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Boys Page 9

by Ella Hickson

  Long pause.

  TIMP. I’m so glad you’re standing up, babe.

  LAURA. How many?


  BENNY. Ten, approximately ten, Loz.

  LAURA. Thank you.

  BENNY (turning on MACK). Say his name.

  TIMP. Please don’t /

  TIMP approaches LAURA.

  LAURA jerks away.

  LAURA. Don’t.

  BENNY (calm, stronger now). Say his name.

  MACK stands – starts to shake, almost broken.

  BENNY picks up a sushi knife and holds it up at MACK.

  I said – say his name.


  MACK. You want to believe someone will catch you whatever happens, but they won’t. We aren’t made to be able to stomach the real weakness of each other.

  BENNY. Say it happened – say we let it happen.

  BENNY steps closer to MACK.

  MACK. Look at you – wide eyes and fucking needy and shrill and panicking – and asking, asking – fucking needing – it’s repulsive. I find it – repulsive.

  BENNY. Say his name.

  MACK. I’m not your dad, Benny.

  BENNY. Look me in the eye.

  MACK. It’s not my job to carry you.

  BENNY. Fucking look at me – look at me, Mack.

  MACK keeps his eyes on the floor.

  You’re my best mate. You’re my best mate in the whole world.

  MACK. We’re on our own.

  BENNY. Say his fucking name.

  MACK. It’s not our fault!

  BENNY. Try!

  MACK. He didn’t – did he? He didn’t fucking try at all. He just bailed out and left the mess for the rest of us to try and fucking clear up, expected us to get up in the fucking morning!

  BENNY lunges at MACK with the knife.

  MACK swerves it.

  BENNY stumbles forward bringing the knife swooping down towards the table.

  CAM lunges forward and puts his hand beneath the blade – the tip of two fingers on his right hand are sliced off.

  MACK grabs CAM’s hand and manically tries to stem the flow.

  No – fucking no.

  BENNY stands and stares.

  CAM (smiling). It was an accident.

  Scene Four

  The kitchen is empty except for TIMP, who makes himself a cup of tea.

  The soft twilight of the early hours swims across the kitchen.

  It is the first time we have seen him quiet, calm, alone.

  TIMP, on his own, is somehow a different creature entirely.

  TIMP finds the cupcake and candle that LAURA had previously tried to give him.

  TIMP sits with his tea, putting the cupcake in front of him and he stares at it.

  LAURA enters; she’s got a bag of stuff with her.

  LAURA’s still high – she’s gurning and can’t focus very easily.


  TIMP. Twentieth birthday – my dad gave me a hip flask – and I had to work, at the restaurant – I was new, floor staff – that night, even though it was my birthday, so I filled up that flask and I went in to work with it. And it’s really fucking funny, right – I’d had a bit to drink and I’d go and pick up the plates from the service hatch, and I’d stop in the corridor so I could see the faces of the fat rich fucks, all angry and waiting for their food and I’d just stand. I’d just stop and watch ’em waiting for me – getting angrier and angrier – and I thought I’ll just stand here cos it’s my birthday and they can fucking wait a bit longer; never waited more than a few seconds each time – but I felt like a fucking king. Isn’t that funny?


  I was angry having to work – cos before that my birthday was always in the summer holidays. It’s mad, I’ve been working full time for ten years and I still always – every year – expect there to be a summer holiday. Never is though. (Beat.) You still fucked?

  LAURA. I’ve been sick. It’s helped.

  TIMP. Good.

  TIMP goes to touch LAURA, she steps away from him.


  Sort of can’t fucking believe I’ll never get another summer holiday.

  LAURA. I know.

  LAURA stands.

  TIMP. Thought we could go on a trip – just you and /

  LAURA. Haven’t got any leave left cos of helping Mum move house.

  TIMP. Right. You want water or tea or – a – any /

  LAURA. I’m going to go, Timp.

  TIMP. You don’t want to be alone in that state.

  LAURA takes a step towards the door.

  You coming back?


  I never thought I’d be lucky enough to land you.

  LAURA turns to go.

