Rock God_Book 2_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy

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Rock God_Book 2_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy Page 13

by Michael-Scott Earle

  Her hand on my cock felt unbelievable, but the few minutes of break from Kim’s mouth had done little to keep the feel of my orgasm from subsiding. I needed to take some of the stimulation off of it for a few more minutes or else I’d be shooting my load into Kim’s hand without having a chance to fuck her or Katherine.

  I brought my hands up to the back of the Asian woman’s neck and found the zipper to her tight, gray dress. I pulled the tab down to open it, and then I pulled the tight garment off of her white shoulders and slowly slid it off her lithe body. The movement ended with me on my bare knees in front of her. I kissed up her toned calves, dimpled knees, toned thighs, and slender hips until I put my lips to the small triangle of silky, black pubic hair that pointed to her clit.

  She gasped with my trail of kisses, and her nails scratched lightly through my hair. When my tongue trailed through her pubic hair, her gasps turned into a deep throaty moan, and she tightened her fingers in my hair and pointed my face to her clit. I took her hint and ran the tip of my tongue across the tiny, erect nub there. Her hips shook with pleasure as soon as I made contact, and I realized I was going to need to push her onto the bed and spread her legs so that I could fully enjoy the taste of her pussy.

  I pushed my lips against her clit and flicked upwards with my tongue. Then I licked, kissed, and sucked on her hips, lean stomach, and ribs, and then cupped her firm left breast in my hand while I devoured her right nipple. She moaned appreciatively when I sucked on her breast and pushed her chest into me.

  “You two are so fucking sexy.” I’d almost forgotten about Katherine. She had turned off of her stomach and lay on her side with her head propped up on an arm. There was a hungry look on her face, and I guessed she had recovered from her climax.

  I gave Kim’s right nipple a parting lick, and then I moved my face to her left breast to nibble. While I sucked on the beautiful breast, I pushed her back to her bed and then lowered her naked body on top of the pillows. Once she settled on the bed, I slid my mouth from her breast and licked down her taunt tummy to her crotch. Then I climbed on to the bed next to Katherine, spread Kim’s trembling legs apart with my hands, and lowered my face to lick her dripping, wet entrance.

  “Ahhhhhh...” Kim sighed when the middle of my tongue slid across her lips. She tasted like honey with a bit of a spicy aftertaste. It was a good flavor, and I wanted to taste more of it, so I pushed my tongue as deep as I could into her tunnel. She pushed up with her hips and gasped with pleasure, so I fucked her with my tongue until my face was drenched with her juices.

  Katherine turned around on the bed so that she was laying somewhat parallel to me and began to kiss Kim’s neck, throat, and lips while she massaged the Asian woman’s pert breasts. The sight of the two sexy girls making out made my cock dig painfully into the soft mattress. To distract myself, I pulled my tongue out of Kim and replaced it with my pointer finger while I focused the efforts of my tongue on her erect clit.

  The sensations of my finger sliding in and out of Kim’s amazingly tight pussy and my tongue swirling on her clit, combined with Katherine sucking on her face, neck, and nipples, were too much for the prone girl. Within a few minutes she was tensing her legs, moaning, and grabbing my hair with the hand that wasn’t stroking Katherine’s back. The orgasm hit Kim like a punch to the stomach, and I guessed that if I hadn’t been holding her hips down, she would have curled up into a ball and wailed.

  But she did wail, thrash, and scream my name. Her tunnel clenched around my finger, and, even though she was already drenching me with her wetness, she somehow became wetter. I licked with renewed vigor so I could lap up all of her sex. Finally she couldn’t take my licking anymore and pushed me away with her hand and an exasperated sigh.

  “Fucking shit.” She curled up on the bed and twitched a few more times. Katherine had stopped licking her, but still stroked the Asian girl’s flank with a light rake of her blue-painted nails.

  “What would King Eric like to do now?” Katherine smirked and lay against the pillows. Her hand moved up from Kim’s torso to lightly pet her friend’s dark, satin hair.

  “I’d like you to ride me till you come on my cock,” I said after a few moments of thought. The last time the three of us had fucked, I had taken Katherine in missionary and doggie style. I hadn’t experienced her riding me yet. I felt drunk off of this situation, and the room was spinning a bit.

