Our Crazy Little Thing Called Love

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Our Crazy Little Thing Called Love Page 16

by Liz K. Lorde

  Fuck it was so simple, it was the simplest pleasure to know the taste of her lips – and it gave a satisfaction beyond satisfaction.

  It gave me all the purpose I could ever need.

  Tabitha cutely moaned against my mouth, my hand moving down to her taut ass and feeling it up. I slipped my tongue inside of her, and after a moment we broke apart so that we could go inside. As we stumbled around through the darkness of her apartment, I started pulling at her clothes – hastily removing her white blouse and revealing her polka dot bra.

  I saw it in her eyes before she did it, but I couldn’t bring myself to stop her. She climbed up on me and wrapped herself around my body tight. “I want you,” she breathed in my ear, kissing beside it.

  Pain shot through me, and it took every ounce of my will not to make a noise. “I want you too, but you gotta get down, baby.” I grunted as the agony worked its way up my leg, threatening to make me buckle and fall. “I’m not superman here,” I laughed, “leg can’t hold ya.”

  “Oh!” She promptly climbed off of me, “I’m sorry!” She sounded so humiliated that she’d done that.

  “No no no, it’s alright,” I pulled her back to me and put a hand to her cheek, “it’s alright. Let’s go to your room.”

  Tabitha smiled and kissed my lips. She then grabbed my hand and guided me through her apartment into her bedroom. Throwing on the lights, I saw the room of a girl who looked like she’d been through a lot. Clothes on her desk chair, some socks strewn about the floor. Her bed wasn’t the size that I’d normally been accustomed to, but that didn’t matter.

  All that mattered was that I had her with me.

  Stepping to her, I plucked the glasses from her delicate frame and sat them aside, closing in on her so that I could go down on her.

  She put a hand up to my chest and forcefully kept me from her, “Wait,” she said. Tabitha sidled next to me and put her hands on my hips, turning me around. All the while, I kept my eyes trailed on her pretty face and her tits that I want to suck and paw and bite. Tabby gave me a seductive look: “I want to take care of you tonight,” her eyes raked down to my crotch, and she pushed me down onto the bed.

  I growled at her, “Get it in while you can. When I’m healed up—“

  “Stop acting so tough,” Tabitha insisted with a twinkle in her eye, crawling on my lap and throwing her arms around me. She pressed her soft, heavenly lips against mine and everything melted away.

  Between the kisses I said: “When I’m. Healed up. Your ass is mine.”

  “Shut up,” she said in a breathy tone, kissing harder and faster now. Together we stripped off my shirt, and she shimmied off my pants and underwear, springing my hardness out into the open. Tabitha’s beautiful gold-flecked eyes still widened with appreciation, much like the time she first saw it. She then brought her soft hands to my ankles and worked them up my legs. I could feel her brushing past the hairs on my legs, and it felt good to have her give me such a simple affection.

  Tabitha brought her fingers over to the wound in my leg, where I’d been cleaned and stitched up. She looked up to me for permission, and I silently nodded, taking in a breath. Her fingers grazed over the wound, all around it, and then she brought her lips beside it, planting kisses all around.

  I brought my hand to her head and brushed back some of her hair affectionately. I felt like I was the luckiest man alive. “You’re an angel,” I told her softly, “you know that? You might not have wings… but you saved me.”

  “We saved each other,” Tabitha continued to kiss up my leg, and move her hand up my other leg. She approached my Adonis Belt and sucked hard, sending a shiver effortlessly through my body. God, my cock twitched in excitement at the thought of feeling those perfect lips roll over its head. She moved her hand over to my shaft and gripped it, stroking nice and slow. Pleasure crawled over me and I sucked the air through my teeth.

  Not nearly finished with me, Tabitha moved her lips up my belly, stroked my cock and made her way to my nipple. “I need to taste you,” she confessed, jerking me faster now, “every day.”

  Fuck. My balls tightened up in anticipation, and with the way that she was talking dirty I knew I wouldn’t last long.

