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Sizzle Page 29

by Sarah O'Rourke

  “In or out of the bedroom?” Sami asked, wriggling her eyebrows.

  “Is both an option?” Molly responded eagerly, her emerald eyes sparkling with interest.

  “Hold on,” Vivian interrupted, always the voice of reason when Sami and Molly got on a roll. “First, you just told us that Devil didn’t exactly fire you, right? He told you that you could come back to work after the wedding if you wanted. And he’s letting you choose your own replacement after the whole fiasco this morning, right? It sounds like he’s more than willing to compromise with you there, Mols,” she chided gently.

  “He knew I’d never leave my desk if he didn’t give a little, Viv. Don’t give him too much credit,” Molly retorted, finishing off her second roll with a flourish.

  “All I’m saying is that he could have insisted on choosing his own assistant since he’ll be the one working directly with them, and he didn’t,” Vivian pointed out reasonably, taking a sip from her drink. “I think that shows how much he values your opinion and judgment.”

  “Do you always have to look at everything from every angle? Haven’t we discussed your penchant for using logic and reason to win an argument?” Molly complained, glaring at the dark headed woman beside her.

  “I’m a litigator. It’s what I’m paid to do. I examine the facts and draw conclusions,” Vivian replied calmly. “Today, I conclude that maybe…just maybe… Devil cares about what you want, sweetie. He certainly doesn’t seem like the type of man to allow someone else to choose who’ll work as his closest aide, and yet, he’s letting you do it. He wants you to be comfortable with that person. I think that says a lot.”

  “Speaking of which,” Molly stated, ignoring the point Vivian was trying to make. She didn’t feel like being reasonable. She refused to become some kind of puppet for Devil to pull strings on when he felt like it. The sooner he learned that she wouldn’t be easily managed by him, the better off they both would be. “I need someone male and gay. Very gay. Any ideas?”

  “Oh, Lord,” Vivian muttered, flopping back against the upholstered booth.

  Sami nodded avidly as she grinned, digging in her purse for her phone. “Oh, I know just the guy. Armando Savage. He’s between modeling gigs and could use the work.”

  “Armando? Seriously?” Vivian’s nose scrunched as she rolled her eyes, reaching again for her drink.

  Sami waved a hand in the air between them, effectively dismissing Vivian’s negativity. “Armando is the name he gave himself after he came out of the closet in upstate New York. His real name is Arthur Smith. He’s perfect, Molly. Smart as a whip, degree in office administration, but flamboyant as all hell. He’s a hunky Latin man who just happens to be homosexual and jobless at the moment. He could really use the work. He was telling me just the other day that if he doesn’t find something soon, he’ll have to move back to Albany. He made it sound like that was a fate worse than death. I know he’ll do this. I’ll text him if you want,” she offered readily, waving her phone excitedly.

  “Oh, he’s a Yankee, too? Perfect!” Molly grinned again as she clapped excitedly. “Text him and tell him he’s got the job if he wants it. I’ll meet him at the office tomorrow about nine. Devil’s got to fly up to Chicago tomorrow morning for meetings. He won’t be back until early afternoon. That will give me time to fill Armando in on things and give him the lay of the land,” she explained as Sami’s fingers flew against her phone.

  Sami nodded as her phone chirped in her hand. Her face lit up as she announced, “He’s in! You’ll love him to pieces, Mols. He’s a good guy.”

  “He sounds perfect,” Molly agreed, relieved to have one worry off her list. “Now,” she continued, scooting back as the waiter delivered their food to the table, “The real question is, can you get me into Stefan’s on such short notice? I want the look to match the clothes we chose.”

  “Molly, are you sure about this?” Vivian questioned worriedly, ignoring her salad. “I love your hair,” she moaned, lifting a hand to touch the long, auburn locks.

  “Calm down, Viv,” Sami soothed, eyeing Molly critically. “I don’t think Molly needs any drastic changes to her appearance. A few more options on her makeup color wheel and maybe a trim to her chin. You’re already gorgeous, Molly, but I’m thinking you’d look good with a sleeker, more sophisticated cut. You need something that will frame that flawless face of yours and draw attention to your eyes.”

