The Reluctant Bachelor

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The Reluctant Bachelor Page 9

by Syndi Powell

  He could hear the scratch of her pen as she made notes. “What did your mom say about the first night?”

  He chuckled at the words his mom had used in describing some of the women. “She has her favorites already, but she’s a good judge of character. That’s why I wanted her to help me.”

  “Devon said the viewers like how the family is involved this time around.”

  Rick frowned and turned back to face her. “When did he find that out? We just aired.”

  “Hollywood works fast. He called me ten minutes ago with the numbers.” She returned to her clipboard and made notations. Didn’t look at him. “They’re good.”

  He grimaced. “But not great.”

  “Do you care?”

  He shrugged and turned his attention back to the game. If they wanted his reaction shots, he’d have to actually pay attention. “I know you care. What matters to me is that I meet the right woman.”

  “You met Melissa.”

  He considered this. He’d met each of the women for at least five minutes, but what could you tell in that amount of time? Sure, Melissa had intrigued him from the start. He wasn’t ready to propose, but he wouldn’t mind getting to know her better. See if she could be the right woman. “It’s early.”

  She nodded. “Bachelor Kevin knew the first night which woman he would propose to.”

  “And how did that end? Right. He dumped her for an actress.” He shook his head. “I hope I’ve learned some things since my last appearance. And I’ve been watching replays of the previous seasons. Trying to figure out what worked. What didn’t.”

  She cocked her head to the side and peered at him. “Why?”

  “It’s kind of like a coach watching film of last week’s game. Creating strategy for the next one.” He clapped his hands, then cupped his mouth. “C’mon, batter.”

  Lizzie sighed and walked back down the bleachers, where she conferred with her camera operators when the umpire called the last out. The game with immunity at stake had been his idea. A way to spur competition.

  He needed to make this time around different. He had to do this right. Had to do the right things to earn not only his true love but acceptance. From the television audience. From his family.

  From Lizzie.

  * * *

  ELIZABETH KNEW NEXT to nothing about sports, but she knew what a score meant. The winning team jumped up and down, congratulating each other, while the losers looked dejected, some even pointing fingers at who had caused the loss. She approached them first. This was time to take care of business. Maybe even soothe some bruised egos. “Ladies, I’m sorry. We have a shuttle to take you back to the house, where dinner will be ready. This means you’ll be at risk of going home at the next elimination. Again, I’m sorry.”

  She glanced around the team and sighed when she didn’t see Melissa. At least one thing had gone right today. The ratings, however, told her that this was going to be an uphill struggle. They’d been good. Twelve million people had tuned in for the premiere, but they’d lost almost half of the audience after the first hour.

  Why had they lost interest? Rick was a good guy. And a good-looking one to boot. He charmed not only the contestants but the audience. What had happened to make things fizzle? Was Devon right and the Goody Two-shoes act couldn’t keep interest?

  She made sure the losing team hit the showers first, then turned to talk to her winners. Well, Rick’s winners. They still celebrated as she approached them and blew a whistle that made even the most ardent hockey fan wince. “Congratulations, ladies. Each of you has made it to the next phase of the competition. We’re going to go over the schedule for the next few days. Then Rick will come over and offer his congratulations.”

  A hand shot up in the back. “Will there be immunity challenges all season?”

  Elizabeth smiled. Obviously a fan of the show. “Yes. Rick will form favorites during the next few weeks, but this is to be a competition where hearts are at stake.” Man, that sounded cheesy. Like reading from her own promotional copy. She cleared her throat. “After showers and changing, we’ll meet at Rick’s diner for an early dinner. You’ll have free time until Tuesday night’s group date. One lucky woman will have the first one-on-one date with Rick Monday afternoon. A box will arrive with her name tomorrow.”

  She started marking off items with her pen. “Feel free to use your off time to get to know the area. After all, you could end up married to Rick and living here. I have a list of church services if anyone is interested. Also lists of restaurants and shops. A shuttle will be available for a shopping trip tomorrow afternoon. Sign up on the board in the kitchen. Any other questions?”

  Seeing no hands, she turned and motioned to Rick, who joined them on the field. He grinned widely and gave high fives to the victors. “That was a great game. Now huddle up.” He motioned for them all to come in shoulder to shoulder and place their hands in the center. “On three, we’ll shout ‘True love.’ Okay? One. Two. Three.”

  “True love!”

  Even Elizabeth warmed.


  RICK DOUBLE-CHECKED his ski equipment and waited. There was always a lot of waiting when filming a television show, even if the shoot took place on a snow-covered hill at the ski resort one town over. This one-on-one date plan had been Lizzie’s. His choice had been tickets to a Detroit Pistons game, but this was still good. He liked skiing. Usually.

  A woman dressed in pink attempted to ski toward him, but fell about halfway there. He rushed to help her to her feet again. “Sorry.” Melissa looked up into his face. “I’ve never done this before.”

  “Then I’m glad I can teach you.” He looked over at the crew Lizzie had sent with them. She herself was conveniently absent. Wasn’t she supposed to oversee everything on this shoot? Even his first one-on-one date? They hadn’t started filming yet, which gave him a few moments truly alone with his date.