  Her tongue flicked against my nipple, and then she placed her mouth over it. She sucked it then. Long. Hard. Until it was good and erect, until my cock was well and teased and ready to feel her mouth over it. Only then did she bring her lips to my mouth.

  With her lips on mine, and our energies mingling in perfect harmony, I undid her bra, throwing it aside. Her perfect set of tits barely moved, and I moved a hand to them, squeezing and feeling just how fucking amazing they truly were. She must have picked up on this because after a second, she buried my face against her chest and I happily indulged.

  Tabitha moaned while I played with her breasts. Sucking on them. Rubbing my face against them. “Leo…” she whispered, “my lion.”

  When her nipples were good and stiff, she kissed my lips once more, finding my tongue with her own. She was making me look an amateur with the way she moved, and I loved every second of it. Definitely a faster learning kind of woman. She broke from the kiss, and a thorn of pain pressed against my heart – the need to feel her lips on me was strong and demanding, and I knew that every day I’d have to have them on me.

  Her mouth went over the head of my cock and she slid down slowly, carefully. The warmth and wetness of her was intense, and it pulled me in wanting only more and more. Her tongue swirled around my shaft, rounding it like it was candy. Damn if she wasn’t earnest and enthusiastic about pleasing me. I pulled my head back further and pushed out an impassioned breath. “Fuck baby,” I breathed, “your mouth feels so damn good.”

  She hummed and sort of laughed while she sucked, pulling herself off of me for a moment. “Thanks,” she said cutely, kissing the head, “I’m really trying my hardest here,” she laughed and wiped at her mouth briefly. Bringing her lips over my cock again, she plunged down and sucked me. Feeling her on me made my gut tight with energy, and I felt a quickly rising pressure build up just behind my cock. When she reached the base of my shaft, I listened to the way she choked herself on it.

  Tabitha kept herself down there for a good two seconds, and then unsheathed herself from me. She gasped for air making an O with her mouth. Strings of saliva made connections between her dirty mouth and my shaft. She placed her hand on my cock then, and stroked away at it, moaning for me. “Can I taste your cum?” She asked in a sultry voice.

  “Yes baby,” I told her almost mindlessly, trying not to lose myself to the pleasure she was giving me.

  “I really want to,” Tabitha susurrated, stroking fast and hard now, making the pressure in my cock build higher towards the tip.

  “God,” I breathed, “I want you to drink it down,” I confessed, grabbing a fistful of her hair and bringing her mouth back on me. “Drink my cum,” I ordered her.

  She seemed to like that. Picking up her pace, she throated me with ease. Gliding up and down on my cock faster and faster still, every second was blissful torture. Finally, when I called out her name – softly at first – I felt that animalistic urge to let go. “I’m right there,” I told her, “I’m right there baby, don’t stop.”

  Telling her this only seemed to make her more eager to have me come. Her pace became frantic. Needful.

  That was when I kept her down at the base of my cock, and my whole body lifted from itself for a moment of euphoria. My cock twitched and I gave her ribbons of my hot cum, filling her sweet and lustful mouth.

  I cursed aloud and leaned back a bit while she pulled herself from my cock. She opened her mouth for me briefly, showing me the white sitting atop her pink tongue. Closing her mouth, she swallowed it all for me and smiled.

  Smiling back at her, I pulled her back on top of my lap so that she could cuddle with me, and that I could kiss her love-stained lips. “That was great,” I told her, kissing her lips once more, “but you can trust I’ll be getting you back.”


  We lazed around for another twenty minutes in bed, fooling around and cuddling and laughing together. When I felt most comfortable with approaching her about it, I finally asked: “Hey” that wasn’t what I wanted to ask her, but the question had been on my mind for a long time now. I had to know more. I had to know every detail about her, every story and every thought – I wanted to consume her, to make her every mood easily distinguishable to me.

  Tabitha’s naked body shifted against me in the bed, “Huh?”

  “Can I ask about what you told me before? About your mother?”