  Grabbing a fry off her plate, Molly chomped down hungrily. “I trust you both, guys. All I know is that I can’t do anything about my curvy shape. I’m never gonna be one of those waifs that Devil kept draped over his arm, but I can make damn sure that I have my body wrapped in a pretty, appealing package. And if this look happens to knock Dev on his shapely ass, so much the better!” She wanted him stunned speechless. She wanted to knock his socks off.

  She wanted to feel like she belonged in his world.

  “Men lust after that curvy shape, Molly. Would you rather be a flat-chested stick like me?” Vivian asked, gesturing down at her lithe body. She wasn’t exactly a pole, but she wasn’t particularly well-endowed in the curve department either.

  “I told you, sister, with the right push up bra, those little boobs of yours could really pop,” Sami said, snapping her fingers, causing the two older women at the next table to look over in stern disapproval.

  “I’m an attorney. They don’t need to pop,” Vivian denied, rolling her eyes. “My point is that all of us have features we’d rather not have. We just have to accept them and go on about our business. It’s what’s on the inside that counts.”

  “Yeah, well, people can’t see my insides when I’m out with Devil. They see the surface,” Molly countered, tucking her hair behind her ear as she wrinkled her nose. “And I want my surface to sparkle, ladies. I’m asking you both to help me make it happen.”

  Vivian sighed, recognizing a lost cause when she saw it. “Fine, but when Devil sees the hair…you make sure he knows that was all Samantha’s idea,” she said, shooting the model a fierce look. “Armando, too!”

  Shrugging nonchalantly, Sami grinned. “It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve danced with the Devil, Viv.”

  “Yeah, but it may be the first time you both get scorched in the process. I just hope there’s enough singed remains for me to identify at the morgue,” Vivian murmured as she shook her head at both women.

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  As Devil strolled into Molly’s condo that afternoon, he still had the same grin he’d had plastered all over his face all day.

  She was his. Finally, completely, undeniably his.

  He couldn’t stop grinning like a fool. Hell, he didn’t want to.

  Everyone had noticed his undeniable good humor; his employees and business associates had been giving him strange looks all afternoon. He simply hadn’t given a damn. Peace had finally settled over his soul, and he was genuinely happy for the first time in a long while.

  All because one woman had finally given herself to him.

  Molly Ramsey was his.

  “Molly?” he called as he closed the front door behind him, ignoring Chanel as the dog snarled at him from the sofa. “Where’s Mommy?” he asked the canine as he peered into the kitchen.

  “Dev? You’re early!” Molly called back from the vicinity of her bedroom. “I’m still getting ready!”

  Ambling down the short hallway, he followed the sound of her voice and caught his breath as he stepped into her bedroom. Freezing in the doorway, his eyes widened at the sight he found in the attached bathroom.

  Clad in a bra, thong, thigh-high stockings and heels, Molly’s back was to him and she bent over to adjust the seam on her hose. Closing the bedroom door with a flick of his wrist, his mouth watered as he eyed the shapely curve of her ass, and he instantly got hard for her.

  Until she straightened and he got a look at her hair.

  No longer long and curly, it was now straight and sleek, curved around her chin. All earlier thoughts suddenly evaporat
ed from his befuddled mind. “You cut your hair!” he roared, stomping toward the bathroom.

  “Oh, hello, Devil,” Molly greeted him over her shoulder. “I’ll be ready in just a few minutes.”

  “You cut your hair!” he repeated, staring at her. Truthfully, she looked gorgeous. The cut framed her face and called attention to her beautiful eyes, but still, he’d loved wrapping his fist around those long locks, tangling his fingers in it as he kissed her. Blinking, he noted the color was different, too. Still red, but richer…more vibrant. It looked silky soft and infinitely touchable.

  “Do you like it?” she asked, batting her eyelashes at him. “I think Stefan did a wonderful job. Sami was able to pull strings and get me in with him today.”

