No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1)

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No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1) Page 7

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Shaking herself inwardly, Camilla put her professional hat on and charged full throttle into the interview. “It is nice to hear from you again, Mr. Valentine.” She turned the tables by addressing him formally, and he caught her drift. Although she couldn’t see him, Camilla felt entuned with his aura and could immediately tell there was a delicious grin on his strong face.

  “We’re interested to know how your green energy initiatives project came to fruition. Can you tell us a little bit about it?”

  “Certainly,” he paused. “Our environment is threatened by the burning of fossil fuels that we as a people release into it daily. Coal, oil, and gas have a harmful effect on not only our airwaves, but the earth in general. If we plan to leave a planet to our children and our children’s children, then something must change, and it starts with each individual currently inhabiting this wonderful planet today.

  “My contribution to what I like to call the Save the Earth project starts with my green energy initiative. Having the power to make a change with a vast impact is something I take seriously. Because although this is business for me, it’s personal, too. Without a clean environment, the human race loses. We have to do better. We must.

  I’ve partnered with Toyota to bring more energy efficient cars to consumers. Vehicles that the everyday citizen can afford and give their own helping hand to our environment by simply exchanging their gas induced vehicles for a better, stronger, much more resourceful automobile. Toyota’s Prius is the world’s top-selling hybrid electric vehicle on the market. Its aerodynamic features are unmatched to any other hybrid out there. Along with the charging stations provided by my company, the Toyota Prius is a smart innovation that’s hard to pass up. And,” he paused. “It comes in a variety of colors.”

  Gerald and Camilla chuckled.

  “Tell me, Camilla,” Hunter said, “are you driving and energy efficient vehicle?”

  “No.” Camilla quickly cleared her throat. Her voice had dipped soft and sultry. “I don’t have a car now since I’m new in town, I’m driving a rental.”

  “Even better.” Hunter’s deep voice sailed through her earpiece and stroked her flesh. “What’s your favorite color, Camilla?”

  “I wouldn’t say I have a favorite color, but if I had to choose, I’d say salmon pink and apple green.”

  Those were her sorority colors, and Hunter caught on immediately. A full-on smile trekked across Hunter’s lips, and he felt refreshed that she’d chosen to add a piece of their personal conversation into this one.

  “Now if you tell me Toyota’s got those colors, then I’d run down there myself and signup,” Camilla added.

  “You should come anyway. Consider this my personal invitation to the ribbon-cutting ceremony. I’d love to show you and WTZB an up-close look at what we’ve put together.”

  Camilla cut her eyes quickly at Gerald. She wasn’t the reporter for the station, so it wasn’t her place to accept his request. Standing behind the cameras, Allison and the station’s owner Avery Michele smiled brightly. Avery nodded, as if to say, it’s okay to accept. Still Camilla hesitated.

  “We would love to be there. Thank you for inviting us,” she said after a quick consideration.

  “My pleasure. I’ll provide transportation for you, Friday at two p.m.”

  “We’ll be ready, and thank you for calling in.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll see you soon.” The studio ended the call.

  “It looks like we have a date, folks,” Gerald shouted.

  This time Camilla couldn’t hold back her blush. Her brown cheeks darkened, and her smile took Hunter’s breath away. Her reaction was beautiful, and he couldn’t take his eyes off the screen as he stood in his office.

  “Oh, Gerald,” Camilla drawled teasingly. “Don’t stir up trouble for me now. We all know Mr. Valentine may have a woman at home. She’s probably ready to come down to the station and hurt me now,” she continued to tease.

  Hunter wished he was still on the line to dispel that comment, but he would address it later, if, Camilla decided to still come to Velvet Café and hear him play.

  There was a swift knock at his door followed by a feminine voice.

  “Nice interview.”

  Hunter didn’t take his eyes from the TV. His assistant was always somewhere lurking when she didn’t need to be.

  “Thanks. Is everyone in the conference room,” he asked.

  She cleared her throat. “Let me check on that.”

  He listened as her soft steps glided away. He shook his head.

