The Illuminati

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The Illuminati Page 1

by Larry Burkett





  Copyright © 1991 by Larry Burkett

  Copyright © 2004 by Judy Burkett

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by WestBow Press.

  Publisher’s Note: This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. All characters are fictional, and any similarity to people living or dead is purely coincidental.

  All Scripture quotations are paraphrased.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Burkett, Larry.

  The illuminati / Larry Burkett.— Repackaged ed.

  p. cm.

  ISBN 1-5955-4001-6 (trade paper)

  1. Tribulation (Christian eschatology)—Fiction. 2. International economic integration—Fiction. 3. Computer programmers—Fiction. 4.

  Illuminati—Fiction. 5. Clergy—Fiction. I. Title.

  PS3552.U7243I45 2004



  Printed in the United States of America

  04 05 06 07 08 PHX 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  Table of Contents





















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  We are pleased to reintroduce this edition of The Illuminati, a Christian suspense thriller written by beloved author and speaker Larry Burkett. Mr. Burkett was most recognized for his dedication to ministry: teaching biblical principles of money management through Christian Financial Concepts. But he also enjoyed writing fiction. First published in 1991, The Illuminati allured readers with its chilling depiction of the future. In this edition, we updated the manuscript, especially dates and technological references. Now we proudly introduce it to a new generation of readers—and reintroduce it to those who loved it the first time around.


  Obviously this is a book unlike any I have ever written before. Prior to The Illuminati I had written nonfiction only. It is my sincere desire, as a fiction reader myself, that good, nonoffensive fiction be made available to the public. I trust this is the first of many novels that I will write. I would like to say thanks to my editor at Thomas Nelson, Janet Thoma, for all the help and encouragement she provided. Also, thanks to Adeline Griffith for her editing and typing skills, and, very importantly, to my wife, Judy, for her tolerance while I was working on this book (and two nonfiction books).

  My biggest concern in writing a novel is that someone may read too much into it. Obviously, I tried to use as realistic a scenario as possible in this story. But it is purely fictional, including the characters, events, and timing. It should not be assumed that it is prophetic in any regard. As best I know, I have a gift for teaching, a talent for writing, and no prophetic abilities beyond that of any other Christian.

  Most of all, I trust that you will enjoy reading this book as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

  In Christ,

  Larry Burkett, 1991



  On February 16, 2015, the president of the United States scheduled an emergency press conference at the White House to discuss his executive order to suspend the Congress. In normal fashion, half of the media staff were assembled at the White House, while the other half were focused on the Senate.

  The hastily assembled media room in the Senate building was packed with news people. The last five years had been a media dream. First the depression of 2010 had sent millions of Americans into the streets to protest as they saw their homes repossessed and businesses ruined. Then the 2014 election of liberal Senator Mark Hunt to the presidency was a clear mandate by the people to government: Restore the economy and stop the rampant crime wave sweeping the nation.

  Hunt’s reforms pitted him against the Congress, as funding for essential services was drastically reduced. Now, in an unprecedented move, President Hunt had suspended Congress.

  “Ten seconds. Stand by. Rolling.”

  “Good evening, America. This is the World News Network, coming to you from the floor of the Congress, where for only the third time in the last one hundred years the House had decided to take up the gauntlet and actively seek to impeach a president. Not since the days of Nixon or Clinton has a president faced such pressure. But there is no evidence that President Hunt is considering resigning. In fact, he has all but dared the Congress to try to impeach him.

  “Here with me now is Senator John Grant, the senate minority leader and the strongest opponent of President Hunt.

  “Senator Grant, what is your reaction to the president’s move, and is it constitutional?”

  “The president invoked the Balanced Budget Amendment and virtually shut down the Congress. This is an unconscionable decision.”

  “Explain the Balanced Budget Amendment, Senator.”

  “It is the constitutional amendment passed during the previous administration, which gives the president line-item veto power to control the flow of funds through the government. It was first used to freeze the United Arabs’ assets after they invaded Israel in 2011.”

  “How has President Hunt used this bill?”

  “Just today he announced that all funding for operating the Congress will be suspended for the duration of the fiscal year.”

  “What exactly does that mean?”

  “It means that we can’t operate for the next five months. It also means that the president holds the reins of this government, since Congress can’t pay its bills.”

  “Kind of the ‘old golden rule,’ isn’t it, Senator?”

  “Pardon me?”

