The Space Between

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The Space Between Page 8

by Victoria H. Smith

  “What do you mean?”

  I whipped around to leave, but she grabbed my arm.

  Turning me around, she managed to get a hold of both my arms.

  This girl clearly didn’t understand the boundaries she established with me after what she pulled. I moved out of her hands.

  “What do you mean, Drake? What are you going to do?”

  Her face looked worried—panicked, and for a minute, I contemplated if I should do what I was about to do. Feeling like an idiot, I stopped the thought. “What do you think, Lacey? You are no longer employed by my mother. When she finds out you’re responsible for getting me locked up, I believe that will be a bit of a conflict of interest.”

  I turned, but again, she grabbed my arm. I hated that my skin surged where she touched me. I hated even more that I wanted to grab her and touch her more.

  “You can’t. You don’t understand. I need this job.”

  “Not my problem, Lace.”

  Her face scrunched up when I shortened her name, but she didn’t correct me. “Look. I know you’re mad.”

  I fought myself from laughing. Mad was beyond what I was after what she did to me.

  “But there are factors here you can’t mess with. This job is bigger than what happened between us. You can’t ruin that.”

  The pleading in her eyes gave that information away. I forced myself to look in another direction so I would no longer be affected by it.

  “Please. Please. I’ll do anything.”

  My ears perked. “Anything?”

  She snapped her hand away from my bicep like I burned her. “I won’t sleep with you, Drake.”

  Actually, that thought hadn’t crossed my mind until she said it, but because she did, the visions loomed. Her body beneath mine would be perfect; sweaty and hot. My hand moving over that rich, caramel skin in places I physically fought myself from touching when we met sizzled my blood just from the thought. Damn, this girl didn’t know what she did to me.

  “I know you’re thinking about sex with that look in your eyes, Drake, and I told you: I’m not sleeping with you.”

  When she smacked my chest, I actually laughed. “Sorry. Had a brief guy moment.”

  She bit her lip, despite the fact the piercing wasn’t there, and laughed, too. “I know, so you get one pass, but I’m serious about what I said. I need your cooperation on this, so what can I do to get that?”

  I crossed my arms, thinking about the current situation we were both in. She needed this job, and because she did she needed me on her side. I also needed something, as well. Once she was fired she would eventually be replaced. The new replacement wouldn’t be malleable since I held nothing over them. With Lacey, I had something to bargain with; something to use to my advantage.

  “Maybe we can make this work,” I said, dropping my arms. “You want this job, right?”

  “More than anything.”

  “And I don’t want a nanny.”

  “And I can see why. I mean, how old are you?”


  Running her hand through her chocolate brown curls, she snickered. “I’m eighteen.”

  “So my nanny is younger than me? This is becoming unbelievable.” I chuckled, rubbing my hand behind my neck.

  “And you have me because of me, right?”


  She sighed. “Look, I think you’re a stand-up guy, and you obviously don’t need me. So if I give you your space can I stay?”

  Truth be told, this was exactly the deal I was going to offer her, but even if I didn’t, I would have agreed to her proposal. The way those chocolate-doe eyes gazed at me, there was no denying this girl anything she wanted. She affected me in ways she’d never know.

  “Truman, you met—”

  Lacey and I turned to see my mom standing there, a confused expression plastered on her china doll face.

  She stepped forward. “Truman? Who is this?”

  Did Mom really not see the girl she hired before she employed her? Very responsible. She could have hired an ax murder instead of the hot, little thing Lacey was. “This is the new nanny.”

  Lacey fixed her long hair, then rested her large hat in front of her. Stepping forward, she held out her hand. “Hi, I’m Lacey Douglas. Here about the personal at-home assistant position.”

  My mom looked more shocked than I felt when I first saw the hire. She moved closer to Lacey. While she shook her hand, she analyzed her up and down. “You are quite younger than I expected.”

  Lacey’s cheeks flushed pink. “The lady at the agency said no age requirement was expected. And with the late hours, I was perfect. I’m a night owl.”