  “Oh goodie.” She let out a little mock gasp. “I mean, yes, King Eric. As you command. If your highness will lie on the bed, I will straddle your cock and fuck you till I come all over it.” Kim giggled at Katherine’s words, and the sound made her gasp and then shiver again. I guessed that she might have experienced an aftershock orgasm.

  I still had my shirt on, but it was unbuttoned, and it joined my pants and underwear on the floor easily. Then I crawled across the bed to the center of the massive mattress and lay on my back with my legs together. Katherine ripped her own dress off before swinging her left leg over my hips, seizing the base of my twitching cock with her hand, and guiding the tip of my penis into her entrance.

  She was still unbelievably wet; almost as wet as Kim had been after she came, so I slid between the brown-haired girl’s pussy lips with almost no effort. The sound of our bodies coming together made a slick sound, and we both gasped as soon as she lowered herself down my full length.

  “Fuck, that is good.” She held her wavy hair back with her right hand and then leaned forward a bit so she could see my cock buried inside of her pussy. I guessed that Katherine had waxed recently, because she was completely bare and I couldn’t see the hint of any hair attempting to make their way out of her goose bumps.

  My hands grabbed her hip bones, and I helped her rise off of me a few inches. Then I pulled her back down on my shaft firmly, and she exhaled. We soon found a slow rhythm, and the wet sounds of me sliding into Katherine’s tight pussy filled the room along with her grunts of pleasure and Kim’s excited purring.

  “You are so wet and tight for me, Katherine,” I said after a few minutes of her riding me.

  “Uh huh.” Her green eyes were closed with pleasure, and she opened them a small amount. “It helps that your cock is so big and hard. It fills me so goooooood.” She gasped, and her body twitched suddenly. I thought it was a hint that she was about to climax, but she continued with the same tempo for a few more seconds. Then she leaned forward, laid her hands on my chest, and changed the angle of her hips so that her clit was rubbing against my pubic bone while she fucked me.

  I felt Kim shift across the bed to be closer to me, and her mouth nibbled on my left ear lobe. The sensation brought a shiver of pleasure down the other side of my body, and I gasped.

  “I can’t wait until it is my turn. Save your cum for me, okay? I want to feel you fill me up again,” the Asian girl whispered in my ear and then pushed her warm tongue into the canal.

  I didn’t answer her; mostly because the feeling of Katherine riding me felt amazing, and I didn’t know if my cock could go for much longer without filling her tight pussy with my sperm. Instead of speaking, I turned my mouth to Kim and slid my tongue into her petite mouth. Katherine growled when I kissed her friend, and her riding tempo picked up pace. It was a rapid rhythm, and the sounds of my wet cock sliding into her tunnel became a frantic swirling sound accompanied by the Jewish girl’s panting.

  “Oh god, Katherine, you feel so good on my cock. Do you like fucking me?” I felt like she was close, and the tugging deep in my balls told me that it would be a race to climax. I could only last another minute or so until I exploded into her. She just felt too damn good, and while I wanted to fuck both of these hot girls for the rest of the night, my balls were starting to ache from not climaxing.

  “Yesss. Oh yessss. Oh fuckkkkkk.” Her body twitched on top of me, and I knew she was coming. This was a slow-build kind of orgasm. The kind that grew slowly and then blossomed into a cascade of multiple crashes. The girl’s face contorted into a beautiful mix of pain and ple
asure while she ground her pussy on my dick. I moved my hands from her hips to cup her ass and then did my best to pull her down onto me while I raised my hips and dug my cock as deep into her as I could. She appreciated the movement, and her build up exploded in time with my final thrust into her.

  Katherine screeched, spasmed, raked her nails across my shoulders, and tried to buck loose of my grip when the climax took her. I held fast though, and she couldn’t escape the penis that I had forced deep into her tight tunnel. Both of these girls were extremely wet, but when they came it felt as if a flood of their juices ejaculated. It became so wet inside of Katherine I almost couldn’t feel her tight walls squeeze my cock.

  Her pussy did squeeze me though, and the sensation combined with the sounds of her voice telling me she was coming made my balls tighten dangerously. This was just so damn hot. I couldn’t believe that I was fucking both of these gorgeous women in this amazing house on top of this massive bed. I suddenly wished I had access to Viagra, or a bunch of pot like the first time we had done this. Maybe it was stupid, but I wanted to fuck these girls all night and make them come dozens of times. I felt so wrapped up with their adoration and their desires that I wanted to please them for the rest of the weekend.

