A Billionaire's Game (Ellsworth Brothers #2)

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A Billionaire's Game (Ellsworth Brothers #2) Page 6

by Cece Baker

  “Iceland!” Jill interrupted incredulously.

  “Yes. Iceland. It was gorgeous. They have hot springs there that soothe you body and soul. And the hikes we took were breathtaking—The cliffs and ocean and food. It was like something out of a dream.”

  “Then what?” Jill asked, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge in Thea’s kitchen. Thea had moved from her apartment just outside the city to the loft that Landen owned situated on the banks of the Mississippi River.

  “He took me to Ireland!” Thea exclaimed excitedly.

  “I’ve always wanted to go there. I’m so jealous.”

  “It was stunning. The people are so friendly and genuine, and the countryside was so lush and green. We rented bikes and rode to these quaint little towns with pubs and charming inns.”

  “Did you know this water was bottled by little old men in Switzerland?” Jill interjected.


  “This bottle of water. It says here that it was bottled the old fashioned way at the source of the spring. That means little old men in lederhosen had to climb a mountain to get the fresh spring water to put in this bottle. Hope they didn’t spit in it or anything.”

  “Jill, what is wrong? You seem very out of sorts.”

  “What? No. I’m fine really. I’m sorry. Please continue. Where were you? Oh yeah, you were in Ireland hunting leprechauns.”

  Thea wrinkled her forehead in disgust at her friend’s lame attempt at humor. “Do you want to hear about the trip or not?”

  “Yes, yes. Please tell me more. I’m focused now. Really. Go ahead.”

  “So, after a week in Ireland we boarded another flight bound for… drum roll please…”


  “For Paris!”

  “Paris! That’s so exciting. You’ve been wanting to go there for… well, forever.

  “I know! It was so amazing, Jills. We stayed in a suite in the heart of Paris, walked along the Champs Elysées holding hands, saw the Arch de Triumphe and went to the Louvre. I know it’s cliché, but the Eiffel Tower was so beautiful, especially at night when it was lit.” Thea sighed and grabbed her phone to show her friend some pictures from their honeymoon.

  “I’m hungry,” Jill said, standing and walking into the kitchen for a second time. “I suppose you don’t have any food on hand since you guys have been gone for three weeks.” Jill peeked her head in her friend’s refrigerator. A muffled, “Hey, you’re well stocked! Nice,” came from the kitchen. Backing out Jill emerged with cold cuts and cheese, mustard and mayo. “Where’s the bread?”

  Thea answered her friend’s odd request and wondered why she was behaving so flighty. “There should be some fresh loaves in the pantry.”

  “Do you want a sandwich?”

  “No thanks. I’m good.”

  “When did you have time to go shopping?”

  “I didn’t. Landen had his cleaning woman stock the shelves for us just before we got back.”

  Shaking her head, Jill said, “Figures. I guess if I had a woman I would have her do that too. Dang! You’ve got every type of chip known to man in here.”

  “Yeah, Landen likes to snack, and he can afford to do it too. He has the metabolism of a hummingbird. He’s like you in that respect.”

  Her mouth full of sandwich, Jill replied, “I don’t have the metabolism of a bird. That’s ridiculous.”

  “Yes, Jills, you do, and if I didn’t love you so much I’d have to hate you.”

  Jill grinned in reply.

  After more stories of their adventures and dozens of pictures later, Jill stood, stretching her arms over her head. She let out a groan and patted her stomach. “That sandwich was amazing, but now I need to use the facilities,” she said, emphasizing the last word.

  “The guest bathroom is around the corner, first door on your left.”

  “I’m not a guest. I want to see the inner sanctum, you know, where you guys let it all hang out.”

  Laughing, Thea pointed to the master suite. “Through that door to the right. You can’t miss it.”

  “Got it,” she said, walking into Thea and Landen’s bedroom. “Swanky,” she exclaimed.