  My mom dropped her hand politely, but the scrutinizing she continued to do was far from politely acceptable. Frankly, it pissed me off. Why was she looking at her like she was a foreign species standing in her living room? Was it that big of a deal that Lacey was younger? If she could do the job what did it matter?

  “Well, yes, there was no age requirement, but when hiring a nanny—”

  “Personal at-home assistant. Remember, Mom?” I smiled, reminding her of herself. Those were her very words, after all. If Mom wanted a nanny-aged nanny, then should have hired one and not danced over the specifics with the agency.

  Mom’s long, dark eyelashes flickered my way, accompanied by a tight-lipped smile. “Yes, Truman, I remember. But she is just not what I expected.”

  Why was she talking about Lacey like she wasn’t standing in front of her?

  Mom grabbed Lacey’s bag. “I’m sorry about the misunderstanding, but I don’t feel you’re right for us.” She held it out to her.

  Lacey blinked. “What exactly isn’t right? I assure you I have the skills and qualifications to handle this job. If I could just show you—”

  When Lacey didn’t take her own bag, my mom put it in her hand. “Thank you for your time.”

  This time, Lacey didn’t say anything. She just took her bag, and turned to leave.

  I couldn’t believe the bullshit that just occurred in front of me, and I refused to let it happen, especially to someone as exquisite as Lacey. “Mom, I can’t believe you’re just letting this girl slip through your fingers. She worked for the Jamesons, you know?”

  Lacey froze mid-step, and my mom’s eyes widened.

  “The Jamesons? As in Henry and Claudine Jameson?” Mom asked.

  Thank God Ashley’s upbringing held value to my family. I took a gamble, and it worked.

  “The very ones. She worked for them last year, caring for Ashley’s sick grandmother. Ashley told me all about it at the fundraiser, and raved about how amazing Lacey was. Thought it was so random she even brought it up, but I assumed that was because of the impression Lacey made on them.”

  Lacey turned around completely, staring at me with her eyebrows knit. I hoped she’d get it together because I needed her to go with me on this.

  Mom crossed her arms. “Why did she leave them?”

  I glanced Lacey’s way. “Do you want to tell her, Lacey?”

  Lacey directed her focus away from me and to my mother. She was a champ. That previous confusion was now completely absent from her expression.

  “Grandmother Jameson died,” she stated, her doe eyes in a somber gaze.

  What an actress.

  “It was very sad. If you see them, please don’t ask them about it. It was just so heartbreaking for everyone. They’re a very brave family, but I just don’t want to see them hurting again by bringing it up.”

  If I didn’t know I made up the lie, I would have thought her words were completely truthful. The girl’s eyes actually watered a bit before she bowed her head to mourn for the grandmother that was probably not only alive, but most likely sipping a martini in the tropics right about now.

  And it worked on my mother completely.

  She put her hand on Lacey’s shoulder. When the girl looked up, her chocolate-doe eyes worked their magic. “You poor thing. Of course I won’t ask them
about it. I remember what it was like to lose my own grandparents when I was girl. Never easy for anyone.”

  Lacey nodded once.

  My mom genuinely smiled this time. “Well, I would be honored if you would also provide your services to us here. Seeing you care so much about a family shows me that you will have complete respect for mine. I think a short trial would be good first because of your age, but once you’re passed that, you will be at full-employee status.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered, smiling ever-so-faintly.

  I fought a chuckle.

  “Let’s get your paperwork filed, and I’ll explain your duties.” My mom took Lacey’s bag from her and set it back on the couch.

  “That would be great,” Lacey said.

  She followed my mother to the parlor. Before she turned the corner out of my sight, she mouthed “thank you.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  I studied the list of finger foods I was supposed to prepare for Adele’s sleepover tonight after the afternoon pool party.

  Shrimp cocktail, bruschetta with a white bean purée, asparagus spring rolls, and stuffed piquillo peppers with goat cheese were all on the list.

