Time to Play

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Time to Play Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  Chapter Thirteen

  “That was an interesting turn of events,” Cole said.

  Callum watched his woman leave on Sunny’s arm. They looked far too cosy for his liking. “It was unexpected. I had no idea Simone would even know our young artist.”

  “Are you worried of the competition?” Cole asked. His friend, the rotten bastard, kept smiling.

  “Why would I be? I have you to tempt her with.” His words wiped the smile off of Cole’s lips. “I see the way she looks at you, Cole. She wants a piece of you.”

  “Never going to happen.”

  “That singer was a long time ago,” Callum said.

  “We hurt women doing what we do. It’s not a game.”

  “No, you’re over-thinking everything as usual. We make women come apart with pleasure. They leave our beds happy, Cole.” Callum knew his friend was looking for any excuse to stop their sharing. He’d never for once thought it would be years since they’d share a woman. The pleasure they gained from watching a woman come apart had been intense. Simone would look absolutely stunning in Cole’s arms as he brought her to orgasm. Callum knew the passion inside Simone matched his own.

  “You’re wrong,” Cole said, shaking his head.

  “No. You need to get your head out of your ass and to see what is really going on. We have hurt no woman, Cole. We never promise anything, and we always shared the women who wanted it. We never forced them to be with us. We have no guilt to share.”

  Cole was still shaking his head. Callum knew he wouldn’t let his feelings go. For most of their life they’d taken pleasure in the same woman, but since Cole had come back from his tour in Iraq, he’d become a different man. A man who was reserved and refused to show his feelings.

  Callum knew his friend wanted Simone with such utter need it would rival his own. All he needed to do was let go and feel.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt you two gentlemen, but I feel I need to.” They both turned to see Simone’s brother, Daniel, standing before them.

  “What can I get you, Allusifa?” Callum asked.

  The other man smiled. “You may think you know everything about my sister. I promise you, you don’t. We may not have the most public of friendships, but I care about her.”

  “What are you trying to say?” Cole asked.

  “You hurt her and I’ll tear you apart, limb from limb.”

  Cole laughed drawing the attention of the closest guest. “I doubt you’d get your fingers dirty.”

  Daniel chuckled. “I wouldn’t. I’d start with each of your companies. I’ll tear them apart and spit out the scraps. Then I’d take your empire and put the Allusifa name all over it. When I’m done taking every piece of property and business you own, I’ll feed you to my dogs. I’m not like my father, gentlemen. I don’t hide behind other people to do my dirty work.”

  The smile was gone from all of their faces. Cole growled stepping up to the other man. “If you’re such a big brother then why haven’t you taken better care of her security?”

  “I pay for her apartment, Turner. Her security is top of the range.”

  “Where does her father come into this?”

  “Just because I have the Allusifa name doesn’t mean I work for him. I disagreed with his ethics. I work for myself and no one else.” Callum knew Simone was unaware of it.

  “Simone doesn’t know that. She thinks you work for your father,” Callum said.

  “And she can continue thinking so.”

  “Who is the one watching her apartment?” Cole asked. “What? There is a live link being broadcasted over the internet. I got my sources to confirm where. Someone put a camera in every single room of her apartment. She’s live on some porno website where men can watch her at all times.”

  Callum knew Daniel wasn’t aware of it. Shit, until two seconds ago he wasn’t aware of it.

  “What?” Daniel asked.

  “I think we all need to sit down and have a talk.”

  They were gaining a lot of strange looks from the other party guests. Callum moved them into a spare room. Cole handed Daniel the phone, who then handed the device to Callum.

  “I have no idea how this got there.”

  “Whoever did this has been profiting from the feed for months.”

  “How can Simone not know?” Daniel asked.

  “She’s been lucky.”

  Callum knew she’d hate knowing other people had watched her in the privacy of her own him. He didn’t know how he knew this about her, only that he did.

  “I think we need to tell him everything,” Callum said.

  They told him about the missing money and their takeover of the marketing agency where Simone used to work. Daniel was silent as he listened to what they had to say. Cole explained about the discrepancy with the figures and how it looked like she was the one stealing money.

  Once they were finished, Daniel looked angry.

  “I need to take a look at the employee files and see if I can help.”

  “We have got this. Simone is safe with us,” Cole said.

  “I know your reputations. She is still my sister, and if someone is trying to accuse her of something then I want the bastard caught. I will help you find the asshole responsible.”

  “What about your father?” Callum asked.

  “He’s doing his own thing from the last time we talked. I know he has a thing about you two.”

  “What about stealing our money? Would he do that?” Cole asked.

  “Malcolm is an evil bastard, but he’s got ethics. He’d be trying to do a takeover bid with your board rather than take your money out from under you.”

  “I’m still having him investigated in case you’re wrong,” Cole said.

  “Our father only thinks about himself. He wouldn’t do what you’re suggesting because it would look bad on him. Image is everything. Ask my mother. It was one of her downfalls, being poor.” Daniel pulled out his cell phone. “I’ll meet you all on Monday at my house. I live out in the country away from the chaos of the city.”

  They exchanged numbers and then walked back into the main room of the party. Simone was standing at the bar, alone.

