living at his London flat, which is just as well considering silly Harmony accidentally sent the party invitation to Danielle’s old work email. She’ll have to be spanked.’

  ‘Hang on,’ I said, trying to clear the image of Harmony bottom up over his lap from my head and focus on what he was saying. ‘Do you mean Dad caught her out and she’s gone off with Mr Morozov?’

  ‘Exactly. You, apparently, were too willing. He likes real shame, it seems.’

  ‘And Danielle, with Karay?’ I demanded.

  Morris shrugged. ‘So it seems. They went upstairs. But yes, it seems safe to assume he had her.’

  ‘Karay?’ Pippa queried, holding out one of the most embarrassing of the pictures, with me in obvious ecstasy as I got my bottom humped.

  ‘Yes,’ I confirmed and turned back to Morris. ‘And Dad?’

  ‘Well, he’s not best pleased, let’s put it that way.’

  I began to cry, calling Morris an evil, scheming bastard even as I took him in my arms and kissed him. His hands went straight to my bottom, but I let him grope, both cheeks, then one of them as Pippa cuddled into us and was given the same treatment. When we finally pulled apart he was beaming with satisfaction. A new and disturbing thought struck me.

  ‘What about Summer?’ I asked.

  ‘She’ll be living with her father, I believe. And now, as I’ve driven all the way from London to deliver your filthy pictures, how about a spot of lunch?’

  I knew that wasn’t all he was after, but it seemed only fair. He’d obviously set the whole thing up, and while he undoubtedly had his own interests at heart they coincided with mine, and with Pippa’s. He was going to want us to say thank you too, which meant going nude in the pool with a sister and sister double blowjob to follow.

  We were still splashing about when Penny came back, but once we’d explained the situation it wasn’t difficult to persuade her to strip off and join us, or to go over Morris’s knee for a quick spanking while Pippa and I posed for him with our wet bottoms stuck out for inspection. The three of us sucked him off together as he lay back on one of the sun loungers with a drink in one hand and a cigar in the other, taking turns with his cock in our mouths while the others licked at his balls or snogged to give him something extra to get off on. He came in my face, and all over his shirt, in Pippa’s hair too, so the three of us went inside to clean up.

  Penny stayed outside, towelling herself off before lying down on the sun lounger. She’d put her panties back on, but soon had them pulled aside, masturbating shamelessly in the warm sunlight. We’d been about to start getting lunch together, but stopped to watch, calling Morris to the window so that he could enjoy the view. Her eyes were closed in bliss, her thighs spread to show off her open cunt, her head no doubt full of dirty thoughts; of spanking and sucking cock and snogging with her nieces, so she never saw the slim, steel-haired woman who came into the garden, not until far too late. A single, sharp word reached us through the window.


  Pippa and I began to retreat from the window, dragging Morris with us.

  ‘Who’s the old dragon?’ he demanded.

  ‘Great Aunt Geraldine!’ I told him.

  ‘Her mum,’ Pippa added.


  It wasn’t the first time Mum had caught me in an embarrassing situation. There was the time she’d walked in on me while I was being spanked by Marjorie Burgess, and the incident with AJ on Paddington station, which had been even worse. Yet in both cases I’d had very little say in what was happening, so had been able to at least try to explain myself without admitting what I was into. Now it was different. Not only had I been masturbating, but I’d been whispering “spank me, spank me” as I thought of how it had felt to be done across Morris’s knee with Pippa and Jemima watching.

  I couldn’t speak for embarrassment, my face burning with blushes as she looked down on me in shock, disapproval, disappointment; expressions I remembered so well from every time I’d failed to meet her standards. Her tone of voice when she spoke was equally familiar, showing that same touch of patient exasperation I could remember right back to the nursery, but what she said was far from familiar. ‘I really rather think I’ll have to, spank you, that is. Get up.’

  She sat down on the other sun lounger, her face stern but unemotional as she patted her lap.

  ‘Come across my knee, Penelope.’

  I couldn’t stop myself, but my heart was hammering in my chest and my face must have been crimson as I got down across her knee with my bottom lifted, in the same humiliating position I’d adopted a thousand times for a hundred people, but never like this, never across my own mother’s lap with my cheeks bulging out my big white panties behind and not a stitch on besides, my little tits dangling down by her leg. My tears had come even before I was properly in position; big, oily drops rolling down my face to splash on the concrete beneath me; tears of shame and sorrow and self-pity, but also of relief. A vast, all embracing sense of relief for what was about to be done to me: smacked by my own mother.

  She took down my knickers. That is so easy to say, but it meant so much, to have my bottom laid bare, without comment or fuss; my panties just pulled down for the sake of convenience. And after all, why should a daughter have any modesty in front of her mother? I needed it though, and maybe she knew, because instead of just turning them down to get me exposed and vulnerable, she took them right off, to leave me baby-bare naked across her lap; trying to be a big girl about it but
crying softly as I waited for her to begin.

  ‘I should have done this a very long time ago,’ she said, and her hand had settled on my bottom.

  ‘Yes,’ I answered, the only word I’d spoken, and my spanking had begun.

  She wasn’t clever about it, let alone rude. There were none of the little tricks I was used to, and she didn’t say a word. She just spanked me, and if my bottom was lifted and my anus and cunt on show to her, then that was as it should be, my rear view completely exposed as I was given what I deserved, and needed: a firm, purposeful spanking from a stern but tender mother to her naughty daughter.

  I didn’t know why she’d done it; whether she’d been talking to Aunt Elaine, if she wanted to punish me for masturbating in the garden, or if she just felt it was about time I got it for a lifetime of being a dirty-minded, stuck-up little know-all. Maybe it was all three, but it didn’t matter anyway. It was her right: to take down my panties and spank my bottom, whenever she liked and wherever she liked, because I was very sure that although it was the first time, it wouldn’t be the last.

  When she finally stopped I was hot behind, but not really in pain, and while I knew my bum would be very red there wouldn’t be bruising. That was just right, not hurting me, but putting me very firmly in my place, at thirty-eight years old, exactly where I ought to be, lying nude and spanked across my mother’s knee. I didn’t want to get up either, but lay there, still crying, with my red bottom lifted for the world to see exactly what had been done to me, everything forgotten, until Morris Rathwell’s voice brought me sharply back down to Earth.

  ‘Mrs Birch, I believe? Er ... I wonder if I might interest Penny and yourself you in a little proposition?’


  Front Matter

  Title Page

  Publisher Information

  Maid to Order


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  Also Available




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