Enticing Their Mate

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Enticing Their Mate Page 16

by Vella Day

  “I would have liked to have been a fly on that wall.”

  Jay grinned then sipped his drink. The waiter returned for their order. Riley had once mentioned that he loved fish and proved it by ordering a cedar-planked Salmon. Jay had some kind of chicken dish, and she chose the steak. From seeing a few of the meals on other tables, all the dishes appeared to be delicious.

  “What about you?” Riley asked. “Did you and your dad get along?”

  “We did, mostly because he was often on tour in the Middle East. My father was a Staff Sergeant in the Marines, and needless to say, he was tough. Perhaps, because I was an only child, he wanted to impart all of his beliefs and wisdom to me. I had to learn at an early age how to accept responsibility and do what was right. Always.”

  Riley leaned closer. “Did you ever have fun?”

  She chuckled. “Yes. My mother saw to that. It was because of my father, though, that I joined the Bureau.”

  “That’s not fun.” Riley’s eyes began to change color, implying he had sex on the brain.

  She leaned closer to both men. “If you must know, I found pleasure in sex. It was my way of coping with the rigid structure in my life and was my form of fun.”

  “While I agree sex can be fun,” Jay said, “there is a difference between them.”

  “Do tell.” She was interested in his interpretation.

  “To me, fun is going out with a bunch of my friends, watching a fantastic football game, or fixing up my car and then racing it.”

  She laughed. “You are such a guy.”

  He grinned. “I try. Sex, on the other hand, touches a different part of my mind—and no, I’m not talking about the one between my legs. Making love with the right woman—you—excites and stimulates me to want to fight another day.”

  “That’s incredibly sweet and highly romantic. Thank you.” She faced Riley. “How about you? What do you do for fun?”

  “Same as you. I’d rather spend my time fighting for justice than sitting around shooting the breeze with a bunch of airheads.” He glanced at Jay, whose brows immediately furrowed.

  “My friends are not airheads. They’re jocks.”

  “If you say so.”

  From the sparkle in both of their eyes, they were enjoying the banter. Fortunately, their food arrived and they all dug in. Her steak was divine and the men claimed their meal was one of the best they’d had in a long time.

  In between bites, they talked about the books they’d read, the sports they’d played in school, their heroes growing up, and what their dream jobs might be. Not surprising, they all said they liked what they were doing, though Riley reiterated that he wanted to leave the Bureau and join the Pack.

  By the time they finished eating and polished off the bottle of wine, it was time to head home. If she had any say in the direction of the evening, they’d be enjoying a little fun time soon.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Are you tired?” Jay asked as he tossed the keys on the table in their motel room.

  Sarah had yawned several times during their drive home, but she wasn’t going to let a little sleep deprivation stop her from making love with them. Now that the men had finished with their brainstorming for the night, she wanted to divert their attention to something more pleasant. “I could be persuaded to have a little fun.”

  Jay grinned. “Since you’ve had a long day, how about we help you undress?”

  That would cut short their foreplay since they’d take her right away. “How about I start with undressing you both? That will let me explore your bodies and maybe find a few secret spots that really turn you on.”

  Jay slipped her purse off her shoulder and set it on the table. “I’m game. While we made a lot of progress at dinner toward learning about each other personally, it’s always a good thing to find out more on the physical front.” He looked over at Riley grinning widely. “You good with Sarah exploring us for a bit?”

  Riley’s eyes turned golden and the hair on his face darkened. “Watching her for the last few hours and being so close has made me edgy—very edgy.” He neared. “Sarah, do you think you can help me relax?”

  She chuckled. “I doubt what I have planned will help calm you.”

  He dragged his palms down her shoulders. “I’m willing to give your method a go.”

  “Willing is good, very good,” she said as she licked her lips while staring into Riley’s eyes. “How about you sit on the bed while I help Jay out of his clothes?” She didn’t need Riley shifting on her or trying to take off her clothes.

  “Don’t think so.” Riley growled, grabbed her close, and kissed her. The passion with which he devoured her lips nearly made her crumble. Whatever made her think she’d be able to keep from climaxing if she took off their clothes and touched them all over anyway?

