The Space Between

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The Space Between Page 20

by Victoria H. Smith

  When he pushed his hand up into my dress, I knew he was.

  I wanted to stop him. He was going to get us in trouble. I just couldn’t make myself say something to him. He had me completely captivated, enslaved to his touch.

  He squeezed me, his palm sweaty and hot against my thigh. My whole body matched the heat, and the activity between my thighs had me breathless and needy. I found myself pushing my legs open for easier access.

  Bracing my leg, he squeezed up, sliding into my skirt further. I spread my legs for him more. I needed him there. I needed him. He didn’t continue, though. And surprised me when his lips slowed against my skin, and he took his hand out of my dress completely.

  Alarmed by his withdrawal. I studied our surroundings again. Ashley was still on her phone and Cooper on the edge of his seat. Why did Drake stop?

  When his lips left my skin and went to my ear, I quickly found out.

  “Meet me in front of the bathrooms in five minutes,” he said, his deep voice breathy.

  Before I could respond, he was out of his seat and gone.

  Frozen in my chair, I swallowed down the lump in my throat. Turning my head, I confirmed our dates were still preoccupied in their separate tasks. Would they notice if I left so soon after Drake? Did they even notice that Drake left at all?

  Taking the chance that they wouldn’t, I touched Cooper’s shoulder. He leaned back. Drawing in close, he gave me his ear to whisper in.

  “Hey, I’m going to the bathroom,” I told him.

  After I turned my head, he whispered in mine, “Do you want me to escort you?”

  Not unless he wanted a raunchy surprise. “Um, no, thanks. I can handle it.”

  After I passed over his lap, I snuck one more look at Ashley.

  Would that girl ever get off her phone?

  Not letting myself be annoyed with her, I pushed through the curtains and headed out of our box. Drake told me to meet him at the bathrooms, but which bathrooms? I’d never been to this extravagant theater before. I gestured in front of the usher for his attention. “Sir, where are the nearest bathrooms?”

  My voice actually came out shaky. Drake had me completely on edge.

  “Downstairs, and at the end of the hall to the right.” The man pointed his white-gloved finger.

  Charging off in my heels, I headed toward the stairs. Off the carpeted stairwell, my heels clacked in the empty hall. The grand foyer that was packed before the first act was now drained of its show-goers.

  I was glad no one else was around, but boy did my heels make it sound like a stampede was charging through with the way I was trying to get to Drake. I wanted him so badly I could taste his lips already.

  I turned the corner to the right via the usher’s direction, and my legs nearly went to jelly when I saw Drake.

  As he said, he was near the bathrooms at the end of the hall. Leaning against the wall, he stared at the floor. He looked like a freaking runway model with the way he was so causally standing there. Long legs crossed, his tailored black suit framed wonderfully what I knew personally to be an amazing body hiding underneath.

  I picked up my steps to get to him.

  My heels were so loud, he looked up and watched me as I took—what seemed like—hours to get to him. The anticipation built with every step, and those mahogany eyes practically blazed into amber as he took me in from afar.

  I was breathing so hard by the time I got to him, I thought I’d collapse, but his arms kept me from doing that. They went around me and wouldn’t let go.

  His kiss held even more security with the lock they had on mine.

  Pushing me into the woman’s restroom, he locked the door, and leaned his long body against the length of mine.

  “Drake.” I gasped against his lips, viciously running my fingers through his dark locks. “There’s probably people in here.”

  He pressed me up against the bathroom wall, his hands roaming wherever he saw fit along the curves of my hips. “No, there isn’t. I checked.”

  Oh, wow. He checked?

  Dropping low, he grabbed my thighs and wrapped them around his waist. In a flash, he had me on the counter by the sinks. After dragging me to the edge of it by my ass, he moved on to pushing my dress up with quick but fumbling hands.

  My senses coming to me, I grabbed his hands. “Drake, should we do this in here?”

  When he stopped kissing me, his eyes met mine. The mahogany hue was dark, his eyes lidded and feral. His lust for me leaving me breathless, I grabbed his cheeks and attacked his mouth before he could say anything.

