No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1)

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No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1) Page 13

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “I can’t,” she said, fighting like all hell with wanting to be with him but refusing to become another score on his belt.

  “But you want to,” he replied. “Or you wouldn’t be here.”

  Camilla’s chest rose and fell slowly. “Doesn’t mean I should which is why I’m leaving. I’ve had too much to drink. I need to think with a clear head. I don’t do this.”

  Hunter’s lips met the top of her ear. “Are you frightened of me, Camilla?”

  “Should I be?”

  “Answering a question with a question. I thought we were past that.”

  “We? You make us sound like a couple.”

  “How can we be if you don’t take a chance and open up to me.”

  “I’m trying.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  Camilla didn’t respond, only searched for the right words to say.

  “Camilla,” he squeezed her tighter, “I want to know you. Is that going to be a problem for you?”

  “No,” she said without hesitation.

  “You can trust me.”

  Camilla shook her head with a smirk. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s late. What other reasons would I come to your place besides… besides…”

  “Why did you come?”

  Camilla blinked rapidly. “I’m not sure.”

  “But you are.”

  An upsurge of heat flowed between the two, melting them together.


  “I’ll take care of you.”

  She turned around to face him and was caught up in the dark treacle of his searing gaze. Damn it. She was toast. Her plight would’ve been better assessed if she hadn’t face him. Hunter’s hand slipped down her arms then his fingers slinked into hers, and together they moved into the privacy of his suite.

  “Would you happen to have more champagne?”

  They were sitting in Hunter’s den on a black sofa in front of a fireplace. Hunter strolled to the bar and retrieved a champagne flute and a short glass. He lifted a bottle of Ace of Spades and popped the cork. Champagne fizzed to the spout, and quickly, he poured her a glass.

  “So, you’ve always wanted to climb Mount Everest,” he asked, turning to tread across the room to her.

  “I told you I was kidding.”

  “But I knew you weren’t.”

  A small smile covered Camilla’s face, and she accepted the glass he offered. “I’ve had the silly thought of climbing mountains ever since a trip I took with my father when I was ten. We were in the Alps, and I’d watched a group begin their ascent. I thought it was fascinating. It was the perfect weather, semi out in the open, with nature calling.” She took a sip of her champagne as Hunter took a seat with his own dark concoction in hand. “I vowed to do that someday.”

  Hunter loved the glow on her face. “You just become sexier by the minute.”

  Camilla laughed melodically, and it played on his chest like piano keys.

  “You’re turned on about seeing me climb a mountain?”

  “Yes, ma’am, but you aren’t climbing a mountain without me.”

  Camilla’s smile turned coy, and she leaned slightly his way and took a hand down his solid thigh. A giggle escaped her as a buzz crawled from her fingers down her arm. “Why is that,” she asked huskier than she realized.

  At the moment, Camilla couldn’t care to notice because whether it be the many glasses of champagne finally catching up to her or the intense carnal awareness in the room, her initial reason for coming to Hunter’s place resurfaced.

  “Because you need security.”

  “Oh, do I?”


  Camilla giggled again and drank the rest of her champagne. “So,” Camilla stood to her feet and started a slow stroll across the room, “are you up for giving me a tour of your place?”

  Hunter stood, and with glass in hand cruised to her side.

  “I’d love to. You’ve seen the kitchen and dining area. “You’ve also seen the living room.”

  “But not the complete hall.”

  “You’re really intrigued by that mural, aren’t you?”

  “Isn’t that the reason you had it drawn, to be intriguing?”

  “Not in essence,” he said. “This way.”

  With a hand to the small of her back, Hunter led Camilla through the living room, down the corridor where the flowers on the wall bloomed and a name in the sky read Trevor. Neither of them spoke as they passed, but Camilla did get a glimpse of the skyline through the window.

  “Beautiful,” she mentioned.

  “I did ask the owner if there was another apartment with my view.”

  “Did you?”

  “I did.”

  “No such luck?”

  Hunter smiled down at her. “Unfortunately, no.”

