Rock God_Book 2_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy

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Rock God_Book 2_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy Page 1

by Michael-Scott Earle

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  End notes

  Rock God Book 2

  Michael-Scott Earle

  Chapter 1

  My phone rang at about twelve thirty the next afternoon. I looked at the caller ID and took a big breath before I answered it.

  “Hey dude,” I tried to say as nonchalantly as possible.

  “Hey! Sorry I didn’t get back to you last night. I saw that you called but I forgot,” Jack said.

  “No problem.” I could do this.

  “Are you busy right now?”

  “I’m at work but it’s fine. I’m ahead of schedule for the day.” I forced myself to smile as I talked. Like I was going to generate a lead.

  “Ahh, cool. So how’d it go last night?” I couldn’t get a read on him from across the phone. I looked around. A few other guys I worked with were making sideways glances at me. I got up and walked out of the office to the hallway.

  “It went good, dude! The band was pretty awesome. Wish you could have seen them. Too bad you gotta go be this big fancy lawyer.” We laughed together.

  “Yeah I wish I could have gone too. Thanks for taking Aimee. I think she gets bored on Tuesday nights ‘cause no one is around.” My brain started spinning when he mentioned Aimee.

  I had suffered a serious case of blue balls during the drive home. When I got home I had masturbated thinking of Aimee… and Beth. The orgasm was painful and my head filled with regret. When I had come the pain still didn’t go away. It felt like someone had kicked me in the balls. I tried to sleep, but I smelled Aimee’s perfume and her pussy. I took a shower and then masturbated again. The rest of the night, I tossed and turned, thinking of Aimee, Beth, Jack, Kelly, and Katherine. I had forced myself to go to class but I sat through it like a zombie. I needed to go to work, I was still too new here to call in sick, and besides I wasn’t sick, just a fucking idiot.

  “Dude you there?”

  “Whoops, sorry dude. Just tired from driving around. What did you say?” Shit. Hope he hadn’t said something important.

  “Do you think Aimee liked the show?” He seemed inquisitive. If she was really his girl, why didn’t he just call her and ask? Was Aimee right about him?

  “She seemed to like it. We didn’t stay for the whole show because it was so packed and loud. But I think she had a good time.” I selected my words carefully.

  “Oh. But Brent liked it? Isn’t he a big fan of the band?” Grrrr… how was I going to spin this? Truth was probably best.

  “When Aimee and I were driving there, Sam called us. Apparently Brent got really sick at dinner, and he couldn’t make it. So it was just Aimee and I. Sorry I know that is kinda weird.” I held my breath.

  “Oh, that sucks for Brent. I think he wanted to see them. Wait, you drove Aimee there?” Oh shit.

  “Umm yeah. She wanted to show me her house and introduce me to Beth. The three of us ate dinner there, and then we drove to the show.” Fuck, dude, please don’t ask any more questions.

  “Oh.” He sounded distant. “I’ve never actually been to her house.” He couldn’t hide the disappointment. Uh oh. Aimee was right.

  “It wasn’t a big deal. It was cool meeting Beth though. She said nice things about you.” I bent the truth a bit. She had said that Jack wasn’t bad looking.

  “That’s cool! What did she say?”

  “Just that you were nice and weren’t terrible to look at.” I laughed with him.

  “She is an odd one. Glad you got to meet her.” I sighed. Hopefully this was going to be over soon. “What time did you get home?” He was definitely fishing now. Fuck.

  “I think I got home around… let’s see here…” I was stalling as my brain did the math. What time had I gotten home? “A bit before two. I’m pretty tired. When we got back from the show we talked to Beth for a bit and then I took off. Beth has tons of artwork all over the house, and we walked around and talked about it.” That sounded innocent. It was close to the truth.

  “Ah, sweet dude. Sounds like a fun night!” I laughed. I wanted to tell him about the Ferrari, but if he had never been over to her house that might be like putting salt on a wound. “Are you free this weekend? I want to try to round everyone up again for some shenanigans.”

