A Billionaire's Game (Ellsworth Brothers #2)

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A Billionaire's Game (Ellsworth Brothers #2) Page 10

by Cece Baker

  “Yes. We do. We’ll get up and get right over to the hospital.”

  “No need, Dad. I’m here and can monitor everything. You and Mom take your time getting up and come over after you’ve had breakfast.”

  “That sounds like a good idea. Although, I know that neither of us will be able to get back to sleep now. We’ll get up and ready and be there within a couple hours. Have you called Landen?”

  “I haven’t. Did he and Thea go home last night? I fell asleep in Westin’s room and don’t know where anyone is.”

  “Yes, they went home when we did. I think it was around midnight.”

  “I’ll call him, Dad. You just get Mom ready. I’ll see you in a bit.”

  “Drake. Uh…yeah. Good. Thank you for calling us.”

  Drake coughed. “Of course. You’re welcome.” There was a pause and then they ended the call.

  The on-call doctor entered the room and began checking Westin’s vitals. “Westin. Can you hear me? You won’t be able to talk because there is a tube down your throat that was helping you breathe. Don’t panic. We’ll remove that momentarily.”

  Drake left the ICU and went into the hallway to call Landen. He told him the good news that Westin was awake and that the doctor was in with him now. “Listen I should really get back in there so I know what’s going on.”

  “Okay. Listen Drake, there are still a lot of things that need to healed between us, but I do want to thank you for staying with Westin and for keeping us up-to-date on his condition. Thea and I will be there within an hour.”

  “Sounds good. See you soon.”

  As he ended the call, Drake walked back to his brother’s bedside.


  A week later Westin was cleared to move out of the ICU and into a regular room. He was feeling a bit better and had even started eating a little bit. Drake remained at his brother’s side for the duration.

  Unable to walk due to his broken leg, Westin was quickly getting restless. He was used to being active; going to work everyday, playing racquetball and meeting friends for happy hour.

  Westin was surprised one afternoon when his entire immediate family showed up en masse. “What’s with the entourage?” he asked, his curiosity peaked.

  “Westin,” Drake began, “I need to tell you something and I want the whole family to hear what I have to say. They already know what I’m going to tell you, but in the interest of honesty and no more secrets I wanted them present when I told you.”

  “This sounds serious.”

  “It is.” Drake cleared his throat. “You see, your accident, or the reason you were attacked, is my fault.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m the reason you were hurt. I’m the bad guy, the asshole. I was thinking only of myself and figuring I’d never lose that I didn’t think using your name would be a big deal.”

  “Using my name? What are you talking about?”

  “Westin, I was playing cards to make money. Actually, I had a team of players working to make money for me. I gave them a cut of the earnings, but if they lost, I took the hit myself. Eventually, we’d lost enough games that I had to borrow money and that’s when I got into trouble.”

  “You had a team of card players? Drake, what the fuck? I mean, what the heck. Sorry, Mom.”

  “I, we, played poker for money. I hired some real card sharks. When the losses got too great I had to borrow money to try and earn enough to pay off my debts.”

  “What happened to the 250 grand that I gave you?”

  Caroline gasped.

  Looking directly in Westin’s eyes, Drake admitted, “I spent it.”

  “How do you go through that much money and still need to borrow from some loan shark?”

  “I was living at the Grand Hotel.”

  “You were living in a hotel?” Westin voice was getting louder. “Are you stupid?”

  “No. Well, yes. I thought the money would never run out. I thought I was entitled to the cash because of my last name. I get it. I was an asshole.”

  “So how does my name fit into this story?” Westin asked angrily. “I can’t wait to hear this.”

  Drake drew in a deep breath. “I told everyone, from the staff at the Grand, to the people I hired, to the guys I played cards with that my name was Westin Ellsworth.”

  “You what?!” shouted Westin. He reached for the plastic water pitcher on his beside table and flung it at Drake.

  He ducked but got drenched when the lid flew off the top.

