No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1)

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No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1) Page 2

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Chapter Two

  Camilla quickly scanned the restaurant. He was right, there was nowhere to sit, and she already knew that. He waited patiently for her to respond, taking a long accessing eye over the details of her face.

  “Sure,” she eased out, still slightly flustered.

  “I’m Hunter Valentine, by the way, and you are?”


  Hunter reached out for a handshake.

  “Good morning, Camilla. That’s a beautiful name.”

  For some reason, when he’d complimented her name, it felt different than when the hostess had. It cruised through her body with a heated sting and settled right in her center. Camilla blushed, accepting his hand. The spark that tinged her fingers, looped around her skin, and spread throughout her loins.

  Oh God, Camilla thought. What the hell was happening?

  “Thank you, please, have a seat,” she ushered.

  Hunter’s massive frame and elongated height were so domineering that when he sat, his legs stretched to Camilla’s side of the table, touching her knee with a stimulating brush. Camilla’s mouth parted, and a breath escaped her. And as if Camilla knew she’d start drooling at any moment, she shut her lips and easily crossed her legs to keep the exhilarating tingle from coursing down her spine in a constant vibration.

  The server appeared in that instant, and he couldn’t have come at a better time.

  “Can I have a glass of water, please?” Camilla asked, keeping her voice steady and neutral. Why her nerves were on edge was a mystery that eluded her every second Hunter sat staring at her mouth. Which had only been a few but felt like a million.

  “Yes, ma’am. I’m Ralph by the way. Would you like anything else or just water?”

  “You know what, Ralph? A cup of cappuccino will be fine.”

  “Instead of water?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “Okay, and you, sir?”

  Camilla tried to force herself from taking her attention to Hunter’s luscious lips, but looking at his penetrating observation, smooth brown skin, and striking features wasn’t any better. Slowly, she took in a deep breath as Hunter spoke to their server. Camilla remembered his voice as if he’d whispered in her ear, and Camilla’s drums had recorded a sonogram of the tone.

  “I’ll be right back,” the server said, disappearing to fulfill their order.

  “So, Camilla,” Hunter began, “are you new around here?”

  Camilla smirked. “Do I appear new to you, Hunter?”

  Hunter smiled, a tantalizing smirk. “A woman who answers a question with a question,” he mused. “Interesting…”

  Camilla shifted slightly. “What’s so interesting about that?”

  Hunter shrugged his widespread shoulders. “If a person answers a question with a question, they usually have something to hide.”

  Camilla arched a brow. “Usually, huh, and what are you, a therapist?”

  A deep, devouring laugh escaped him. “Nah, I wouldn’t say that.”

  “Well what would you say?”

  “I’d say you don’t like talking about yourself to strangers and that’s why you’re avoiding my question. Never mind that it’s a simple one. I wonder how you’d clam up if I asked you a personal one.”

  Another tingle sailed around Camilla’s skin, and she licked her lips.

  “Yes,” Camilla reverted. “I’ve lived in this building all of twenty-four hours initially.”


  “To be precise, I moved in two weeks ago. But I’ve just only made my debut late last night.”

  Hunter was intrigued. Who was this clandestine woman flying into town in the middle of the night just to throw his equilibrium off early this morning. He had no plans to stop and have breakfast until he spotted her while he was walking past the bistro headed for the exit.

  “Your name rings familiar,” Camilla said, interrupting his thoughts.

  A prevalent grin tapered across his face.

  “By that award-winning smile, I’d say there’s a reason for that,” Camilla continued.

  “I own VFC Energy,” he plainly stated.

  Camilla’s eyes bucked. “The Fortune 500 company?”

  Hunter’s grin returned. “Yes.”

  “Hunter Valentine…” Camilla said at the awe-inspiring revelation.

  Camilla had had the chance of reporting on Hunter twice in her anchor position at News 12. It was when he made headlines for beginning his green energy initiatives three years ago. The news topped CNN for almost a week, which was a rarity.

  “Congratulations,” Camilla said.