  “I take it this location isn’t a problem?” He spoke into our kiss.

  “Shut up,” I said, before I could change my mind.

  He got my dress all the way up and above my tummy. His fingers went for my panties next, looping around the thin material on the side. When he braced them and gave a swift tug, I locked up and nearly shouted at him.

  I grabbed his bicep. “Don’t rip them. Don’t rip them. Don’t rip them.”

  He pulled back, eyes wide and wandering in confusion. “What?”

  “I said, don’t rip them. I just got them from Victoria’s Secret. That place is expensive, you know?” I smacked at his hand until he let go.

  He looked like he didn’t know whether to laugh or be insulted. “Are you serious? Lace, I’ll buy you some new panties.”

  “I’d rather keep these, thank you.” Hopping off the sink, I shimmied until the lace went down my thighs.

  He stood there, arms crossed with his fingers to his lips as he suppressed a smile.

  Ignoring him, I stepped out of them daintily, then handed them to him.

  Without words, he put them in his pocket. “Okay. Are we good now?”

  Shaking my head, I snatched his belt buckle and kissed his lips while I unfastened it.

  He pushed his fingers into my curly locks, groaning when I moved my hand from the open fly of his pants and inside to the hardness concealed by them.

  Wrapping my hand around the length, I stroked up and down the velvety skin. My thumb moved over the head, sliding over the slight bit of wetness.

  Pushing husky breaths against my lips, he let me play, but my hand hadn’t been there long before he couldn’t take it. My hand was pulled from his pants when he picked me up and put me back on the counter. It wasn’t long before my dress was up my thighs once again, and his pants had dropped to his ankles.

  I panted, whimpering for him to be inside me, as he pushed against my opening while still in his boxers.

  He’s so close. God, he’s so close.

  “Drake. Drake. Please. Please,” was all I could say, gasping and moaning as his mouth left mine and nipped at my neck.

  The sound of ripping foil jolted my insides as I realized what I was about to feel again, that feeling of fullness that connected me with him, and made me completely his.

  He didn’t make me wait long.

  Grabbing my hips, his took himself hard inside me, burying himself as deep as he could and ripping through any and all tightness keeping me from him.

  I bit his neck to keep from calling out from the intense burst of pleasure. A deep groan rolled inside his chest, and he rocked hard into me. Wanting him to take me harder, I gripped his shoulders and shifted my hips roughly against him.

  He stretched me, grinding into my core, and making me feel every wonderful inch of him.

  The combined noises we made, I was sure, could be heard from behind the door. I wanted to care, but I couldn’t. Drake was mine again. All mine. I was able to feel the emotional connection with him that I was forced to wait on until tonight. No one was here to judge us. No one was here to tell us what we were doing wasn’t acceptable. I took advantage of the fact and refused to feel ashamed by what we were doing.

  Completely on the brink, I threw my head back and rocked myself into my orgasm. As soon as mine started, Drake’s hips stiffened, and he came as well. I held my arms around him, holding him as we both rode out the last of the w

  When we relaxed, he laid his sweating forehead into the crook of my neck, and I gently ran my fingers through his hair, absorbing his blood-warming scent. Neither of us said anything for a moment, our breathing the only sounds in the room.



  He sighed, regulating his breaths. “We probably shouldn’t have done that.”

  My thoughts were coming back to me, too. Both of us were the epitome of classiness in the moment. “I know.”

  “You know what’s worse?”


  He laughed gently. “I want to do it again.”

  Smiling, I leaned down and kissed his lips. Pulling away, I said, “Then let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  I waited a few more minutes in the hall outside our box before I decided to head in. I didn’t want Lacey and I both to return at the same time. We weren’t downstairs too long, but coming back at the same time would have looked very suspicious. Passing the usher, I strode into the dark box and pushed back the curtain. Lacey sat there next to Cooper, but Ashley was nowhere in sight.

  Taking my chair, I leaned into Lacey’s ear. “Where’s Ashley?”

