Paradise Found

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Paradise Found Page 19

by Sarah O'Rourke

  “Oh, Lord, yes,” Orla agreed with a ready nod. “Why, I can tell you what almost every man’s hind end in Paradise looks like,” she shared with a gleeful smile. “Go ahead. Quiz me,” she invited with an eager nod of her head.

  Ben was relieved to see his vixen slowly relaxing even as she shook her head and murmured, “No, that’s okay.” He hadn’t imagined the way her lips twitched as she tried not to smile.

  “Aw, look Jethro! She’s shy! Darlin’, Jethro and me have already seen all your bouncy bits jigglin’ in the air. We don’t have no secrets left from each other. Here…I’ll start. Let me tell you about the sheriff’s tight little…”

  “Miss Orla!” Ben yelled. “Before we start chattin’ about Sheriff Zeke’s dangling business, let’s talk about what the hell you two are out here doing? I thought the girls put you two on a three-mile tether to town,” he asked, raising his voice to be heard as the wind kicked up a bit. “And I know for a fact that we’re at least fifteen miles out.”

  “Well, since we’re up in a stand, I’d say it’s a fair guess that we’re probably hunting,” Orla returned with a careless shrug, lifting a hand to adjust her bright orange cap on top of her head.

  “Hunting what exactly?” Ben yelped as Sami could only continue to stare in horror at the older couple.

  “Well, we started hunting bears at daylight, but I switched to huntin’ hard-ons about thirty minutes ago. Spotted a big ‘un, too,” she added with a cackle, nudging her grinning husband with her elbow. “’Bout nine inches, you lucky duck,” she continued to giggle, wiggling her eyebrows at Sami.

  “Oh, sweet baby Jesus,” Sami breathed, sinking deeper into the water.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t call on Him. I dunno if Jesus would approve of what I saw earlier, girlie,” Jethro chided, shaking his head as his grizzled face grinned.

  “Very funny,” Ben returned, rolling his eyes. “Why the hell didn’t you two holler at us or something?”

  “Well, that would have just been indelicate,” Orla scoffed as she began to climb down the ladder that neither Ben nor Sami had previously noticed. Of course, they’d both been a little preoccupied.

  “Wait a sec,” Sami grumbled, squeezing her eyes shut as she tried hard to place the familiar name. Orla. Jethro. McKinnon. “Why have I heard y’all’s name before?”

  “Probably because you met half the McKinnon family at the diner in town yesterday,” Ben replied, frowning at the ancient pair of troublemakers as they continued clamoring down the tree.

  “Hold on a sec! You mean these two are the same aunt and uncle that sweet woman at the diner kept talking about? The little old couple that raised her and her sisters?” Sami said, flapping a hand at Orla and Jethro.

  “She must be talkin’ ‘bout Honor,” Orla announced knowingly, grinning at Jethro.

  “I wish they’d stop callin’ us old,” Jethro muttered. “I’ll show those whippersnappers old when I kick their cans to kingdom come.”

  Patting his back, Orla nodded. “I’ll hold your huntin’ rifle while you do it, honey.”

  Snorting, Ben held up a towel and gestured for Sami to come toward the shore. “Listen, when you two are finished plannin’ our demise, I’m hoping you’ll consider giving me and my girl a little privacy and forgetting about what you saw here today. Sami is new in town, and I’d hate for her to be embarrassed by –“

  “Getting frisky in the forest?” Orla supplied with a wink.

  Coughing to cover his laugh, Ben fought his smile as he tossed a towel toward Sami, watching her catch it mid-air. “Yeah, exactly,” he agreed with Orla, feeling his own cheeks begin to heat under her amused eyes.

  “Well, Jethro and I would be happy to help keep your sordid little secret, Benjamin. For the right price, of course. We’ll even give you the friends and family rate. All you and your pretty lady need to do is just agree that you won’t run and tattle to our kinfolk that we wandered past our family-mandated parameters,” she bargained sweetly. “You can agree to that, can’t you?