  “Keep her safe, and if you hurt her I’ll fucking kill you,” Daniel said, walking away.

  “Is it me or do you feel warned?” Cole asked.

  “I don’t like the thought of someone profiting from Simone. She didn’t know about the internet link,” Callum said, watching her. She looked tense. Her shoulders were straightened and her back narrow.

  “Whoever it is, he is going to get what is coming to him. Do you think we should go to your woman?”

  “She’s our woman, Cole. You know that.” Callum moved around groups of people and couples.

  Some guy approached her at the bar. Callum missed what she said, but the guy looked pale and then moved on.

  “Wow, you have a way with words,” Callum said, kissing her exposed neck.

  “You’ve suddenly remembered that I exist?” She popped an olive into her mouth then turned to them.

  “Did you enjoy Sunny’s artwork?”

  “Yes, he’s a talented guy. I remember some of his work from high school.” She turned to Cole. “I agree with you. His nudes are the best.”

  “Do you want to stay longer or are you ready to go?” Callum asked.

  Her eyes flashed fire at him. His cock thickened at the invitation in her eyes.

  “I’d love to go back to your place.” She placed her glass back on the counter, grabbing another olive. “I’m ready to leave when you are.”

  Callum took her hand then escorted her outside. Cole followed behind them. He ignored the press who continued to fire questions at him. The jacket he wore with the suit was long enough to cover his hard cock. He wanted inside her. The second he got back to the condo, he was having her. If Cole didn’t want to participate, he could listen to their fucking from his own room.

  The moment they were inside the limo, Simone slid across the seat away f
rom him. Her arms were folded across her tits. The desire to reach over and pull her dress down was strong. He ignored the urge and stared out of his window.

  His cock pressed against the zipper of his jeans. The limo was too tightly confined for what he wanted to do. A quick fuck would only ruin his mood.

  The drive felt excruciatingly long.

  “I didn’t know you knew Sunny,” Cole said, invading his thoughts.

  “We went to the same high school together.”

  “Did you lose touch?”

  “Don’t all friends when they go to college?” she asked, turning to Cole.

  He smiled but said nothing else. Callum bounced his leg on the spot trying to stop himself from reaching out for her.

  The limo pulled up outside of their condo. The parking lot was deserted. Cole got out of the limo, then helped Simone. All three of them together rode up in the elevator to his and Cole’s condo.


  Every muscle in her body was tense with anticipation. When she’d returned to the main room of the party she’d perused the room and saw Cole and Callum were absent. While she’d been stood at the bar eating olives and sipping wine, she’d decided she was going to take that next step with these two men. If they wanted to share her then she was more than willing to be shared.

  She wanted to play with each man. They had been the main focus of her fantasies for the last few weeks.

  The elevator came to a stop. Her whole body tightened further. Callum slid the key into the lock opening the door. Once they were all inside with the door locked, she pulled her hair over one shoulder and presented her back to the men.

  “Would you please unzip my dress?” she asked.

  Simone didn’t know who opened her dress. Their touch lingered on her skin for several seconds before moving away. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she turned back toward them.

  “I learned an interesting fact tonight,” she said, staring at each man in turn.

  “What fact might that be?” Callum asked.

  She eased the straps down her arms, lingering on the top of her bodice before sliding the top down to her waist. There was a gasp and a hiss. It took every ounce of her self-control not to laugh.

  “Something about the pair of you.” She eased her bra off next. Her breasts fell free. The cool air felt wonderful against her heated skin. Cole was leaning against the door with his arms folded. Simone pushed the dress past her hips until it fell in a heap on the floor. She took a step out of the dress.

  She stood naked as the day she was born. “You guys like to share your women.” Simone moved closer, pressing a hand to each of their chests. “And I’d like to volunteer to be the filling for this sandwich.”

  Both men stared at her without saying a word. Cole unfolded her arms taking hold of her hand.

  “You have no idea what it means,” Cole said.

  Callum hadn’t said a word.

  “You’re right, I don’t.” She pressed her body against his. “I do know you want me. You’ve been teasing me since we met. You warned me not to play. Well,” she licked his ear lobe, nibbling on the flesh, “I want to get burned.”

  The more she thought about it, the hornier she got. Her pussy was dripping wet. She felt her own arousal on her thighs, she was that desperate.

  “I need to be fucked, Cole.”

  “I’m not going to argue,” Callum said, coming up behind her. She felt him move her hair over one shoulder. “What do you say? Shall we have a feast?”

  He bit down on her neck, sucking in the flesh. She cried out, flinging her head against his shoulder.

  “Her cries are the sweetest thing,” Callum said, seconds later when he came up for air.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Cole. I’m here for the taking.”

  Callum cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples. The pain went to her clit, lighting the fire inside her and turning it into a blaze.

  The man in front of her caught her face between his palms. “You’re going to get hurt,” he said.

  Simone sobered up at his words. She stared into his eyes and saw the depth of emotion flaming back at her. Cole cared more about her than getting a fuck out of her. She didn’t understand his emotion. They’d known each other for a couple of weeks.