  “Jesus, Drake! You are a fucking moron! Everything is fine as long as you don’t get hurt? Is that it? How is it that you haven’t been disowned? Mom? Dad? Landen? You let him stay with me day after day after day. Was that his penance? Is all forgiven now?”

  “No. West. It’s not like that,” interjected Landen.

  “Westin,” called Caroline. “I’ve never been so angry in my life when I heard what your brother had done. The reason that he is still a part of this family is because he admitted what he’d done and he asked for forgiveness. I can’t turn my back on one of my boys, no matter what they’ve done. I’m sorry if that hurts you.” Tears filled Caroline’s eyes and she began to weep.

  “Mom,” Westin called quietly. “I’m sorry. I’m not angry with you. Please don’t cry.”

  Caroline reached out her hand and Westin grasped it in his. He squeezed her fingers. “I love you, Mom.”

  “I know you do, my baby boy.” She smiled at him and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “And, I love you.”

  “West. I want to make this right. I went back to the guy I borrowed the money from and told him the truth. That’s how I got this shiner.”

  “I just figured you’d pissed off some chick.”

  “I got beat up, but not nearly as badly as you. I wanted him to kill me, if you want to know the truth, but then that would have been the easy way out. I’m ready to make amends and do whatever it takes to earn your forgiveness.”

  “I don’t know, Drake. This is all so unbelievable.”

  “I’m going to get a job. I don’t know what yet, but I’ll do anything and I’ll start at the bottom. I swear, I’ll make things right. Just tell me what I need to do.”

  Westin ran his hands through his hair and leaned back into his pillow.

  Landen spoke up. “Why don’t we give West some time to think about everything. He looks pretty tired.”

  “I think that is a good idea,” agreed Thea. She walked to Westin’s bedside and leaned down to kiss his cheek. “Let me know if you need anything or just want to talk.”

  “Thanks, Thea.”

  Each person said goodbye and exited the room except Drake.

  “I’m so sorry, Westin. I can’t express that enough. If I could trade places with you, I’d do in a heartbeat.”

  “I just need some time. Can you give me that?” he demanded angrily.

  “You got it. Thanks for listening, man. I love you.”

  Westin grabbed the pillow behind his head and threw it at his brother. The throw was hard, but Drake caught it easily. He laid it on the end of the bed.

  “Damn, you, Drake. Do you get it now? What you do affects other people. You don’t live in a bubble. Just because we have money doesn’t mean our actions don’t have consequences. I’m so angry with you right now. I want to hit you more than anything. Just get out. Get the fuck out.”

  Drake didn’t respond. He nodded his head and walked out of the room.


  One morning a few days later, Drake entered his brother’s room as the man was finishing his breakfast.

  “Hey, West. I got your text. I’m here and I’m ready to hear what you have to say.”

  “Drake. Thanks for coming so quickly. I’ve been thinking about what you said and I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m still angry, but I’m willing to stay open-minded as you begin to earn back my trust. You’ll need to show me that you’re working, and not just when you want, but everyday. Any fuck-ups will count aga
inst you. There are no more chances. You screw up and I’m done with you. Show me with your actions that you give a damn about more than yourself. Do something for someone else once in a while. Are these things that you can agree to doing?”

  “Westin, yes. I can do. I will do it.” Drake was feeling such a sense of relief that his brother had agreed to give him another chance to rebuild their relationship.

  “Ok. No more talk about this. From now on it’s all about action. Got it?”

  “Got it.”

  “So, how are you feeling today?” Westin asked.

  “Me? I couldn’t be any better. Now, the better question is how are you?”

  Westin smiled, and began to describe what he’d had for breakfast.

  “On today’s menu the feature entrée was oatmeal with a side of raisins, brown sugar and milk. It was paired with the perfect selection of juice, a 2015 vintage I think, and a side of scrambled eggs.”

  The nurse entered the room grinning at Westin’s description. She changed one of the bags on the IV pole next to his bed.