  “Why, Miss Orla, this sounds an awful lot like blackmail,” Ben drawled with a chuckle.

  Orla smiled as she watched Sami wade toward the shore, wrapping her towel around her middle as she began to climb out of the hot spring. “Blackmail is such an uncharitable word. Not very Christian at all. I prefer to think of this as a slightly unbalanced exchange of favors.”

  Laughing outright, Ben nodded as he snagged his shirt from the ground and pulled it over his head. “Whatever it is, you’ve got a deal, Miss Orla,” he assented readily as he bent to gather Sami’s clothing.

  “Well, good,” Orla declared happily. “It’s good to do business with you, Benny,” she praised, lifting a hand to pat his beard. “And Sami, is it?” Orla called, turning toward where Samantha stood on the bank drying her hair with the other towel.

  “Yes, ma’am?’ Sami answered hesitantly as the old woman approached her.

  “I just want you to know that you’re man over there has been a right sweet fella since he moved to town a couple years ago. Quiet. Kind. And if I can be honest, a little bit boring. Hardly a bit of gossip about him other than what I put out there… which wasn’t much, let me tell you. I had to estimate the size of his… assets just to have a little something to say about him. Although at least now I know that my guesstimate was close. I’d tagged his tallywhacker to be right at eight inches. I’m pleased as punch to know he surpassed my expectations. That don’t happen real often. You make sure you appropriately show that monster the appreciation it deserves. Your man will thank you for it. Just ask my Jethro here. Remember, good luck comes to those who’ll suck.”

  Ben’s jaw dropped as Sami nodded dumbly.

  “Good girl,” Orla praised merrily, patting Sami’s pale cheek. “Come by the diner when y’all get back to town and visit me, Sami. Based on the size of your man’s package, you and I have more than a few things in common,” she noted, jerking her thumb suggestively at her own husband. “See you kids soon,” she said as she took Jethro’s hand as they toddled back down the trail.

  Ben and Sami waited until the elderly pair were out of sight to burst out into laughter.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Five Days Later

  Leaning against the side of the shiny black Land Rover she’d rented a week ago, Sami stared into the dark eyes of one of her best friends. “I mean it, Armando. No barnyard selfies while trying to drive. If you must have a photo of you and the cows, pull the SUV over,” she lectured sternly as she tapped her fingers against the hood, her diamond engagement ring winking in the sunlight as it shined from her left ring finger.

  Because, yes. As of twenty-four hours ago, she’d caved and allowed Ben to slip her engagement ring back on her finger. Where, according to him, it had always belonged.

  Gazing at the ring, she smiled involuntarily. She couldn’t help it. She was engaged.


  To the man of her dreams.

  “Chica, you’re zoning out again,” Mannie accused, waiting patiently for her attention to re-focus on him. “At least tell me you were daydreaming about your hombre’s foot long polla,” he whined, leaning his chin against the steering wheel as he gazed at her longingly.

  “Mannie, you have got to stop gossiping with Miss Orla,” Sami groaned, rolling her eyes as she shook her head at him. “For the last time, I’m neither going to confirm or deny the size of my fiance’s penis. All I will say is that his equipment leaves me highly satisfied,” she smirked.

  “Greedy witch,” Vivian grumbled from beside her. “A true friend would share.”

  “Agreed,” Mannie agreed, fist bumping Vivian through the open window.

  “Hey, you’re lucky that I’ve even forgiven you both, you treacherous ho-bags,” Sami returned, giving Viv the evil eye.

  “Oh, please,” Vivian muttered. “Like I’m gonna grovel for giving you back the love of your life. I’ll take my gratitude in designer handbags, thank you very much. What ab
out you, Mannie?,” she snarked, tossing her dark hair over her shoulder.

  “I prefer Hermes scarves,” Mannie replied, tugging at the colorful silk around his throat – a gift from Sami.