  Turning my head, I let her whisper into mine.

  “I just asked Cooper. He said she got a phone call. Do you know she actually let it ring a few times before she answered it?”

  Didn’t surprise me. The girl was texting pretty much the entire second act before Lacey and I left. I wanted to tell her to stop a few times because I thought seeing that would bug Lacey. Lacey was so engulfed in the show during the first act, and I knew she’d find Ashley’s actions rude. Rather selfishly, I decided against it. Since Ashley was so distracted, the absence of her attention allowed me to get a taste of Lacey’s sweet neck. I’d never admit my weakness for Lacey openly, though. It was kind of embarrassing how I couldn’t control myself around her. I mean, I took her into the woman’s bathroom and freaking banged her during a show that was well over a hundred dollars a ticket. Not my finest hour of classiness. I wished I could say there could have been a different outcome than that, but there wasn’t. If I were to sit in those seats with her any longer I would have finger fucked her with our dates surrounding us. The only alternative was the bathroom, so I took it.

  “Drake, your phone,” Lacey whispered.

  Seeing the light in my pocket, I stood, but waited until I was in the foyer behind the velvet curtain that separated the box from the entry doors to take out my phone.

  A text from Ashley was on the screen. Family emergency. I had a car come pick me up. Sorry.

  And that was it. Short direct. Was that why she was texting? A family emergency? If that was the case, I’d take back what I said about her. I hoped everything was okay. The girl completely freaked me out with her fatal-attraction aggressiveness, but I didn’t want anything bad to happen to her or anyone she knew. Regardless of how I felt, her leaving did give me a way out of my situation. Now, Lacey and I just had to get rid of Cooper. That was also my responsibility. Since this was my plan, I would make sure Lacey had to do as little as possible.

  Taking advantage of my time spent in the foyer, I went back into the box and tapped on her Lacey’s shoulder. I signaled her to grab Cooper, then waited for the two outside of the box doors.

  Confusion flashing in their eyes, Lacey and Cooper both joined me. I wasn’t surprised by Lacey’s reaction. I never told her how I was going to get her out of her date.

  “Hey, I just got a message from Ashley.” I held up my dark-screened phone, shaking it a bit for emphasis. “She had to go due to a family emergency.”

  Most likely believing the text was part of the plan the actress went into the act. Her face grew somber and she nodded once. “I hope everything is okay. Did she say what happened?”

  “Nope. Just said that she had an emergency.”

  “Well, that sucks, man,” Cooper said, genuinely looking sympathetic as he pushed his hands into his pockets. “You going to head home then? I don’t mind if you finish out the show with us. If Lacey’s okay with it, that is.” He looked to her for reference.

  Saving her from responding, I said, “Actually, Lacey has to go, too. I had a missed message from my mom while I was checking out Ashley’s. Lacey is needed at my place, I guess.”

  I actually felt bad for the guy in the moment. His expression dropped, and the disappointment in his eyes couldn’t be ignored.

  “But she’s off tonight. I’m sure your parents would understand. She doesn’t get a choice?” he asked, his voice rushed and coated with an edge of desperation.

  This guy didn’t give up. I didn’t blame him. I wanted to be around Lacey more and more every time she allowed me even a moment to be in her presence. Her personality was that consuming.

  “She does. Sorry I assumed she’d go.” I turned to Lacey. “Lacey?”

  I didn’t want her to have to do anything, but I didn’t want Cooper thinking my parents had her in some kind of indentured servitude.

  “Um,” she said, putting her hand on Cooper’s shoulder. “I probably should. I don’t want to leave, but I can’t ignore an extra shift I could pick up. I’m sorry.”

  Grabbing her hand, he put it in between his. “I understand. You don’t have to explain. I’ll get your wrap and take you to the Drakes.”

  “I can take her,” I said, stepping forward. “Seems silly for you to since I’m headed home.”

  This may have been pushing it, but I really didn’t want her time shared with anyone but me, and who knew what he’d try once he got her alone. I allowed him to take her to the theater, and that was hard enough. I wouldn’t budge on this. Not this time.

