Paradise Found

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Paradise Found Page 2

by Sarah O'Rourke

  “Fuck, yeah, you do,” he snarled as he licked her from his shiny fingers. “Better than anything I’ve ever tasted. Baby, I think you might have made me an addict for that tasty pussy because I need another taste more than I want my next breath,” he declared on a growl as he rose from the bed, quickly shedding his jeans and peeling the cotton t-shirt from his body before diving back between her legs.

  Sami’s neck arched and she pressed her head back against the pillow as Ben’s hot mouth found her plump folds, his tongue sliding through her slick pussy like a heat seeking missile. “God, that’s so good,” she bit out as her hands lifted to clench the pillow behind her head. “Don’t stop,” she begged as his mouth alternately licked, nipped and sucked at her tender flesh. Feeling his soft beard running along the inside of her thighs only heightened the sensations, driving her higher and making her hotter than she’d ever been. Maybe it was because she unconsciously knew this was the last time they’d be together like this. Or perhaps it was because her man was just that damned good with his tongue. Either way, Ben was pushing her toward a cataclysmic release that she knew would leave her destroyed.

  Reaching for his broad shoulders, she shook her head, as her nails clawed at his skin. God, she needed him inside her and as close as two people could be. “Ben…wait, honey!” she gasped as her pussy clenched. “Together, baby,” she pleaded. “I want us to come together!”

  Lifting his head from her pussy, his lips shiny with her juices, Ben stared at her. “What? Baby, let me do this for you. You know I love eating you. Your sweet pussy is my favorite meal,” he reminded her with a slow, sexy smirk. “And you love it, too, if all that moanin’ and thrashin’ around you’ve been doin’ since I got my mouth on you is anything to go by.”

  “Oh, you better believe I love that dirty mouth of yours, but tonight I need you inside me, Ben. Please,” she urged, her arms wrapping around his neck as he slid up her body until his face hovered above hers.

  “Does my vixen need me to make us one?” he asked softly, brushing his nose against her as his warm breath ghosted over her lips. Sami bit her lip as he used the tip of his cock to tease her swollen clit, running the fat, mushroom head back and forth over that tight bundle of nerves.

  Nodding eagerly, Sami’s grip on Ben’s neck tightened. “I feel so empty, Ben, and you have what I need to make me whole again,” she entreated him as she wrapped her legs around his hips, the heels of her shoes digging into his firm ass as she dragged him closer. “Let me have it, baby,” she whispered against the shell of his ear. “Give me what only you can.”

  Hissing in a breath at the unexpected bite of pain, Ben’s eyes darkened with desire as he reached between them to guide his cock toward her throbbing pussy. “Is this what you need?” she heard him ask, his voice gravelly with passion. “You need this dick?”

  Hell, yes, she needed it. If pressed, she was pretty sure she’d swear on a stack of Bibles that she’d die without it. “Yes,” she answered breathlessly as she felt him begin to enter her, his hard length stretching her, claiming her as his own. “I need that dick the same way I need air to breathe, Ben,” she moaned as his cock sank deep, his balls coming to rest against her ass. “Oh, God, that’s good,” she whimpered as his staff pulsed within her. Ben’s answering deep groan of satisfaction vibrated against her cheek.

  “Fuck!” Ben cursed harshly, his handsome face a beautiful mask of raw carnality, “I feel like I’m a slave to this magic pussy of yours. Fuck knows its cast a spell on me and bound me to you forever. I swear to God, it must have been written in the stars somewhere that your sweet cunt was made to hold my dick,” he rasped as he slowly began to thrust into her heat.

  “Your cock is the only one I’ll ever want,” Sami vowed as Ben slammed his body into hers, his hard dick owning her with every powerful surge of his hips. Sliding her hands down his sweat slick back to cup the firm globes of his flexing ass, Sami immersed herself in the white hot pleasure that came from their two bodies colliding.

  “So tight and wet. I love the way your pussy grips my cock. It’s like sinking my dick into pure bliss,” he praised through his teeth as he began to move faster. “That’s it! Squeeze that hot, velvety cunt around my dick, baby,” he urged as Sami began to shudder beneath him.