  Just thinking about the taste of goat cheese in my mouth made me cringe, and most of the other items I had never even heard of before. With the simple directions, preparation of the food wouldn’t be a big deal, but just none of it sounded good at all.

  Closing the pantry in the kitchen, Mrs. Drake finished showing me where the last of the ingredients to fix the snacks were. “Well, that should be about it. Do you have any questions about that, or the rest of the tour?”

  The grandiose Drake household was overwhelming. I’d never seen so many rooms. I’d get acclimated soon enough, though. I was a quick learner. “No questions about the house, ma’am, and you have a beautiful home.”

  She smiled. “Thank you, Lacey, and Mrs. Drake should be fine.”

  I nodded once. “I would like to ask you a question about this snack menu for tonight. If I may?”

  “Of course.”

  “Well, looking at this list, these foods don’t really seem like something teenage girls eat.” Heck, anyone would eat, but I left that part out.

  “Oh, well, my daughter has particular tastes. She picked out the menu herself.”

  She did? Wow. I was far away from home. Where I came from it was pizza and ice cream at sleepovers.

  “And these items are light on calories with the way you’ll be preparing them, and will aid with her strict nutrition regiment. We try to keep junk food out of the house.”

  I really was far away from home.

  “Will there be anything else?”

  “No, Mrs. Drake.”

  “Great. Well, Mr. Drake and I will be back tonight, but it will be late. I assume the girls will already be asleep. Adelaide likes to go to bed promptly at 11:30 p.m.”

  I tried to keep the shock off my face. Healthy, and kept up on her sleep? Even on the weekends? This Adele was very different indeed.

  “And Truman shouldn’t give you any problems. His curfew is 2:00 a.m., and he’s informed me he will be at the country club with friends. He’s also listed it on the Drake family schedule here on the refrigerator.” She pointed to the white board calendar on the fridge. “The entire family’s schedule is listed here, and Truman knows he’s no exception. He’s been informed to check in with you if he decides to go anywhere but the country club today. If he goes M.I.A. you are to call me. I don’t believe this will be a problem, though. He understands the rules.”

  I kept my expression neutral during this last bit of information. As much as I hated lying to my employer, I had a deal with Drake and I intended to honor it. If I didn’t, I’d lose my job, and after what he did for me earlier I owed him. His willingness to help me surprised me. Perhaps, I misjudged him about his maturity at the party. He clearly understood my need for this job and helped me. I didn’t think about it too long because Mrs. Drake’s voice broke me out of my thoughts.

  “Adelaide.” Mrs. Drake looked up to the ceiling during her call. “Are you just about ready to go?”

  Digging in the pocket of her skirt, Mrs. Drake handed me a set of keys. “You can take Adelaide to the country club in the Mercedes. It’s plenty spacious for she and her three friends since you will be taking them back with you for her sleepover.”

  Margot was right. This really was the big leagues.

  Adele came into the kitchen wearing an orange-colored sundress and matching flip-flops. The straps of her banana yellow bathing suit peeked out from behind. Her Mom opened her arms and a sighing Adele went into them.

  “Have a good time at your party tonight. I’ll see you in the morning,” Mrs. Drake said.

  Still sighing, she let her mother go. “I don’t understand why we even need a chaperone tonight. I’m fifteen and so are the other girls. We don’t need her.”

  She really would be a hard one to break. I’d give her time. I was new and forced upon her life, after all.

  Mrs. Drake ran her hand through her daughter’s hair. “You personally do not need a chaperone, but a bunch of fifteen-year-old girls do. Don’t worry about it. Lacey wasn’t hired to babysit you and your friends. She’s just here as a standby. You and your friends probably won’t even notice her.”

  She was right. I’d probably be in the guest room with a good book the whole time. I knew she didn’t need a sitter. That wasn’t my job.

  Mrs. Drake gave Adele a final hug, then came over to me. “Remember our agreement, Lacey. I expect you to take care of my house and my children. I’m trusting you.”