  At the arch of Hunter’s brow, Camilla elaborated. “On all of your success. Your parents must be really proud.” She smiled, and Hunter’s gaze dropped to her lips.

  “Indeed, they are,” he said. “Camilla…” his deep voice strummed when he spoke her name, causing Camilla to shiver involuntarily, “I wish I had the pleasure of knowing who you are. Tell me a little bit about yourself.”

  Camilla’s serenaded laugh teetered on the edge of nervousness and a sensuality that sent a jolting buzz crawling down Hunter’s skin. If he could bottle the sound to use at a time when he was perhaps having a bad day, it would definitely lighten his mood.

  “I’m afraid I’m not as interesting as you,” Camilla said.

  “I don’t believe that for a second.”

  When Camilla laughed again, it was low with a captivating jingle. The tone sent another thrill of exuberant energy slipping over his skin, making Hunter more anxious to know her background.

  The server appeared with Camilla’s cappuccino and Hunter’s coffee. When the waiter sat a plate down bearing a stuffed omelet sidled with strawberries, blueberries, and diced oranges, Camilla peered up at him.

  “I didn’t order this.”

  “I did,” Hunter’s hypnotic voice grooved.

  Camilla’s eyes fluttered over to him, and she sat back against her seat. The memory of Hunter ordering escaped her, probably since Camilla was too busy staring at his mouth instead of listening to his words.

  “Oh,” was all she said.

  “Is there anything else I can do for either of you?”

  “I’m fine,” Camilla said.

  “That goes for the both of us,” Hunter added.

  “Okay, I’ll be back in a minute to check on you two.”

  They both nodded as the waiter dashed off.

  “I almost sent your dish back to the kitchen.” Camilla laughed that nervous sultry laugh again, and Hunter’s lips spread easily across his perfect face.

  “Our dish,” he retorted.


  “I had this made for us to share,” he added.

  Camilla’s mouth parted for a response, but it evaded her for longer than she liked. “I don’t know you, Hunter, what makes you think I’d share your food? That’s kind of personal, don’t you think?”

  “True, but I was hoping by the end of this conversation, we would be personally acquainted.”

  Camilla’s brows rose. “How exactly do you propose that would happen?”

  Hunter retrieved the butter knife from the wrapped napkin and added a fork to his massive hand. With a slow and even pace, he cut into the omelet and steam rose from the hot dish as bell peppers, cheese, meat, and other vegetables oozed out of it. Scooping the portion up on his utensil, Hunter held the fork just below her mouth then leaned in and blew over the toasty piece, causing the heat from the omelet to caress the top of her lips along with his cinnamon-scented breath.

  The move was so erotically entangled that Camilla’s heart was now slamming against her chest, and her nerves were set to dive off a cliff. When she spoke, Camilla didn’t know who the voice belonged to from the thick sultry concoction of it.

  Keeping her eyes on Hunter, Camilla said, “How do you even know I like my omelet mixed with these ingredients? If you really wanted to split this dish, you would’ve ordered a cheese omelet to be on the safe side.”
br />   Hunter’s grin was laced with a mischief rue. “Maybe because somehow I know you’re the kind of woman who likes to spice things up. In any case, there’s nothing plain about you…”

  Hunter’s gaze roamed the contours of Camilla’s face and his long thick lashes hovered above the brimming depth of his eyes. Thoroughly heated now, Camilla almost panted and didn’t recognize herself as she leaned forward, opened her mouth, and settled her tongue between the utensil and the food. With a succulent pull, Camilla moaned and closed her eyes as she drew the warm entree off the fork shortly followed by a swiping of her tongue.

  When Camilla reopened her eyes, Hunter’s brown orbs held a stark darkness that ruffled her feathers and dropped a tingling burn over her flesh.

  “My turn,” Camilla said. She reached for the fork when Hunter spoke up.

  “Nah… hands,” he said.