  Thea stood up shaking her head at her friend’s description. She understood her friend though. When Thea first met Landen, she, too, was overwhelmed by the opulence and grandeur of the place. Everything was top of the line; from the appliances to the furniture to the accessories like bedding and linens, not to mention the incredible view of the river. Slowly Thea had gotten used to it and now it was just a part of her everyday life. For all that Landen had, though, he was down to earth and practical. None of this stuff fazed him. He was just as happy in a simple countryside cottage in Ireland.

  She stood looking out at the river as she ruminated on how much her life had changed since a year ago when she had started working for Caroline Ellsworth, Landen’s mother, afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis. Thea had been hired to care for her. While in the role as caregiver she had met Landen and the rest, as they say, is history.

  Thea turned when she heard the front door open, and her husband entered the loft. She couldn’t keep the smile off her face as he approached her and bent his head down for a long warm kiss.

  “Hey, you. Welcome home. How was your first day back at work?”

  Pulling off his suit coat, Landen walked into the master bedroom and threw it on the massive king-sized bed.

  “Actually, for as long as we were gone it wasn’t too bad. I mean there was a shit load of email messages, and I’ve got meetings all day, every day this week, but Melissa kept my schedule clear for today.”

  “How is Melissa working out?” Melissa was Landen’s new executive assistant who’d just been hired a few months ago.

  “She’s great. Organized, prompt and on top of everything.” By this time Landen had stripped off his tie, unbuttoned his dress shirt and walked into the bathroom. He stopped short when he saw he wasn’t alone. “Uh, Thee, why is Jill in our bathtub?”

  “What? She’s where? Is she naked?”

  Walking out of the bedroom he repeated, “Jill is in our bathtub. She’s got your headphones on, and she’s rocking out to some song from the ’80s, I think. Thankfully, she’s still got her clothes on and there is no water in the tub.”

  “She’s been acting weird all day. I can’t figure out what is bugging her. I’ll go talk to her.”

  Thea walked into the bathroom and sure enough, there in their marble bathtub lay her friend—eyes closed, stretched out, headphones on, lip syncing to something by Van Halen. Thea bent over and lifted one of the headphones from Jill’s ear. “Hey, Jills. What ‘cha doing?”

  Jill grinned. “I’m just checking out the accoutrements. Did you know this tub is made out of marble? It’s probably imported too.”

  Thea sat on the edge of the tub. “Enough already. Tell me what has you acting so strangely? And, don’t tell me nothing because I know you and I’ll know you are lying.”

  Sheepishly, Jill turned off the music, removed the headphones and climbed out of the tub and sat next to her friend.

  “Okay. You’re right. I’m sorry I’ve been so… so out of it. Something happened which caused something else to happen and I was worried because I know you’re not going to like what I have to say.”

  “Jills. You’re talking nonsense. You can tell me anything. I promise I won’t get mad.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t make any promises.” Jill stood and walked into the living room.

  Landen was standing in the middle of the room, shirt open, his muscled chest on display.

  “Sorry about that, Landen. I was just checking out the digs.”

  “No problem, Jill. Glad you enjoyed yourself. How have you been? We haven’t seen you since the wedding.”

  “Good… good. Well, actually, not so good. There was a fire in my apartment.”

  “What!?” They exclaimed in stereo.

  “See. I told you that you wouldn’t like what I had to say.”
  “Are you okay?” Thea asked with concern in her voice. “Do you need anything? Where are you staying? Why didn’t you tell me this three hours ago when you walked in the door? What am I going to do with you?”

  “It’s okay. I’m okay. I have a place to stay. I have food and clothing too. My bike was not damaged, so I still have wheels. So, there is nothing to worry about.”

  “Jill,” Thea admonished. “Where are you staying?”

  “Well, that’s the part that I didn’t want to tell you.”


  “Yeah. So, you know Landen’s brother?”


  “No, the other one.”


  “Yeah, him. I’m staying at his place.”

  Thea looked at her husband, who had an expression of disgust on his face.

  Thea responded, trying to keep her voice calm. “Jills, we warned you about him. You need to stay away, far away.”

  “I know, I know. I know what you said, but since the wedding I’ve gotten to know him a lot better and, well, I don’t think he’s such a bad guy. I don’t know what everyone is so uptight about. Sure, he’s cocky, but what guy isn’t? At least any guy that is as good looking as he is.”