  I remembered. She made me sign so many papers my head spun. I didn’t blame her for the things she made me sign. She was protecting her household and all that she valued.

  She left us, and Adele walked over to me. When she stopped, she stood there in front of me with her hands on her hips, studying my clothing with a disgusted look on her face.

  I gazed down at my navy sweater and white skirt. “Something wrong?”

  “You’re not going to wear . . .” She pursed her lips, eyes still on my clothes. “. . . that, are you?”

  “What’s wrong with my clothes?”

  She crossed her arms. “You look like you stepped out of a Salvation Army.”

  I actually had gotten my skirt there. They had great stuff for vintage looks. I frequented there quite often and wasn’t ashamed.

  “You’re going to embarrass me looking like that.”

  Giving a small smile, I shook my head at her. “Well, how can I help? I don’t want that to happen.”

  Before I knew it, Adele’s hands went into Project Runway mode. She pulled my sweater off and threw it behind her. Getting hold of my skirt, she rolled it up at the waist until it was well above my knees. The white sleeveless blouse I wore underneath the sweater matched the now extremely short skirt so well my outfit looked like I was wearing a trendy white dress.

  “That’s a little better I guess,” she said.

  “Well, thank you, Adele.”

  She studied my feet. “I have some pink pumps you can sub out for those white granny shoes too. I’m a size eight. Can you fit in those?”

  I tried not to laugh. This Adele didn’t hold back when it came to her thoughts. “I’m an eight and a half, so I think I can manage.”

  “Good,” she said, still eyeing my ensemble. “I still don’t want to take any chances that I’ll suffer from the backlash of what you’re wearing, though. Just keep your distance from me while we’re there, and pretend to be a member.”

  “I think people might find it weird that a member is at a pool party fully dressed.”

  She put her hand to her chin and nibbled her lip a little bit.

  I gave a small smile seeing how determined she was.

  “When we get there, we’ll get you one of the lifeguard suits. They’re a standard solid and shouldn’t give you away. Lots of people wear that red color.”

just like that, I became the newest country club member.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Yawning, I pulled up to the country club in my red Jag. I tried to get in a quick nap before this afternoon’s oncoming snore fest, but I just tossed and turned. Lacey was now a solid part of my life, and I didn’t really know how I felt about that. I knew I fought hard for her job, but that was only because she was so desperate for it. What was the reason for her desperation? Why did she need this job so badly? Surely, she could have gotten work on the other side of the city. My only guess was that she needed money, lots of money that she couldn’t get anywhere other than working in the North Shore. I guess that was her business, and not mine. I still felt she was a bit of a hypocrite; barking at me for coming to the West Side when she was so quick to come over to this area. Whatever the case, I was stuck with her. I was stuck with someone who got in my head so badly that I couldn’t keep my thoughts straight. I didn’t like that feeling. I liked control. When Lacey was around, I wasn’t in control. To make matters worse, she was forbidden fruit now that she worked for my family. Becoming involved with each other wouldn’t benefit either of us. We’d have to continue to act like we’d just met. And after what happened between us, at least for me anyway, that would be damn hard.

  Shaking it off, I tossed my keys to the valet.

  I’d just have to force myself into making sure Lacey wouldn’t be a problem for me. She would be here with Adele, but I wouldn’t let her get into my head. This was my world she stepped into now. She was the outsider. I was just going to keep to myself and ignore her.

  I made it to the locker room, and stripped down to my navy trunks. I got a towel from the club’s freshly pressed ones, then made it out to make the friends I “logged in” to make today. I couldn’t guarantee I’d stay for the entire event, though. One nice thing about Lacey being around was that I did get to do whatever I wanted, and I intended to utilize that perk.

  Putting on my aviators, I shielded the sun as I stepped outside. Perfect bodies with glowing skin lay out on lawn chairs around the Olympic-sized pool. Some people sat at the bar while others nodded their heads to very lame music.


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