BOSS_His Wealth. His Power. His Demands.

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BOSS_His Wealth. His Power. His Demands. Page 1

by Maggie Carpenter


  Title Information


  Chapter One

  Chatper Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


  A Word From Maggie

  To Mary Ann

  Thank you for your support,

  your stamina, and all your effort.


  His Wealth. His Power. His Demands

  Maggie Carpenter

  Copyright © 2018 Dark Secrets Press

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Dark Secrets Press LLC.




  That's how people described Tony McIntyre.

  He was rich enough to walk away from any deal, he didn't hesitate to send employees packing if they didn't measure up, and he had a tongue as sharp as a razor. Thirty-five, with the body of an athlete, the business prowess of a man twice his age, and the good-looks of a rugged cowboy, he had the world at his feet. And he was loving it.

  "Mr. McIntyre."

  Lifting his eyes from his computer screen, he looked across his expansive office. Emily, his long-suffering, supremely efficient executive secretary had poked her head through the door.

  "Yes, Emily, I know. They're waiting in the conference room. Tell them I'll be right there."

  "Will do."

  Tony's forte was investing in companies suffering through hard times and returning them to profitability. As he opened the file folder in front of him he broke into a smile.

  Kiss Me Cosmetics.

  The founder and president of the company was a gorgeous redhead named Colleen O'Connell. She'd sent him a handwritten letter asking for his help. It had been a first, and had captured his imagination. Staring at her picture he tilted his head to the side.

  "Are you really this gorgeous, or is it an illusion created by makeup and photoshop?" he muttered. "I can't wait to find out."

  The meeting would take place a short distance down the hall. Sam Myers from accounting would be there, along with David Copeland, one of his lawyers, and Frank Hunter, his human lie detector and secret weapon. Tony had met him at a high-stakes poker game. The guy could read people and situations like no-one Tony had ever met. He'd nicknamed him Sherlock.

  Rising from his desk, he walked from his office into Emily's area and out into the thickly carpeted passageway. Reaching the door to the elegant conference room he took a quick breath, then pushed it open. His team was seated on one side of the table, and sitting across from them, looking even prettier than her picture, Colleen was alone. Her long red hair was resting in gentle waves around her shoulders, her big green eyes were enigmatic, and she had the quintessential peaches and cream complexion. Dressed in a black shirt and grey herringbone blazer, she looked like a cover model.

  "Miss O'Connell," he said briskly, walking around the table and extending his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

  "Mr. McIntyre," she replied, curling her fingers around his with an impressive grip. "It's truly an honor. You're a remarkable man."

  "That's very kind of you. Shall we get down to business?"

  Tony could feel the quizzical eyes of his team. Normally he would stride in, take his seat, fix his opponent with a steely gaze, and wait. It was an intimidating move designed to unnerve the suffering soul who needed his help. It rarely failed.

  "From what I understand, and forgive me if I'm being simplistic," he began, "you invested in a cream that didn't meet its claims, and now you're in trouble. Is that the bottom line?"

  "Yes and no. The cream worked, but over time the epidermis built up a resistance to its effects. It was an unpleasant surprise. The active ingredient is derived from a plant found in the Amazon, and bringing the cream to market was a long, expensive journey. To say we were all devastated by the result is an understatement. I'm sure you've studied our charts and read the bad press we received."

  "But surely even the short-term benefit would have been enough to make it successful."

  "Again, yes and no. The market has many creams that offer short-term solutions. Mine is superior and its effects last longer, but I'm embarrassed to admit that was my fatal flaw. The results of our testing were so remarkable I suggested the cream would perform over a longer period of time than it did. When it failed to meet expectations our competitors had a field day."

  "I'm sure you know what I'm going to ask you next."

  "Why didn't I approach the bigger firms in my industry instead of you?"


  "Kiss Me Cosmetics has always been a labor of love. I'd rather shut the doors than find myself taking orders from people in a multi-tiered corporate environment with IQ's of a gnat."

  "Hopefully we don't have any gnats here," he said with a grin.

  "I'm sure you don't," she replied, dropping her voice and giving him an almost woeful look. "I truly appreciate this meeting, Mr. McIntyre, and I assume I wouldn't be here if you didn't see Kiss Me Cosmetics as viable. Am I right?"

  "You are. There are a number of options, but shouldn't we wait for your people? I assume they've been held up."

  "I am my people."

  "You know the old saying, Miss O'Connell. A lawyer who represents themselves has a fool for a client."

  "I can assure you, I'm no fool! Didn't you read my resume? I graduated with a law degree from Harvard."

  Her comment, and the look she was sending him, sent an unfamiliar sensation through his gut. Frank immediately spied the slight lift of Tony's right eyebrow. It was Tony's tell. He was unnerved.

  "Miss O'Connell," Frank said authoritatively. "In an ideal world, what would you like Allin Holdings to offer you? What will save Kiss Me's skin—if you'll pardon the pun?"

