My Missing Puzzle Piece (Creekside Falls #1)

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My Missing Puzzle Piece (Creekside Falls #1) Page 21

by Kristin Hoepfl

  “I hear that one!” They leaned across the table and toasted their glasses and took a long swig.

  As Elle sat with Taylor she realized that there was a reason she had such crappy relationships in the past, none of them was Trevor. Their love wasn’t insanely intense but it was magical nonetheless and more than she could have ever dreamt. Being vulnerable in a relationship is good but insecure is NOT good. She wasn’t sure when it happened but at some point it all just fell away, her fears, doubts and insecurities. With Trevor she had found complete confidence. She had always had confidence when it came to her education and in business, but when it came to men and relationships she had been very insecure, until Trevor came along.

  Trevor and Jake ended up at Jake’s place that night because Trevor didn’t feel like going out but Jake insisted they do something. Their friends, Sam and Drew, said they couldn’t make it when Jake asked them. Trevor knew his friends were married and busy but surprised that they rarely made it to hang out anymore. He didn’t want him and Jake to end up like that when they each settled down, if they ever settled down. Trevor’s mind went right to Elle at the thought of settling down. Shit.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Trevor said as he walked into Jake’s place.

  “Not much, you? What should we order?” Jake said as he handed Trevor a stack of menus.

  “What about cheese steaks?” Trevor said as he picked up the first menu in his hand.

  “Works for me,” Jake said as he took the menu and went to call in the food.

  “They said half hour.” He paused for a minute than added, “I think we’re getting to old to order out all the time.”

  Trevor laughed at what Jake said but a part of him knew it was true. “You think?”

  Jake frowned and said, “The problem is I can’t cook and ordering is easy.”

  They each grabbed a beer and sat down to watch the Phillies game. When the food came they didn’t even bother eating in the kitchen, they both just sat on the couch in front of the TV.

  “Okay now this is pathetic.” Trevor said as he gestured towards them eating on the couch.

  “What, you don’t like my paper plates?” Jake joked.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah I do, that we’re both too lazy to eat at a table and walk away from the game. I know.” Jake said with his usual smirk

  They finished eating their sandwiches and watching the game, except for the occasional exclamation of “How’d he miss that?” “What was he trying to catch?” “How was that a strike?” or “He was safe, what did that ump see?” They didn’t talk.

  When the game was over and the Phillies won they were both pretty happy until Jake brought up Elle, then Trevor wasn’t so happy anymore.

  “So have you decided what you’re gonna do yet? You know you’re crazy if you let her go? I’ve seen how different you are with her and when you talk about her, you’ve never been like that before. I saw it in her too when I talked to her.”

  “No I haven’t but I know I am not just letting it go. She means everything to me and I’ll be damned if I let this be the end.” Trevor raked a hand through his hair then said, “She’s being so stubborn.”

  “Well I’m glad to hear you say it because you were driving me nuts talking about her all week and acting like you weren’t going to fight for her. Just so you know I do get that you’re not totally wrong but neither was Elle, and obviously you love each other so you need to make it work or you’ll both be miserable and so will the people around you.”

  “Well thanks for that Dr. Phil, but I know you’re right.”

  “Damned right!” Jake said triumphantly with a smile.

  “So what happened at your dinner with Taylor? You said you were going out but I never heard how it went.”

  “Aw hell,” Jake said as he raked his hand through his hair. “It’s not the right time for us to start anything so we didn’t do the dinner. I told her I couldn’t do dinner at my place like we planned.”

  “What do you mean it’s not the right time? When is it ever the ‘right time’?” Trevor asked with a confused tone in his voice.

  “I just don’t know if now is the right time for me to start something that could become permanent; we both know Taylor is the kind of woman who is looking for permanent. I don’t want to hurt her.” Jake explained.

  “Well I get the not wanting to hurt her part but not the ‘right time’ part, or not even finding out if she could be worth doing permanent.” Trevor said practically staring at Jake while waiting for more of an explanation.

  “I just have a lot going on and need to wait it out a little while.”

  “Listen man, I know we’re not girls but I’m here for ya’…you’ve been there for me a million times and a lot of them since I met Elle,” Trevor said, teasing a bit but knowing there was something Jake was leaving out.

  “No I’m good for now but thanks man.”

  “Not to sound like an ass but don’t you think you probably hurt her already?” Trevor asked.

  “Yeah I know and that kills me but I stopped it before I could do anymore damage.”

  “You know you should take your own advice once in a while and get your head out of your ass. You do know that the longer you make Taylor wait the more of a chance she’ll be over it or find someone else right?”

  “I know, she’s gorgeous and amazing and that’s what makes this even harder but I need to cool it for right now.” Jake said with a voice that sounded so gravelly rough.

  “All right, well do what you need to do, but take care of yourself.” Trevor knew if Jake is this convinced he must mean it for some good reason.

