Enticing Their Mate

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Enticing Their Mate Page 14

by Vella Day

  The masked man leaned closer. “We’re here to save the women.” His whisper made it hard to hear over her pounding heart. Wait a minute. He wanted to save the women?

  Her training warred with her desire to believe him. These women were to be sold, so could this alternative be worse? “Who are you?”

  Snarls and yelps snagged her attention to the brutal fight going on outside, and she feared for Riley’s life. If these men were here to save the women, why were they trying to kill Riley and Skip? They must believe both men worked for Statler. That meant they weren’t working for the General or they’d know who Riley was.

  “Sarah, please.”

  He knew her name? She scoured her memory for his identity. This man sounded familiar, but she couldn’t place him.

  Decision time.

  Fight for the women to reach the clinic where the outcome was known, or trust this man—a man who knew her name.

  “Ladies, let’s go.” She stepped out and held out her hand. “Hurry.”

  The women looked around at each other then one by one exited the van. Another man scurried toward them and hustled them into his van, the one that was blocking the road.

  For a moment, she thought these men would take her, but as soon as the women were inside the other vehicle, the first man turned his back to the five fighting men and lifted his mask. “It’s me, Ford.”

  Her legs nearly buckled. Bailey’s mate—and one of the General’s men. A ton of questions blasted her. She wanted to ask why his men were fighting Riley, but perhaps the tussle was all for show.

  Ford grabbed her shoulders and leaned in close. “I’m going to pretend to hit you. When I do, drop to the ground and don’t move until Riley tries to rouse you.”

  Before she could figure out the reason, he cocked his arm back, and swung, his fist grazing her cheek. With his other hand he pushed her against the van—hard—and she let out a loud groan. Bending her knees, she closed her eyes, and dropped to the ground, her arm falling over her face.

  Feet pounded, doors closed, and the sound of the battle between the men stilled. She wanted to look so badly, to make certain Riley was okay, but she didn’t dare move. The other van’s engine growled to life, tires squealed, and then the whining of the engine disappeared down the road.

  Controlling her breaths took effort. Grunts sounded then footsteps neared.

  “Skip, you okay?” Riley asked.

  Sarah’s back sagged in relief that Riley was okay.

  “Fuck. What happened?”

  Footsteps neared. “Sarah?” A second later, Riley’s hands were on her shoulders, shaking her. “Wake up, Sarah.”

  His level of concern warmed her heart, but she wondered if he knew this had been a set up. She moaned then rolled over, and he helped her sit up. She brushed the dirt from her already bruised face. “What happened?”

  “Someone kidnapped the women.”

  “She okay?” Skip asked as he came near. His tone held more disdain than real caring.

  Sarah held up a hand. “I’m fine. Help me stand.”

  When Riley pulled her to her feet, dizziness assaulted her. The adrenaline rush had made her unsteady.

  He wrapped his arm around her. “Sit in the truck. I need to call Connolly and tell him what happened. Statler will be highly pissed.”

  That was an understatement. “Perhaps the three of us should just leave and disappear.” Acting like a trained operative instead of a nurse might put Skip on high alert.

  “We need to find the women,” Skip said.

  Good luck with that. While she hadn’t seen the face of the second man who led the women to the other van, she’d bet it was Tyson Summerville—Ford’s brother.

  Riley pulled out his phone and swiped a finger across the screen. Turning his back to both of them, he told Connolly what went down. Even though it was dark, she thought she spotted blood on Riley’s sleeve and leg.

  He disconnected and turned back around. “Connolly said he’ll call back a few of the men who are stationed at the clinic so they can escort the other van. We don’t need a repeat performance.”

  Skip brushed off some dirt on his sleeve. “Statler’s going to blame us, you know.”

  “It’s my head he’ll want,” Sarah said. “I was supposed to take care of these women.”

  Skip shook his head. “Five men attacked us, though it probably won’t matter to him. We should have killed or at least captured one of them to find out their plan.”