  "It's not complicated. Allin would take a minor position, restructure the debt, fund further research into the cream, and I would retain control."

  "This isn't a charity," Sam brusquely declared. "I've studied your financials. In addition to your company hemorrhaging money, the industry itself is highly competitive. As for you remaining in control, you haven't exactly been hitting home runs lately."

  "Then why am I here?" she demanded, darting her eyes from the formidable accountant back to Tony. "Did you think I'd walk in and hand you over my company? I'm aware of your reputation, Mr. McIntyre, and I only agreed to this meeting because you assured me on the phone you were genuinely interested in finding a way to save the ship without throwing me overboard in the process. Or was that the lure? Is this a bait and switch?"

  "Of course not," Tony said testily. "I meant what I said, but it's Sam's job to be skeptical. He watches my pennies the way he watches his own. You clip coupons over breakfast, don't you Sam?"

  "You know what they say about a penny saved," Sam replied. "And coupons come in all shapes and sizes."

nbsp; Tony abruptly rose from his chair. It was a signal. He didn't like the way things were going. Either the deal wasn't there, or he'd lost interest.

  "I want to speak with Miss O'Connell by myself."

  His declaration took his team by surprise. They'd assumed the meeting was over. His lawyer, David, wasn't worried. If a deal came to pass he'd draw up the contract and make sure Tony was protected. Sam was extremely concerned. Investing in Kiss Me Cosmetics didn't appear to be realistic. Frank was amused, but a tad concerned. He couldn't determine if Colleen O'Connell was slithering under Tony's skin, or if Tony was unnerved because he had expected her to be more compliant. As David and Sam quickly picked up their folders and began to leave, Frank slowly rose to his feet, leaned across the table and smiled.

  "Miss O'Connell, I've enjoyed meeting you. It's been short, but impressive. I hope you and that man over there come to a meeting of the minds. I think you and Kiss Me Cosmetics would prove to be worthwhile."

  "Thank you, Mr. Hunter."

  "If we should meet again, please call me Frank."

  Straightening up, he glanced across at Tony and shot him a look. Tony offered a slight nod in return. Though Frank had said his long goodbye to give Tony a moment to gather his thoughts, he'd meant what he'd said.

  "Your soldiers were taken by surprise," she remarked as Frank left the room. "I take it a one-on-one chat like this isn't par for the course."

  "Very astute. Grab your briefcase. We're taking this on the road."

  "Excuse me?"

  "Across the street to Mabel's Pantry. Amazing apple pie and a friendlier environment."

  "Heavy whipped cream? The real stuff? Not out of a can?"

  "Absolutely. From New Zealand."

  "Seriously? Now that's an offer I can't refuse."

  As she stood up and walked around the table, he had to contain his surprise. She was slight, and out of her high-heels she'd be lucky if she hit 5'4. Why he'd expected her to be taller he wasn't sure, but her diminutive size made her appear vulnerable. He suddenly found himself with a desire to look out for her.

  "Mr. McIntyre?"

  "You'll have to forgive me," he said hastily, realizing he'd been staring. "I do that sometimes. Zone out. The brain. It never stops."

  "I would hope not. If your brain stops you're dead," she said with a grin as they entered the hall.

  "This is true. We'll take my private elevator. Less stops."

  "Advance to GO? Collect $200?"

  "Not quite, but a hassle free ride," he said, guiding her into the wood-paneled box that would whisk them down to the ground floor. "Are you a Monopoly player?"

  "Avid, but no-one will play with me."

  As much as he didn't want it to, the double meaning of the phrase popped into his head. The thought of having fun with her between the sheets was immensely appealing, but if they ended up in business together she'd be off-limits.

  "I'm surprised," he said casually. "I'm sure you'd be an outstanding opponent."

  "That's the problem. My friends got tired of losing."

  "Ah, I see. Maybe one of these days we can sit across a Monopoly board. But be warned. I'm ruthless."

  "So am I," she quipped, stepping ahead of him and into the lobby, then looking over her shoulder, she added, "You have no idea."

  The odd sensation in his gut abruptly returned, and as they left the building and walked across the street, he sensed Colleen O'Connell had more brains than she did beauty. And she was a knockout.

  "Hello, Mabel," Tony declared as they entered the small cafe.

  "Tony! It's been three days," the matronly woman declared as she hurried forward to greet him. "Were you out of town again?"

  "New York," he replied. "Mabel, this is Colleen O'Connell."

  "Nice to meet you."

  "You too," Colleen said warmly. "This is such a lovely place. It's so homey."

  "Thank you. That's what it is, my second home. Tony, your booth is empty. I assume you want apple pie?"

  "Please, with heavy whipped cream."

  "Two slices?"


  "You don't like to share?" Colleen asked as he guided her to a booth tucked away in a corner.

  "Not if I love something, and I love Mabel's pies."

  They settled in, and a moment later a young waitress arrived with two china mugs and a thermos.