  “Your new physical therapist will be here within the hour and will start you on your new exercise regime. She’ll explain everything, but thought I’d give you a heads up that she’ll be here soon. Her name is Kendra. Let me know if you need anything before then.”

  “Sounds like you’ve got your work cut out for you, little brother.”

  “Aw, I’m not worried, I can take it. I’m ready to get out of this bed and back home. I’m tired of being a patient. Oh, I meant to ask you, have you moved back in with Mom and Dad until you can get back on your feet?”

  “Funny you should ask. I was going to talk to you about that today.”

  “This sounds serious. Pull up a chair.”

  The legs of the chair scraped loudly on the floor as Drake repositioned it closer to the hospital bed. After a few moments, Drake began to speak. “I haven’t had to move back in with Mom and Dad, thankfully. Actually, I’m a pretty lucky son-of-a-bitch.”

  Westin raised his eyebrows with curiosity.

  “I’m living with someone. A woman. I’m living with Jill West.”

  “Jill? Isn’t that Thea’s friend? Wasn’t she in the wedding party?”

  “Yeah. She was the maid of honor,” confirmed Drake.

  “Why do I think there’s more to this than just a nice place to call home?”

  Clearing his throat, Drake began again. “It is more than just a place to hang my hat. Jill is amazing. That is, she’s an incredible person. She’s smart, kind, strong, loving, funny, down-to-earth and sexy as hell. You don’t need to agree with me on that point, by the way. She also helps people.”

  “Drake. This sounds serious. I have never, and I mean never, heard you talk about any woman like this before. Your standard M.O. is to not keep a woman around longer than a few weeks, if that.”

  Grimacing Drake nodded. “Exactly.”

  “So what’s different about Jill, other than all her wonderful attributes?”

  “She has dreams,” Drake replied without hesitation.


  “Yeah. She’s got this crazy idea that she can help people, parents, families who are in financial crises, by teaching them how to use money wisely and effectively. Like how to make their money work for them instead of the other way around. She’s even helping me. I’ve been thinking about what I should be doing, and I know I need to pull my weight and help out with the family business. I was actually thinking maybe I’d be good helping with security.” At this, Drake looked into Westin’s eyes to see his reaction to this piece of information. Westin was smiling.

  “And, so I wondering if you could help me figure out first, how to get to work; and second, how not to screw up things with Jill.” Drake grinned sheepishly. “I really, really like her.”

  “Well, big brother. You’ve come to the right place. I think security is an ideal area of the company for you.”

  “I don’t expect to start at the top of the food chain or anything. I thought maybe I’d start like any other person would, with training and night shifts or whatever.”

  “Yes. You’re exactly right. You have to start at the beginning. Drake… I’m really proud of you. I mean it would be very easy for you to just ask for more money and continue living as you have, but you’re choosing a different path. That’s not the easy way out, for sure.”

  “I know, and that’s what I want to do. I know that now. I’ve learned a lot over the last few weeks: everything that’s happened with you, and also from living with Jill. Did you know I can make grilled cheese sandwiches?”

  Laughing, Westin replied, “No way. Impossible. Who are you, and what have you done with my brother?”

  “It’s true! I swear! And I can open a can of tomato soup and heat it up to go with the grilled cheese.”

  “You’re a man of many talents.”

  “Fuck you,” Drake said in mock anger. “But seriously, Westin this thing with Jill… it’s the real thing. I don’t want to be with any other woman. And, this is also where my favor comes in.” Drake sighed audibly. “I need to borrow some money. Actually, a lot of money.”

  “Drake! What the fuck? We just finished talking about how you’re turning over a new leaf, and you’re pulling this shit?”

  “Wait. Just hear me out. The money isn’t for me. It’s for Jill. I want to make her dream come true.”

  Silence filled the small room.

  “You want to give the money to Jill?”

  “Yes. I mean, no. What I mean is that I want to buy one of the old warehouses in Northeast Minneapolis and fix it up so Jill can have her own foundation and help people. In fact, I was also thinking, depending on what you, Dad and Landen think, we might also give her a sum of money she could use to loan to the people she counsels.”