  I fought against the surge coming from my testicles and felt my dick twitch painfully inside of Katherine. She was in the middle of her own long climax, so I doubt she felt me twitch. She was also so wet I doubt she felt the dribble of sperm leave the tip of my cock. But, besides that small amount, I had managed to stay my climax, and my dick continued to stay agonizingly hard.

  “Ahh, that was so good.” Katherine nuzzled her face against the right side of my neck opposite where Kim kissed. She was done with her orgasm, but her hips still made slow rocking movements that slid the tip of my cock against the back of her wet, velvety walls.

  “My turn now.” Kim leaned over my chest and lightly bit Katherine’s bare neck. The brown-haired girl purred and rolled off of my cock with a wet pop. Kim’s hand quickly grasped my cock, and she gave it an electric-feeling squeeze while she scooted her knees down toward my hips and prepared to ride me like Katherine just had.

  “Wait,” I stopped her with a hand on her right hip. “I want both of you doggie style.”

  “Yes, King Eric,” Kim answered with an excited smile.

  “Oh, I like it when Eric is King,” Katherine agreed.

  I sat up from my position on the bed and crawled a few feet away from the girls so they could arrange themselves properly. Both of them rose on their hands and knees before positioning themselves next to each other. Their pert asses were presented in the air to me, and they began to kiss each other passionately.

  Both Katherine and Kim had amazing bodies from lives spent as volleyball players, so I took a moment to study the curve of their muscular backs, lean legs, toned butt cheeks, and the moist lips of their bare vaginas. Katherine’s olive skin was a few shades darker than Kim, and the Jewish girl had cute little freckles dancing over her hips. Kim’s skin was pale and flawless like freshly poured milk.

  I walked a few lengths on my knees across the bed so that I could caress the skin of the two beautiful women. They moaned appreciatively at my touch and opened their eyes while they kissed so that they could each give me a smoldering look. I caressed each of them for half a minute before I slid my left hand down to Katherine’s pussy. She gasped at my touch and leaned her hips back in an attempt to force my fingers into her hole.

  Kim whined when she realized that Katherine was getting attention from me, but the sound quickly turned into a purr when she saw me move behind her and grab the right side of her hip with my hand.

  “Guide me into you, Kim,” I commanded her. She was still enjoying a heated kiss with Katherine, but her right hand reached between her own legs and found the base of my shaft. Then she led me cock upwards slightly and pushed the tip of my hard dick against her entrance. She wiggled her hips, and I did my part; slowing thrusting forward so that my length slid into her.

  The Asian girl was still soaking wet, and I was drenched from Katherine’s cum, so I slid into Kim with little effort. We both gasped when I reached the halfway point, and we moaned when I bottomed out inside of her and felt my tip scrape against the walls to her womb. My left hand was still playing with Katherine’s pussy, and I pushed my thumb into her tunnel and used my pointer finger to play with her clit.

  I was fucking both women now, one with my cock and the other with my fingers. Both seemed to enjoy what I was doing, and they resumed kissing each other while I penetrated them. Every dozen seconds or so, one or both of them would open their eyes, glance back at me with a look of adoration, and then resume their sucking on each other’s tongues through excited gasps. The scene was unbelievably sexy, and Kim’s pussy was agonizingly tight around my dick, but she was so wet that it was almost dulling a bit of the sensation of her warm tunnel.

  I wasn’t actually counting my deep thrusts into the tight Asian woman, but I had played enough music to know when twelve measures of four beats had passed. I pulled out of Kim suddenly and knelt across both of the women’s tangled feet to position myself behind Katherine. Kim gasped sighed with dismay, and both women stopped kissing each other and turned their heads to watch me change position.

  My left thumb was still fucking Katherine while my fingers played with her clit. It was a quick, slippery exchange, but my rock-hard cock was soon inside of her thrashing body, and my right hand was playing with Kim’s pussy. As soon as I slid into Katherine, she pushed her pretty face into the pillows on the bed and groaned with ecstasy.