  “Whatever. You’re lucky I love both of your sneaky asses,” Sami grumbled, silently acknowledging that she owed Vivian and Armando a lot more than a Berkin or Hermes could ever repay. Thanks to both her besties, she’d been given back the missing piece to her heart and that was priceless. Leveling Mannie with a serious look, she reached out to grab his hand. “Jokes aside, thank you for everything, Mannie. Promise you’ll drive safe and call me and Viv as soon as you get home,” she demanded, holding on tightly to the man’s hand.

  Smiling, Armando nodded. “You know it, preciosa. Right after I nail my husband. Not gonna lie, your Mannie misses getting the dick.”

  Grimacing at that degree of friendly honesty, Sami shook her head furiously. “Too much information, Armando! Way, way too much!”

  “Agreed,” Vivian moaned. “Especially since I think the last time I had sex, dinosaurs were still roaming the earth,” she complained morosely.

  Brightening, Mannie straightened behind the wheel. “Project for my next trip to Paradise! Operation Get Viv Laid shall commence,” he pronounced theatrically.

  Sami grinned as Vivian winced. “Now, that sounds like a plan,” she agreed, aiming a devious smile at Viv. Perhaps she’d enlist the help of everybody’s favorite eighty year old and get Orla on the case.

  “Great,” Viv muttered unenthusiastically.

  “Until then, both of you be good. Or at least be very good at being bad,” Mannie ordered dramatically as he started the engine. “Viv, don’t forget to call me when that realtor gets back to you. Molly and I have Devil and Nick almost convinced to invest in a vacation cottage here in town. Especially if our two bestest bitches are gonna relocate here.”

  Vivian smiled. “I love my new job… even if my number one client is determined to cause my heart to break and my uterus to explode, “ she noted crabbily.

  Sami made a mental note to find Diego Fuentes and kick his Mexican ass all the way back to the border if he didn’t get his head on straight. She refused to watch Vivian pine for this asshole much longer. “And I can’t leave Ben. Even though he offered to come back to Atlanta, he’s worked too hard to establish himself as a local here. And honestly, I need a fresh start after modeling for so long. Now, if I could just convince the Cordova Agency to lose my number…”

  “I told you they’d regret cutting you loose,” Mannie chirped.

  “And it’s funny as hell that Anderson Cosmetics pulled their contract after firing you. They were one of Cordova’s biggest fish,” Viv remarked with a satisfied smirk.

  Shrugging, Sami smiled. “I can’t lie. It felt good having them grovel to try and get me to come back and sign with their agency. But I want Ben more than I ever wanted any modeling contract. And my wedding won’t plan itself,” she added, holding her ring up to the light.

  “It’s so romantic that he saved your ring,” Viv sighed, eyeing the gorgeous stone enviously.

  “He said he couldn’t make himself let it go,” Sami shared softly. “I can’t lie. I always loved this ring. Having it back on my finger and being back in Ben’s arms is a dream come true.”

  “Well, I’ll be back in two weeks to help you plan the wedding of the year,” Mannie announced. “Until then, ciao, bitches!” he bid them, tossing his head back as he wagged his fingers at the girls and sped out of the parking lot.

  Watching the vehicle disappear down the road, Sami leaned against Vivian, resting her head on the other woman’s shoulder. “What are the chances that we could convince Devil and Nick to move Molly and Mannie up here to the mountains?””

  “Considering Devil’s an Atlantan wheeler and dealer, slim to none,” Viv replied honestly, “But I definitely think there’s a vacation home up here in their near future. Especially once I give a couple of realtors Devil’s cell.”

  “Good,” Sami declared gleefully, secretly thrilled at anything that made Devil’s life a little more difficult. Jumping as she heard a deep voice shout, “Vixen!”, she whirled to find her sexy fiance, pacing the I Don’t Care Café’s parking lot and pointing at his watch. “Oh, shit,” Sami muttered. “I gotta go,” she told Vivian, shooting her a smile as she began hurrying across the street.