  “They were highly trained,” Riley said.

  “I know.” He swiped blood from the gouge on his face. “When we get back to the warehouse, I’m out of here,” Skip said.

  That would be one less man to worry about. Riley closed the van door on her side and hopped in the front seat. “Let’s get this over with.”

  * * *

  Statler disconnected and threw his cell against the wall. “Motherfucker.” Heads would roll. He’d worked with Charles Wilson before and never expected a double cross—assuming he was responsible for the attack. If he were innocent, accusing Charles of stealing the women would royally piss him off, and Statler couldn’t afford that.

  He paced, trying to figure out his next move. Losing the five women would cripple his ability to finance his next operation. He’d told Connolly that it was his job to find the women and return them, but from the well-coordinated effort, whoever took them were professionals. Thankfully, Connolly wouldn’t let the same thing happen to the last five.

  As he fumed, a new plan developed. Drawing on his control, he walked across his living room and retrieved his phone, pleased it seemed to be working. He didn’t need to panic. He had eight more days until he had to deliver the women, which meant he might be able to find five more, though kidnapping them without leaving a trace would take a lot of planning. He’d order a search to begin as soon as possible. Even if his men failed, he’d be that much closer to starting a new group in a new location after the five remaining women were sold.

  He punched in Connolly’s number again.


  He liked that his head of security answered on the first ring. “Have Clay call me. I have a mission for him and that other man he came in with.” He hung up, assuming Connolly would do as he was told.

  At some point he’d have to call the buyer and tell him about the loss. Statler would reduce the price of the five women he had left enough to entice Charles. It would work. He’d make sure of it.

  * * *

  “Why didn’t you tell me Ford and Tyson were going to free the women?” Sarah said as she paced in front of the bed in the small motel room.

  Jay was lounging on one of the beds and Riley was seated at the table. “You know why,” Riley said. “You might have given something away to the women.”

  “That’s not true. I’m a professional.”

  Jay jumped off the bed and came toward her. “We wanted you to react appropriately when the van pulled in front—and you did. Skip seemed to buy that you weren’t part of the plan.”

  “Because I wasn’t.” Jay smiled and she let out a breath. “Fine. Now what happens?” she said as she plopped down on the edge of the bed. “I take it the General’s men weren’t able to pull the same stunt twice?”

  “They could have. If we’d freed all ten women, Statler would go underground and the buyer would disappear into the wind.”

  “That makes sense. I wasn’t thinking.”

  Jay scooted next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. As much as she enjoyed his touch, it felt as if he was doing it to placate her.

  “Don’t worry. Those women will be freed soon,” he said. “In the meantime, they could use a few days of care.”

  The women in her van had been the healthiest of the group. The escape route might have been arduous and Nancy might not have made it. Perhaps the men had thought this through. “So now what?”

  “We do as ordered. You’re supposed to report to the clinic tomorrow and tend to the remaining women. Am
y will do the night shift.”

  “I’m good with that. I want to make sure Dr. Elkhart does what he promised.” She jumped off the bed. “I need a shower. I’m gross.”

  The men looked at each other as she gathered her tank top and shorts to change into after she cleaned up. If nothing else, it would give them some private time to plot and plan some more—without her hearing them.

  * * *

  “You probably should shower, too,” Jay said.

  Riley glared at him. “Sarah’s in there.”

  Jay grinned. “That’s the point.” He moved over to the chair across from his roommate. “You and I both know that these are tense times, and that trying to have a relationship when we’re on assignment is crazy, but she’s our mate, and we don’t have much time left before she heads back to Washington.”

  Riley didn’t want to listen. “She told me she’ll most likely take the next assignment offered to her. What are we supposed to do? We can’t make her want to stay.”

  “That’s why we need to convince her that she can’t live without us.” Jay pointed a finger at him. “Tell me this; if you knew she’d move in with us in Florida, would you be happy?”

