“I’ve tried to practice with this but I wasn’t graceful enough.” Alexia looked at the blunt object and responded. “It’s just a mace.” thinking of her brothers earlier display with the sai. Nathan shook his head and pressed a small button on the handle. The head of the mace dropped about 4 foot on a thin fiber wire. Nathan swung it around tentatively, then pressed the button again which retracted the mace to its former position.
Nathan said. “You would pretty much have to train yourself, but your fighting style is much more fluid than mine.”
As the afternoon went on Nathan helped everyone with their respective weapons except for Alexia who was learning on her own. Jason wasnt doing bad with his weapon but he wasnt excelling either. Nathan looked at his watch and noticed it was almost 5pm. “Jason.” Jason turned to Nathan. “Yeah.” Nathan said “Do me a favor and check the five o’clock news headlines please.” Jason nodded. “Sure”
Nathan asked Jason specifically because he seemed to be getting frustrated. A couple of minutes later Nathan had Darion twirling his sai when an arrow shot between them both and into a tree. Nathan turned to see Jason holding the bow the old man at the gun store had given him. Impressed but upset for having an arrow shot so close to his face Nathan grabbed one of his nickel plated 45's and fired at a tree about 6 feet from Jason. Jason dove on the ground while Anthony and Alexia ran over to see what happened. Nathan walked over Darion and beast following. “The next time you shoot something in my direction it better be to save my life.”
Jason looked up. “Sorry.”
Nathan put his pistol away then assisted Jason in getting to his feet. He then turned to look at the arrow imbedded in the tree where he once stood. “Hit that one.” Nathan said as he pointed to a tree further back.
Jason looked at Nathan, pulled an arrow from the quiver on his hip and fired at a tree a good bit further than the one Nathan pointed at. Nathan looked then said. “You missed.” Jason fired off another shot that landed less than half a foot from his previous. Nathan looked at Jason as he smiled, the others were impressed but Nathan wanted to see how good Jason was. “Ok hit that.”
Nathan pointed to a target on the small range they had fired on earlier. It was about 70 yards away, a big jump from the 30 or so he just fired. Jason looked at the target, took a deep breath then lined up another arrow. Jason lifted his sights up to compensate for the fall rate while simultaneously adjusting for the slight westerly breeze. He pulled the bow string a little tighter then let go. The arrow soared through the air as all eyes followed it to miss the red bull’s eye and hit in the area of where the upper thigh would be. Jason turned to the group. “I’m a little off.” Before anyone else could speak Nathan asked. “Where did you learn to do that?”
“California youth archery champion 2030 thru 32. My dad used to take me hunting when I was a kid, back before the hunting laws. I never felt comfortable with the kick of the rifle so my dad got me a bow. I practiced until I became pretty good.” Nathan asked. “Why didn’t you say anything before?” Jason shrugged. “It’s been a while since I’ve shot a bow, plus I didn’t know you had one.”
Darion cut in. “So you’re telling me you can’t hit the side of a barn with a pistol from 10 feet but you can hit an apple from 60 yards with a bow.” Jason replied smartly. “Well I used to be able to hit a fly from a hundred, but I’m a little rusty.” Nathan asked. “Can you make arrows?” Jason shrugged. “I never tried.” Nathan said. “Well there are about 20 arrows in the quiver that should hold you for a while if you recover them. I still want you to learn firearms and the sword I gave you but it would be a big waste to let your skill with a bow go unused. I want you to practice shooting as well as making arrows.” Nathan paused. “Eventually you are going to teach others that skill, once the MRE’s run out hunting our own food is going to be essential.” Nathan nodded at Jason with pride; he then turned to the group. “Let’s set up for dinner, its time everyone was.....enlightened.”
* * *
As the group finished their dinner they sat around the fire with the sun setting, all waiting for Nathan to explain what they were doing here and what they were going to do next. Nathan sat on his silver chest, beast lying at his feet. He looked to each of his companions, his family and then began.