  “Where’s the fire?” Viv asked.

  “Ben got us a meeting with Violet Huston over at her boutique,” Sami explained.

  “Already looking at wedding dresses?’ Viv teased.

  Sami shook her head. “No, not yet. Ben made an appointment for me to show Violet some of my doodles.”

  “Your designs?” Vivian squealed in excitement.

  “You say designs; I say doodles,” Sami returned evenly as she reached Ben’s truck, smiling as her man held open the door for her. “Either way, I’m going to show them to her and see if she’s got any interest in pursuing a partnership.”

  “Sami, that’s fabulous,” Vivian praised, hugging her friend. “Good luck and make sure you call me after, okay?” she ordered sternly, pointing at Sami threateningly as she headed for her own compact sedan.

  “I will,’ Sami called as Vivian waved at her before disappearing into her own car. Turning to Ben, she tilted her head back to stare up into his serene blue-gray gaze. “Hey,” she breathed, leaning against him as his arms wrapped around her middle, drawing her against his chest.

  “Hey, yourself, beautiful,” he greeted her softly, bending his head to capture her lips for a long, slow kiss.

  “Mmmm, I love that,” Sami breathed without opening her eyes.

  “And I love you,” Ben replied, brushing his nose against hers before stealing another quick kiss.

  Happy at last, Sami rested her head against Ben’s chest. “I might have been lost for a long time, but I finally found Paradise, Ben. It was right here in your arms all along.”



  How do we say thank you to everyone who means so much to us? We are so grateful to each and every one of you who take time to read, review, and share our work. YOU are the reason we love writing!

  A lot of gratitude also goes to our Mommas. First of all, you gave birth to us. That right there earns you both a gold medal. But above that, you’ve spent your lives encouraging us, making me stronger, and making me better. Crazy One’s Momma has also spent countless hours reviewing our work, correcting our errors and catching our mistakes. And you only heckled a little! Thank you, Mommas. We love you.

  Our hubbies and families have been super-supportive, even when the looming deadlines took precedence and we locked ourselves in the closets for days. We love you!

  We also couldn’t do without our incredible Sarah O’Rourke Crazy Crew manager, Shay Lich! Shay, you’ve been an amazing source of love and support for years, and you run that Crew like a well-oiled…well, let’s say ship!

  Super special shout-outs to our girls Jane Graf, Jane Wells, Danielle Palumbo, and Natasha Mahadeo. These incredible women have been some of our greatest super-readers that have been with us from the very beginning. Ladies, it’s an honor for us to be counted among your friends!

  We also want to thank all the bloggers out there that spend their precious free time promoting our books. It’s often a thankless job and yet, you persevere. For that, you have our eternal gratitude.

  Special thanks to Cassia Brightmore and Beyond the Click for the fabulous work she did on our release day event! She is a true professional and we are so honored to work with her.

  And last, but certainly not least, we want to offer an ENORMOUS wealth of gratitude to our readers. When we began this writing journey several years ago, we never imagined anyone would actually want to read what we wrote let alone purchase it. But YOU DID! And we’re still amazed! Thank you, thank you, and thank you from the very bottom of our hearts. Without you, we’d be nothing.

  All our love,

razy One and Crazy Two

  More by Sarah O’Rourke

  Want to read more about Sarah’s books? Visit us at

  or click the titles below.

  Fiction by Sarah O’Rourke

  Passion in Paradise Series

  Cain’s Salvation

  Hard as Stone

  Ready, Willing and Abel

  Man of Honor

  The Homespun Holiday

  Tangled Hearts

  Wed by Wednesday


  The Sizzle Series



  The Sizzle Saga with New Epilogues


  The Estate

  Slave to Passion



  One More Night (Part of the Passion, Vows and Babies Kindle World)

  Cat Scratch Fever

  Saving Liberty (Part of the Special Forces: Operation Alpha Kindle World)

  Non-fiction Humor by Sarah O’Rourke

  The Bunny Tales




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