The Space Between

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The Space Between Page 11

by Victoria H. Smith

  She raised her head. “Learn from her own mistakes?”

  I nodded, giving her a half-smile. “Sometimes letting people learn is the best way, Lace. She’ll find out on her own that those girls might not be the best friends she could make. But let her learn on her own.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I felt his words had double meaning when he said that. Did he deliberately say them referencing what happened between us?

  “For now, just be the support system she needs. You do that, and I think you’ll be golden,” he said, running his arm up and down my body.

  Waves surged through me, and I slid my arms around his waist to be closer to him. “What should I do in the meantime about her? She won’t even talk to me.”

  “You’ll just have to get creative. You’ll figure it out.”

  Lifting my head, I smiled. “Okay.”

  He dipped his head to see my eyes with his lips slightly turned up to the side. “We good now?”


  “Platonic arms leaving your body in: Three. Two. One.” He let me go.

  I laughed, nudging him with my shoulder. “So how did your night go?”

  “Been better. It was what it was.”

  “Did you go to the West Side?” I asked with a hitch of concern in my voice. I really hated that the environment intrigued him so that he continued to go there.

  Sighing, he shook his head at me. “I did, Lace, but as you can see I’m still alive and kicking. I just wanted to hang out with your cousin. Your aunt was there. She gave me some of her awesome cooking.”

  That made me happy. Aunt Gladys was always accommodating. “That’s great.”

  When he nodded, he gave a cute little yawn.

  Before he could stop me, I pushed him back on the bed.

  His eyes went wide. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m tucking you in like I did your sister.”

  Relaxing, he didn’t fight me.

  After I got the blankets around him, I kissed him on the forehead.

  “I have such a good nanny.” He grinned.

  “And don’t you forget it.


  Adele dropped her shoulders when she saw me in the kitchen making breakfast the following morning.

  “Good morning.” I smiled bright.

  Adele didn’t smile bright. Not saying a word, she went through the kitchen and into the dining room.

  I had a plan that I hoped would get us on the same page and possibly fix things with her friends. I just hoped the variables all panned out.

  As I headed into the dining room with her plate of poached eggs and an English muffin, Mrs. Drake took her seat in the dining room next to her daughter. The woman looked just as fabulous in the morning as she did any other time. Her hair prim and perfect, she looked ready for a big day of schmoozing with her fellow socialites.

  “Mmm. Something smells good, Lacey,” she said, watching me set down Adele’s plate.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Drake. I have your breakfast in the stove. I made it first.” I quickly left them to go retrieve it.

  When I came back with her warm cereal, Mrs. Drake gazed around the table. She looked at Adele. “Where are your friends, sweetie?”

  Adele stiffened, then glanced my way.

  Enacting step one of operation: “Befriend Adele” I said, “They actually moved the party to one of the other girl’s houses.”

  Adele shot me a look.

  “Oh? Why’s that?”

  Before Adele could speak, I jumped in, “Adelaide fell ill yesterday afternoon. She wasn’t feeling up to the party and was forced to cancel. She felt terrible about it, but she knew she was sick and had no choice. The call was very responsible of her.”

  “Oh, sweetie.” With a look of worry, Mrs. Drake felt her daughter’s forehead. “How are you feeling? Do you want to go back to bed?”

  Adele glanced my way for help.

  I smiled. “It was actually just some bad food.”

  Mrs. Drake looked at me, perfectly sculpted eyebrows knit. “At the country club? What did she eat?”

  “No, it was actually junk food. I stopped by a drive-thru for something. I shouldn’t have let her order anything, but I did. Completely my fault.”

  “Lacey, you were advised about Adelaide’s diet. This will have to be a strike against you.”

  I nodded. “I understand.”

  Mrs. Drake swept back her daughter’s hair. “How do you feel now, sweetie? Do you need some seltzer water or crackers?”

  Adele went right into the act, shaking her head somberly. “No, that’s okay. I’m actually feeling great. Lacey took care of me.”