  She was quiet for a moment. “Yeah, yeah it’s okay,” although it obviously wasn’t okay, there was a lot of pain behind her words. I ran a thumb across her cheek and pet her affectionately. “I never knew why she got the way that she did. Dad told me that it wasn’t so bad when he first met her, that she, for a while, seemed normal and happy.” Tabitha smirked sadly. “Originally, I wasn’t going to be the first born in the family. But what would have been my older brother, he uhm, he died.”

  Tabitha pushed out a breath through her nose. “He died because he came out too early – I mean, according to what my drunk deadbeat of a dad told me – and so his organs they were… underdeveloped. His bodily functions critically failed and he told me that it put her into a depression for years. So, later down the road, they had me – but I guess that’s not what happened, is it?”

  I shook my head, “Not from what I saw.”

  “So… Mom had an affair, probably because she hated herself too much. Had me. And… she just got depressed again, even worse. There was about four good years I had with her, really. I remember distinctly the way she’d carry her clock radio around with her through the house; how it would be blaring country music at all hours. She used to make me scrambled eggs, but they weren’t very good – and yet, still, I’d eat them. Just because she made them for me and I wanted her to feel needed, and I wanted her to feel loved…” When I saw the tears beginning to well in her eyes, “I wanted her to feel loved,” I pulled her in closer to me and kissed her forehead.

  “Hey it’s okay,” I assured her. “It’s okay, you don’t have to keep going if you don’t want.”

  “It’s alright, I’ll be okay with you here,” she insisted. “Eventually, Dad started drinking. Drinking led to him being fired, which led to us changing homes, which led to me working two full-time jobs which led him to leaving. Skip ahead one more year and I wake up one morning to Mom sleeping in bed like she normally does. Except she’s quiet. Too quiet. So I walk over to her, and I think to myself that she must be breathing lightly. Because that’d just be, that’d just be impossible, right? I wanted to think so. I wanted to think it were impossible that she’d passed.

  I try and shake her awake, not very hard mind you, just enough to hopefully jolt her awake. When she didn’t, it put an arrow through my chest. I got swallowed up by pain, and when I called out her name, shook her again, my voice started to break. I just kept trying like a damn fool to get her to come back.

  But she was gone.

  Just gone. I found out later that she’d bought and taken a bunch of pills. What really fucks me up is that Dad did it too, a few years later after we met up at her funeral.” She closed her eyes and water slowly ran down them as she shook her head. “Everything I’m near just wilts away.”

  I swallowed, trying to dislodge the hurt that stuck itself in my throat – I was in pain for her, to see her so stricken made me sick. “That’s not your fault, Tabitha. Not a drop of it. And I’m telling you right here, that I’m not wilting when I’m with you: I’m growing.”

  She blinked her teary eyes, like she was trying to believe my words.

  “Look at me,” I said warmly, holding her chin, “look at me. Don’t you dare. Don’t you even fathom blaming yourself for that, not for one more second. You understand?” I could hardly believe the way that my voice sounded; it’d been so long since I’d felt so much pain for a human being since now. “I’m going to stand by you every step of the way, I promise you. Forgive yourself of that pain.”

  I must have said something wrong because she started crying.

  I held her tighter and pulled her head into my chest, trying to soothe her.

  She kept her head buried in my chest and confessed between tears and sobs, “I just don’t want you to leave me too.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I rubbed her back and kissed the crown of her head, “I promise.”

  “I have it too,” she sniffed hard, trying to fight back some of the tears. “I-I never told you. I never told anyone that.”

  “It’s okay,” I promised her, “you’re going to be just fine. I swear.” I brought her head back from my chest and wiped away some of the clear snot, and I kissed her lips.

  She laughed and closed her eyes, and kissed me back.


  Eventually I got up with the intent to shower, insisting that Tabitha join me. Before she can even properly answer me, I day-dreamed of wanting to scoop her up in my arms and carry my princess to our fortress of solitude and watery goodness. I wanted to hold her with one hand, grab tight her beautiful ass, and turn on the shower with my other hand.