  Camilla arched a brow and sat the fork down on the table. With her fingers, she speared off a piece of omelet, the heat, seeping into her fingers. She held the food midways before sending a light blow of her own over the top. Unhurriedly, Camilla lifted the omelet to his lips, and in turn, Hunter covered her fingers with his mouth. The heated wetness of his aperture sent an effusion crawling up Camilla’s skin that erected her nipples and caused her vagina to thump like a ricocheting headboard.

  She thought, oh my God, but it came out like a whimpering pant. What the hell was happening? Why was she acting so out of character? Camilla didn’t know Hunter from day or night. This was ridiculous. All those thoughts ran through Camilla, but her actions negated them. Instead of pulling back and snapping out of it like her mind screamed, she held, nice and steady, as Hunter took joy in licking and sucking each individual finger even the ones that held no flavor whatsoever. As she watched, Camilla followed the flip of his tongue, and enjoyed the delicate but hungry way he savored her flesh. Her heart was tap dancing now, and a stabilizing zing coated Camilla completely. When she felt herself moving in to meet his hungry mouth with hers an internal alarm triggered, warning her that she was not this person.

  Finally jolting from her trance, Camilla cleared her throat and eased her hand back. She didn’t know what to say, but she glanced at her time and realized she’d been having too much fun because the half an hour had gotten away from her.

  Camilla cleared her throat again. “How was it?” she asked. “Better than my scoop?” A small smile cornered her mouth.

  “Best damn fingers I’ve ever had,” he said.

  A sultry guffaw slipped from Camilla as she tossed her head back and laughed. Hunter smiled in return and combed his gaze over the lean stretch of her neck, wanting to move his mouth there next.

  The waiter returned to their table. “Would you like a refill of your cappuccino,” he asked Camilla.

  Camilla checked her watch again. “Ah, sure, but let me have it in a to-go cup, please.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Are you in a hurry?” Hunter asked, not ready for this time with her to end.

  “First day on the job,” Camilla smiled brightly. “You know, since it’s my first day as an official Chicagoan.”

  Hunter smiled. “You’re not an official Chicagoan until you’ve met the president.”

  Camilla's eyes widened. “As in President Barak Obama?”

  “Of course, that’s my president.” Camilla laughed haughtily. “Would you like to meet him?”

  Camilla’s smile stretched across her face. The server reappeared with her cappuccino.

  “Will this be one check or two,” the server asked.

  Hunter and Camilla spoke at the same time, “Same check.”

  Camilla and Hunter eyed each other.

  “Interesting…” Hunter said.

  “Why’s that?” Camilla retorted. “It’s not every day I go around paying for a stranger’s check.”

  “No,” Hunter’s deep voice stroked her, “just me...”

  Camilla cleared her throat and licked at the corner of her mouth.

  “Well, you’ve been such a good stranger.”

  Hunter’s deep laugh caressed Camilla’s hot skin. Forcefully, Camilla pulled her eyes away from him to address the waiter. “Same check,” she responded, confident in her initial approach. Why she felt the need to cater to him was beyond her.

  But it felt pleasant, strange, but naughty. Why, Camilla had no clue. Maybe it was the easy flow of their conversation. Or maybe it was how comfortable she felt in his presence. Or maybe it was the way Hunter licked her fingers, and Camilla was just horny. Whichever it was, Camilla was content with it all. And that was just plain ol’ weird.

  The server reached for her offered Visa, but Hunter was quicker, retrieving the Visa card from the server’s fingers and slipping his American Express in its place.

  “Excuse me,” Camilla said. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  The server glanced between them, and Hunter nodded. The server didn’t need to be told twice as he turned to clear the check.

  “Not on my watch,” Hunter said.

  They stared at each other, Hunter taking in the soft curves of Camilla’s eyes, nose, lips, and chin. Camilla reached for her briefcase.

  “In that case, I’ll get on with my day. Thank you for breakfast, Hunter.” Camilla stood to her feet.

  “Wait, I didn’t get your number, and you never answered my question.”

  Camilla smiled and eased away from her chair. “I’m sure I’ll see you around.” She turned and strolled off, leaving Hunter with a whirlwind of emotions.

  Chapter Three

  Hunter was out of his seat, his long strides moving to chase Camilla down.

