No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1)

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No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1) Page 4

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “It is. Haven’t met a turkey sandwich in all of Chicago that was better.”

  Camilla giggled and said a small prayer over her food.

  “Are you a religious woman?” Allison asked.

  Camilla glanced at her just as she lifted the sandwich to her mouth. Removing it slightly, she responded. “I wouldn’t say religious. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins, and for that I’m grateful.”

  “Hmmm,” Allison said.

  “I take it you don’t,” Camilla said.

  “Oh, nothing like that.” Allison waved her off. “I grew up a Jehovah’s Witness. “But I’ve been converted for say, about five years now. The differences of the religion pique my interest all the time.”

  Camilla’s eyes rose. “A new Christian. Nice.”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t say that I sin any less but,” Allison shrugged, and Camilla laughed loudly.

  “Hey, I’ve been a Christian for most of my life, and I can say the same. Here’s to no judgment and navigating this thing called life the best we can.” Camilla lifted her glass for a toast, and Allison followed suit.

  “I will definitely drink to that.”

  The ladies continued their conversation over the next half hour until it was time to head back to the station. The waitress moseyed to the table to collect their bills.

  “I hope everything was to your liking,” Charmaine said.

  “Yes, it was great,” they both said.

  “That’s good to hear. Will this be separate checks or?”

  “Two checks,” Camilla chimed as she searched relentlessly for her Visa. She dug into her bill folder and shifted through each pocket finding it missing. A frown covered her face.

  “Something wrong?” Allison asked.

  “I think I may have slipped my card in my jacket pocket by mistake. Probably in a rush or something.” Camilla searched her Eddie Bauer coat and came up emptyhanded. Her thoughts shuffled as she tried to remember the last time she’d used her card.

  The Breakfast Hut. Hunter had taken it out of the server’s hand and slipped his card into its place to pay for their food.

  “Shit,” Camilla cursed. “I’m sorry, I seem to have left it at the restaurant I had breakfast at this morning. Is it possible—”

  “Not a big deal at all, just pay me back tomorrow.” Allison glanced up at Charmaine. “One check please.”

  “Thank you. I’ll have it first thing.”

  Camilla sighed and wondered how she would get her card back from Hunter. She would have to knock on his door once she got home and that would blow her cover. As it stood, Hunter didn’t know she was the only other occupant on his floor, and Camilla wanted to keep it that way. A population of chills settled across her skin as she thought about them meeting again. Camilla knew she’d have to give herself a serious pep talk to stay focused.

  Chapter Five

  “Good evening, Madame,” Robert the valet attendant spoke.

  “Good evening,” Camilla responded. “How was your day?”

  “Oh, I can’t complain. How about yours?”

  “I’d say it was a win,” Camilla smiled easily.

  “Good, good,” Robert repeated.

  “I’m surprised you’re still here. Do you usually work this late?”

  Camilla snagged a look at her wristwatch. It was six p.m., and when she’d left this morning it was before eight.

  “Picking up some extra hours. I’ll be long gone in the next two.”

  “Oh, in that case…” Camilla handed over her keys.

  “Don’t mind if I do. Thank you, pretty lady.”

  Camilla removed her handbag and sauntered through the revolving doors of The Regency. The luxurious layout of the building was one of the things besides security that sold Camilla on the building. From the multi-pendant crystal chandelier that hung two stories from a coffered ceiling, to the wenge flooring, oversized tufted ottomans, and contemporary furniture, the high-rise was built like a palace, and a girl could only dream. With fingers crossed, Camilla strutted to The Breakfast Hut. Once she arrived, her fears had been answered. They were closed.

  “Of course, they’re closed, Camilla. They’re a breakfast restaurant,” she said, scolding herself.

  Completing an about-face, Camilla strolled back to the lobby and sauntered up to the receptionist desk. This was another great feature of the building. There was always someone there twenty-four hours to answer any and all concerns.