  It’s not because I don’t l[ove] – it’s – it’s not even the – it’s just – just the window to put the party in – it’s so small, you got to make the party really big.

  LAURA. Doesn’t feel like a party.


  TIMP. No.

  TIMP moves towards LAURA to hold her.

  LAURA. Can’t though – undo things. (Beat.) Funny you being thirty.


  TIMP. Not that funny.

  LAURA. No.

  LAURA goes to leave.

  TIMP. Loz?

  LAURA. Yeah

  Long pause – TIMP thinks – he’s got nothing.

  Where you going to live when the boys leave?


  TIMP. Couple of the freshers from the party the other night said they might move in – fill the spots. I might stay on.


  LAURA. Right.


  LAURA leaves

  TIMP sits back down in front of the candle and lights it – he watches it burn.

  BENNY enters.

  TIMP stares at him.

  BENNY goes over to the window and looks out.

  BENNY. They’ve put most of it out.

  TIMP. Yeah?

  BENNY. Is Laura still /

  TIMP. No – she’s gone.

  BENNY. She’ll be fucking dancing till tomorrow night.

  BENNY tries to laugh a little, TIMP won’t go with him.

  TIMP. She was sick.

  BENNY. Right. (Beat.) I’m sorry, Timp – I’m really sorry – I shouldn’t have, I didn’t have a right to.

  TIMP. Course you did; you’re her mate.


  BENNY. Is it your birthday?

  TIMP. Yeah; fucking thirty.

  BENNY. No?

  TIMP. Yeah.


  BENNY. Timp – what’s your name?

  TIMP. What?

  BENNY. On the contract this morning it said C. Timpson and I realised I don’t know your first name.


  TIMP. It’s Colin.


  They both laugh – it is a relief.

  BENNY. Oh.

  TIMP. Yeah – alright.

  BENNY. I’d stick with Timp, mate.

  TIMP. Thanks.

  Silence falls.

  You seen any more pills about?


  BENNY nods, picks one up off the table.

  Alright if I have it?

  BENNY. Course.

  BENNY hands the pill to TIMP.

  TIMP takes it.

  TIMP. Ta.

  BENNY nods.


  BENNY. Yeah.

  TIMP. Will you come and watch some Disney with me – for a bit? Just till I’m –

  BENNY. Course… Colin.

  The boys go to leave – before they do, SOPHIE enters, she’s carrying a bag.



  TIMP. We’re going to watch a Disney movie, you game?

  SOPHIE. Plane leaves in a few hours. I’ll see ya.

  TIMP. See ya.

  TIMP exits.

  BENNY. Bye, Sophs.

  SOPHIE hugs BENNY goodbye.

  SOPHIE. Benny, I /

I’m going to go watch some Disney.

  BENNY leaves.

  SOPHIE stands, surveys the room.

  SOPHIE stands on Peter’s chair.

  SOPHIE. I’m sorry, Peter.

  MACK enters.

  MACK sees her standing on the chair and stops in his tracks.

  MACK. What you doing?

  SOPHIE. Wondered what it looked like from up here.

  MACK. And?

  SOPHIE. Smaller.

  MACK nods.

  MACK helps her down – it’s gallant.

  MACK. You want /

  SOPHIE (laughing softly). Tea? No.


  SOPHIE stares at MACK.

  MACK. What?

  SOPHIE. Nothing.

  MACK. What you looking at?

  SOPHIE shrugs.

  It’s like I’m a fucking hero. Like you’re expecting me to fucking levitate or something.

  SOPHIE looks away, hurt.

  No one ever looks at me like that.

  SOPHIE. Like it?

  MACK. Feels like you’re asking for something, for something I don’t have. (Pause.) You got so much – of this… even when you’re being a fucking mentalist – you got like… grace – somehow.

  SOPHIE. No I /

  MACK. I’m just a person. Pretty shit one at that.

  SOPHIE. No you’re not.

  MACK. It can’t be fucking dawn for ever, Sophs.

  SOPHIE. I know. But it could be /

  MACK. What?

  SOPHIE. We could go away.