“Anthony and Darion know a good deal more than you two.” Nathan looked at Alexia and Jason. “But they don’t know everything. I’ll catch you two up by saying that I knew this was coming. Not like you know the world is coming to an end because of the course its leaders have set us on but know as in, I saw it.” Nathan didn’t let the questions pasted on Jason and Alexia’s face come out before he continued. “I had visions, some of which are living now and others that have not happened yet. The point I’m trying to make is that I knew this was coming and have been preparing for it my entire life. We are here because I planned for us to be here, because whatever being or force that runs the universe planned for us to be here. Our group will grow very quickly...I have seen that, and when it does we must be prepared to lead them.”
Everyone looked at each other skeptically; Nathan saw it, stood up and tried to counter that skepticism as he walked around the group. First to his friend. “Anthony, an expert at almost every type of firearm known, very disciplined very patient, wise beyond his years.” Nathan then held his hand towards his brother. “Darion, educated in the true ways of the world, of our enemy. You know history as everyone should, the truth the way it was before man perverted, corrupted and changed it for their own ends.” Nathan stood tall with pride as he looked to his young sister. “Alexia......only seventeen and one of the best martial artists I’ve ever seen. You will teach those we help how to fight for themselves. Even you Jason are here for a reason, you have exceptional skill with a bow and I know you will show your worth many times over.”
“And you.” Anthony asked more for Nathan to know why he was here than for anyone else.
Nathan stopped for a moment to think. “Me...To bring everyone together so that we can give people a choice between liberty and tyranny.” Nathan looked at his wise friend, educated brother and strong sister. “That has always been my purpose.”
Everyone went silent for a while. Nathan went to his seat and spoke quietly. “Enjoy this peace while you can, the war begins tomorrow.”
After another short pause Jason spoke out. “Oh no, you don’t get off that easily you always try to end these discussions of yours with something that is supposed to scare us. Oooooh, war is coming, end of the world, haven’t heard that before."
Everyone but Nathan stopped and then burst into laughter. He looked around. Anthony put a hand on his friends shoulder. “You can be a little mellow dramatic Nate.” Alexia agreed as she bit her lip “Yeah, you can.” Nathan nodded, conceded the point then asked. “Ok, what else do you want to know?”
Alexia spoke first. “Like who’s really behind this.” Jason was next “Yeah and Armageddon. Is this the real Armageddon like in the bible or is it just WW III?”
Darion answered. “Actually I think their one in the same.” Darion looked at Nathan. “Sorry.”
Nathan was happy to let his brother take the reins. “No, you go ahead. I’ll fill in the gaps.”
Darion continued. “Let’s see...alright the New World Order. The NWO has been in the works for years, a good estimate would be about three hundred or so but the NWO as a group with real possibilities didn’t come about until the 1900's and later a reality in the 1940's and 50's with the creation of the Bilderberg group. The NWO is in concept a plan for a one world government with one group controlling all of the planets resources and citizens. All of which has been orchestrated by the Illuminati. The Illuminati are the oldest secret society, going as far back as biblical times maybe farther.” Nathan cut in to assist. “But history has not always known them by that name.” Nathan looked at Darion who motioned for him to proceed. Nathan nodded as he continued “The oldest secret society ever recorded or heard of was actually the first and true
form of devil worship. That society was known as the brotherhood of the snake, or dragon, referring to the serpent as the morning star bringer of light and knowledge.....Lucifer. They didn’t worship Lucifer himself but the knowledge that he brought, their sign, the true sign of the devil is not the pentagram as the Catholic Church would have you believe and the devil’s appearance as a goat or horned beast is also propaganda put out by the Catholic Church against Pagans.” Nathan laughed aloud which confused the group. He explained. “Once when I was right out of the academy we arrested a guy who said he was a devil worshipper, he had a pentagram and horned goat tattooed on his back. I told him he had the Pagan sign of fertility on his back and asked him if he was planning on bearing many children.” Nathan shook his head. “So many people have no idea where their beliefs come from, they just blindly believe.”
Jason stood up. “Wait a minute, I’m Catholic. I was raised going to church and Sunday school and I...”