  “You…you’re always beautiful,” he murmured huskily as he allowed his eyes to wander over her. She was wearing makeup – not a lot of it, but enough to accentuate her already gorgeous face. The lacy black bra she wore pushed her breasts up and out, making his hands itch to cup and stroke them. The matching thong barely covered her now-waxed pussy. And the thigh-high hose she wore were simply indecent on her toned legs. “Jesus, Molly,” he growled, his hands fisting at his sides as he gazed hungrily at her.

  Hands on her hips, she smiled. “I take it that you approve of my outfit so far?” she teased, aware that his eyes had taken on a slightly feral gleam.

  Sidling closer, Devil ran his fingers over Molly’s smooth jaw. “You cut your hair on purpose, didn’t you? Just to prove to me that you could,” he asked her, his voice smooth and low in the bathroom as he ignored her question.

  Licking her lower lip, Molly shrugged. “Maybe.”

  “Bad girl,” Devil chided, wagging his finger in front of her nose. Perhaps, it was time to show his woman what happened when she tested him. A little discipline would be just what they both needed to begin their evening together. Bending his head, he smiled wickedly when he heard Molly’s breathing accelerate and watched as her breasts rose and fell quickly beneath the lace as he nuzzled her neck. “You know what happens to bad girls, don’t you, sweetheart?” he asked deeply, sliding the palm of his hand over one creamy globe of her firm ass.

  “Mmmm,” Molly hummed, tilting her head to give his lips access to her throat. “Tell me,” she breathed, her nipples pebbling against his chest as her thighs cuddled his lengthening cock.

  “They get punished,” Devil growled, biting her neck at the same time he lifted and brought his hand down sharply against her ass.

  “Oh, God,” Molly gasped, nearly creaming her panties as the right cheek of her ass stung. The slight edge of pain only ramped up her desire for him. “Devil!” she moaned, lifting her head to stare up into his glittering eyes.

  “Turn around and grip the sink, Molly,” he ordered softly, rubbing the reddened skin of her butt cheek warmly.

  “W-why?” she asked faintly as she slid her hand over his broad chest. “We need to get to the church, don’t we?”

  “We’ll go soon. First, you deserve to be punished, don’t you? You were a bad girl today. You deliberately tried to goad me into a reaction. Then you decided to tempt me with this incredible little outfit you have on.”

  “In my defense, you weren’t supposed to see this ensemble until later,” Molly defended herself shakily as his lip gently kissed the curve of her shoulder.

  “That’s no excuse. You’re testing me, Molly. That’s a bad move, darlin’. You should know by now that I’d never let you get away with that. Now, turn around and grip the sink,” he repeated, squeezing her ass as he rocked his hips into her, pressing his erection against her belly.

  Slowly, Molly turned to do as he ordered, bending at the waist and gripping the edge of the sink as she felt him move behind her. Her pussy quickened as she felt his warm hands slide around her waist, stroking her skin. Staring into the mirror, she shivered with excitement as he briefly met his eyes before kneeling behind her. This was a side of Devil she’d never seen before, and it was sexy as hell.

  Trailing his lips down her back until he reached the curve of her ass, he nipped both cheeks gently while he stroked the exposed skin just above her stockings with his thumbs. “Do you know what happens to disobedient girls, Molly?” Devil asked in a low voice as he inhaled deeply at her core, drawing the scent of her arousal into his body.

  “N-no,” Molly replied breathlessly, biting her lip as his warm breath gusted against her core.

  “They get spanked,” Devil growled, delivering two sharp pops against her left ass cheek in quick succession with the palm of his hand and pulling a needy cry from Molly’s lips. He could see her panties darkening with wetness as he landed a third light blow against the other side of her ass. “You like that don’t you, angel? You like being spanked like a bad girl, don’t you?” he asked, licking the skin above her hose with a swipe of his tongue.

  Never before in her life had she felt such need, such desire. A strong, independent woman, Molly would have never thought that she would have craved for a man to touch her like this. And yet, this was not just any man, she thought wildly. This was Devil.

  “Y-yeah,” Molly whimpered, bowing her back as she pushed her ass toward him. “Devil, please,” she whined, looking at him over her shoulder. She squealed when the next slap she felt was against her shielded pussy.

  “Please what, baby? Please spank you? Please fuck you? Please turn you around so that I can sample some of your sweet pussy?” Devil questioned wickedly as Molly shuddered in front of him.