  “Oh, God, Ben, I’m almost there,” Sami panted as her body began to tremble. With every heartbeat, she felt herself moving closer to her climax, her body poised on the brink of something so painfully poignant it was scary. Gripping Ben’s shoulders as her body met his, the sound of their flesh smacking together permeated the air around them. “I feel like I’m about to fly apart,” she gasped between long, deep kisses.

  “I love you, baby. Just let yourself go. Don’t be scared. I’ll hold on to you. You’ll never be lost if you’re in my arms, Samantha,” Ben promised raggedly against her parted lips.

  It only took his assurance to free her. Suddenly, Sami’s body was flying, hurtling toward the stars as waves of biting pleasure swamped her body. Distantly, she heard Ben’s own harsh shout of completion and felt his release flooding her womb. Turning her face toward his, she met his kiss eagerly, greedily, desperate to remain as close to him as she could for as long as possible.

  Ben’s breath was still sawing in and out of his lungs when he rolled to the side. “Good God, woman,” he rasped as he hooked an arm around Sami’s waist and dragged her body toward him. “If I wasn’t already addicted to you, I would be now. I don’t think we’ve ever loved quite that wildly before,” he murmured, nuzzling her long hair out of the way so he could press a lingering kiss against the slope of her shoulder, still dewy with her sweat. “What got into you?”

  Sami couldn’t help her laugh. “Uh, I’m pretty sure you did,” she teased, rolling over until she faced him.

  “Damn straight I did,” he grunted, dropping a kiss to her upturned nose. “No doubt in my mind we did it that time. There’s no fucking way after that romp that I didn’t plant my baby in your womb this afternoon, vixen,” he declared with a kind of pleased confidence that only he could get away with exhibiting.

  Swallowing hard, she hoped Ben never realized that he’d just spoken the cruelest words she’d ever heard.


  Four Weeks Later


  Ben’s jaw clenched as his eyes remained glued to his girlfriend’s Facebook announcement on his phone.

  Super excited to book last minute photo shoots in Rome for the next several weeks! I leave THIS weekend! There’s NOTHING I’d rather be doing! Spain is JUST what this girl needs to keep her sparkle. Ciao, my bitches!

  The longer he stared at Sami’s status message of mere minutes ago, the angrier he got. What happened to slowing down and concentrating on them as a couple? What happened to getting married and started a family? What the HELL happened to TALKING to your significant other about an assignment that would take you thousands of miles from home for fucking weeks?

  Rage built and swelled as he continued to look down at the phone he held tightly in his hand.

  “Jesus, He-man, put down the phone before you crack the screen,” Ben distantly heard Jerry, his photography assistant, warn from somewhere to his right.

  Forcing himself to put his phone in his pocket before he destroyed it in a fit of hulk-like rage, Ben turned to look at the younger man that stood beside him holding his Nikon camera with nervous fingers. Taking the expensive equipment from him, Ben shook his head. “I’ve gotta go, kid. Tell the director we’re gonna need to re-schedule the wedding dress shoot for another morning this week.”

  “What?” the other man balked, his eyes widening dramatically. “You know the guy is gonna shit a brick! This spread has been on the books for a week.”

  “Don’t give a shit. Tell him an emergency came up,” Ben called over his shoulder as he weaved around another model, nearly getting a mouthful of tulle and lace as the two dressers behind her fluffed the long train of the wedding gown she wore. Grimacing as he sidestepped anoth
er gorgeous half-dressed woman, Ben added, “Tell them whatever you want, Jere. I’ve got my own wayward bride-to-be to find!”

  “Ben, we’re gonna lose this account if you leave now!” Jerry shouted as Ben shoved open the heavy metal door to the warehouse where they’d been set up to photograph a shoot for a prominent bridal magazine.

  Ben, however, was no longer listening to Jerry or anyone else as he purposefully strode toward the exit, his mind already debating where to find his errant vixen. Sami been sending his calls to voice mail all morning and ignoring his texts – probably because she knew he’d be livid after seeing her status on Facebook.

  She could try to freeze him out all she wanted, he thought irritably as he reached his truck and quickly pulled himself up inside the cab of the vehicle. Her cold shoulder wasn’t going to stop him from finding her though. Swiftly jamming his key into the ignition, he started the truck and debated his options.