  MACK. There’s not a fucking country we can fly to where he’s still alive – where we can talk him through it, where it hasn’t happened how it has.

  SOPHIE. I know.

  MACK. Do you? Do you really?

  SOPHIE. Yes.

  MACK. We can’t fly back to that fucking evening and just /

  MACK stops himself – he looks at her in the twilight.

  You are the most beautiful thing I think I’ve ever fucking seen.


  SOPHIE. Will you do your seagull impression?

  MACK. What?

  SOPHIE. Will you? Please.

  MACK. No.

  SOPHIE. Please.

  MACK. Fuck off.

  SOPHIE. Quietly.

  MACK does his seagull impression.

  He stops and looks at her.

  She smiles.

  I don’t think you’re a god. You’re not even a very good seagull.

  MACK. Thanks.

  Beat – they smile.

  SOPHIE. Come with me. Just see.

  MACK. Then what?

  SOPHIE. Don’t know.

  MACK. Come back, tell Benny – make even more fucking mess.

  SOPHIE. Maybe it will be worth it.

  MACK. I can’t… when I, when I – look at you – it’s like, in my head, you’re always crying.

  SOPHIE. I’ll stop. Eventually.

  MACK. Ever since – it’s amazing how something like that – um – how it, sorry. It – it starts ripping the walls down – you know? It’s like that morning – since then everything just emptied – like words are lies before they’ve even got out your mouth.

  SOPHIE kisses MACK tenderly. She holds his face.

  SOPHIE steps back.

  SOPHIE. My plane leaves in two hours.

  MACK. Where you going?

  SOPHIE. Italy.

  MACK. Oh, bonjour.

  SOPHIE. That’s France.

  MACK. Oh yeah.


  I can’t.

  SOPHIE. Please.

  MACK. No.

  SOPHIE. I don’t want it to start hurting, yet.

  MACK. I’m sorry.

  SOPHIE. Okay.

  SOPHIE grits her teeth and leaves.

  MACK watches her go.

  MACK hears the door slam – stands a moment and exits.


  Scene One

  The sun is up – it is a bright morning, sunlight streaks in through the windows.

  BENNY enters in his dressing gown.

  BENNY goes to his brother’s cupboard and takes out a packet of Coco Pops. He pours himself a bowl of Coco Pops and fills it with milk.

  BENNY stands wondering where the hell he is going to find a spoon in the mess.

  TIMP enters, he’s in his pants – Mohican organised, chipper and bubbly.

  TIMP. Alright, Benny-boy – you seen my whites? I’m late as fuck and I can’t find ’em anywhere.

  BENNY. You going to work?

  TIMP. Yeah. Only gone and fixed that fucking window the fuckers.

  BENNY. Bloody hell.

  TIMP. I’d take it off but two black marks already – can’t risk it.

  BENNY. Aren’t you fucked?

  TIMP. You got any fucking idea how boring that job is if you’re not? You couldn’t have a look out there for me – whilst I scout in here, could ya?

  BENNY. Will you look for a spoon?

  TIMP. What?

  BENNY. I can’t find a spoon for me Coco Pops.

  TIMP. Right. Hey, Benny?

  BENNY. Yeah?

  TIMP. I was thinking – I could do with a fucking party tonight – you know – few beers?

  Pause. BENNY looks at TIMP.

  BENNY. Alright if I have a little think about that?

  TIMP. Course.

  BENNY exits.

  TIMP searches through the rubbish, trying to find his clothes.

  TIMP pulls out a hugely long novelty spoon from the rubbish.

  Hey, Ben! Look at this – it’s that massive spoon from Frankenstein’s! Ha!

  TIMP drops the spoon at the middle.

  Benny, come and have a look! Ew it’s all sticky.

  TIMP sniffs it – winces.

  Euch – it’s fucking sambuca – I think I’m going to /

  LAURA enters, she’s dressed for work.

  TIMP hears her enter but doesn’t turn around.

  TIMP turns, retching and holding the massive spoon.

  Oh, hello.

  LAURA. Hello.

  TIMP. Laura, I –

  LAURA. That’s a big spoon.

  TIMP. Yes.