  But alas, Killaine and his Amigo goons really fucked me in that respect.

  So, instead I grabbed her hand and led her into her bathroom.

  When the shower hissed to life, we went inside hand in hand. The hot water rushed down my skin and hard, tired muscles. Pulling Tabitha’s wet body towards me, I pressed her silky flesh against me – feeling her luscious breasts and the way that she squished against my person. It sent pulses of electricity through me, being near her felt good. Really good. The kind of good that I never wanted to lose.

  Fuck if I never intended to. Gods be good, and I’ll get to know this girl’s heart the rest of my life.

  “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever witnessed, and if I saw someone lookin’ at you… I swear to god,” I softly growled, holding her ass with my one hand and lifting her chin up with my other. With voice sotto: “I could fall in love with you again, Tabitha, with every day left in my life I swear it.”

  She reached a hand up to cup my face and brought her lips to mine, kissing me and putting me right to cloud nine. “Let them look,” she purred, “let them be jealous. You’re the one that gets to sleep next to me every night.” She brought the nail of her finger past my jaw, seductively bringing it to my neck and then scratching hard all the way down my chest.

  I groaned in a sweet pain, unflinching from my spot and keeping my eyes locked with her.

  “This is mine too,” she stated, reaching between my legs and cupping my balls that were already heavy with lust, fuck if I couldn’t feel them tingling in sweet anticipation of crushing her tight cunt. Tabitha moved her hand to guide my cock, “I want you to be inside of me,” she practically whined it out in the hottest manner possible.

  Feeling her slick, warm and embracing pussy slide against the head of my cock was a pleasure like no other. When it went inside of her, and I felt her smooth walls grip the end of me, my whole body lit up with bliss – the need to go deeper was insatiable. Every part of me burned. Burned to pump into her and never fucking stop.

  “Say it,” she moaned, letting me go as deeply inside of her as I could. It turned me on madly when she found her assertive self. “Tell me that you love me,” she whispered, her lips crashing against mine. It was a hungry kiss, a needful kiss. Feeling the powerful warmth of her pussy’s walls, all I could think about was how badly I needed to cum inside of her – how I needed to make her come once before having her fall asleep beside me.

  Soft electricity circled around my heart, and a basic joy filled me from limb to limb. Eventually I found the strength to leave her lips for a moment of air; I kept my cock as deep inside of her as I was able and harshly murmured into her sweet face: “I love you,” I squeezed her tighter, wanting to have her body melt completely against mine – wanting to g
ive her just one more inch of this enraptured cock. “I love you,” I said it again, biting playfully at her nose and kissing her lips, “I love you,” it was muffled by the sweetness of her lips. We embraced each other tightly, and I knew our love was mad and wild. Unexpected, raw, and born from tragedy… but it was our love.

  Our crazy little thing called love.

  One Week Later…

  The crows continuously cascaded from the sky, down and to the trees, it pulled me to them in attention, to see such a thing. Even the birds came to pay their respects to you, Pop. That’s got to mean something, yeah?

  Don’t think a day goes by that I don’t think of you.

  At least you’ll get to be at rest with Lenore.

  Golden rays and clear, deep blue skies washed over the graveyard. It was all filled with friends, family, and the men and women that were considered loyal to the Ligotti family. Down in the crypts Lenore was with our ancestors, but Pops will hate me in the afterlife less being up here – shining in the sun and all its glory. Maybe even in death he wanted to feel the wind against him.

  Just like that, a gust cut against me and I swallowed the stone in my throat. It was too soon, it would have always been too soon… But it was too fucking soon, to lose you like that; why, why the fuck did you have to leave me like this? I barely noticed the wet drops that rolled down my face, that stung at my eyes and made me feel weak.

  But there was a friendly voice in my head and in my heart, a comforting reminder. Tabitha. Sweet Tabitha and her graceful warmth, it helped to keep me calm – to keep me centered. Maybe, just maybe with her, I’ll get by without you, dad.


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