  Their apartment or her fucking modeling agency? Where should he start looking for her?

  A glance at the dash clock showed it to be just after noon.

  Pulling out of his parking space, he relied on his instincts and headed in the direction of their shared home.

  Why the hell was she doing this to them? It was a question he’d been asking himself a hundred times a day over the past month. Efficiently navigating the busy Atlanta streets as he steered his ride toward the building they called home, he tried to think back… to find that one moment where everything had changed between them. In the past four weeks, they’d gone from being a loving couple, nearly joined at the hip, as they planned for their wedding and life together to something he didn’t recognize. Something he didn’t want to recognize.

  Because over the last several weeks, they’d changed. Or, more accurately, Samantha had changed. She’d become distant and coolly aloof. His loving, ready-for-anything girl had suddenly seemed unhappy and sad – almost as if someone had died. The only time she seemed to smile or have any life in her at all was when she stood in front of the cameras. It was only then that the light inside her flared to life and burned bright. It was as if being photographed fed some kind of hidden need inside her. Over the last few weeks, she’d become so hyper career-focused that it was the only thing she could see. And in a time where they both were supposed to be slowing down and concentrating on building a life together and putting down roots, this was more than a little bit worrisome to Ben. All plans for their wedding and adding to their family had gone by the wayside. When he attempted to address the issues between them or mentioned a problem to her at all, Sami froze up, putting a complete and impenetrable lock on her emotions. Nothing he said reached her. Nothing he did made a difference. And lately, if he made any kind of overture toward her, be it physically or emotionally, she retreated, making any kind of excuse to dodge his advance. No matter how much he tried to bridge this divide between them, Sami remained beyond his reach.

  And Samantha taking a modeling job in Italy that would last for weeks? Well, that was simply her newest avoidance tactic!

  And he could not allow that to happen. Not again. He couldn’t stand back and let her insert one more fucking obstacle between them. Mostly because he was terrified that if he didn’t reach her now, she’d be lost to him forever. And a life without his vixen in it wasn’t something he wanted to contemplate.

  First, he had to find her. Then, all bets were off. He didn’t care if he had to chain her to their bed and sit on her gorgeous ass. He was getting to the bottom of things between them! It didn’t make sense that just over a month ago they’d been unbearably happy and so in love that it nauseated their friends, and now, they were just… existing together. For fuck’s sake, it felt as if the woman he loved was simply enduring their life together now instead of living it.

  It was time for some goddamned answers, he told himself as he slung his truck into the parking lot of their high rise.

  Up until now, he’d handled her with kid gloves, trying to give her time and understanding, hoping against hope that she’d snap out of this month-long mood she’d been in. That hadn’t worked.

  Not even a little.

  IF anything, it had made things worse.

  So, now it was time to go another route, he told himself as he parked the truck and made the quick walk to their building, barely nodding toward the doorman.

  Anger coursed through his veins as he rode the elevator to their floor. Balling his hands into fists at his side, he let rage fuel him as he considered how selfish his woman was being. For four weeks, it had felt like his life had turned into The Sami Show. He’d nearly broken his back trying to dance to her tune and make her happy. And for what? To find out she was ditching their life together to head to Italy for the foreseeable future.

  Fuck that.

  Maybe if he shoved some brutal honesty down his foolish woman’s throat, she’d take a break from her ice princess act and tell him exactly what the fuck her problem was.

  Then maybe he could fix whatever the fuck was broken in her and get the hell on with their lives together.

  Opening the front door with his key, he pressed his lips together in a thin line when he saw the television on in the living room and heard the muffled sound of drawers being opened and closed in the bedroom. At least she was still here, he thought to himself as he slammed the door shut behind him and walked with determined footsteps down the hallway toward the master bedroom. “Samantha,” he roared, his bellow echoing throughout the apartment as his steps fell loudly against the hardwood floor. “It’s about time you and I get a few things straight between us!”