  “Sorry dude, I have plans this weekend. I’m going camping.” Yes. I’ll take New Topic for 500 Alex.

  “What? You don’t go camping, dude,” he said in disbelief.

  “Haha, yeah I know. This new girl I have been kind of dating is into it. We are going to go up to some place by Frazier Park and ride dirt bikes.”

  “Dude. You on a dirt bike? Does she know you’ll probably kill yourself?” He was laughing. His mind was off the events of last night.

  “I’ll tell her on the way up there!” I laughed with him. “I gotta go back to work, dude. If you hang out with everyone, let them know I miss them.” He said goodbye, and I hung up.

  That hadn’t gone that badly. What would Aimee say if he asked her the same questions? Hopefully our stories matched. Would she break it off with him?

  Work went by easily. I should have been exhausted, but I had nervous energy from last night. Halfway through the day, I’d been able to push thoughts of Aimee to the back of my mind.

  When I got home, I ate a small salad and made my way over to the school to catch Kelly’s game. During the drive over there, I felt my phone buzz and beep with a text. I checked it once I parked. It was Aimee.

  When are you going to call me?

  I typed back quickly after I parked at school.

  Later tonight. What time do you go to bed?

  Eleven-ish. Sorry about last night. Beth is such a bitch. I’ll make it up to you :-)

  Ugh. Talking to her over the phone was way better than in person.

  I talked to Jack at lunch on the phone.

  Oh? I hope you told him how great of an orgasm you gave me :-)

  Oh god. She had to be joking.

  No. I told him that Brent got sick, I ate dinner at your house, and we left the club early.

  You left out all the good parts. He called me a couple of times, but I didn’t answer.

  I started to get nervous at her message.

  What are you going to tell him?

  I waited in the car for a few minutes. Ugh. What is taking her so long? I opened the door in frustration and started to walk toward the gym. Then my phone vibrated.

  Let’s talk about it tonight. TTYL.

  The gym was packed. I paid the entrance fee and found a seat. There wasn’t that many of them open.

  Looks like we were playing Utah. I saw Kelly warming up with her team, but she couldn’t make me out in the crowd. It felt good to see her again. She had a ton of energy and a huge smile on her face as she batted the ball around. She wasn’t as beautiful as Aimee and Beth, but few women were. She was easily the cutest girl on the court.

  The game started, and we beat Utah pretty easily. Well, Kelly beat them pretty easily. Like the game I witnessed with Katherine’s team, she seemed to be the most important member at my school. The girls from Utah seemed powerless against her.

  Once the match ended, the girls shook hands, and the crowd started to leave. I stayed in my sea
t while the team chatted with the coach. Fifteen minutes later, the crowd had cleared, and there were only a few left in the stands. The coach broke up the huddle, and Kelly waved up at me. I stood up with a smile and walked down to her.

  “Hi Eric,” she said shyly. She reached out for me.

  “I missed you,” I said. It was true. We hugged each other and briefly kissed, only because one of the watching girls from her team let out a whistle once our lips met.

  “Sorry I’m so busy. Thank you for coming to the game.” She eyed me up and down as her hands rubbed my shoulders and back.

  “No problem. Want to go get dinner?” She would probably be hungry.

  “Sorry. I can’t. I really want to, but I have so much homework to do, and then we have practice again early tomorrow.” She looked sad. I felt sad too. I was looking forward to catching up with her.

  “Oh, that’s okay. Are we still going this weekend?” Her eyes lit up.

  “Yes! Can you pick me up Friday night? We’ll drive over there and meet my family. Do you know where my sorority house is?” I shook my head. “Okay, I’ll text it to you. If we leave at like eight-ish we’ll probably be there around ten-thirty at night. We are going to have tons of fun!” She shook her head and blew a strand of blonde hair out of her eyes.

  “Sounds good. Sooo… Friday then?” I wanted to confirm.