  Jay cleared his throat. “Excuse me, but I thought Sarah was going to rip off my clothes and suck on my dick.”

  She laughed which broke the kiss. “Did I promise that?” Okay, she had said she’d start with Jay.

  Before she could stop Riley, he lifted her shirt over her head. “How about I undress you while you strip him? I’ll be patient and agree to go last.”

  “You’re quite the diplomat,” she said pleased with his concession. “I agree.”

  Jay kicked off his shoes then stepped in front of her. “Don’t take too long.”

  As much as she wanted to move into the hot and heavy stage of their lovemaking, she adored the slow seduction, too. He’d worn a nice button down blue chambray shirt and low-slung jeans. She tugged the material from his pants and then began unbuttoning his shirt from the bottom up in order to delay the grand reveal.

  Riley’s hands slid up her belly and cupped her breasts over her bra. “Love your big tits.”

  What she loved more was how his fingers could set her body on fire. When he leaned over and kissed her neck, her fingers stopped working, and a groan escaped.

  “You’re distracting her,” Jay said. His voice, while laced with humor, was tinged with a bit of impatience.

  “That’s my goal,” Riley shot back.

  He was such a bad boy. Determined to excite Jay, she undid the next three buttons as slowly as she dared then slid her hands under his shirt. His rippled abs were now covered in soft fur, thrilling her to no end. She clawed her way upward, and as soon as she palmed his large pecs, she lightly rubbed his nipples. Jay’s incisors extended—but only for a second.

  He cupped her face then nibbled on her lips. “You taste so good.”

  “You can’t taste a lip.”

  “I can. I’m a wolf.”

  Probably because he didn’t want to be challenged further, he kissed her. Tongues tangling and lips fervently plastered against each other, she moved her hands from his glorious chest up to his bristled face. He lowered his hands, and then unzipped her jeans. She broke the kiss. “Not fair.”

  Jay laughed. “I was hoping between the two of us you’d be too distracted to notice what I was doing.”

  “Not a chance.” She finished unbuttoning his shirt and noticed more hair had sprouted. “You need to blank your mind against sex.” She dragged her fingers down his fur.

  “Not possible.”

  Riley slid her bra up and over her tits and when he twirled her nipples, spikes of pleasure rushed through her. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to do justice to Jay’s cock if Riley didn’t stop turning her on. That was the hazard of loving two men at once.

  When he continued to twist her nipples, she finally spun around. “Riley, how about if you finish taking off my clothes and then sit and watch until it’s your turn.”

  He cocked a brow. “And not touch you?”

  “That’s the plan. Otherwise, I won’t be able to concentrate on Jay.”

  “I’ll try.”

  He unhooked her bra and tossed it onto the bed. Of course, he wasn’t content to move on to her jeans right away. Heavens, no. He had to pinch her nipples some more and drag his sharp teeth al
ong her collarbone.

  “Love your smell,” he huffed.

  Some of the lake water had sprayed up on her when a gust of wind swept by. “It’s called Eau de Lake.”

  Jay laughed. “Enough stalling. I’m helping.”

  This time she didn’t stop them. Between the two of them, she was naked in less than thirty seconds. “It’s my turn to take care of you two,” she said. “First Jay then you, Mr.-I-can’t-sit-by-and-watch.”

  Riley held up his hands and dropped down on the bed. “Go for it.”

  All she needed to do was take off Jay’s jeans and then she’d perform her magic. Keeping her back to Riley, she stepped closer to Jay. When she went to undo the button on his jeans the back of her hands bumped into his cock, which was peeking out. “Did you go commando?”

  “Thought it would save you some time.”

  Her men were full of surprises. She shook her head, undid the button, and then lowered the zipper. In one slow tug, she slid his jeans to his hips, enough to give her full access to his glorious cock. “I like it.”

  Jay grabbed his hard shaft and waved it. “I’m glad.” He then stepped back and discarded his jeans. “Much better.”

  She’d purposefully not taken them off to prevent him from moving about, but seeing him in all his magnificence made her happy he’d taken charge and stripped.