Nathan calmly interrupted. “And you’ve been told like so many others what is right, what is wrong and how to believe. Haven’t you ever stopped to think that what you were told might be wrong, or at least not entirely accurate?” Nathan saw the disdain on Jason’s face. “I’m sorry but I am not a big fan of the Catholic Church. The foundation of the Catholic religion has distorted the true origins of Christianity for their own ends.” Nathan continued. “The Christian religion we have today is filled with Pagan beliefs and rituals, Constantine didn’t change to Christianity out of faith he did it for political gain. The Pagans worshipped the sun god on SUNday therefore the Sabbath was moved from Saturday for the Pagans. They were celebrating the birthday of the sun god on December 25th so even though historically Jesus was born in the spring they moved it to the 25th for the Pagans. The Pagans had an equally divine male and female god so Mary mother of Jesus was turned into a goddess by the Catholic Church. Easter, Pagan Holiday, Halloween, Pagan.” Nathan stopped he could tell he was getting to Jason. “I’m sorry; I know it’s a lot to take in.”
Alexia was very interested in what her brother was saying and wanted to take some of the attention away from Jason. “So if the horned devil is not the sign of the devil what is?”
Nathan looked at Darion. “Go ahead, show her.”
Darion reached in his pocket and pulled out a few dollars in cash. He grabbed a one dollar bill and handed it to Alexia. Alexia took the dollar, looked to Nathan and said. “So George Washington is the devil.....I knew something wasn’t right about him.”
Nathan grinned. “Other side.” Alexia turned the bill over “See the pyramid, the eye at the top of it in the triangle. That’s the true sign of the devil, the eye of knowledge. Coincidentally it is also the symbol of the Illuminati.”
Alexia and Jason both huddled over the dollar. Nathan had showed Anthony years prior. Jason asked. “Why is it on the dollar bill?”
Nathan answered “Because the man who designed it was a mason and probably Illuminati which is also why it says New World Order under the pyramid.”
Both Alexia and Jason looked under the pyramid to the words Novus Ordo Seclorum. Alexia asked. “If you know this then others do too so why hasn’t anyone done anything about it?”
Nathan shook his head. “Because the entire population can be split into three groups; the elite who devise it, the cattle who fall in line and don’t care and the liberated damned who know. The ones who try to tell the truth are shunned from one side and threatened by the other.”
The entire group gave Nathan a stare that said they didn’t like his cryptic answer. Nathan got the message and attempted to elaborate.
“Ok, let’s use the Christian religion again as an example, maybe then you will get a better understanding. Much of what I am about to tell you is speculation, but understand that it is speculation based on historical fact....Once upon a time there was a man named Jesus the Nazarene..” Jason interrupted. “You mean Jesus of Nazareth.”
Nathan looked at Jason, politely smiled. “No I mean Jesus the Nazarene, Nazareth is a mistranslation. Nazareth as most people know it wasn’t a place at the time of Jesus, and there is a lot more so if you would please hold your questions till the end.”
Jason said “Sorry.” Nathan continued. “All historical and religious writings about Jesus tell that he was very charismatic, kind and a teacher. Even the Quran accepts him as a prophet. But the historical Jesus was also probably a normal man who was the literal king of the Jews who quite possibly married, sired children and may or may not have died on the cross. Regardless of whether you believe in the historical Jesus or the more divine one the important thing either way is to acknowledge his teachings and philosophies, that is the core of true Christianity.” Nathan looked to Jason for acknowledgement. Jason nodded and Nathan went on. “Most historical and biblical scholars alike agree that the new testament...” Nathan paused to put emphasis on his next statement. “All 80 or so books of the new testament were composed at least one generation after the events, possibly two or three. That combined with the fact that the Catholic Church edited the books they did put in makes anyone who takes the Bible word for word...”
Alexia spoke aloud in a sad tone. “Cattle.”
Nathan tilted his head to the side then said. “Ill informed. Jason you followed a priest, what he says is right and what his priest said to him was automatically right all the way back to the priests who knew the truth and still fed lies to his flock because if he didn’t he’d lose his most prized possession.....power.”
Trying to give his self some reassurance Jason skeptically said. "There has to be truth somewhere, a religion doesn’t make it two thousand years without some base of fact."