  “Yep. See you then. Thanks for coming. It means a lot to me. Sorry we can’t do dinner.” She broke our embrace and walked back over to her friends. They looked at me and waved. Kelly looked over her shoulder and smiled at me once before she turned the corner to the locker room.

  I was disappointed that we couldn’t talk, but this was probably for the better. Now I could talk to Aimee and figure out what was going on between us.

  I made a small sandwich when I got home and watched an episode of South Park while I relaxed. I paced around for a bit after I cleaned up the dishes, and then I realized that I was just wasting time because I was afraid to talk to her. I took a deep breath and dialed.

  “Hi Eric!” she picked up almost immediately.

  “Hey Aimee.” I half wished she hadn’t picked up. “Sooo… let’s talk about last night.”

  “Oh my God. I am so sorry about Beth. She was being such a bitch last night. Grrr.” I could hear the anger in her voice, but she didn’t sound as bad as she had last night.

  “Yeah, I thought you were going to punch her,” I said jokingly.

  “I almost did. You should have seen the smug smile on her face as she walked back to the house. She totally knew she was cockblocking us.”

  “Yeah.” I hesitated. “But maybe that was for the best. I mean. I don’t know if I was thinking clearly last night…” I didn’t sound very convinced.

  “Oh shit, Eric, don’t start this again. You seemed happy enough to make me orgasm with your hand in the car. Remember how you licked your fingers when you were done? We both wanted each other last night. Don’t pretend otherwise.” She sounded annoyed.

  “What about Jack?” I could get annoyed too. This was so much easier when I wasn’t talking to her face to face.

  “What about him?”

  “Have you talked to him?”

  “No. Like I said, he’s called me a bunch.”

  “So what are you going to say to him?”

  “What do you want me to say to him? How about I tell him what we did last night? How about I tell him what we were going to do last night?” My body went numb. I didn’t know what to say.

  “You there?” she asked after a moment.

  “Yeah, sorry,” I said as a whisper. Jack was going to be crushed.

  “Why don’t we talk about this in person?” Aimee said innocently. Oh hell no.

  “Sorry Aimee, I’m really tired. I can’t drive over there tonight.” Besides, Beth was there, and I didn’t want them to fight again.

  “I’ll come over to you. You live alone right? You’re in Northridge? Give me the address.” She was good; I should have seen that coming. Having her over at my place alone would be bad news. I wouldn’t be able to think clearly if she was over here.

  “I don’t think you should come over, Aimee.” I should have said it with more confidence. I think she heard the weakness in my voice.

  “Why not? I want to talk to you face to face.”

  “We should just talk over the phone. It’s a long drive over here, and we might be talking for a few hours. Then you’ll have to drive home, and it’ll be late.” She had to see the logic in that.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I don’t want to drive home that late. I’ll just spend the night. What is your address?” I had to admire her going for the close again, even if I didn’t want to be sold.

  “No, Aimee. This isn’t right. Jack doesn’t know.”

  “So I’ll come over, and we’ll figure out what to tell him. Address please.” It was a command now. She was done with the game.

  “Aimee…” I said. Fuck.

  “Eric…” She said back. “If you don’t give me your address I’m going to call Jack and get it from him.” My world spun, and if I had been standing, I would have sat down.

  “What?” I couldn’t believe it. “Are you saying you would tell Jack?” I was getting pissed. It seemed like the only one who could stand up to Aimee was her little sister. Now Aimee was going to blackmail me.

  “No. I’ll just call him and ask for your address. He’ll give it to me. I’ll let him think what he wants to think about us. Or… you could just give me your address right now, I’ll come over, and we’ll talk about what you want me to say to him. What is your address?” She said it sweetly, but I could hear the underlining threat. She would not be denied.