  Most of the women he’d hired to be his assistant in the past were pretty much the same. It was hard to find good help without the woman being attracted to him. Devin, his right-hand man had warned him about hiring anyone with an X chromosome; spoken like a true chauvinist. Hunter ignored him. He hired according to the experience and attributes a person could add to his company, not because of gender.

  Dismissing the thoughts, Hunter watched as Camilla’s luscious lips moved. She’d worn her hair in a bounty of curls different from the straight layered look she’d had the day before. As he stared, Hunter remembered the taste of her mouth, the softness of her lips, and the way he’d wanted desperately to send his tongue on an invading crusade. Camilla probably didn’t think so, but Hunter had held back not wanting to come on too strong but needing to connect with her all the same. She took the viewers on a commercial break with promises to come back and hand over the segment to Dan the weatherman.

  Hunter stepped to the high definition screen and stretched his long arm out, powering off the electronic. Strolling around his large corner office desk, he removed his suit jacket and tossed it over his arm then bent to retrieve his suitcase. After this meeting, he would leave for the day and head to the flower shop before arriving at Velvet Café. He wanted to make an impression on Camilla, and in the back of his mind, Hunter was still trying to figure out, why.

  Chapter Ten

  “I don’t mean to be up in your business but that was about the most exciting live display of flirtation I’ve seen in my tenure here at WTZB. If you need a friend to talk about it with, I’m your girl.”

  Camilla tried to suppress her grin, but it was too late. The corners of her lips lifted with ease, and she looked left and right down the hallway before grabbing Allison’s hand and trudging into the back newsroom.

  Camilla pivoted and shut the door behind them then breathed in a deep breath. Allison looked on with excitement in her eyes, waiting for the juice she was sure their newest co-anchor would deliver.

  Instead, Camilla’s bubbling expression tanked, and her shoulders slumped. “I honestly don’t know.”

  Allison’s forehead crinkled. “Okay…” she said. “Well, what do you know?”

  “I met Hunter my first day on the job. Apparently, we live in the same building, and—”

  “Wait! You live in the same building?”


  “Girl, you must be loaded to live on the same block as Hunter Valentine!”

  Camilla shrugged. “I’m not loaded, but I had a pretty hefty savings before moving to Chicago. Notice the past tense in the word had.”

  Allison laughed. “I guess you emptied it moving into his building.”

  “I didn’t know I was moving into his building, I just chose a location I felt was in the safest part of town. I mean, if we’re realistic, Chicago isn’t the best place to move according to safety reports. My parents were against it in the beginning, and I managed to get my dad to come around. That was only after we toured here and found The Regency.”

  Allison’s jaw dropped. “You live in The Regency!?”

  Camilla nodded. “I thought you knew that.”

  “Why would I?”

  “Because it’s where Hunter lives.”

  “I never knew where Hunter laid his head. Trust me, if I did, I might try to break in, you know.”

  Camilla’s eyes popped.

  “What?” Allison held her hands out then d
ropped them at her side. “At least I’m being honest.”

  “Hmmm.” Camilla didn’t know how to feel about Allison’s profound honesty. “What kind of reporter doesn’t know where their hometown celebrities live? Surely, you’ve staked out before or followed him. Even the humblest of reporters do that.”

  “Because I’m not a reporter. I’m an assignment editor. I don’t report the news.”

  She had a point, Camilla thought. “But you do have a reporter here, right?”

  “Of course, and you’ve just taken her job for what may be one of the biggest in-person interviews at the station this year.”

  Camilla frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “Hunter’s invited you specifically to his ribbon-cutting ceremony, and Avery gave the okay.”

  “Yeah, but he said you and WTZB, so actually that means all of us.”

  “Wait a minute, are you seriously trying to tell me you didn’t catch all of that flirtation?”

  Camilla pursed her lips and shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

  “I felt it.” Boy, had she felt it. “But still he did say AND WTZB.”

  Allison gave a quick wave with her hand and shook her head.

  “Yeah, but why do I feel like a piece of this story is missing? So, you met Hunter the first day and what happened?”