  I smiled inside as I headed into the kitchen for their drinks.

  “Are you still feeling up for back-to-school shopping today?” Mrs. Drake asked Adele as I brought the apple juice and coffee into the dining room.

  “I told you I’m fine, Mom.” Adele laughed.

  “Well, good. We can’t go until this evening, though. I have a PTO meeting at your new school this afternoon.”

  “I could take her if it’s more convenient,” I said, pouring the coffee into Mrs. Drake’s fine china cup. I was going to volunteer anyway. That was step two in my plan. I knew via the Drake family schedule that back-to-school shopping was today, and taking Adele to the mall myself seemed like a good bonding experience for the two of us.

  “Could you, Lacey? That would really help. Do you mind, Adelaide?”

  Adele shook her head as she nibbled on her eggs.

  “Great. I’ll take care of dinner then, Lacey, since you two will be out,” said Mrs. Drake, adding cream to her coffee. “I’ll be here by the time you get back.”

  A phone rang in the next room, and Mrs. Drake turned her head. Wiping her mouth with her cloth napkin, she stood. “I need to take that. I’m expecting a call from Mrs. Jameson about tomorrow’s Society Ladies’ Luncheon.”

  I froze. Hopefully, she wouldn’t mention the lie I told her to Mrs. Jameson. She said she wouldn’t, so I guess I just had to hold faith.

  Playing it off like I was calm, I poured Adele’s apple juice from the glass carafe.

  “You didn’t have to do that you know.” Eating her eggs, Adele didn’t look at me.

  “I know.” I rose up after her crystal goblet was filled.

  She didn’t say anything else, so I left to put the juice back into the kitchen.

  I stopped after only a few steps.

  Deciding it was safe to take another chance with Adele, I turned toward her and said, “Hey, before we go shopping do you mind if I braid you hair? There’s this new style I’ve been dying to try out, but I think it’s more suited for you.”

  Still not looking at me, she scrapped her fork around in eggs. “Sure. I guess.”

  I guess that one could be considered Step Two-Point-Five of my plan.


  Holding Adele’s shopping bags, the two of us approached her favorite store in the mall. I stalled as long as I could so we could make it to this store last. Before we left the house Mrs. Drake informed me Adele really liked this boutique, so this was the one I set for the meetup with her friends. I scheduled to have them meet us here at a specific time and keeping Adele from coming to this shop first was a struggle, but I managed to do it. The stress and strain of the planning was all worth it when Adele’s face lit up as she entered.

  “Adele!” Adele’s redheaded friend, Abby, waved by a display of clothing.

  Adele’s mouth dropped open, and she waved back in disbelief. “Abby, hey!”

  Abby tugged the arm of the blonde girl standing next her. Claire, I thought her name was. Claire turned around and got the attention of the other girl that was with Adele at the country club. Both blondes smiled and waved alongside Abby.

  Adele looked like she was going to flip she was so excited to see them. “Marigold. Claire. Hey!”

  All three of the girls rushed over to her Adele.

  Abby swept A
dele up in an embrace. “Thanks for inviting us to shop today, so much more fun than our pottery class. We were happy to get out of it.”

  Wide-eyed, Adele looked at me for help.

  I winked.

  Adele bit her lip to contain her smile and was led off when Abby put her arm around her.

  “Killer hair,” Abby said, playing with one of Adele’s waterfall braids that fell into loose ringlets. “Totally saw Katy Perry rock this on E! Network the other day.”

  Not quite, but she was close.

  “Adele, I’ll be around,” I said to her.

  She waved me off, and I wandered around the displays. Step Three was complete. I still had one more step to seal the deal, though. That time would come a little later.

  Adjusting the bags on my shoulder, I scanned the clothing. Saying every rack I came across was way out of my price range was an understatement. Maybe I could buy a bangle or two, one for me and one for Margot. They might have a nice affordable pair of earrings for Mama, as well. I’d be seeing her tonight, so I wanted to get her something. I checked in with Sue on the phone this morning. Mama had the poor woman worked over. Perhaps, I’d get the caretaker something, as well.