  Ben watched Sami’s lithe body stiffen as he entered the bedroom, her graceful hands freezing in the act of folding the nightgown she’d been packing into her suitcase. His eyes swept the room quickly, and he felt his wrath escalate as he noted the number of suitcases and boxes scattered throughout the room. It became clear very quickly that Sami wasn’t merely packing for a business trip. No, she was packing up her life with him. “Are you fucking kidding me?” he whispered as she slowly dropped the silk nighty she’d been holding into the suitcase, the fabric landing with a soft whoosh.

  “Ben,” she whispered without turning, her small voice both sad and resigned.

  “Don’t ‘Ben’ me, Samantha. What the fuck is going on?” he growled, stomping forward to grip her arm and whirl her around to face him. “First I find out on social fucking media that my fiancé has taken a job in a foreign country for weeks without getting so much as a warning phone call. Then, I come home and find you boxing up your life with me,” he bellowed, throwing an arm out toward the boxes stacked in the floor. “Start fucking talking, Samantha! What’s going on here?” he demanded.

  Lifting her chin defiantly, Samantha turned her glacial eyes toward him as she jerked her wrist from Ben’s grip. “I think it’s pretty clear what I’m doing, Ben. I’m leaving,” she spat, turning to grab another handful of clothes from the bed and stuff them in her open suitcase. “Look, things aren’t working between us anymore, and I need some space. Some breathing room. I want to be free for a while. “

  “Free? You wanna be free,” Ben echoed incredulously as his annoyance mounted. “Well, that’s two fuckin’ bad, Sami. You are part of a we. And we need to buckle down and work this shit out between us.”

  Sami shook her head as her eyes flashed with an emotion Ben wasn’t quite sure how to define. Maybe a kind of resigned sadness. “Please, Ben. I don’t want to hurt you. I really don’t. Just… let me go. Move on with your life with somebody that wants the same things you do.”

  “YOU want the same things I do. Marriage. A house. Babies. We’ve discussed this,” Ben yelled, uncertain what the hell had possessed his fiancé to lose her mind this way. Throwing his hands in the air. “If you’re getting cold feet, babe…”

  Sami snorted. “This isn’t cold feet, Ben. I’ve just changed my mind about what I find truly important. You want me to give up my career, and that isn’t fair. I worked hard to b
uild my name. My brand. And I’m not leaving it behind.”

  “What?” Ben balked. “YOU were the one that said you wanted to concentrate on growing our family and building our life together, Sami. I supported you.”

  “Yeah, and you didn’t waste any time, did you? You couldn’t wait to turn me into some little Stepford wife. Well, I’ve decided I don’t want that. I worked hard to become one of this country’s leading models. I love the money… the lifestyle. And I’ve decided I’m not giving it up. And I’m certainly not gonna hold myself back with a clingy husband intent on knocking me up with a couple of kids. Screw that,” she snarled, curling her nose as she took a step back from him.

  Closing his eyes as he absorbed the emotional blow she’d just landed on him, Ben fought with his temper. Unfortunately, if felt like a red hot wave of pure agony had just descended over him and laid waste to his world. “So you’re leaving me?” he bellowed. “What the fuck, Sami? We’re engaged. We’re planning a wedding. I’ve been doing my best to plant my baby in you… a baby that you told me you wanted more than your next breath! You can’t just announce that you’re leaving me and expect me to hold the door open for you like a gentleman. Tell me why the fuck you’re trying to blow up our life together? A life that you loved until a month ago,” he accused, reaching out to snatch the pile of clothes she held in her hands and throw them to the ground. “God damn you, you owe me a fucking clue here, vixen!”

  “It’s not rocket science, Benjamin,” Sami declared frostily, tossing her hair over one shoulder as she leaned forward to reach for one of the sweaters he’d thrown. “I want the fortune and fame. I want to live fast and loose. For the last couple of years, I’ve tried to convince myself that this home and hearth crap you’re so addicted to would be worth it, but I’m young. I’ve got all the time in the world for that crap. I mean, I won’t lie, honey, you’re the hottest thing on two legs with a swinging dick, and I loved how jealous it used to make all the other models that I had you… the biggest fashion photographer in the business in my bed. But the cost of being with you is way too fucking high. You want kids, Ben,” she reminded him in a tone that made children sound like some kind of fucking disease. “Look at this body,” she demanded, striking a pose in front of him. “I am NOT letting a couple of sniveling brats destroy this amazing temple.”


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