  “I was eating breakfast, and there were no other seats, so he asked if he could dine with me.”

  Allison rotated her hand as if to say, “go on.”

  “And…” Camilla pondered about how much information to divulge. “And, well, we had a good morning. I don’t think he’s flirtatious on purpose. Like you said yesterday, he’s a charming guy, it’s easy for one to think he may be interested in them.”

  “So, this is why you asked so many questions about him at lunch yesterday.”

  Camilla’s brows furrowed. “I didn’t ask so many questions about him. We did a segment on him, so I asked normal questions.”

  “Unhuh, so after this breakfast,” Allison interrupted, “did he give you his number, or are you guys dating, or—”

  “Whoa, slow down,” Camilla said. Allison had her head spinning. If she thought Corinne was an investigator, she was wrong. “You might not be a reporter, but I think you missed your calling.”

  Allison’s lips twitched. “Whatever, girl.”

  They both chuckled.

  “I’m just saying. You ask a million questions a second. I can’t keep up.”

  “I’m so sorry. As I said, I didn’t want to get all in your business.”

  Camilla twisted her lips.

  “Okay, maybe just a little, but hey, news like this is something I only dream about. A possible romance brewing between the new anchor and the bachelor of all bachelors, where do I sign up for the live viewing?”

  “Oh my God, did anyone ever tell you, you should write a book? That’s how dramatic you’re being right now.”

  “Hmm, I don’t know. What I do know is if Hunter’s got his eyes on you, then you might as well be off the market.”

  “Hmph, wasn’t aware I was a grocery store,” Camilla mumbled.

  Allison laughed. “That was a good one, but just so you know, I’ll probably be nosy from here on out.”

  At Camilla’s lifted brow, Allison added. “Hey, I don’t have a love life. I’ve got to live it through somebody.”

  “So why haven’t you ever dated him then?”

  “One doesn’t just date Hunter, or his fine ass brothers.”

  This piqued Camilla’s interest.

  “What do you know about his brothers?”

  “Not much besides the fact they’re all gorgeous, millionaire bachelors who own their own businesses, live for the fast life, and keep a gang of women. I mean you never see them without one. A few graduated from Morehouse, but others I believe graduated from Harvard. The middle one, Lance, is the sexiest to me, but he’s never in town. I do believe he’s a director of some kind, but I can’t be too sure. Oh, and Xavier, he’s fine, too, honey, whew.” She wiped her forehead. “But Xavier stays on the private jet like he lives airborne, I swear.”

  Camilla tilted her head and folded her arms then muttered. “Not much, huh?”

  Allison shut her lips tight and widened her eyes a bit embarrassed at her rambling.

  “My bad.”

  “You’re good, girl.” Camilla turned to leave and paused. “Oh, I have the money from lunch that I borrowed yesterday.” Camilla dug into her pocket and removed the twenty-dollar bill. She didn’t want to actually pull money from Hunter’s account, but he’d left her no choice. What man would give a woman he didn’t know access to his funds anyway? That, Camilla was still confused about.

  “Keep the change.” Camilla made a note to self to pay Hunter back.

  “Are you sure?” Allison said, tucking the bill inside her own pocket.

  Camilla chuckled. “Yeah, you’re good. So, are you game for going with me to the ribbon-cutting ceremony then?”

  Allison thought it over. “I remember him specifically asking you.”

  “We’ve been over this.”

  “Okay, fine, I’ll go with you since you’re scared to be with him alone,” Allison teased. “But trust me, once I’m there, you’ll wish you were.”

  “I highly doubt it.”


  “Hunter’s attractive and suave, but I’ve had enough of men to last a lifetime.”

  “Sounds like a broken heart and an ex that you could strangle.”

  “I’m over it, but I’m not looking to get caught up in whatever game Mr. Valentine is playing. I want no parts of it.”

  Even as the words left Camilla’s lips, she didn’t believe them. Deep down, Camilla looked forward to hearing him play at the Velvet Café even though she continued to tell herself it was just his music that interested her.