  Heading to the jewelry display, I checked out the merchandise.

  “Very pretty.”

  My hand stopped on the pair of rose quartz studs when I looked up to see who spoke to me.

  A tall, attractive dark-skinned guy stood beside me in a teal-colored Polo shirt. I wasn’t usually into the popped-up collar look, but he wore it well.

  “Thanks,” I said, taking my attention back to the earrings.

  “They’d look quite nice on you. You should buy them.”

  I laughed. “A little out of my price range, but I might think about it.”

  He didn’t say anything else, but I knew he still stood there watching me. It was rather odd the guy was even in here. This wasn’t a unisex clothing store. Playing along with the conversation he started, I picked up a pair of yellow sunflower earrings and put them to my ear. “How about these? A little more affordable and quite cute.”

  He flashed a pair of pearly whites when he smiled. “I think just about any jewelry you purchase will suit you.”

  A real player this one, but I was always a sucker for compliments. “How about I pick out a pair for you? Since you’re in a female clothing store you had to have come in for something.”

  He sucked in a breath. “I see I’ve been caught. I’ll admit it. The only reason I came in was for you. I saw you at the country club pool party, and when I happened to see you coming in here today I just knew I had to meet you. I’m Cooper Ferguson.” He held out his hand.

  I shook it. “Nice to meet you, Cooper Ferguson. I’m Lacey Douglas.”

  “Ah, I know. The nanny. Drake told us about you at the party.”

  I didn’t remember seeing this guy at the table Drake was at. Then again, the blonde had my attention since she was giving me the evil eye for that kiss from Drake.

  “My official title is at-home personal assistant, but Drake likes to joke.”

  “Yeah. He did seem to have a sense of humor at our table.” He laughed. “Hey, you and him aren’t uh, seeing each other are you?”

  My eyes widened. He must have seen the kiss, too. I hoped he wouldn’t spread it around. Word could get to Mr. and Mrs. Drake. “Oh, no. I just work for his family, and Drake’s friendly.” That was the best way to explain his directness.

  Looking like he liked that answer, Cooper crossed his arms and lounged against the wall next to the jewelry display. “I didn’t think you were since you worked for his family. I just wanted to make sure.”

  I didn’t have to question why he wanted to make sure. This guy had that look. The look that said he saw something he wanted. Drake had given me that look, too. The difference was I knew I gave it back to him.

  “So, since you seem to be at odds with your jewelry purchase let me help. My uncle is a jeweler and has taught me a thing or two on the jewelry front.”

  “Oh, he is, is he?” I wasn’t surprised when he told me his uncle was a jeweler. There was nothing unusual about that statement. I didn’t think he’d use his uncle’s status as a pick-up, though.

  “That he is. So let me advise you.”

  Cocking my head to the side, I said, “Sure.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Honestly, I didn’t know how to react at first when I saw Cooper putting costume jewelry up to Lacey’s ear like she was a frickin’ Macy’s Department Store mannequin.

  I just knew the wrong reaction was kept at bay only by the civilized gentlemen my parents raised, and Cooper should thank God I was that gentlemen.

  Pushing my aviators into my hair, I managed to get over to the spectacle in half the amount of strides it would have taken an equally determined man.

  I was pretty damn determined.

  “Oh, Drake. Hi,” said Lacey, giggling like a squeaky, high-pitched pixie since Cooper’s fingers were still near her ear with the cheap-ass earrings.

  Finally seeing me, Cooper pulled his hands from their too close proximity of her neck. “Hey, Drake. How are you doing, man?”

  Better than he was about to be if he didn’t back the hell up. “Fine,” I said, giving him a forced smile. “I see you met my nanny.” I swept over to her, angling my body around hers.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw Lacey shoot me a look, but I refused to take my sight off Cooper to respond.