  The brunette sitting behind the marble countertop appeared to be Camilla’s age, and she clicked away at her keyboard as she kept her eyes focused on whatever was on the monitor in front of her. Camilla cleared her throat, and the lady glanced up then smiled. She pushed her glasses up her nose, and they slid slightly down again.

  “Good evening, I’m Sonya, how can I help you?”

  “Sonya, I’m new to the building, just rented the mini penthouse suite. Unfortunately, this morning, I left my credit card in The Breakfast Hut in a rush to get to work.” More like in a rush to run from Hunter. Camilla made sure not to roll her eyes at that last thought. “I was wondering if maybe one of the servers or even the manager might have left it here.”

  Camilla held her breath, and Sonya frowned. “Give me just a moment, and I’ll check,” she said.

  “Thank you.”

  Sonya stood and moseyed to the backroom. While Camilla waited, she pulled out her iPhone and scrolled through her notifications. Four missed calls and an equal amount of text messages from none other than Steven. Camilla shook her head. The man never gave up; he was like a thorn in Camilla’s backside. She was never answering his phone call, and if the world ended before Camilla ever saw Steven again, it wouldn’t be soon enough.

  Sonya reappeared, and Camilla saw no evidence of her Visa.

  “I’m sorry, but it doesn’t look like we’ve received a credit card from The Breakfast Hut. If you’d like, I can leave a message for the manager, and she’ll return your call as soon as she’s available.”

  Camilla let go of the breath she was holding. “That’s fine,” she said, but she felt the opposite.

  “Okay, let me have your telephone number and your full name.”

  Camilla rattled off the information while her skin turned hot simultaneously. She would have to face Hunter again, regardless of how much she’d rather not. You’re a grown woman, Camilla, you can handle it.

  “I’ve got you down,” Sonya said, pushing her glasses back up her nose again.

  “Thank you.”

  Camilla turned and left, headed for the elevators. As she walked, each step she took felt as if she were stepping in quicksand. She fought mightily to take another. Reaching the steel box, Camilla lifted her hand for the button just as the elevator dinged and the doors parted. The unexpected sound rattled her, and she jumped slightly as a woman with short blonde curls and blue eyes rushed from inside.

  “Excuse me,” she said as she shot past Camilla.

  Camilla covered her chest and removed herself from the woman’s path as she practically skipped past her. Clearly, the woman wasn’t looking for a response since she was at the exit before Camilla could get settled into the confines of the elevator. The doors closed, and Camilla dropped her hand, deciding now was the time to have a one-on-one with herself.

  “You are thinking too hard about this,” she said. “You’re simply going to retrieve your card. You know he has it. He knows he has it, and it belongs to you.”

  Camilla paused.

  “So, what if you couldn’t control yourself over breakfast? That was then, and you’ve had all day to get over it, so just do it.”

  Allison’s words came back to haunt Camilla.

  “They want to appear as if they wouldn’t be interested because he’s the head of playboy academy, but I know better. And deep down they do, too. Hunter is fine as hell, and besides that, he’s about his business. If a woman could be on his arm even for a night, she’d rather toss her friend in a cage full of pit bulls than deny
an evening with him. Stick around long enough and you’ll see what I mean.”

  Camilla rubbed her hands together and collected herself. When the doors opened on their floor, she peeped her head out to see if anyone else was lingering around. The last thing she wanted to do was run into one of his overnight escapades. Ugh. Stepping off the elevator, she held her chin up with confidence and strolled down the hallway to his door. There she stood in front of it, staring at the cherry oak wood frame. Taking in a deep breath, Camilla lifted her hand to knock quickly, but instead, she paused when her heart picked up an extra beat. Her hand faltered, and she tried to shake it off but as it rose again to knock, Camilla’s pulse quickened.

  What was happening to her? Camilla dropped her hand again and continued to stare at the door as if it was an abominable opponent she needed to size up to figure out how best to take it on head first. Her legs moved backward, and Camilla retreated. With haste, she dug her hand into her purse and fished for her keys.

  “Why didn’t you have your keys ready, Camilla,” she scolded.