  The smile came back to Westin’s face. “I like it. I’ll admit I thought you were just reverting back to your old habits. But hearing you talk about it, about her, I can see that you want to do something for someone else. I can’t speak to any of the particulars, but I think we should discuss the idea with Landen and Dad and get them on board as well. And, Mom! Mom would probably love to have her hand in a project like this.”

  “This is excellent, West. I’m really grateful for your willingness to help me. God knows that I’m the last person in the world who should be asking you for a favor. I don’t deserve it.”

  “Oh come on. Enough with the mushy talk. But, I do have one more question.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Do you need to borrow some money for a diamond ring?”

  Drake’s face broke out in a huge smile.

  Moments later, a knock sounded on the door and a feminine voice called out. “Hi, Westin. Westin Ellsworth? I’m Kendra, your physical therapist. If this isn’t a good time, I can come back later.”

  The men looked up at the woman standing in the doorway. She was tall, probably about 5’10” with dark brown, hair and luscious brown skin. Westin was speechless.

  “Drake Ellsworth,” interjected Drake, and he reached out his hand to shake hers.

  “Drake. You must be Westin’s brother?”

  “I am. And, I was just about to head out so you two can do your thing. West, I’ll check back in with you later today. And, thanks again.” Drake gave a head nod and walked out of the room.

  “So, I’m going to take a peek at your chart and get this party started. Do you have any questions?” Kendra asked.

  Westin glanced up into the woman’s eyes, and his face broke out into his dazzling, panty-dropping smile. “Kendra. The pleasure is all mine. I’m ready for whatever you’ve got. It’s about time I was back on my feet again and able to walk out of this place.” Surreptitiously, Westin glanced at the woman’s left hand and was pleased to see that she wore no wedding ring.

  “All right then,” answered Kendra with a smile. “Let’s get started.”


  “So in walks this woman, and Westin is
rendered speechless. I swear I don’t think I’ve ever see him unable to form words before,” Drake told an amused Jill.

  “I’m so glad he’s getting better so quickly. His recovery has been amazing.”

  Drake walked to stand behind Jill who was busy at the kitchen sink. He pulled her chestnut hair to one side and kissed behind her ear. She leaned back into his body and sighed contentedly. “Do that again. That feels good.”

  Drake complied with her request. “You taste good, baby,” and he began kissing down her neck to her shoulders. “You’re looking pretty sexy tonight.”

  Jill glanced over her shoulder at Drake. “Are you kidding me? I’m in sweats and a tank top.”

  “You’re sexy in anything, baby. And, you’re even sexier in nothing.”

  “I see where this is headed,” Jill said as she reached for a dish towel to dry her hands. Drake pulled it from her grasp and tossed it over his shoulder. He put his arm under her butt and around her shoulders and scooped her into his arms.

  “What are you doing?!” shrieked Jill.

  “I’m taking you to bed, and I’m going to make love to you.”

  “Oh, well in that case let’s get moving, buddy. Time’s a-wasting.”

  Drake walked into the bedroom and threw Jill onto the bed. She squealed as she landed and bounced. Drake crawled onto the bed like a predator seeking its prey. He crawled over Jill’s body and began kissing her everywhere.

  He nuzzled under her tank top and kissed his way up to her breasts. He nipped at the edges of those luscious mounds. Jill moaned.

  Drake began licking her nipples and biting them with just enough force to get a reaction. Jill’s hands covered his head under her shirt.

  “I want to see you naked, sexy man.”

  “Your wish is my command.” He stood and began to undress while Jill did the same on the bed.

  In seconds Drake stood before her, naked, virile and oh so ready. Jill immediately took his dick in her hands. Glancing up to see his reaction, she kissed the tip of his length. Her bottom lip caressed the ridge of his cock. Then she sheathed him with her mouth.

  This time, Drake moaned loudly and whispered, “Yes, baby. That’s it. Oh, god. You feel so good.”


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