  “Sir!” The server called, halting him in his steps. “Your card, sir.” The server closed in on Hunter with a quick trot and a hand held out.

  Hunter retrieved the plastic. “Thank you,” he said, turning to take his leave.

  “You’re welcome, have a good day,” the server called at Hunter’s back.

  Hunter strolled out of the restaurant across the lobby through the revolving doors into Chicago’s cool temperatures. He pulled a pair of aviator glasses out and sat them on his face, hiding his retinas from the beating sun’s rays. Hunter glanced left, then right and saw no signs of Camilla. She’d made her exit quickly, and he couldn’t figure out how when he’d only been a few meager steps behind her.

  “Can I get your car, Mr. Valentine?” Robert, the valet attendant asked.

  “Robert, did you get a car for a woman just a second ago? Brown skin, shoulder length hair, brown eyes, hourglass figure. She was wearing a pinstriped suit.”

  Robert smiled. “That sounds like quite a woman. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a car for her.”

  Hunter grimaced.

  “However, I did see her walking down the street that way.” Robert pointed.

  Hunter’s grimace turned into a charming smile. “My man,” Hunter said, slapping Robert on the shoulder. Hunter jogged down the street.

  “I’ll get your car!” Robert called after him.

  “You do that!” Hunter barked back.

  Hunter had taken off into a sprint to meet up with the lovely Camilla. There wasn’t an explanation for his excursion, other than his curiosity of her, but either way, he wasn’t looking for clarification.

  Robert trudged off and returned within seconds with Hunter’s vehicle while Hunter was at the corner searching with laser-like vision for his mystery woman. With people walking up and down the sidewalk, Hunter’s eyes darted from head to head then he cursed when his search came up empty.

  Returning to The Regency, Hunter pulled out his wallet to add his American Express card back inside the bill folder. It was then that he noticed two cards in his hand. Camilla’s Visa was one of them. An elaborate smile cruised across his lips. He’d removed her card from the server’s hand, but Camilla had been in such a rush to escape him, she’d left it behind.

  “Must be my lucky day,” Hunter drawled. He removed some cash and stuck a f
ifty-dollar bill in Robert’s shirt pocket then jumped in his car with a whistle on his tongue.

  “Go get her, tiger,” Robert said, knowing all too well if Hunter Valentine was after you, there was no getting away from him. It was rare that Hunter gave chase to anyone, but on an occasion or two, he did, and Hunter always got his woman. This time, she’d slipped through his fingers, and although he wanted to brush it off and go about his day, the plastic inside his wallet gave him another reason to seek her out.

  “Camilla…” he drawled, twirling her name around his tongue. Hunter left downtown headed for the manufacturing district of Chicago. February had proven to be one of the coldest months in this winter season, even going so far as leaving six inches of snow just weeks ago. However, it would be difficult to tell by the lack of outerwear that Hunter neglected. He had his moments when the wind chill was so brash that he’d throw on a thin fleece and sometimes go as far as tossing a men’s scarf around his shoulders. But for the most part, it was in Hunter’s nature to go without. He was, after all, a hot-blooded man. His thick skin and tough exterior held him in a natural cocoon of warmth, so the extra layer of clothing wasn’t necessary for him.

  Hunter pulled up to a red light just as his phone rang. The Bluetooth was attached to his internal speakers along with his caller ID that streamed across his dashboard screen. He smirked and hit a button on his steering wheel that answered the call.

  “I don’t think anyone in the world is as prompt as you,” he said.

  A female voice chuckled. “Well when you’re dealing with a celebrity such as yourself, promptness is a must,” she said.

  Hunter smiled. “What can I do for you this week, Ms. Tamara?”

  Tamara Jenkins smiled into the receiver. “Oh, come now, you know what I want,” she cooed.

  Hunter lifted a brow. “I play at your jazz club every week. Do you think I’d skip one?”

  Tamara gave a low throaty chuckle. “Who said anything about playing jazz?”

  Hunter’s smile stretched and he turned the corner, making his way to VFC Energy.


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