  “Aww, it was worth a try.”

  They trailed into a back room.

  “Going after anything your heart desires is worth a try,” he said.

  Camilla stopped walking to look at him. “Anything?” she asked.

  “Anything.” He took his gaze from her face and hit a switch on the wall. “This is my theater room.”

  Camilla didn’t wait for a second to scan the room as she took a few steps up to him, stood under his shadow, and leaned into his chin.

  “Kiss me, Hunter.”

  Hunter studied her for a second. “Are you sure about that, Angel?” His thick voice ticked. “Be careful about your response. I won’t ask a second time.”

  Camilla responded by pressing her breast against his torso, and concurrently, Hunter’s hands grazed up her neck, drawing Camilla in with such force she practically yelped.

  His mouth plunged into hers, sucking her in like they were meant to breathe as one organism. It was as if he’d been holding that ravenous attack back, and it burst the minute she gave him permission. He savored Camilla and swallowed her whole as her body flamed against his. Hunter’s hands trotted over her shoulders, down her back, and he lifted Camilla with a handful of ass. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his cut waist.

  “Mmmm, ah!” Camilla chimed, sucking in a lungful of air when their mouths parted.

  Hunter rained kisses down her neck and bit into her flesh. He turned and left the theater room and headed down another corridor. At the entrance, he moved through the dark space that was only bathed in a stream of glowing moonlight. At the bed, Hunter laid her down, and Camilla watched him remove his shirt. She bit her lips as his fingers traveled down its seams, and he peeled it off his shoulders.

  The magnificence that was his chest transcended into a cord of stacked muscle that Camilla would only assume Zeus could maintain. It fit him so immaculately, anything else would’ve been unsuitable. When Camilla’s eyes traveled to his toned waist, she had to wonder what was hiding behind those pants, and it didn’t take long for her to find out.

  Hunter disrobed fully, as if she were an audience, and he was performing a striptease. His thighs were just as powerful as she knew they would be, and his dick sprang forth with a curve at the tip. A wave of heat crawled down Camilla’s skin, and she sat forward and trailed her fingers down his abs. She kept it moving, sinking to his pelvis to grab a handful of dick. An animalistic sound crept from Hunter’s throat, and he took a step back as Camilla sank to her knees.

  She covered the circumference of his head with her mouth and sucked in tightly with her tongue. Another growl trekked from him, and Camilla opened her throat and devoured more of his member.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned. His skin was so soft and smooth, but detrimentally rigid on her palette. With her hand, she stroked the bottom half of his shaft as her head bobbed and weaved to meet up with her closed fist.

  “Shi-it!” Hunter’s head fell back, and his hand gripped her hair and coached her rhythm as he fucked her mouth.

  “Mmmm.” Camilla salivated as she took in a considerable amount of his engorged erection. The act was so erotically charging that her pussy pulsed, and her n
ipples became sore as they hardened.

  “Fuck me!” Hunter shouted, pulling Camilla off his cock and yanking her into his arms.

  Her legs wrapped around his waist, and she held on to his neck. “Yes,” she said breathlessly, “Fuck me.”

  Their mouths crashed into one another, fiercely, like savage animals unable to get enough. Hunter was completely naked where Camilla was still in her dress. He sought to find her a way out of it, but the task took longer than either of them had the patience of waiting.

  “Rip it, I don’t care, get it off,” Camilla panted.

  Hunter walked them to a wall and pressed her against its base. Hungry, needy hands gripped the material from the front, and it shredded slowly with each thread pulling apart with a splitting grind. Camilla didn’t know it was possible to be more turned on than she was right now, but after the fabric fell from his fingers, her arms wrapped around his neck, and she had a desperate need to be filled with him. Their lips sank together, and the heat from their mouths spread across their faces as Hunter bent his hips and dug into her sweet heat. Camilla’s mouth opened on an intake of breath and without giving her a chance to exhale, Hunter sank farther into her womb, sliding into a seal of wet warmth.