  But she knew why. Her focus had been on Hunter and nothing else. When her fingers swept across the bottom and scooped up the chain, Camilla breathed a sigh of relief. She entered them into the lock and pushed the door, stepping inside the safety of her abode. She turned and shut the panel, letting her back fall against the solid grain of it.

  “What is wrong with you?” She asked to only herself.

  Pushing off, Camilla turned and leaned her face toward the peephole, checking for any signs of movement outside. When her inspection came up empty, she sighed, and her head fell back as her eyes closed tight. Camilla never felt so ridiculous. She’d been in Chicago all of twenty-four hours and only been in Hunter’s presence, what, thirty minutes? And he’d managed to stir up a commotion so thoroughly Camilla thought she might seize up.

  “It’s not that serious, Camilla,” she said.

  Tossing her handbag on the entryway table stand, Camilla strolled to the kitchen and shed her coat. The thick jacket went flying onto the countertop as Camilla searched the cabinet for the complimentary bottle of wine she’d received upon leasing the expensive suite.

  “This is more like it,” she said, reaching in for the bottle.

  The smile on Camilla’s face faltered when she noticed a cork but wasn’t in the vicinity of a corkscrew. A curse left her lips, and she almost slammed the bottle onto the counter. An unnerved, high-pitched laugh escaped her lips as she leaned a curvaceous hip into the edge. Go to him. Camilla rubbed her temples.

  “He’ll wonder how I knew where he lived,” she argued with herself. “Then, what will I tell him?”

  Camilla held there as if waiting for a response from herself.

  “This is crazy.”

  She pushed off the counter and strolled back to her front door, determined. Truth be told, Camilla didn’t have to tell him a thing. He had her Visa card and he needed to give it back. If Hunter asked how she found out where he lived, she’d just simply shrug and ask him to return what rightfully belonged to her.

  Camilla nodded as if making up her mind that, that explanation would do. She swung her door open and closed it behind her without taking the time to grab her key and lock it as she exited. As she closed in on his door again, Camilla paused, and a fleeting thought sailed through her mind.

  What if he has company?

  That would be embarrassing. But he wouldn’t know that, after all, Camilla was just there to get what was hers. So, without another thought, she took her knuckles across the solid wooden beam in three taps. Her pulse quickened again as she waited, feeling anxious and antsy at the same time.

  Camilla turned to glance down the hall then back up again, but there was no answer at his door. Pulling her wrist to her face, she glanced at the time. It had only been an hour since she’d arrived, but it felt like two. Camilla knocked again, this time a little harder. The walls were pretty thick, so it was only right that the door would be, too.

  Without trying, Camilla found herself leaning into the door, placing an ear against it to listen to see if there was any movement inside. Hunter picked that moment to answer the door, and when it swung open, a flow of air pushed Camilla forward, causing her to collide with the solid expanse of his bare chest.

  “Oh, my goodness,” Camilla yelped as Hunter’s stern hands reached out to hold her steady.

  “Camilla,” he said, surprised. The connection of their touch caused a ripple of heat to slip over them both; further proving that the chemistry from earlier that morning was not a fluke.

  Camilla’s eyes slowly trailed up the length of his granite-solid chest. They cruised up over the muscles in his shoulders past the pillar of his throat, masculine jaw, kissable lips, and thick nose into the depths of his stinging gaze. She was frozen there, unmoving and unwavering. Her thoughts weren’t jumbled but set on a singular highlight. His face.

  Hunter was the most beautiful man Camilla had ever seen. And by beautiful she meant exquisitely carved as each facet and surface on his face was shaped for the perfection of his mouth, nose, eyes, and ears. The divinity in which he was created must have been one of the biggest masterpieces God had ever molded.

  And yet… Hunter was thinking much the same.

  As they continued to stare at one another, their breaths mingled as they took in each distinct proportion of their features. Hunter admired the sharp cut in her feline eyes and how her brown orbs accentuated her sienna skin. Her nose sat sleek with a sexy upturn at the end, and the mole just above her lush mouth added to the allure of her divine characteristics. His eyes drove down the bend in her neck and covered her feminine shoulders, hefty breasts, and curvaceous thighs that were dispensed into the pinstripe skirt he’d seen her in earlier.