  Riley scrubbed a hand down his chin. “Happy? Who knows what that means? What I do know is that I’m not sure I can live without her.”

  Jay grinned. “Because she’s our mate. If we don’t show her we want her around, she’ll walk out of our lives for good.”

  Riley had no doubt that the comment had been directed at him. He’d been distant because he didn’t now how to handle his feelings. “What am I suppose to do? We’re still on assignment. I can’t let the world know how much I want her.”

  “I don’t mean when you two are at work. Go in there right now and seduce her.”

  That was so damned tempting. “She’s been traumatized and needs her space.”

  Jay shook his head. “Fine. Then go in and see if she needs help washing.”

  That was lame. A woman didn’t need help. “What about you? You planning on joining us?”

  “I’m tempted, but I think you two need to come to a better understanding, if you know what I mean. I’ll step out and go for a run. The animal in me won’t be able to listen to you two go at it without busting down that door.” Jay pushed back his chair. “Make her fall in love with you.”

  That would never happen. He wasn’t worthy of someone as wonderful as Sarah Osmond.

  Chapter Nineteen

  As soon as Jay left the motel room, Riley turned his thoughts to the luscious Sarah. He’d go in, ask if she needed help with anything, and then leave. Simple. Showing her he could be a nice guy shouldn’t be too hard—assuming he could leave the chip on his shoulder in the bedroom.

  As he neared the bathroom door, his wolf began to take over and convinced him to kick off his shoes and toss off his shirt.

  Slow down.

  Riley inhaled to refocus. He’d say he needed to brush his teeth and wash up, and that he wasn’t there to seduce her.

  The moment he twisted the door handle and pushed it open, his good intentions disappeared. Lemon shampoo and a coconut scented soap filled the steamy room, forcing his wolf to beat against him for release.

  Sarah pulled back the curtain and smiled. “What are you doing in here?”

  His tongue wouldn’t work for a moment. Aw, hell. He wanted her. No good would come from lying. “I thought I’d join you.”

  Her brows rose, but the smile on her face didn’t dim. “The tub is kind of small.”

  “I’ll manage.”

  In a flash, Riley disrobed, willing his inner beast to stand down. Jay was right. Mating wasn’t just about sex. It was about loving his woman, protecting her, and being there for her, but damn, if driving his dick into her wouldn’t help soothe his inner wolf.

  Her scent, her perfect tits, and wide hips were creating chaos in his head and body. Riley stepped in behind her and picked up the bar of soap. “I’ll wash your back.”

  Sarah lathered her hair. “Be careful not to stray. I’m ticklish.”

  Riley could no more keep from touching all of her than he could turn off his wolf. “I’ll be good.” For about ten seconds.

  He reached around her to wet his hands and then soaped up his palms. Inhaling to control his urges, he gently rubbed her shoulders before focusing on her back. While her shoulders weren’t particularly wide, her sleek body tapered to sensual hips and a delectable ass. Remembering how amazing she’d felt when he delved into her dark tunnel, his dick turned rigid.

  “I have to rinse my hair,” she announced a second before she turned around to put her back to the water.

  Was she trying to kill him? Or merely tempt him? “Sarah, I’m not sure I can stand here and not touch you.”

  “You said you’d be good,” she responded with her head back under the running water and her eyes closed.

  “I will be.” Their definition of good might not be the same. His fingers itched to stroke her soft, wet skin, and then dip them into her pussy.

  Fuck it. His claws and incisors extended. Not wanting to hurt her, but needing to taste her pert nipples, he licked one delicious tip and then the other. She squealed as if it tickled and continued to rinse her hair. Her subsequent moans convinced him she wanted him.

  “How about you hurry?” he asked. “I need you.”

  She straightened and opened her eyes. “What about Jay?”

  “He went for a run.”