  “Unhuh, okay.” Allison didn’t believe her either. “Lunch?”

  “As long as you don’t ask another question about Hunter.”

  “Fine, have it your way.”

  The women strolled to the door, and as an afterthought, Camilla asked, “Do you know if he has a brother named Trevor?”

  Allison turned with a hand on her hip. “If I can’t talk about him, then neither can you.”

  “All right, all right,” Camilla repeated.

  “But no, not that I know of.”

  “Hmmm,” was all she said.

  Why Hunter Valentine fascinated her was beyond Camilla, but she lied to herself once again, saying it wasn’t in her interest to find out. Before they could make it out of the building, Allison and Camilla ran into a delivery coming through the door.

  “Camilla Augustina,” the guy asked.

  Both Camilla and Allison paused and stared at each other with invested interest.

  “That’s me,” Camilla spoke up.

  “These are for you.”

  He handed her a bouquet of long stem salmon pink and apple green roses. They were in a black square box with gold lettering, and immediately Camilla knew they were from Hunter. He intentionally used both of their pledge colors, leaving no room for Camilla to think they were from someone else.

  A broad smile crossed Allison’s face, and her mouth parted in a widespread grin. “Those are beautiful,” she said.

  But all Camilla could do was stare at the gorgeous flowers and remind herself to breathe so she wouldn’t get too excited. But she was already too excited; her heart rocked in her chest, and her nerves tingled her flesh. It wasn’t the first time she’d received flowers, but it was the first time anyone had put so much thought into the gift. How sexy of him. Without trying she smiled, soft and slow.

  Glancing over at Allison, she spoke, “I’m going to put these in my office if you don’t mind waiting another few minutes.”

  Allison shook her head. “I don’t mind at all.”

  Without another word, Camilla turned, and in a daze, trailed back down the hallway. Once she entered her office, Camilla s
hut the door and dropped her handbag. Leaning against the wooden frame, she stuffed her nose in the bouquet, and it set off an array of sweet fragrances. Her mind wandered to the last thought she’d had about it not being in her interest to find out what Hunter was up to.

  But maybe, just maybe, she might.

  Chapter Eleven

  It was the last thing Camilla expected to see when she sashayed through the doors of the Velvet Café. The dim lighting cast a red glow across the club. At some tables, a hookah sat on top as women and men pulled from its prongs. Her eyes trailed around the room, taking in some Rastafari looking men with dreads that hung down their back, full beards, and brown skin. Smoke from the hookah poured from their nostrils; they were casual in jeans and a simple T-shirt.

  Even the women appeared to be dressed casually, and it made Camilla wonder if she was overdressed. She glanced down at herself, and the first thing she saw was cleavage. The body-hugging, knee-length black dress stretched her bodacious form like a soft wave. The three-inch open toe heels gave just a peek of her feet, and black see-through pantyhose shaped her legs. Camilla cleared her throat and tugged at the bottom of the short jacket that stopped just below her breasts. She’d only worn it to cover her arms since the winter season was still full on blast.

  “Good evening,” A woman strolled up to her, wearing an apron and a uniform shirt holding the Velvet Café’s logo.

  “Good evening,” Camilla responded.

  “First time here?”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  The woman smiled and held her hand out for a shake.

  “I’m Dee-Dee. I’ll take care of you tonight, no worries. Are you alone?”

  Camilla opened her mouth to speak, but she didn’t know if she should say she was there to hear Hunter play or not.

  “She’s with me,” a nocturnal voice pronounced.

  A shiver slipped down Camilla’s skin as she turned around to face Hunter. He towered over her, large and in charge, wearing a button-down shirt with a loose tie and the first button undone. Camilla’s eyes ran the length of his masculine throat, to his strong chin and tempting lips. She couldn’t help herself. Camilla’s eyes hovered on his mouth before running up his manly nose, to his smoldering eyes. Jesus, help me, Lord. Camilla had never seen a man so fine. It was ridiculous. She smiled delightedly and took note of his rolled-up sleeves and the prickly hairs on his forearm with hands that rested inside his pockets.


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