  “Jill,” said Landen, inserting himself into the conversation. “I’ve known the man all his life. I’m an expert on all things Drake. He is a player. He’s devious and he’s reckless. He goes through money like water and keeps coming back asking for more. My father and I are at the point of cutting him off completely. He doesn’t work. Like I said, he’s a player.”

  “Listen, I appreciate your concern, but I can handle this. Maybe you don’t know everything there is to know about your brother. When was the last time you spent any length of time with him? Maybe once, just once, one of you could stop bitching about him and stop and have an actual conversation with the man. You might be surprised. I know that you don’t agree with me and that’s fine. I guess this is just going to be one topic that we are going to have to agree to disagree on. Thee, I’m really sorry, but you know me. I don’t put up with shit from guys. Why can’t you trust me on this one?” That said, Jill moved to get her jacket and leave.

  “Wait. Jill, don’t leave like this. Let’s talk about it this.”

  “It appears there is nothing left to talk about,” she replied and walked into the hallway. Grabbing her bike, Jill pushed the elevator call button repeatedly and when the elevator didn’t arrive right away she headed down the stairwell, bike resting on her shoulder.

  Thea went to Landen and he wrapped his arms around his bride. He kissed the top of her head and whispered, “I hope she knows what she’s doing. I really don’t want to see someone you care about get hurt.”

  Thea looked into Landen’s eyes and nodded. Slowly, a tear fell from her eye and she sighed, hugging her husband close.


  “So, Landen and Thea are back from their honeymoon?” asked Drake the following day.

  “Yeah. They went to Iceland, Ireland and then Paris. Thea was beside herself with excitement. She showed me pictures upon pictures and more pictures. I’m glad she had such a great time though. They’re so in love.”

  “I guess they are,” replied Drake, pouring himself a scotch. “Do you want something to drink?”

  “No thanks. I’m good. And, I told them about us.”

  Drake paused and looked up at her. “You did. I’m guessing they didn’t have many good things to say about me.”

  “You guessed correctly. They warned me again, saying how you’d hurt me in the end, and you’re just a player and you know, that you get a new woman every week practically.”

  Drake walked over to Jill, tilted her chin up to his face and said, “I haven’t wanted anyone else since I met you. And that’s been what, almost a month now.”

  “I know. It just makes me nervous.”

  “You? Nervous? Since when?”

  “I don’t know. It’s just that Thea is my oldest and dearest friend, and I wonder how she can be so wrong about you.”

  “That’s easy. She’s only heard stories told by Landen. She never took the time to get to know me at all.”

  “You’re right. I know you’re right. Forget I said anything and come over here and kiss me.”

  Waggling his eyebrows, Drake approached her, grabbed her around her waist and tossed her over his shoulder. She slapped his tight ass repeatedly. Drake waltzed into the bedroom and promptly threw Jill on the bed. Never taking his eyes from hers, he began to undress. The seduction was slow and sensual. He unbuttoned his shirt slowly revealing his muscled chest. He pulled the shirt out of the waist of his dress pants and tossed the shirt on a nearby chair. Next he unbuttoned his pants and lowered the zipper. He pushed them down his strong thighs along with his boxers as he slid off his shoes and socks.

  Then he stood in front of her, naked in all his manly glory. There were ridges and dents and curves all outlining muscles, his abs, pecs and the vee that led to his cock. Jill licked her lips and sat mesmerized.

  Drake crawled onto the bed and pulled her legs out from underneath her body. He pulled off her socks and shoes and lifted her foot to his mouth. He slid his tongue over her delicate toes. “Yum. I love the taste of you everywhere.”

  Jill giggled, “Gross! You’re licking my feet! And, that tickles. You have to stop!” she said with a shriek. Drake stopped torturing her toes and moved upwards toward her waist and the button and zipper of her jeans. He eased her out of her pants, threw them aside and kissed his way up her legs. They were both breathing hard.

  Jill crossed her arms and took hold of the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head. She sat before him in bikini panties and a sexy underwire bra.