  Riley appreciated that she thought of them as a team, but he wanted her to want him for who he was. He jolted at that domestic thought. Since when did he care how a woman felt about him? He’d always been driven by his sex drive—until now. The whole idea that this woman meant so much to him scared the shit out of him. His heart would be irrevocably damaged if she left him, but he’d be destroyed if anything happened to her in the field. She might be trained and could handle herself, but that was against humans and not the likes of Statler.

  He didn’t need to be beating himself up like this. He had a woman to love.

  Sarah rinsed. “You want to wash?”

  “Sure.” It would help calm him.

  She stepped out of the tub, and as she dried, he did a quick rinse. Before she was finished wringing the water out of her hair, he shut off the faucet and stepped out. Watching her seemed to change something inside him. It might be possible to have her in their life, assuming he didn’t fuck things up.

  Riley grabbed a towel. “Let me dry your back.”

  She grinned. “I see through your ploy. You just want to get me in bed.”

  He moved closer, his pulse escalating. “Would that be such a bad thing?”

  “No, but tell me why you want me?”

  Was that a trick question? His need was so great, he didn’t have time for this discussion, but from the way she was licking her lips, she wanted him to answer. “You’re competent, caring, generous…” Every other description he could come up with involved how hot she was. “Fuck. I suck at this. Doesn’t it count that I just have to have you?”

  She lowered her towel that was covering the front of her, stepped closer, and rubbed his wet chest with one end. Need exploded, and he growled.

  “You’re a mean temptress.” He snarled at her as he lifted her in his arms.

  “Ril-ey!” She laughed.

  “I’m serious. You’ve pushed me too far, young lady.” He opened the door and trod across the carpet, leaving wet footprints in his path. Not caring what mess trailed behind, he dumped her on the bed. “You are mine.”

  Sarah was mostly dry and probably wouldn’t appreciate becoming wet again, so he jumped on the other side of her and rolled around until he was only damp. He then drew her on top of him.

  She grinned. “My what a big cock you have.”

  “All the better to poke you with, my dear.” Just as he hoped, she laughed.

  “Show me what you got.”

  “My pleasure.” He was done talking anyway.

fisted her hair and drew those luscious lips towards his. With such an intensity to consume and devour her, it was a constant internal battle to keep from possessing her. He brushed his lips against her mouth and the hairs stood up on his body. Need slammed into him. Going slow wasn’t his style, but for Sarah, he’d try.

  “Kiss me hard,” she demanded.

  That was why he adored her. Her passion for justice matched his. In one quick move, he flipped them over so that he was on top of her. With his knee, he widened her legs and her arousal almost made him shift.

  Riley pounced. When their tongues touched, it was as if fire was licking at his balls, and his need grew. They jockeyed for position as they explored the recesses of their mouths. Breaths turned to pants and his hands cupped her face. After a long minute, he broke the kiss, needing more of her. He sucked on one nipple while he palmed the other breast. Her moans and hip movements urged him on. As much as he wanted to impale her, he had to taste her sweet juices first.

  Sliding down between her legs, his first inhale had his incisors lengthening. A quick glance at the back of his hands told him he needed to focus. Before he lapped up her juices, he slipped two fingers into her pussy, and the warmth nearly made him forget the promise to go slow.

  “I want more,” she groaned. Sarah lifted her hips. “Please.”

  “In a minute.”

  Riley needed time to savor her. The first lick drew his balls up tight and when he flicked his tongue across her clit, he dug his claws into the bed. He was weak. Somewhere he’d heard that being with one’s mate became easier as time went on, but he wasn’t sure he could last.

  Not able to control himself any longer, Riley crawled up her body and kissed her again, inhaling her scent and allowing his mind to meld with hers. He nudged her legs wider and placed his cock against her wet opening. Eyes closed, he drove in and held still. If she wiggled her hips or kissed him, he’d be lost. Bringing her to a climax had to be his first concern.

  She clasped his back and pressed her breasts against his chest. Don’t shift. Don’t shift.

  Slowly, he eased out of her. “You feel so fucking good.”


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