  “I did. Though, she prefers the term at-home assistant.”

  Yeaaah, these two had been talking way too long before I came over. Thank goodness I arrived when I did. “What are you doing here, Cooper? Back-to-school shopping?”

  He chuckled. “Funny, Drake. I actually was shopping for some outfits for Northwestern at the store next door. I was just leaving when I saw Lacey come in here. Decided to introduce myself since I’ll be seeing lots of her around the country club with your sister. My father does own the establishment, after all. I thought it best to stay in the know, you know?”

  I highly doubted being cordial was his intent, especially after that “fine piece of art” comment he made at the country club.

  “I guess I could question you with the same question since you’re here,” he continued.

  I gave my deep, throaty laugh, though I found nothing funny about his poke at my previous question.

  “I’m actually here to take my sister, her friends, and my nanny for some frozen yogurt. Speaking of which, we probably should be going. It was great seeing you.” Grabbing Lacey by the arm, I tugged her with me.

  Her feet skidded. “What are you doing, Drake? We don’t have to go right this second, and why were you being so rude to Cooper?”

  I remained silent until I got her a fair distance away from him. “I’m saving you from that snob. He just wants in your pants.” Technically, so did I, but at least I was a bit more discreet about it. Not to mention, she didn’t have to worry about that now since she worked for my family.

  “Whatever, Drake, and no, you’re not saving me. You’re being possessive when you have no right to be. We’re not dating, Drake.”

  I felt a strain occur in my chest when she said that. I was well aware of our status. “Regardless, he is not the type of person you should be associating with. In fact, no one around here is, so it’s best you just stay away them. They’re all a bunch of snobs and not worth your time.”

  Scoffing, she pulled her arm from my hand. “This conversation sounds familiar.”

  “No, it doesn’t. This is a completely different situation. You have no idea what you’re dealing with. You’re not from here, and you’re in way over your head.”

  She crossed her arms. “Now, this really sounds familiar. You have no right to come at me like this, not when you wouldn’t listen to me about how things are on my side of town.”

  “Lacey, don’t be this way. I’m just trying to look out for you—”

  “Now, you lis
ten to me,” she said, pointing at me. “I’m technically the party in charge in this situation since my job is to keep you in check for my employer, and being in charge of this situation I say you need to back off. We are not together therefore you have no right to keep me away from anyone. Now, I’m going to go back over there and invite Cooper to come with us to apologize for your rudeness. When I get back, we will all go, and you better be on your best behavior. This hangout is supposed to be for your sister, so don’t you dare ruin this for her. Understood?”

  I pushed out a long current of air through my nose. “Yes, nanny.”

  “Good.” Flipping her bouncy curls, she turned and headed back to Cooper.

  I clenched my teeth.

  “Drake! Drake!”

  My sister hurried over to me from the fitting rooms, waving at me with a strong smile lighting up her face. Seeing hers, I had to smile back.

  “Drake, what are you doing here?”

  “Look at you,” I said, flicking one of her braids. “Who did this?”

  “Lacey. Do you like it?” she said, grinning.

  “Love it.”

  “So what are you doing here?

  “I’m actually here to take you and your friends out for some frozen yogurt. You game?”

  My sister’s face read pure elation. Lacey was right to suggest I do this for her and her friends. She really did need me.

  “Are you serious? Oh my gosh the girls will love it. Thank you. Thank you.” She wrapped her arms around me.

  I chuckled. “No, problem. Hurry up, so we can get going. This store is not exactly my scene if you know what I mean.” I eyed the boy band tee on the rack to my left.

  “Oh, of course. Right. You’re so awesome for doing this, Drake. Wait until the girls meet you. They’ve been dying to.”

  I was sure they had according to Lacey. I’d tolerate the girls for the afternoon. Big brothers were supposed to take a hit for their sisters every now and then.

  Taking my attention away from Adele, I gazed over to Cooper and Lacey. He leaned into her ear saying something that made her smile.


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