  “Always do.” Was all Jake said.

  revor decided it was finally time to go and talk to Elle. He went to her house on Saturday afternoon and saw her car in the driveway. He hoped she was home since it was Memorial Day weekend; she may have had plans with Taylor or her family. Trevor hoped like hell she would listen to him. He sat in his car for a while trying to decide the right thing to say but couldn’t think of anything good enough, so he decided that he would just have to wing it. She was right the whole thing boiled down to trust and yesterday it hit him like a ton of bricks; he trusted her, no doubt and there wasn’t anything that could change that…not even Rob. Now all he had to do was convince her and win her back! Feeling more nervous than he ever remembered feeling in his life, he got out of his truck and walked to the front door.

  He knocked on the door and waited for a few minutes but there was no answer, he figured that she wasn’t home but knocked once more just in case. He turned around towards his truck, when he heard the front door open and Elle say, “Hello?”

  Trevor turned around, “Hi”

  “Hi, were you waiting out here long? I was cleaning and had music on so I wasn’t sure I heard the door.”

  “Only a few minutes.” Trevor said shifting uncomfortably.

  “Do you want to come in?” Elle said hesitantly.

  “Sure that sounds good,” he walked back towards her front door.

  Elle stuck out a hand and said, “Wait, before you come in let me say this. If you’re gonna fight with me then you shouldn’t come in. I don’t have the energy for that again.”

  Trevor raked his hand through his already messed up hair and said, “I’m not here to fight. I’m here to talk and to apologize.”

  Elle looked shocked but opened the door for him.

  She couldn’t believe Trevor was at her house. She could only hope that he had come to say he wanted them to start over and try again but her pride wouldn’t let her show that so she put on her poker face. The only problem, she was terrible at poker; her facial expressions gave everything away long before her eyes did.

  Trevor followed her in. They went to the kitchen; he waited until they were both sitting at the table before he said anything.

  Trevor sat there waiting for Elle to say something but she just sat across from him with an unsure look on her face and staying stone
silent. Well, here goes everything….

  “You were right.” That’s how he started off. Elle just sat there waiting for him to keep going so he did.

  “This was about trust. I shouldn’t have let it bother me so much and you’re right I wasn’t over it, even after we made up the last time, I guess I couldn’t forget it that easily. But I swear I am over it and maybe I can’t completely forget but it will never be brought up again. I can let it go and get past it especially if it means the difference in you being in my life or not being in my life. I trust you. I don’t think there is anyone I trust more, there is no question in my mind, I know it completely. I know you would do anything for me and I would do it for you too. I need you to forgive me too because I want to talk to you every day, I want you to be the person I bounce things off of, I want to have a future with you and I never want anything to come between us again. I think what threw me is that I haven’t felt like this before, this relationship is challenging me in a way I have never been before. I need you and I felt vulnerable and it scared me when I thought you weren’t siding with me I acted on the fear. I know you were doing what you thought was right because that’s the person you are and that’s the person I love. I love that you would help anybody. I do wish that person wasn’t Rob but he’s not the issue anymore. We’re probably going to have fights again, couples do that but I don’t want to be without you again ever. So when we do fight we’re gonna stay and work it out, we’re gonna put each other first and not give up so easily just because we get mad or get our feelings hurt. I know what I just said sounds like a line men say, but I swear to you it’s how I feel.” Trevor said as he looked into Elle’s eyes. Her face was blank but she had tears rolling down her cheeks, were they happy or sad tears?

  Elle was staggered that everything he said was exactly how she would’ve written it out for him to say had she been the script writer and this a scene playing out on a stage. He said it all with such conviction she couldn’t hold back the tears of joy and relief but she knew her expression was blank by the way Trevor was scanning her face, desperate to know what she was thinking. She knew she wanted to keep this man in her life, he was everything she wanted, but she had numbed herself to the roller coaster ride that had been their last two weeks and it was all still just sinking in. Even though everything in her kept screaming, “don’t let him go!”... “he means it and he loves you!”... That little voice of doubt in the back of her head was still whispering, so she had to ask.

  “Really?” Elle asked sounding as if she was unsure of everything.

  “Really? What?” Trevor asked confused.

  “Really you’re okay with everything and you don’t want us to be done?” Elle said as the tears flowing down her face began to slow.

  “Hell yeah! I want this to be in the past and forgotten. Will you give us another chance? This time I promise it won’t end.” Trevor said it with sincerity but his tone suggested he was nervous and worried.

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

  “I plan on keeping my promises.” Trevor said with eyes that screamed of his earnestness.

  Elle took in a deep breath and sat silent, absorbing all Trevor had just said. She really wanted them to try again and this time for it to work. She took in another deep breath and said, “It’s not even a question for me. I want us to be together. But I have to know that you are absolutely sure.”

  “Thank God! Baby I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  “I love you, you know that.” And Elle truly meant it.

  “I love you too and nothing will ever change that.” Trevor said as he walked over and pulled her up and kissed her.

  “So we’re really doing this thing, for real this time?” Elle said with a megawatt smile as she pulled back from kissing Trevor.

  “It felt pretty damn real to me before.” Trevor said as he smiled at her. “Want to go grab some dinner at Mister’s?” Trevor asked Elle hoping she’d say yes.