  Drake growled as he kissed up her stomach to her cleavage. His tongue explored the peaks and valleys of her breasts while his hands ventured behind her back to divest her of the bra. As soon as her bra was gone Drake went to work pulling her underwear down and off her legs. “Much better. If you couldn’t already tell, I prefer you naked,” Drake said as he kissed his way up her calves, parting her legs and then kissing the inside of one thigh and then the other. Jill groaned.

  “Oh, yessss,” she said. “Baby. Oh, god. Yes, please kiss me there.”

  Drake raised his head and challenged her. “Where do you want me to kiss you? Behind your knee? On your ankle? Beneath your ear?”

  “No,” growled Jill. “I want you to kiss my pussy.”

  Grinning, Drake replied, “Yes, baby. That is exactly where I’m going to kiss you, on your pussy.” Spreading her lips with his fingers he reached forward with his tongue until he felt the soft, wet skin. “Mmmmm… you taste so good, baby. I can’t get enough of you. Just sit back and relax. I’m hungry, so I’m gonna have some pussy for dinner.”

  Stretching her body sensually, Jill sighed happily and threaded her fingers in his short, cropped hair. Her little mews were indication that Drake was doing all of the right things. He licked. He sucked. He nibbled and then flicked his tongue quickly over her clit. Jill could hear Drake slurping up all her juices, and it made her desire for him increase exponentially.

  Drake continued his ministrations until she was writhing beneath him. “Drake, I’m going to come. Drake!”

  Glancing up at her face he murmured an acknowledgement. “Yeah you are, baby. You’re going to come all over my face.”

  And with that her vaginal walls clenched, and Drake inserted two fingers inside her so he could feel the spasms of her pussy. Rising up on his forearms he grinned at her, his cheeks covered in her moisture. Before she knew what was happening his mouth was on hers, and she could taste herself. No man had ever done that with her before, and she decided that she liked it. She kissed him back greedily, only breaking apart when she needed to take a breath.

  “Oh my god, Drake. That was phenomenal. I mean, oh my god. No one other than you has ever made me come like that and then kissed me.” Jill blushed and covered her face
with her hands.

  “Don’t go all shy on me now. Are you being serious? No man has ever made you come on his mouth?”

  “No, well, I mean, I guess so. It’s just when you do it, it’s different. It was more.” Jill couldn’t find the words. “Let me taste you,” she insisted, and Drake turned his body so he was lying on his back. Jill scooted down the bed until she was face-to-face with his enormous erection.

  “Baby, you’re so big,” she declared, and it was true. His dick was large, not so much in length, but girth. The man was endowed. Starting at the bottom she licked up the length of his cock and circled the tip. She used her tongue to perform a few tricks she’d read about in books, and much to her liking, Drake responded enthusiastically. She took his length into her mouth and moved her head back and forth, mimicking the in and out thrust that would soon be taking place when he entered her body. She took him in as far as she could and gagged a bit as his cock filled her mouth.

  “Oh god! Babe!” Drake shouted. Groaning, he grabbed Jill by her arms and pulled her up to the head of the bed so he was in a position to enter her cunt. Quickly, he reached into the bedside table and pulled out a condom.

  “I want to do that,” Jill said indicating the condom. Drake handed it to her and she slid in over his straining erection.

  Without wasting a second, Jill immediately straddled his legs and guided his throbbing dick into her wet pussy. She groaned as he filled her. She began moving up and down and back and forth. Over and over she felt him pulse inside of her.

  Quickly, Drake took control and pulled her into his body and entered her from behind. He lifted her top leg so he had a better angle and could press onto her g-spot. His thrusts were so hard and felt so good that Jill got lost in the sensations. She’d never felt so connected to any man before. She’d had her share of lovers, but no one brought her body to life like Drake did.

  Before she knew it she was coming again. Drake had repositioned them and kept thrusting mercilessly. When Jill cried out again she collapsed onto his body, completely spent. Drake moved above her body and, just before climaxing, pulled out, his cum spurting onto her stomach and chest. He too collapsed with a groan.


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