  Rick helped Melissa adjust the ski poles. “Did they go over everything with you? The microphone? The cameras?” She nodded but bit her lip. He put his hand on her shoulder to reassure her. “Don’t worry. Like I said, I’ll teach you. We’re going to start on the bunny hill.”

  He helped her move her legs back and forth so that she had forward movement without falling on her face again. He liked that she wasn’t afraid to try new things or even to fail. He might have balked at skiing for the first time on television, but Melissa was a good sport.

  With cameras rolling, they spent an hour on the bunny hill until she felt comfortable enough to try something more challenging. Rick led her to the chairlift. As they rose into the sky, a camera operator turned in the seat ahead of them and filmed. He got the hint.

  He leaned in closer to her. “So why did you decide to try out for the show?”

  Melissa snagged a piece of hair away from her mouth. “I’m from a little town in Tennessee. Everyone in my town is either related by blood or marriage. Not many prospects, you know?”

  Did he ever. That was one of the reasons he’d done this himself. “But why True Love?”

  “My mom’s a huge fan.” She snuggled into his side, either for warmth or something more, he didn’t know. “It was her idea.”

  “Well, I’m glad you came.” He rested his head on hers. “I think you’re the first woman I’ve really connected with.”

  She tightened her grip and leaned closer. He cleared his throat and faced forward again. “After the last time—”

  Melissa placed a hand on his arm. “You don’t have to talk about it.”

  “I probably should. Good for the soul and all that.” He glanced at her. “It’s taken me over five years to get to the point where I’m open to letting someone in. Brandy...she...” He shrugged even though the camera probably couldn’t see it through the layers of warm clothing. “I wanted to believe her. Wanted
to trust that she loved me like I loved her.”

  Why was he going to that place? Hadn’t he spent more than five years blocking it out? It was this show. It got to him. Made him think things, feel things. He shook his head and pulled Melissa closer. “I’m glad to have a second chance.”

  “There’s something to be said for starting over.” She rested her head on his shoulder.

  Rick placed a kiss on the top of her fuzzy hat. “When we get up to the top here, we’re going to push off the chair and to the right, okay?”

  She nodded, and the spell of the snow and cold was broken. Rick settled farther into the chair. This was going to be okay.

  * * *

  ELIZABETH HURRIED to make sure all the details at the ski lodge were ready before Rick and Melissa arrived. She’d rented out the entire second floor so that they could have some privacy. A fire crackled in the fireplace. Huge overstuffed pillows were placed in front of it. Dozens of red and pink candles flickered. A vase of red and pink roses graced the dining table, where two place settings waited for an intimate dinner. It looked perfect.

  So why was she still searching for flaws?

  Elizabeth shook her head and consulted the clipboard that seemed to be glued to her hand lately. Even last night when she’d woken from her dream, she’d looked at her hand as if expecting her notes to be there, to tell her what to do next...every moment of her life laid out in black-and-white.

  She sighed, wishing she had that kind of control. She tapped her earpiece. “How far out are they?”

  “They’re on the lift. You’ve got five minutes, give or take.”

  She nodded and checked everything again. It looked perfect.

  Charlie had set up three cameras to capture the first intimate look at Rick. The one-on-one was more than him singling out a woman who might show up in the finale. It was about letting the audience in, as well. Giving them a taste of who he was and what he wanted.

  She turned to Charlie. “We’ve got four minutes. What am I missing?”

  Her cameraman chuckled and tested light levels once more. “I thought you never missed a thing.”

  “I don’t because I ask my crew what I’m forgetting.” She looked around the room. “If I was Melissa, would I fall under the spell of this room?”

  “It looks perfect, E.”

  “Exactly. Looks, but doesn’t feel.” They couldn’t pipe in music because that would interfere with editing later. They couldn’t serve seafood because Melissa was allergic. She thrived on the couldn’ts of a shoot because she had to get creative. So why wasn’t she feeling it this time? What was this scene missing?


  Elizabeth turned as if someone had spoken. She shook her head. She was already losing it, and they still had twelve weeks of shooting and editing, then the live finale in Los Angeles in May. She tapped her earpiece. “How much longer?”

  “Relax. They’re heading up the stairs now.”

  She positioned herself in the back, and Charlie stood with a handheld camera near the entrance so they could film the couple’s first reactions to the room. Everything was going according to plan.

  So far.

  Rick entered the room with Melissa, who made the appropriate oohs and aahs. Cliché, but Elizabeth would take it. Being a gentleman, Rick helped Melissa slip out of her coat and scarves, hat and mittens. He even held out a chair for her after they’d taken a tour of the room. Chivalry wasn’t dead after all.

  Servers immediately appeared with the first course, a steaming vegetable soup to warm the couple from the icy elements. From where she stood, it smelled wonderful. Her stomach growled, and she made a note to order a sandwich in a little bit. If she didn’t write it down, she’d never remember.

  Melissa reached for her soupspoon and took a tentative sip. “Wow.”

  Rick snapped his napkin open, laying it in his lap. “They have amazing chefs here.”