  “Drake, that’s very kind of you, but I can handle it—”

  “Cooper?” Lacey squeezed his hand, giving him a sunshine expression that rolled fire in me just watching her use it. “That’s okay. Drake is right. He’s headed home anyway, and him driving me just makes sense.”

  He looked completely downtrodden as he relaxed his shoulders and nodded.

  Poor guy. We were putting him through all kinds of stuff tonight.

  “I’ll get your things, then,” was all he said.

  I let Cooper get his last few moments with my girl by waiting outside for the two. The valet pulled up my red Jag just as they were walking out of the theater. I went to open the door for Lacey, but Cooper cut me off and did the deed himself.

  I had to remember this was technically his date not mine. In a few minutes, the roles would switch. I was a reasonable guy and could handle just a few minutes, but only a few.

  I gave them space and watched as Cooper held out his hand to Lacey to help her inside my car.

  With her bright smile, Lacey gave her hand to him.

  Staring at her wrist, his smile in response to hers left. He stopped her from entering the car with a small tug of her hand.

  What was his deal?

  “This is pretty,” he said, bringing her hand closer for him to study. “Were you wearing this before?” His gaze went from the bracelet I gave her to her eyes.

  I’d be worried, if I didn’t know Lacey was such a good actress.

  Her pleasant expression not leaving her, she said, “No. I couldn’t get it on at home and put it in my purse. I was going to ask you to help me with it, but forgot until I was in the hallway with Drake before the show. I don’t know what made me remember, but he helped me put it on.”

  With his thumb, he touched the diamond encrusted music note. “Oh. Well, it is pretty.” He smiled again, but it definitely looked forced.

  Wanting to be from under his suspicions—and get his hands off Lacey—I gripped her door. “Mind letting the lady take a seat, Cooper?”

  His eyes flicked up from his hard stare of the bracelet. “Oh, of course.” He kissed her hand, then helped her into the car. “I’ll see you around, Lacey.” He stepped back.

  I let her wave to him, then closed her d
oor to separate them.

  “Hey, um, Drake? Can I speak with you for a second?” Cooper gestured with his hand for me to follow him off to the side.


  “Sir?” The valet raised his hand, getting my attention. “You can’t leave your vehicle here.”

  “I’m not. Just one moment.” After waving him off, I gazed at Lacey through the window before heading over to Cooper.

  With uneasy chocolate-brown eyes, she stared at me.

  Not wanting to worry her, I patted the air with my hands, and then stood under the flashing lights of the marquee with Cooper.

  He slipped his hands in his pockets, rocking up on his patented leather shoes. “I guess I just wanted to tell you to be careful.”

  “I don’t follow, Cooper.” I said these words without any hesitance and as smoothly as I could, but his words did trigger a violent reaction inside my chest.

  What did he know?

  He sighed, cocking his head to the side. “I think you know what I’m referring to.”

  Attempting to walk away from him and the situation, I stepped backwards. “Actually, I don’t. And if you don’t mind, I have to take Lacey to my house. My mom needs her.” I turned.

  “My uncle, a jeweler, made that bracelet, Drake.”

  I froze and my body went ramrod-straight.

  “He specializes in diamond encrusted music notes. Just like that one.”

  I didn’t face him. “There are lots of people who make diamond encrusted music notes, Cooper.”

  “I’m sure there are some, but none that have his signature on the metal tag near the clasp.”

  Biting my lip, I pushed a long current of air through my nose. Staying as calm as I could, I turned on my heel. “And what if he did? Is Lacey not allowed to have bracelets made by him?”

  Shaking his head, he dug the tip of his shoe into the sidewalk. “She is, but I highly doubt she purchased it for herself considering she was hesitant to buy any of the jewelry at that boutique in the mall because of the prices, and I don’t think anyone she knows could have afforded something so extravagant, either.” He glanced up. “Except for you that is.”

  I stood tall. “What makes you think I got it for her?”


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