  An outcry poured into his mouth as Camilla shouted from the intense intrusion. He shuddered then peered at her as his lips stopped moving against hers. Their eyes locked and held as Hunter rotated his hips and dug deeper, connecting with her G-spot.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered against his mouth, and Hunter moved out then in again, finding a tempo with resplendent ease. “Ooh…” Camilla moaned, and her eyes rolled.

  Hunter’s pace increased, and the curve in his head speared and mixed with her nectar. Camilla’s toes curled, and she purred at his sweet beating. Back and forth, in and out, his expanded shaft punched into her, stroking her walls within. Hunter watched the beautiful way her face glowed in ecstasy as he drove into her canal. It intensified his resolve, and he took her harder than intended against the wall. Her back leaned against the base as she kept her hips elevated, taking every inch of his masterful plunges. The sound of their joining clapped in reverberation around the room as Hunter found a home inside her inner recesses.

  He dug and dipped, making sure not to leave an inch of her womb undiscovered. Camilla’s head rolled, and she lost her breath with each jagged thrust she endured. Hunter fucked her and nibbled along her chin as he stood on the tips of his toes to explore the furthest reaches of her cove.

  “Aaah! Oh my God…” she panted.

  “Tell me what your heart desires, and you shall have it,” he said, continuing to grind her with the madness of a starving patient.

  Camilla’s response was a dragging moan as Hunter lifted her higher, fucking her at extreme angles.

  “Ah! Shit!” she screamed. “Hunter! Oh my God…”

  “Tell me,” he reiterated.

  “Nothing, nothing,” she mumbled. “You, that’s it.”

  Her head fell back as Hunter’s thrusts pummeled into her core, beating against her so innately that a sharp tingle fled in a freeway from her clitoris up her spine and back.

  “Oh God, I’m going to come!” She screamed, and Hunter stroked her faster, giving Camilla the most blissful orgasm, she’d ever had in her life.

  “Aaaah, Hunter!”

  Her body jerked from the force of her release, her cream covering him instantly, causing Hunter to come also.

  “Sh-it!” he barked. Hunter recaptured her mouth, and they moaned and bounced against each other as their vibrations exploded.

  A constellation of stars took over Camilla’s sight as she breathed with him, totally encapsulated by his undertaking. Holding her firmly against him, Hunter removed her from the wall and strolled over to the bed for round two.

  Chapter Twenty

  It was the smell of early morning bagels that woke Camilla. She stretched with the prowess of a cat, and her limbs were so relaxed it was as if she’d had a full body massage. Camilla blinked open her eyes, and they scurried over the black and gold sheets. Rising to a sit, Camilla tossed a layer of hair away from her face and took her eyes across the contemporary room.

  Hunter’s furnishings were very manly with dark patterns that sat throughout. Camilla could liven it up a bit in here. Give it a woman’s touch so to speak, but just as she had the thought, she realized how silly it was. Camilla would need to be his woman to do that. She tossed her legs over the bed and tiptoed into his bathroom. Inside, she searched for an extra toothbrush then smiled when she found one laying out undoubtedly for her. She pushed her hand against the door then leaned over the sink; the ache between her thighs made last night’s memories flourish through her mind.

  Camilla took in a deep breath then turned on the faucet and prepared her toothbrush for use. She brushed and watched herself in the mirror then took off the large shirt she’d put on sometime between their sexcapades through the night, opting not to wait till she got home for a bath. She traipsed to the shower and turned it on, then slipped inside. She held her face under the downpour of water, letting the heated drops knead into her skin. Camilla was there no longer than sixty seconds when she felt movement behind her.

  “Am I interrupting?” Hunter said from the shower door.

  Camilla turned to face him then reached to pull him in. He came willingly, completely disrobed and unabated. Seeing every inch of him in the light of day came with a delectable sight. His body was just as tone, rigid, and perfectly carved the way it felt last night. However, covering the details of his makeup mangled her and hijacked her heart beat.

  “Did I tell you last night how beautiful you were,” he asked.