  Although this was my second threesome with the two volleyball girls, I knew that Katherine liked to fuck at a quicker and harder tempo than Kim. I hooked my left hand over her left hip and drilled into her tunnel while I pulled her hips back into me. My tempo was much quicker than with Kim, and I briefly took my hand away from the Asian girl’s dripping pussy to smack Katherine on her right butt cheek. The girl yelped at the sudden pain and then gave a cry of joy as she pushed into my dick to match my tempo.

  “Oh yessssss. Eric. Oh god. Don’t stop. Smack my ass again!” I didn’t do it, and she looked over her shoulder at me angrily.

  “You forgot my title,” I gasped over the sound of our wet bodies coming together.

  “Oh shit,” Katherine moaned into the pillow again, and Kim giggled. “King Eric. Please smack my ass. I’ve been a bad girl and need to be punished by my lord.” Her mouth hung open in a mixture of pleasure and agony.

  I pulled my fingers from Kim again and then smacked Katherine’s right butt cheek again. It wasn’t very hard, but she was wet with sweat and I was wet from Kim’s pussy, so it made a loud slick sound. Katherine yelped again, and I felt her body begin to tremor.

  “Fuck. Oh that is so good. Damn it. Yesss, yesss. Please do it again,” she whined and then growled when I didn’t follow her order.

  “King Eric. Please!” she begged, and I smacked her once more in the same spot on her ass. There was a tiny, red mark forming on her toned ass, and the Jewish girl shook again around me. She moaned, pushed her face into the pillow to scream, thrust back into me, and then climaxed with an earthquake level of shaking.

  “Ahhhhhhhhhh! Fuuuuuuuuuu!” she screamed into the pillow, pushed back into me, tried to pull away, and tensed her lean body at the same time. I wrapped my right hand around her hip to prevent her from escaping my cock and then dropped my left fingers to rub her engorged clit. This further exaggerated her orgasm, and she shot up from her pillow with a throaty moan and then leaned back into me. Her hair was suddenly wrapped around my face, and her sharp nails dug into the back of my shoulders.

  Her back was pressed into my chest, and my dick was sitting impaling her almost vertically. The position allowed me to rub her clit even easier and bring my right arm around to cup her small breasts. She was coming down from her climax, but it seemed to start all over again when my right hand cupped her left breast across her chest and pinch the e
rect nipple I found there.

  “Yessss. Yessss. Oh mmmmaaaaahhhh.” She was hoarse from screaming so loudly, and her right hand came away from my shoulder and grasped over the hand that was playing with her nipple. I used both of my arms to pull her down on my cock one last time and then let her stay there while I was deep inside. Her shaking lasted another dozen or so seconds before she let out an exhausted sigh and fell forward. I let her out of my hug and let my penis slide out from inside of her tunnel while she collapsed on the bed.

  “Fuck, that was so good. Fuck. Fuck. I didn’t think anyone could make me come like that.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I did.” I smiled at the prone girl and then looked at Kim. She was still on her hands and knees.

  “I need to come,” I said matter of factly.

  “Yes. Please come inside of me.” Her words made my cock twitch in the open air, and I changed my position to kneel right behind her.

  “You didn’t say King Eric,” Katherine reminded her friend with a sigh.

  “Please come inside of me, King Eric. I want you to fill me up so badly. I need your sperm. Please.” She pushed out her lower lip in a pout, and her pleading voice took on a cute tone. I ran my fingers down her wet pussy lips and then slid my pointer finger into her tightness a few times before I took hold of my cock and guided the tip into her.

  “Oh Eric. That is soooooo gooooood.” Kim’s back formed a convex arch, and I ran my fingers down her shoulders to the dip in her spine. Then I pushed my dick into her as deep as I could and left myself buried in her for a handful of delightful seconds.

  My balls were sore, and the pain reminded me that I should have climaxed a long time ago. I had put it off for too long, but Kim’s tight pussy was doing a wonderful job of stimulating me toward the cliff of a powerful orgasm. My two lovers had enjoyed a few beautiful climaxes in the last hour, and I guessed that the agony in my twitching balls meant that I was going to fill Kim with a cup or two of my sperm. I hadn’t moved from my initial plunge into her, so I pulled myself out a few inches and then picked a medium tempo that I hoped would drive both of us to climax together at the same time.


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