  “All of it! Any of it! I don’t care,” Molly cried out desperately. Her entire body was flushed and tense, yearning for satisfaction that she knew he could give.

  “God, you look sexy,” Devil growled against her ass. “Your sweet ass is all pink from my hand, and your syrup is sliding down your thighs. And Christ, these stockings! So fucking erotic,” he groaned, sliding his hands up the silk hose, the slight friction almost more than he could take. “You’re so fucking incredible.” She was without a doubt the most intoxicating woman he’d ever seen. He wondered if it would be like this years from now…him desperate to possess her… to taste love her.

  “Spread your legs,” he demanded roughly, hooking two fingers around the string of her thong. “I need to taste this luscious cunt,” he bit out as he snapped the delicate lace easily and tossed the remnants of her panties at his feet before burying his face in her core, licking furiously at her puffy folds like a parched man who’d never be able to drink his fill. He slid his tongue from her anus to her clit, lapping at her slit with a violence he barely contained, her moans of pleasure drowning out everything else in the world.

  “Devil, God, yes!” Molly panted as his tongue tunneled into her snug passage. Thrusting back against him, she almost collapsed as he captured her hips and held her pinned against the sink as he plunged deeper inside her, forcing her to experience every moment of his tender punishment. The heat of his mouth nearly burned her alive as he replaced his tongue with two long fingers. Gripping the edge of the sink, she moaned deep and long as the tip of his tongue teased her clit, nudging it back and forth as his fingers curled within her. “I’m going to cum!” she whimpered frantically, churning her hips against the sink as his lips tugged at her swollen nub.

  “Not yet,” he denied on a growl, quickly pulling his fingers from her slick cunt and rising to his feet to rip open his slacks. “You don’t cum until I say so, Molly. You do the crime; you endure the punishment,” he warned against her neck as he pulled his thick cock into his hand. “Consider this a lesson,” he muttered, whirling her around to face him and lifting her to sit on the edge of the sink. “Guide me in, babe,” he ordered on a harsh breath, leading her hand to his dick and wrapping it around him.

  Molly wrapped her legs around his lean hips and drew him closer, guiding the angry purple head of his penis to her entrance. Meeting his darkened blue eyes, she moaned as he teased her pussy with just a taste of his cock.

  “This is going to be fast, raw and ha
rd, baby,” Devil warned darkly, his breath cascading over her lips as he clutched her hips. “That’s how I need to fuck you right now,” he breathed, tugging her bra down with one hand so that her breasts fell out of the lacy cups. “I need to see those pretty breasts bouncing for me, too,” he rasped a second before his hips lunged and he sank balls-deep into her amazingly tight pussy.

  Devil grunted as he began to thrust heavily into Molly’s wet depths, each stroke bringing them both closer to the edge. Her pussy sucked at him, gripping his cock within its velvety walls. Pumping harder, he groaned as her nails scored his skin through his shirt. “You’re so fucking tight, Molly. I love how your sweet little pussy hugs my dick,” he ground out, tightening his hands around her waist as she rocked her hips and rode his cock. The wet sound of their bodies meeting was one of the sexiest sounds he’d ever heard. The only thing that topped it were Molly’s low moans of pleasure as her back arched.

  He couldn’t resist watching as his cock disappeared into her only to reappear a second later, wet and glistening with her juices. “Fuck,” he groaned, thrusting harder as he watched her slender hand move between them to rub her pink, swollen clit. “Yeah, baby! Touch yourself,” he growled, watching as two of her fingers circled the distended bud. “So fucking hot!”

  “Devil, I need to cum!” Molly whimpered desperately, tilting her head to meet his blisteringly hot gaze. His blue eyes were nearly blackened with lust. “Let me cum!”

  “Not yet. You were a very bad girl, remember?” he growled, fucking her faster as he watched her dusky nipples tighten with arousal. Bending to suck one between his lips, he tugged harder as Molly threw her head back and keened. “I bet you’ll be my good girl now, won’t you, baby? Keep rubbing your clit!” he demanded roughly, moving to suck her other nipple as his balls tightened.


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