  Without waiting any longer, she bent over, grabbed his huge shaft, and dragged her mouth down his length. God he was huge. He hissed then clutched a handful of hair and tugged, igniting her from head to toe. From behind, Riley rubbed her ass and moaned. If she didn’t have a mouthful of cock, she would have told him to behave.

  From the way Riley was squeezing her ass cheeks and slipping a hand between her legs, he was on the verge of impaling her. Needing to push Jay a little harder before enjoying what Riley had to offer, she pumped her hand up and down and swirled her tongue as she drew him deeper into her mouth.

  All of a sudden, he stepped out of her grasp and bones cracked, fur spun, and arms and legs turned into a furry wolf. “Holy shit.”

  In wolf form, Jay backed up, probably so as not to scare her. As quickly as he’d shifted, he spun and returned to human form. “I’m sorry.”

  Riley grabbed her by the waist. “Shows over. You turned him on so much he shifted. We can’t have a repeat performance or you’ll be left high and dry.”

  She faced Jay, pleasure and a trickle of dismay colliding. “You really shifted because I excited you?”

  Jay came to her and lifted her hands. “Yes. So when we tell you to slow down, that we might shift, you need to believe us.”

  He hadn’t said anything until now—or at least not that she remembered. “Okay.”

  “Our turn,” Riley said. He lifted her onto the bed and both men climbed next to her truly looking like two big bad wolves.

  “I’m in charge of this rodeo from now on,” Jay said with authority.

  She smiled. “I was waiting for you to take over.”

  Jay glanced at Riley and shook his head. “I think we need to teach you limits, young lady.”

  Limits? All she’d done was suggest she start first. “Oh, yeah?” She loved when Jay teased her.

  He flipped her over, and then lifted her up onto her elbows and knees, her butt facing him. He quickly slipped his cock between her legs. On instinct, she squeezed her thighs tight to grab his dick, and Jay tapped her butt. “None of that or I won’t last long enough to impale you. Go ahead and try to make Riley shift.”

  Jay was going to come from behind? Thrilled with this new turn of events, she wiggled her butt.

  Riley placed his cock at her mouth. She blinked, not remembering him taking off his clothes, but she was glad he had.

  “Do your best—until I tell you to stop,” Riley said.

  She smiled and then engulfed him. Out of the corner of her eye, Riley leaned to the side, picked something up, and tossed it to Jay. A second later, the scent of oranges filled the air.

  “Since I’m so much bigger than Riley, I had to buy some lube,” Jay said with pride. “I’ll never fit otherwise.”

  “Fuck you,” Riley said. “Bigger my ass.”

  These two were fun to be with. The moment she palmed Riley’s balls, however, all joking ceased.

  Riley clasped her shoulder. “Easy there, babe.”

  She let up on the pressure just as Jay slathered a good amount of lube on her back hole. Using his thumb, he massaged her tight muscled ring, and pleasure filled her. His even cadence soon made her forget what he was doing and allowed her to concentrate on the joy of satisfying Riley. As she alternated between sucking and stroking, Riley’s groans turned into grunts and then what sounded like growls or maybe even howls. The power to excite her men gave her such an erotic high.

  Jay leaned over her back, and when he reached under her with one arm and cupped her breast, excitement raced through her. Sucking on Riley’s dick while enjoying Jay’s touch had her close to coming already, but she wanted them to explode in unison—like some grand finale.

  He slid his index finger into her hole and wiggled it around, causing her pussy to contract with need. Wanting more, she pressed her hips back.

  “You like that, do you?” Jay asked.

  She nodded as she continued to stroke Riley’s big cock. Jay slipped in a second finger, and this time hit one erotic nerve after the other. Electric bursts spread across her ass in quick succession, and she pumped her fist harder until Riley moved out of her grasp.

  “Damn, woman, you’re too fucking good,” Riley said.

  She looked up at him. “You’re easy.”

  He chuckled. “In a moment, I’ll show you easy.”