  "Best coffee in town," Tony said as he poured it into her cup. "Tell me Miss O'Connell. Why did you go into the cosmetics business?"

  "Call me Colleen."

  "In that case, it's Tony. Please, go on."

  "The first inkling came to me in college. I'd see girls scrimp to buy makeup. When I knew I didn't want to practice law the cosmetic industry was the first thing I thought of. I started working for a small company that specialized in plant based products. It was ahead of its time. Long story short, when the owner met with an unfortunate accident, I was able to take it over."

  "Tragedy into triumph?"

  "Something like that. It was a blow. He was brilliant."

  "How did he die?"

  "Apparently he had a heart attack. His car went off the road and flipped over."

  "I'm sorry. That must have been a very difficult time."

  "It was, but as I said in your office, the company became a labor of love. It still is."

  "Here you are," Mabel declared, arriving at their table. "Two slices of hot apple pie, and two bowls of whipped cream. Just wave if you need anything else."

  "Wow. This looks amazing," Colleen declared, eyeing the rich dessert.

  "It tastes even better," Tony promised. "You just wait."

  "Why are we here?" she asked pointedly. "I'm sure you don't bring all your business meetings into this place."

  "You'd be surprised."

  "You mean I'm not special?" she asked, tilting her head to the side and staring at him suggestively. "How disappointing."

  "Every deal is special," he replied, ignoring her flirtation. "We're here because I didn't want you to think we were ganging up on you. Three against one didn't feel right."

  "Sam doesn't like me."

  "Sam doesn't like your balance sheets, and he's right."

  "I know. They're not great, but if they were I wouldn't have contacted you."

  "I'm going to tell you a simple truth, Colleen, but you won't like it."

  "Thanks for the warning."

  "Spending more money on that cream is like setting dollar bills on fire. It was from the start, and nothing's changed."

  "What? I'm sorry, but—"

  "There is no but, just as there's no fountain of youth. Do you have any idea how much money the big names spend on trying to develop age-reversing creams? What you invested in Glow is a pittance. I like the name by the way. Your idea?"

  "Yes. It insinuates a youthful glow."

  "It does. Great name, bad idea. There's no such thing as a way to stop time in a jar. We age, we wrinkle, it's nature. If you'd marketed Glow as a cream that does what all the others do, but better, you might have stood a chance."

  "I know, and you're right, but at the time our tests—"

  "Your tests were fool's gold. You got caught up in a dream. That's common. Your emotion swept you into believing in magic."

  "That's hard to hear," she mumbled, dropping her eyes.

  "Some truths are, but it had to be said. Colleen, I can tell you how to save your company, but are you willing to listen?"

  "Listen, sure. Whether I'll buy what you're selling remains to be seen."

  "Let's start with the company name. Kiss Me Cosmetics. It's catchy, it's memorable, it works. However, it says lipstick, but your range is limited. You need to market to new buyers. Teenagers especially. Expand the lipstick line and introduce flavored lip gloss. Bright, zesty flavors. Citrus, peppermint, maybe even experiment with pepper. You could call it Hot Lips."

  Tony had been watching her closely, and when her eyes lit up, she reminded him of a little girl opening a present under the Christmas t

  "I love that idea."

  "As it takes off, expand it further. Add matching nail varnish and other products, and box them together and sell them as packages. At some point in the future reintroduce your cream, but call it something else and give it a fragrance. I know you have a big investment in fragrance free products, but I decided to do a little unscientific research. I went into Nordstrom's and watched the women at the various cosmetic counters. Every single one of them smelled the products. Of all the sales I witnessed, only a couple were fragrance free."

  "But our focus group—"

  "Screw the focus group. Watching real people doing real things in real life, that's your focus group."

  "Tony," she said tentatively, "I don't mean to change the subject, but I have to ask. Why did you respond to my letter? I was so surprised. Extremely pleased, but surprised. From what I can gather, you've never been involved in a company like mine."

  "That's why. It's unique. It's interesting, and cosmetics is a huge industry. I'd like a piece of the pie, and Kiss Me Cosmetics is in the perfect position to give it to me."

  "So, what's your offer? I'm sure you have one in your head."

  "First, and this isn't negotiable, I'm not going to hand over my money and let you retain full control. You're very smart, Colleen, and creative, but if you want Kiss Me Cosmetics to succeed, it's time for you to learn from a master."

  He watched her smile an enigmatic smile that matched her enigmatic eyes, and she slowly nodded her head.

  "Learn from a master," she softly repeated. "That's something I've always wanted to do."


  One Month Later

  After four weeks of intense negotiations and many meetings the dust had finally settled. Colleen was back in the impressive conference room, and her signature was on the dotted line. Though there had been several people in attendance for the signing, Tony, Frank, and Colleen were the only ones left at the table. Her heart was still racing. She was now under the wing of Allin Holdings and Tony McIntyre. Her company was going to survive, maybe even rise to new heights. There was heat in her throat, and she was having a hard time maintaining her cool composure.


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