  “I’m sure but my memory hasn’t caught up with me yet.”

  “What do you remember?”

  Camilla dipped her lids. “I remember you and me, in there,” she said.

  “Hmmm. And what else?”

  “I remember giving you a hard time, too. Sorry about that.”

  “Don’t be sorry.” His hands reached for her neck. “It was my pleasure to give you a hard time back.” He drew her to him, and his lips landed on her as they stood right underneath the water.

  His hand traveled down her side, and he gripped her thigh and lifted her leg. With his other hand, he released her neck, and it followed the same path to her other thigh. When he hauled her, she strung her arms over his shoulders and leaned into his chest. Their lips locked in a passionate, heated kiss. They liquefied as Hunter submerged inside Camilla’s heated harbor. The ache that derived from last night strengthened into a delicious penetrating throbbing.

  Hunter held on to her ass, plunging with ease as he lifted then drove into her wet cocoon, sending a revolution of tingles spiraling down her backbone with each magnanimous thrust.

  “Oh my, my, my, my God!” she stuttered as water dripped into her mouth.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” Hunter said, sucking in a mouthful of her areolas.

  “Hunter…” she purred. “Oh my God, baby.” Her words were fluent but soft and caught in a rapture that left her floating in a cloud.

  His grind was extreme, impassioned, and driven, so much so that they exploded before they had time to slow their pace and settle into a pattern.

  “Be with me,” Hunter said, nibbling on her bottom lip.

  Camilla gazed at him with her lids low. “I am with you,” she said.

  “That’s not what I meant.” He kissed her softly. “Be with me, Angel. I want you to be my girl.”

  Camilla’s heavy gaze stilled then rose by an inch.

  “Be, your girlfriend?”

  Hunter kissed the side of her face, the edge of her jaw, and the back of her neck. “Yes,” he confirmed. “Don’t think about it, just tell me yes.”

  “Yes,” she heard herself say.

  Hunter paused his kisses and pulled his gaze to hers.

  “Do you mean it?”

  “Do you?”

  “I wouldn’t play around with�

  “I know. I think,” she paused. “I know,” she confirmed. “I wouldn’t say yes if I thought you would.”

  The corners of his lips lifted, and a pleasurable glimmer shone in his eye.

  “I knew you wanted me all along, girl.”

  Camilla gasped, and Hunter guffawed. She pursed her lips and rolled her eyes then couldn’t help but join in on his contagious laughter. They exited the shower after washing each other than robed lightly and had breakfast. The conversation covered sports, politics, and even religion. With opposing views on some things, neither Hunter nor Camilla were caught up in a tit for tat.

  When the day turned into night again, Camilla took out her cell phone and checked her history. Six missed calls from Corinne who was currently inside her apartment.

  “I am a terrible friend,” Camilla said as she sat underneath Hunter while they watch The Best Man on TV One.

  “No, you’re not,” he replied.

  “How can you say that when I’ve left Corinne at my apartment all day. She came up from Florida to spend the weekend with me, remember?”

  Hunter looked over at Camilla. “Damn, you are a bad friend.”

  She gasped again and swatted him as he laughed and ducked to get out of her path. “I’m just kidding, woman, don’t maul me.” He turned quickly to cover her hands and arms.

  Camilla poked her lip out, and Hunter sucked it into his mouth. “You know this will happen every time you stick your lips out at me.”

  “Mmm, I don’t think I mind.”

  They kissed slowly and softly. This had been one of the best days Camilla endured in a long time, and it was real. Hunter had asked, and she’d agreed to be his girlfriend. She was in a real relationship. Her heartbeat spun as she took it all in and reveled in the heat of his mouth.

  “I know you are not even trying to sneak in this house for real.”

  Corinne sat on the white leather sofa with her arms folded across her chest. On the television, Love and Hip Hop streamed across the screen.

  “I’m not sneaking in,” Camilla countered.

  “So, what do you call turning the click in the keyhole silently then tiptoeing inside?”


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