  Elizabeth closed her eyes and pushed her head against the wall. Sure, the couple had chemistry. Even mirrored each other’s movements, which was a good sign. But chemistry only went so far. Elizabeth stepped forward. “Cut.”

  Rick and Melissa looked up at her as if just realizing they were being filmed. Good, but she didn’t have time to revel in the fact that they were being natural in front of the cameras. She walked to the table and crouched between the two of them. The smell of the soup still did things to her stomach, but she concentrated on the task at hand. “The audience wants to see something special here. Give them a glimpse of yourself that you usually don’t show anyone.”

  Rick chuckled. “What happened to being natural?”

  “Your courtship is condensed into three months. We don’t have time for natural.” Elizabeth leaned in toward both of them. “Our audience expects to see romance. Sparks. Drama. And it’s our job to give it to them.”

  Rick glanced around the room. “And this isn’t romantic enough? All we’re missing are winged cupids shooting arrows.”

  Melissa giggled at this while Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “Great idea, but out of our budget. I’m being serious.”

  “So am I, Lizzie.”

  He dropped his spoon on the table, and it clattered to the floor. Elizabeth picked it up and handed it to one of the servers, who replaced it with a clean spoon. “I’m not asking the impossible here.”

  Rick thanked the server, then turned back to her. “All I’m saying is that I wouldn’t do this in real life.”

  “Since when has reality TV been about real life?” She shook her head. “Rick, you need to give the audience a reason to care. Because right now? They’re turning the channel to see what else is on.”

  “My love life is not for their viewing pleasure.”

  Elizabeth chuckled. “You’re on True Love, so yeah, it is. You signed the contract. You made promises. Let me do my job.”

  Rick seemed to bristle slightly at this, but his calm composure took over. “You’re right, Lizzie.” He stood. “I need five minutes.”

  He pushed past her and out of the room. Once he was gone, she turned to Melissa. “When Rick comes back, tell him what you’re hoping this show will bring into your life. Show him the woman you are and the woman you want to be. Okay?”

  Melissa nodded and turned in her seat to look in the direction Rick had gone. “Is he okay?”

  “Don’t worry. It’s not you. It’s me.” She gave the other woman a reassuring smile, then walked off to find Rick. She waited outside the restroom door until he came out. He seemed surprised to see her.

  “Can I have a moment?” she asked.

  He crossed his arms over his chest and glanced around the hallway. “No cameras?”

  “I told them to take a five-minute break.” She sighed. “What’s going on here?”

  “Nothing’s going on.” He held up his arms so that they spanned the space around him. “I’ve given you complete access to my life. You’re the one trying to manipulate this competition.”

  “It’s my job to take care of the details. To create an atmosphere that invites intimacy and romance. All the things you asked for.” She consulted her clipboard. “Candles. Flowers. Romantic meal. Check. Check. Check. What’s your problem?”

  Rick opened his mouth, then shut it. Closed his eyes and groaned. “I’ve been here. I’ve done this. And I believed it was all true. Only to find it wasn’t.”

  “Melissa is not Brandy.” He stopped fidgeting. Elizabeth stepped closer and put her hand on his shoulder. Now it made sense. Her star didn’t want to get hurt again. “Is that what this is about? Don’t let your past dictate your present.”

  “Okay, Oprah.”

  He joked with her, but he didn’t appear any more relaxed. Elizabeth leaned in closer. “What can I do to make this easier for you?”

  “I wish you could make guaran
tees, but...”

  “I’ll do my best.” She gave him a quick hug. “I’ll protect you as best I can, okay? Trust me.”

  She could feel him swallow. After a long moment, he nodded. “Okay. Tantrum over. Can I go back to my dinner? I’m starving.”

  He started to leave her, then turned back. “Thanks, Lizzie. You’re a good friend.” He returned to the dining cove.

  Elizabeth took a moment to calm her nerves. Her heart beat at an alarming rate; her cheeks and chest burned. If she didn’t know better, she’d think she was having a heart attack. Instead she inhaled deeply and returned to the room.

  Charlie put up a finger and motioned to the table where the couple sat. Good. They’d started filming without her. Melissa was telling Rick about her dreams for the future, which she hoped might include him.

  * * *

  AFTER THE FILMING, a car took Melissa and some of the crew back to the house. Lizzie lingered, settling up with the manager of the ski lodge while Charlie waited at the SUV. Lizzie handed the manager a check and turned to find Rick waiting by the front door, where it was warm. She sighed. “Did you need something else? Because I’m beat and looking forward to a long, hot bath. Room service. And some TV.”

  A vision of her bare shoulders rising above a tub full of bubbles, damp tendrils of hair clinging to her neck, flashed through his mind. He shook his head and held up his hands in innocence. “Only wanted to thank you for earlier.”

  She shrugged. “All part of my job. Good night.”

  He stepped in front of her and blocked the doorway. “There is something I wanted to talk to you about.”

  She closed her eyes and threw her head back. “I just want today to be over. Is that too much to ask?”

  When she started walking past him, Rick reached out and grabbed her hand. “Lizzie. Please.”

  She stopped and turned to face him. “You have twenty seconds.”

  “I wanted to say I’m sorry.” He looked at her, waiting. “Now is where you say you’re sorry, too.”


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