  No matter what I did, I was screwed. If I gave her my address and she came over, I wouldn’t be able to resist her. We’d continue where we left off last night. I felt anger toward her now, but I was sure that she would be able to manipulate my emotions when she got over here. If I didn’t give her my address, she would get it from Jack. I had no doubt. He’d call me up almost immediately and want to know what the hell was going on between us. Or I could just hang up the phone and call him right now. Tell him what had happened and then beg his forgiveness.

  I never wanted to lie to Jack, or to keep anything from him. But the easiest solution seemed to be giving her my address. She’d come over, we would do what people in lust did when they were alone, she would break up with Jack, and he’d be crushed. But he wouldn’t have to know that I caused it. He’d recover eventually. I felt terrible, but it seemed that the other alternatives would end our friendship, and this one was the best chance of it surviving the hurricane known as Aimee.

  “Okay, Aimee. Do you have something to write with?” I gave her my address.

  “Awesome! I’ll pack a bag and then leave. See you in thirty or forty!” She sounded like she had just won the lottery. Maybe she had been bluffing about calling Jack… maybe not.

  I hung up the phone and hung my head. Defeated. I think I sat there for fifteen minutes with my brain empty. It was the first time I hadn’t had any thoughts since I couldn’t remember. Maybe when my parents died.

  I got up and cleaned the place up a little. I kept it mostly tidy and organized. Not like I had a maid, but I did laundry every week, vacuumed, and cleaned the bathroom on weekends. It wasn’t nearly as spectacular as Jack’s place. Northridge wasn’t that nice of an area. I think most of my neighbors were either students or single mothers. It had a small kitchen, dining room, bathroom, living room, and my bedroom in the back. Maybe it was 900 square feet; her bathrooms were bigger. The furniture was either used off of craigslist or cheaply bought by my parents from Ikea.

  I checked the bathroom. It looked fine, so I brushed my teeth. Then I paced for a few minutes. Ugh. What the fuck? How had I let this happen? I could still say no, right? I already knew that wasn’t going to happen. Once she got here, it would be over. I thought I had kinda sorta dodged the bullet last night thanks to Beth.

  I sat at the coffee table by the modest couch and opened my laptop. Maybe I could do some studying before I ruined the relationship I had with my best friend? Yeah. That sounded like a great idea. I was full of them.

  Before I realized it, there was a knock on the door. Strange, since you had to buzz into my phone to be let in. I opened it up, and Aimee was standing there with a small overnight bag. She graced me with a dazzling smile and then walked in. Her hair was in a pony tail. She wore a white, long-sleeved, tight-fitting blouse with purple and pink lotus patterns on it, her legs wrapped in tight, dark-blue denim. ‘Skinny jeans’ was what I thought the style was. It showed off her amazing legs. She had flat, shiny purple slippers that looked like something a ballerina would wear.

  “Hi handsome!” She didn’t wait for me to invite her in; she just walked in like she owned the place. Her outfit probably cost more than my rent for the month.

  “So this is where you live! Can I have a tour?” She looked at me excitedly and then glanced around. I couldn’t help but smile back even as my stomach filled with dread.

  “Of course!” I said. “It isn’t quite as magnificent as your house, but I like to call it home.” I made sweeping motions with my arm. “Over there to your immediate left is the dining room, where you can see a table for four. I don’t really eat or study there, but it’s there in case.” She nodded as she studied the depressing-looking table. I had expected her to frown or make some other sort of judgmental comment, but she didn’t. “Over here to your immediate right is the TV room, with my spacious couch and well-used coffee table. That is where the magic actually happens.”

  “Magic?” She looked intrigued.

  “Yep. You can see it now on my computer. It’s code for ‘homework.’“ We both laughed. “Back behind the dining room is the kitchen.” She took a few steps and looked in the entryway. It was probably a tenth the size of hers.

  “Down this long hallway on the left is my bedroom.” She stepped in eagerly and looked around. I just had my bed, a hamper, and a dresser. My guitars were stashed in my closet.

  “I think this is where the magic happens!” she said with a sly smile. I just laughed and pointed at the other doorway in the room.


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