  Mister’s was a local bar and grill not far from either of their places, but this was Creekside so nothing was really far unless it was in another town or in the city.

  “That sounds good. Just let me change into something else real quick.” Elle said turning to go towards the stairs.

  After Elle put on some makeup and changed her clothes she went to the bathroom and began sobbing for relief, for happiness, for all the hope she had begun to let herself feel again for a future with this man she could already envision. With a last wipe of her tears she turned and ran back downstairs to Trevor and to her future.

  “You ready?”

  Trevor smiled, took her hand and said, “For anything.”

  “I love you, I hope you know that” Trevor said as he bent down to kiss her.

  “I love you too.” Elle said smiling.

  “Should we go makeup again?” Trevor said with a megawatt smile of his own and a wink.

  “After dinner we definitely will, our make-up sex can’t be matched. We’re so good at it.” Elle said as she laughed deeply and pulled Trevor out the door.

  Hearing Elle laugh would never get old. “It’s going to be a quick dinner just so you know; I’m in a rush to come back.”

  Seven months later-Middle of December

  t was the day of Trevor’s graduation and he was getting ready for the ceremony when Elle walked into their bedroom looking absolutely stunning in her black dress. He had moved into Elle’s house five months ago, they were always together and Bruiser loved the bigger yard. Jake moved into Trevor’s condo since the lease on Jake’s apartment was almost up and Trevor was considering just selling it to him. His parents, his brothers, Tom and Grady, his sister, Bailey, and of course Elle all came to the ceremony. Elle was right, having people there was something he did want and he was glad they all were able to make it. Elle got along with his family so well but it didn’t surprise him, she was so loveable. He couldn’t wait until him, Elle, Taylor and Jake went to the Poconos to snowboard over New Year’s so he could propose and officially make her part of his family.

  Everything at work was going remarkably well, his clients who had become regulars in the spring and summer were now having him come and do snow removal for their business’s and homes. Clients who never used his company before were having him do their snow removal as well. Winter had never been a busy time of year, but now it was taking off. He already had plenty of jobs booked for the spring and summer and it wasn’t even the New Year. They were even getting new clients from surrounding towns -- his people were traveling farther than ever. He had to promote some employees to route managers because he was going to need more teams, he was hiring more people, with Elle’s help of course, the only thing missing was having Jake come on as partner.

  Elle watched as Trevor put on his tie and dress shoes, completely in awe of him and how far they had come. She was so proud of Trevor she was near bursting. She was so happy he agreed to have his family come too. His mom cried when he told his family about school and his upcoming graduation. Elle loved Trevor’s family so much. She couldn’t be happier than she was right now; things were going great with them. Bruiser loved having a bigger yard and having Elle around all the time. Trevor said that when she would leave Bruiser would mope the whole time she was gone, because she left without him Trevor started calling him a traitor. She loved Bruiser; he even kept her company when she ran on the treadmill in the basement so she wouldn’t be alone. The past few weeks he had become her shadow, he must have known something was up -- he was being so protective.

  “Ready to go?” Elle said as she walked up to Trevor’s side.

  “I guess so.” Trevor said hesitantly.

  “It’s going to be fine. You got this. I’m so proud of you.” Elle said as she turned and hugged him.

  “Thanks, I needed that. Can you tell me about a hundred more times?” Trevor said smiling as he hugged her tighter.

  “Absolutely!” Elle said as she got onto her tippy toes and kissed him.

/>   “Don’t trip.” She added playfully with a wink.

  “Not funny.” Was all Trevor said as Elle leaned up to kiss and hug him again.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Trevor said as he pulled Elle in for another kiss.

  The ceremony was great and everything went well. Trevor was happy he decided to walk; he heard his family yelling for him when his name was called. But he heard Elle above everyone, it made his heart swell so big against his ribs when he thought about what Elle had promised, because when they called his name and he went up on stage to get his degree she did indeed scream the loudest.

  Afterwards they went out to dinner at a swanky new restaurant, called Florals, not far from the college, he had Jake and Taylor meet them there. He was happy to see his friend and Taylor trying to give it a shot. It also made him happy to see how their being close made Elle feel. Trevor and Elle weren’t sure what was going on with Taylor and Jake and they were still swearing they were just friends, but they had been spending a lot of time together. They seemed crazy about with each other and as far as he knew neither had gone out with anyone else since they met. He knew Elle was dying for them to get together but didn’t want to push, so she was staying out of it and hoping they would figure it out eventually.

  When they were waiting for their table, Elle and Taylor were together talking while Trevor, Jake and Trevor’s family all were talking about the ceremony. Elle knew Taylor felt uncomfortable being there because things were pretty much the same between her and Jake as they had been months ago. But Elle wanted her there and apparently so did Trevor, he thought of her as a good friend now too. Taylor didn’t know where the relationship was going, if anywhere, she told Elle all that had changed was that now they were spending more time together. Elle couldn’t help but think they’d be good together but knew it wasn’t her place to work their relationship, so she didn’t push.

  “You okay?” Elle asked turning to Taylor.

  “Yeah sure,” Taylor said but Elle wasn’t convinced at all.


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