  There is more between you than a quick fuck.

  Blocking off the thoughts, she cupped his cheeks bringing his face in close. Simone slammed her lips on his, taking the kiss she’d been craving ever since he’d pressed her against the fridge.

  “I’m not like most women. I don’t expect anything.” She told him the moment she pulled away from the kiss.

  “That will just make it harder.” He grabbed her hands pressing them to her front as he stole another kiss from her.

  Simone whimpered when his tongue plundered her mouth. His kiss was hot and fiery and far more dominating than the one she’d experienced in the kitchen.

  “Say my name,” Cole said.


  “That is the name you’ll be screaming by the end of the night.”

  She watched him tug on the tie around his neck.

  “He’s going to take you, baby, and make you scream,” Callum said against her shoulder.

  Turning to him, she looked him in the eye. “Do you want this?” she asked.

  If he didn’t then she’d put an end to it before it went too far. She wasn’t into cheating. This was different. Sharing was not cheating.

  Callum cupped her cheek in the same way that Cole had, and his touch was as demanding as his friend’s. Both of these men would take from her without waiting for permission. They knew they could give her so much pleasure in return.

  Her body no longer felt like her own. She felt possessed with the need to put the same stamp of ownership on them.

  “This is exactly what I want, Simone.” Callum turned her back to face Cole who was now naked from the waist up. “Look at him. He wants you so badly. I know how tight your pussy is around my dick. The suction of your lips around my shaft when you take me to the back of your throat. Cole wants it. He craves it. Having two men to satisfy every craving you’ve ever wanted. How does that sound?”

  “Like heaven.”

  A heaven with consequences. Be careful what you wish for, Simone. It might just happen.

  She blocked off those thoughts. Seeing her brother and having him tell her about what she used to wish for, reminded her of what she wanted to be when she grew up.

  “Do we need condoms?” Cole asked.

  “Yes.” She glanced up at him when he caught her wrist and pulled her to him.

  “Go and get the condoms, Callum.” He pressed her against the wall, cupping her ass as he did. “You’ve been wanting this a lot longer than tonight.”

  “So have you.”

  He smiled without saying a word.

  “Is that how you two get along? You go after your best friend’s woman?” she asked, trying to get a rise out of him.

  Cole growled pressing his cock against her stomach. “I don’t need Callum to find me women to fuck. I can do that on my own. What you’re about to get is something women only dream about. Every part of your body will be touched, Simone. While I’m licking your cream from you pussy, Callum will be sucking your tits.”

  She closed her eyes at the image.

  “No, look at me.”

  Simone opened her eyes, staring into his green eyes.

  “No part of you will be left untouched. When you suck my cock, Callum will be fucking your cunt. Once you’ve swallowed my cum, I’ll fuck your pussy, and you’ll take Callum inside that pretty mouth of yours.”

  She licked her lips already feeling their hard lengths pressing for entry.

  “Then, we’ll share your body. Callum or I will fuck your ass while the other pounds your pussy.”

  She gasped. Out of everything she’d done with every man, a guy taking her ass hadn’t been one of them. She had never trusted anyone so intimately.

  “By the end
of this night, Simone, I will know every part of you that ticks.”

  Biting her lip to contain her moan, she stared up at him. “Then why are you still dressed?”

  His next move startled her. He went to the floor before her, the action smooth and the intent obvious.

  “First, I’m going to bring you to climax with my mouth.”

  Callum came around the corner with the condoms. They were still by the condo’s door.

  “I see you’re going for the starter,” he said.

  “Do you want a taste?” Cole asked. They were talking about her as if she wasn’t there to witness it.

  “Nope, I’ll watch.”

  He placed the condoms on the stand where keys and mail were stored. Cole opened her legs wide. The heels helped her to keep her balance as he opened her up for him.

  His large palms covered the flesh of her thighs. Her stomach quivered as his fingers lightly caressed up and down the length of her legs. Cole was not in a rush. She knew he would draw out each sensation to send her out of her comfort zone.

  She gazed up to see Callum unbuttoning his own shirt. Simone had started this. She only hoped she’d survive it once their time came to an end.

  Why did they have to end?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Her scent teased him. There was no way to mistake the depth of her arousal. Simone wanted him. Cole couldn’t believe he was staring up at her naked body waiting to lick her pussy. She’d plagued his dreams for two and a half weeks. He never thought she’d offer herself up the way she did. The fight inside him had been lost the moment she stood naked wanting to be part of his and Callum’s sandwich. It was a strange turn of events, but one he liked.

  Brushing his finger tips over the fine hairs of her pussy lips, he saw her body tense up. Her stomach was tighter than anything. The anticipation of his touch was everything. He opened her lips. Her cries caught him unaware.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, concerned.

  “I wasn’t expecting your touch. I’m fine.”

  He smiled, opening her pussy for him to view. Her clit lay swollen peeking out of its hood. Her lips, slit, and pussy were covered in her cream. The musky scent made his cock pulse in his pants. Before he eased himself, he pressed a finger to her nub watching her moan. Simone was a highly sexed woman. They would need to make sure she had regular releases so that she didn’t lose control.


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