  “‘He who holds the gold makes the rules.’”

  “Well, the president may think so, but I’m about to show him he’s dead wrong. I believe there are enough votes in the Congress to bring him to trial. His actions are clearly unconstitutional.”

  In his earpiece the commentator heard his director comment, “Keep it up. This is the best stuff since the White Water investigation. Our Insta-pol shows that we have over 70 percent of Americans watching us right now. Hold it a minute. We have a news bulletin coming in now from the White House. Stand by, we’re going to the White House now. . . .”

  “Senator Grant, we have just received an urgent message from the White House. Please stand by whi
le we get this latest update.”

  The life-sized monitors in the newsroom sprang to life. The familiar face of Linda Lipsey, WWN White House correspondent, appeared on the screen. “I’m standing in the press room of the White House now, where the president will be addressing the nation in just a moment,” she reported. Even as she spoke, the door adjoining the press room and the Oval Office opened, and President Hunt strode through, flanked by secret service agents. The room, which had housed so many past briefings with other presidents, seemed to take on a life of its own with newspeople and their crews pushing and shoving one another for the best positions.

  President Hunt was dressed in his usual, gray pin-striped Shap Brothers suit. His black hair, with only the hint of silver around the temples, gave him the appearance of a Hollywood-cast politician. A hush came over the room as the president stepped to the podium with the familiar presidential seal emblazoned on it.

  Cal Rutland, the president’s ever-present aide, took his place behind and a little to the left side of the podium. And, as he did, Linda hid an involuntary shudder. She had covered three presidents for the network and had always worked well with their press contacts, but Rutland was somehow different. His cold, dead eyes were shadows of evil with no sign of life in them. Or, maybe, no soul, she thought.

  The normal fanfare surrounding the presidential press conference was totally absent. Clearly each member of the attending press sensed the sobriety and tension of the occasion.

  A solemn President Hunt began, “Ladies and gentlemen, I have something to say that is of the most critical importance to our nation. I wanted the American people to hear this announcement from me directly.

  “As you well know, fellow citizens, our nation is struggling for its very economic survival. As your president, I am empowered to invoke the Balanced Budget Amendment to reestablish the stability of our monetary system. I have chosen to do this by two methods: First, I have authorized the national budget director’s office to freeze all government spending until a new budget can be drafted that will match our income and expenses. Second, I have authorized the implementation of a new electronic monetary system known as ‘Data-Net’ that will restablize our currency. Without this, my advisers tell me, the entire economy might collapse. But even with these changes, the crisis is not past. With the escalation of tensions in the Middle East and the disastrous increase in petroleum prices, we face the possibility of a worldwide depression.

  “Clearly the Congress lacks the will or the courage to deal with this crisis, despite my consistent warnings that action must be taken quickly.”

  Senator Grant nearly leaped out of his chair when he heard the president’s last statement. “Lies! Lies!” Grant muttered through clenched teeth. Common sense told Grant it was useless to rail at a monitor. I’ll bide my time, he thought, trying to control his anger. As minority leader, the networks will want my rebuttal. Shifting his attention back to the screen, he heard:

  “Congress has recently attempted to usurp my authority and return control of the economy to the greedy self-interest groups whose policies got us into this disaster. I simply cannot allow that to happen. I feel too great a compassion for our jobless millions, whose families will suffer through no fault of their own.

  “Reluctantly, I have suspended the funding for this session of Congress,” the handsome president stated in an apologetic tone. “Until this crisis is passed, I am declaring a national emergency and assuming total responsibility for the nation’s welfare. Earlier this morning I instructed the Justice Department to initiate the necessary petition to the Supreme Court. At two o’clock this afternoon, by a margin of five to four, the justices confirmed my actions. I am therefore reallocating $800 million, appropriated to the congressional operating budget, to the government Jobs Services program.

  “Remember, fellow Americans, we are all in this together. You have elected me as your leader to make these very difficult decisions. We cannot allow those who would use your grief for their own benefit to destroy what we have worked so hard to build. Thank you, and good evening.”

  With that the president walked off the platform and through the open door that led to his office, leaving the stunned press crews behind.



  The events leading up to the congressional showdown in February 2015 had actually begun two years earlier under the most unlikely circumstances. With the presidential elections coming up the next year, three probable candidates were vying for the position. Senate majority leader Mark Hunt was running under the banner of progressive leadership to stop the nation’s economic slide into a major depression. Considered a radical liberal by many within his own party, he was finding it difficult to garner the support he needed to replace the incumbent president, Andrew Kilborne. Even with the economic problems, Kilborne was considered to be the Democratic party’s best hope.