Nathan shook his head. "Not fact, faith. All religion is based on faith which is very convenient for the heads of those religions. When Christianity as we know it was formed and for the first several hundred years all people followed was faith, so much so that only a very small amount of the population at the time could even read the book of the religion they believed in. People believe because there is a desire to believe in a higher power, they grab hold to a faith and doctrine out of that desire. Challenge a person’s faith and they will either scorn you or laugh at you in their own blind ignorance. Very few will question and research their own beliefs." Nathan paused for a moment, trying to be as tactful as he could. "Even more amazing is that some people are so wrapped up in their "faith" that they can’t see the real factual evidence to support it."
This really confused Jason. "But you just said there are no facts." Nathan corrected." No, I said religion was based on faith not facts. Yet there is evidence everywhere to support the existence of Jesus, the great flood is recorded in every culture around the world, even the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah have been found by archeologists ….with the appropriate levels of destruction I might add. But the devout of a faith do not want to acknowledge physical evidence that supports their beliefs because then they will also have to consider the evidence that does not."
Jason put his hands on his forehead and sighed. “This is crazy; I don’t know what to think."
Nathan remembered how shocked he was when he first started doing research into religion, secret societies and history. He tried to help Jason as best as he could. “I don’t want to disrespect or change any of your beliefs. All I am trying to do is get you and everyone else to think for yourselves, to take everything you hear with a grain of salt until you’ve done enough researching and praying to find your own answer, not somebody else’s.”
After a few moments of everyone absorbing what he had said Nathan stood up and opened his silver chest then reached in grabbed two handles hidden by the large amount of swords, knives and throwing stars, then pulled out the false bottom and set it on the ground. He then pulled out three books and lightly tossed them to the group while explaining their content.
“Ant, for you the Blood of the King, Jason and Alexia you two get copies of my conspiracy theorists bible Beware the Dark Moon by Brice Pooll, it t
ook me ten years to find that 2nd copy. He will give you the same advice as me; take nothing anyone says as truth until you’ve done your own research.” Unintentionally in unison Alexia and Jason both asked. “Who is Brice Pooll?”
Nathan smiled slightly thinking of how Brice Pooll impacted his life. “That is a very good question. Some people say he is a myth, that he never existed. Others say that he and all records of his life were destroyed by the Illuminati. He actually states in the book that he didn’t think he would live long after its release. Whether he is a real person or a pen name is not that important what is important is what he says in his book.” Nathan closed the chest and took a seat. “When I first came across that book I was just like you and the rest of the population, arrogant in my own beliefs, perhaps more so than most because of my personal “experience”. But I had an open enough mind to listen to what Mr. Pooll had to say. As I read that book only one thought crossed my mind......bullshit, had to be. I had concluded that this guy was a loony; there was only one problem with that conclusion. At the end of every wild theory Brice Pooll came up with was one statement. “Don’t listen to me, don’t take my word for it, research it and see for yourself.”
That in itself might not say a whole lot, the problem is that he told you exactly where to look, every book every, authors name, every location he even gave his personal contact address; unfortunately the book was published years before I found it and no one lives at that address anymore. After flying through his book I was in a state of shock and disbelief. I was sure that that guy was an escapee from the psycho ward, but I was arrogant. So arrogant that I had to prove him wrong. So I did what he said I researched, I read every book he said to read. Benieg, Leigh, and Lincoln, Ralf Emmerson, Grant Cameron, Whitley Striber, Jim Marrs books on the grail, books on the New World Order, on secret societies, on religion, the Jason Society, the Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, the Masons. I soaked up as much as I could but I didn’t stop there. I read all the books that those books referenced as well. When all was done I had a new view of the world, a more complete view and all because of a man who might or might not have existed, because of a man I prejudged as crazy. I’m not telling you to believe everything he says because there are some wild theories in there, but it was a life changing book for me; it led us here.” Nathan took a deep sigh thinking of all he has absorbed thanks to Mr. Pooll. “Many of the books referenced I have in this chest, I want all of you to open your minds.” A moment passed where no one spoke as they thumbed thru their knowledge. Darion broke the tension. “What, I don’t get a book?”
Armageddon Rise Of The New World Order Page 9