  His eyes darkened as a blaze of heat crawled up his skin. Hunter’s hand moved to her chin, and his finger grazed alongside the curve of it.

  “Angel…” he said, his voice deep and nocturnal.

  An involuntary shiver trembled from Camilla, and as if snapping out of her trance, she pushed off his chest and took a step back. Their disconnection left them both feeling at odds, but they both forced themselves to hold firm to their stance.

  “Hunter,” Camilla said finally. His lids dropped even more as if his name slipping from her tongue cast a turbulence through him. She cleared her throat. “I didn’t mean to interrupt, but you have something that belongs to me.”

  Hunter knew what she wanted, but he was inclined not to give it to her right away. After all, Camilla had been on his mind all day, and he had gone over every scenario of how he could meet up with her again. His heavy lids blinked, and he stepped to the side and opened the door wider.

  “Come in,” he said.

  Camilla swallowed thickly and almost shook her head off her shoulders.

  “No, thank you, I just stopped by to get my credit card. You do have it, don’t you?”

  A gradual smile tapered across his magnificent mouth.

  “I do, but I won’t leave you standing in the hallway while I retrieve it.”

  “Oh, I don’t mind.”

  They eyed each other for a long second before Hunter spoke again.

  “Are you afraid to be alone with me, Angel?”

  Camilla held strong, even as another storm of heat settled over her from his endearment. Her immediate response was supposed to be, My name is Camilla. But for some reason, she stopped the reprimand and responded, “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not scared of you. I took taekwondo in college and excelled as a black belt. I could take you down, if I wanted too, but I’m not into hurting my neighbors.”

  Camilla noticed as soon as the words slipped from her lips that she’d divulged too much information. Hunter, on the other hand, was more intrigued now than he had been when he met her this morning. His eyes roamed down the hallway to the mini penthouse suite then swept back to her gorgeous face, pinning her with a sharp gaze. Once again, he covered her entire body with a glance, and Camilla pursed he
r lips tightly, making sure not to speak.

  “A black belt.” Hunter nodded with a smirk. “Why don’t you show me some of your moves?”

  Another riveting flush of heat sailed over Camilla, and her cheeks reddened. She opened her mouth for a spicy retort but found none. Hunter found it amusing that she’d gone mute on him. His eyes fell to the bottle of Opus One Napa in her hand.

  “Are you in need of a corkscrew,” he asked.

  Camilla had almost forgotten it was in her hand.

  “Um,” she faltered.

  “Please, come inside. You have the tools you need should I get out of line, but just so you know, I wouldn’t dare.”

  Don’t do it, girl. Stand your ground.

  “Only for a minute. I have work in the morning, and I need to prepare,” she heard herself saying.

  Pleased, Hunter nodded. “Of course.”

  Camilla coached her feet to move, and with a sensual sway in her hips, she cruised inside.

  Chapter Six

  Entering Hunter’s home was like stepping through a vortex that led to another dimension. Camilla took her eyes over the expanse of the living area, and her mouth parted on a gasp. Hunter’s walls were designed like a living mural like that of a TV show set. Camilla floated deeper into the room, and with each step, her feet sank into a gray plush shag carpet. It caused her to pause then glance down, and suddenly, she felt the need to take off her heels, so she did. As Camilla balanced herself on one foot, she reached down with the other and removed one shoe. When she shifted to take off the other, Hunter was at her side.

  “Here, allow me,” his deep voice thundered. His arm slipped around her waist and held her firm as he slid the other shoe off her foot. “Better,” he asked.


  An easy smile trekked across his face, and for a second, Camilla almost forgot about the journey she was on as her body melted in response to his touch. They stared each other head-on, then Camilla blinked, and the wall canvas recaptured her attention.

  Hunter reached for the Opus One Napa. “I’ll hold on to this for you.”


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