  The wild card was the ultra-liberal Governor Jerry Crow of California. His main appeal was to the fanatics that made up the National Civil Liberties Union, the Gay Power Society, and the National Organization for Women’s Rights.

  In one of those strange turn of events, an incident at the California Institute of Technology would change the whole complexion of the presidential race and the country.

  For decades, an enormous earthquake had been predicted for the California coast. Recent minor tremors had been interpreted as forerunners of the “big one.” In a coordinated effort, designed to more accurately predict the location and intensity of the quake, a study group had been established at Cal Tech, which brought together some of the best talent available. After several weeks of exhaustive research, the group was preparing to consolidate its findings and issue a statement to the government’s office of geological study at the Livermore Laboratory in California.

  Most of the research group reached the same conclusions: the earthquake would hit the San Francisco Bay area with a force of approximately 6 on the Richter scale. However, one of the group, a doctoral candidate by the name of Jeff Wells, had reached a radically different conclusion. Working from a uniquely different perspective, Wells predicted that the big quake, with a magnitude of at least 8.2, would occur beneath the islands of Japan between January and May of 2013.

  As Dr. Jack Rhinehart, the project leader, handed Jeff’s paper back, his sarcasm was evident as he addressed his assembled team. “Well, it seems that young Mr. Wells is fallible after all. According to his calculations, or his miscalculations I should say, he has the earthquake occurring next year, and about four thousand miles west of here. Thankfully for us, that will not happen, especially since he shows the epicenter to be Tokyo, rather than San Francisco, as the correct equations show.”

  Jeff blushed when the entire group laughed, but he took the teasing good-naturedly. Then, looking down at his calculations, he said courageously, “I’m sorry, sir, but I am correct. The other calculations are wrong.”

  Professor Rhinehart wheeled around, his eyes flashing with anger. “Just who do you think you are, young man? These equations came from the computer center at Livermore Laboratory. Do you actually think your program is right and theirs is wrong?”

  “Yes, sir, I do. You see, I built in variables to compensate for some additional geological indicators. I believe there are signs in previous test data pointing to a major buildup in the primary plate area under Japan.”

  “How could you possibly know that?” the professor questioned.

  “It’s just that in setting up the equation,” Jeff responded quietly, “I noticed there might be an additional factor that had not been taken into consideration. My equation indicates that the next major quake will be much stronger than expected and centered over the plate convergence in the Pacific. Basically that’s right under the population center of Tokyo. Maybe you could have Livermore check it out.”

  With that, the whole group roared. The idea of having one of the premier computer centers in the world, noted for its physics in tracking and predicting earthqua
kes, recheck its program equation because a junior instructor said they were wrong, was laughable. Only Professor Rhinehart didn’t share in the humor.

  His eyes still flashing with anger, Rhinehart said, “I’ll make you a deal, Mr. Master Programmer. I’ll have Livermore recheck your equations. When they are proven wrong you will apologize to this group.”

  After a brief pause, Jeff asked cautiously, “And, what if I’m right?”

  “What did you say?” Rhinehart growled as he slammed the papers down on the desk in front of him.

  “What if my analysis is correct, sir? Will you notify the proper authorities so preparations can be made? An earthquake of this magnitude in Japan will generate a fairly significant tidal wave.”

  Rhinehart snapped back, “I will personally call the news media and notify them of your electrifying revelation. I worked on the program in question myself; that’s how I know it cannot be wrong. We had nearly thirty mathematicians working with us, checking every possible iteration.”

  “I don’t see how they missed this, then,” Jeff said. “I found a paper written by Dr. Landill of the JPL space division on the influence of gravitational forces on satellite orbits. From his calculations, it seems clear that changes in the earth’s gravitational forces cause variations in low earth satellites. So I factored in the variations in the orbits of these satellites over the western Pacific. I believe the results are fairly conclusive.”

  The meeting ended with Professor Rhinehart furiously cramming the papers into his battered briefcase. He was tired of all the talk about the genius Jeff Wells, whose IQ topped out well above the maximum 180 registered by conventional tests. Faculty gossip just added to the boy-genius myth. It was rumored that Wells had developed a complete, computerized star chart by the time he was twelve.


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