  LAURA. Don’t tell me you’re looking for your whites?

  TIMP. Laura.

  LAURA. You’re late you do know that – they’ll cut your bollocks off, that’s every day this week.

  TIMP looks at her.



  We need to go, come on.

  TIMP. Course.

  LAURA. Fucking state in here.

  TIMP. Laura?

  LAURA (sees his whites underneath a chair). They’re here, you plonker. Hurry up, you dumb fuck.

  TIMP stalls – he’s genuinely moved.

  What? Why you staring? Will you hurry the fuck up?

  LAURA leaves.

  TIMP jumps into his whites.

  BENNY enters.

  BENNY. I couldn’t find them – Laura’s in the –

  TIMP kisses BENNY full on the mouth.

  TIMP spanks BENNY on the bum with the spoon.

  TIMP exits.

  BENNY picks up the spoon and also discovers it’s sticky in the middle.

  BENNY goes to wash the spoon but the sink is full.

  BENNY gives up and holds the spoon at the far end.

  BENNY tries to eat the Coco Pops with the spoon but it is slightly longer than he can maneuver into his mouth.

  BENNY tries again and the Coco Pops spill.

  MACK enters – he has a large bag slung across his body, he’s dressed to leave.

  BENNY looks at him.


  MACK. What’s that?

  BENNY. Coco Pops.

  MACK. Why you eating it like a retard?

  BENNY. Can’t find any fucking cutlery.

  MACK. What’s that?

  BENNY. Monster spoon, from Frankenstein’s. Remember? Meant to be like Frankenstein’s spoon.

  MACK. Hold it lower down.

NY. It’s sticky in the middle with Sambuca.

  MACK. Wash it.

  BENNY. Sink’s full.


  MACK. Come here.

  MACK goes to feed BENNY his Coco Pops.

  BENNY. No you’re alright – no – come on –

  MACK. Open your mouth.

  BENNY. Fuck off.

  MACK. Open your fucking mouth.

  It looks like MACK is going to feed BENNY from the spoon – when he picks up the bowl instead.

  BENNY (with his mouth open). Don’t fucking throw it at me.

  MACK. Just drink it from the bowl. You dumb ass.

  BENNY. Right.

  MACK. Don’t need a spoon.

  BENNY. Yeah. Long night, eh?

  MACK. Not long enough to be that retarded.


  BENNY. What’s the bag for?

  MACK. I’m going.

  BENNY. Right.

  MACK. I’ve left enough cash for…


  You heard from Cam?

  BENNY. No.

  MACK. Will you tell him – I’d stick about but / (Checks his watch.)

  BENNY. Yeah.

  MACK. Thanks.


  BENNY. He was selfish. You’re right. Cop-out – left us to clear it up – eh? Just us. Not very good at it.

  MACK. No.

  BENNY. I – I – miss you. I’m sorry if that sounds /

  MACK. I’ve really got to go.

  BENNY. Alright.

  MACK. Ben – ?

  BENNY. Yeah.

  MACK. I think it will – get better – eventually.


  MACK turns to go.


  BENNY. Better have me Coco Pops back then.

  MACK. Sorry.

  MACK goes to hand BENNY the bowl of Coco Pops.

  Oh hello.

  MACK spots something, a little toy soldier floating in the bowl.

  You got the prize. Little soldier. Bang. There you go.

  BENNY. You have it.


  MACK. Thanks.

  BENNY. Fingers crossed.

  BENNY goes to hug MACK.

  MACK offers him his hand.

  BENNY nods and shakes it.

  MACK exits.

  BENNY cries.

  Scene Two

  The door opens – BENNY thinks it’s MACK.

  BENNY. Thank fuck for /

  CAM enters.

  Oh – Cam.

  BENNY recovers himself.

  Mate, you’re back. What happened?

  CAM. Where’s Mack off to?

  BENNY. Holiday.

  CAM. What?

  BENNY. I think. How’s the hand?

  CAM. Bit sore.

  BENNY. What were the nurses like?

  CAM. Wouldn’t stop rolling her eyes and saying it was amazing how little pain I was feeling considering the injury.


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