  Just then Jay replaced his fingers with his covered cock. She must have been in a sensual haze because she hadn’t even heard the condom foil tear. With slow, deliberate pressure, he popped past her tight rosebud, and the bite of pain forced her to clamp down on him, but she immediately let go, realizing it would only make it harder for him to fully enter her.

  Riley stretched out across the width of the bed and placed his face under hers. When he cupped her head and pulled her lower to kiss her, Jay was able to slide right in. Fire consumed her.

  Their passionate kiss, coupled with the erotic sensation of Jay’s cock, nearly tumbled her over that slippery climactic edge. As much as she wanted to get lost in Riley’s kiss, Jay was forging his way deep into her ass, causing her vision to blur, and her pulse to soar.

  Jay dug his fingers into her ass cheeks as his breathing came out faster and faster. She swore he hit every nerve ending on the way in, making her pussy yearn for another cock.

  “Hold on,” Jay said.

  He slid his hands to her hips and tugged her backward. A second later, his legs shot out to the side and she was sitting on him, her back against his chest. Sarah gripped the spread. “Holy hell.”

  Riley sat up, rose to his knees, and moved toward her. “Breathe.”

  Sarah hadn’t even realized she was holding her breath. Jay’s cock had reached the end and then some. When Riley rubbed her nipples, the achy pulses finally turn to explosive lust and she exhaled.

  “You are so perfect,” he said, his eyes hooded with desire. “Lean her back some more, Jay, and let me have a taste of her.”

  When Jay did as Riley suggested, he slid to his stomach in front of her. The moment he spread her legs wide and licked her, she dropped her head onto Jay’s shoulder and nearly howled. Riley held still, but the incredible pressure and delicious bolts skating across her body were driving her wild with need.

  Jay reached in front and pinched a nipple, causing streaks of electricity to shoot straight down to her clit. Between his plucking and twisting, his big cock in her ass, and Riley’s licking, Sarah lost it. Her climax came so hard she nearly clawed Riley’s head.

  He stopped, rose to his knees, and loomed over her. “I want to fuck you so bad.”

  “Yes.” It was all she could say.

nitely yes!” Jay groaned. “Geezus man, hurry up and get in her. She clamped down so hard on me when she came, I’m hanging by a thread here.”

  With one knee between her legs, Riley planted the other foot on the outside and guided his cock straight into her wet slit. Heat seared her and she had to inhale to catch her breath.

  “There’s no room,” she gasped. It wasn’t a complaint, but merely a statement of truth.

  While she’d had both cocks before, this position seemed to be more intense with Jay’s cock even deeper inside of her. He lifted her hips and withdrew just as Riley drove in, causing waves of ecstasy to sweep over her and take her to new heights. Clasping Riley’s shoulders to keep balanced, she bit the inside of her mouth to stop from coming again. The friction of Riley’s dick stretching her wide and Jay’s cock exploring her backside was almost too much ecstasy to handle.

  Riley leaned over and as he withdrew, he kissed the tender side of her neck right below her ear. Jay took up the temporary space inside her and ignited her once more. For the next few seconds, one seesawed in while the other withdrew. Her pussy creamed as lust and passion exploded.

  “Kiss me,” she demanded of Riley. She figured as long as she was already on sensory overload, she might as well have it all.

  The moment their lips touched and his tongue swept in her mouth, stars burst on the back of her lids. Her moan must have been the signal the men had been waiting for since they both thrust in at the same time, filling her to the max. Waves of joy and bliss slammed into her, forcing her to contract her inner walls. Riley’s hold on her shoulders increased along with the flicking of his tongue, and as he pounded into her, their breaths mingled.

  Jay’s nails extended and dug into her skin as his heat soaked her back channel. On Riley’s next thrust, she fell off that cliff and came so hard she swore her heart nearly stopped.

  Riley broke the kiss, lifted his head, and roared, his hot seed spilling into her. Together the three became one—frozen in time—held together by something way more powerful than anything she’d ever experienced.

  Slowly, Riley eased out of her and disappeared. A moment later, he returned with a warm towel to clean her. Her limbs were rubbery and her pulse racing.


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