The Italian: A Mountain Man Romance

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The Italian: A Mountain Man Romance Page 6

by Hazel Parker

  “I guess that’s it then.”

  She didn’t know why she had said that.

  “Is it?”

  She hadn’t expected that response and stood dumbfounded in her equally wrinkled dress.

  “I do know. I just figured since…”

  She stopped before she made too big of a mess. She never knew what to say and bit her bottom lip to stop the awkward word vomit.

  “I don’t want this to be over, Anna. I want to see you again.”

  Good. She was having a hard time saying goodbye.

  “I want to see you again, too.”

  “Then we will.” They exchanged numbers and email addresses since she knew sometimes his phone didn’t get service in the woods.

  “You sure you don’t want me to take you home?”

  “No. I want to get some more rest,” she said, running her hands through her hair.

  He kissed her on both cheeks and smiled with satisfaction before climbing into his car.

  “See you soon,” she said from the hotel doorway.

  “Ciao, bella!”

  Chapter 12

  Back at the cabin, Dom approached a grouchy Gelato with apologies and grabbed dog food.

  “You had enough to last you all night. It’s not my fault you ate it all.” He talked over the food, hitting the plastic bowl. “It wasn’t even twenty-four hours. You weren’t going to die.”

  Gelato barked once and continued to eat with an attitude.

  “You can’t have an attitude and eat. You can’t have it both ways, mister. And I had a great time. Thanks for asking.” Gelato ignored him until he mentioned Anna’s name. “Oh, now you care. You only like her because she rubs your big head in all the right places.”

  Gelato wagged his tail, and Dom smiled despite his fussing. Dogs were a good judge of character. If his dog liked her, she was worth keeping around.

  “I’ve got work to do today. You coming, or you plan to mope all day?”

  Gelato grumbled but followed him out the door. There wasn’t much to do, but Dom wanted to restock on the firewood and double-check the cameras he had set around the perimeter. The line was secure, but anything from a good rain or an animal could disconnect them or reposition them. There were five cameras in total. Three pointing towards the house entrances, and two pointing towards the backwoods and the only entrance path. Dom couldn’t afford to be surprised.

  He worked, barely processing what he was doing. Anna consumed his thoughts. What was it about her? He couldn’t stop thinking about her. Their time together was a breath of fresh air. He almost forgot he was supposed to be in hiding. Almost. Still, he wanted to be with her again. He wasn’t sure about the whole Sugar Baby thing. The thought of Anna dating other men drove him crazy. His fist clenched around the ax handle just thinking about her sexy body underneath anyone but his. But how could he tell her that? She would think he was a crazy man. The site made it clear that it was an arrangement. Maybe there was a way to get her to agree to exclusivity. The thought blossomed in his mind and bloomed as he worked.

  It took him three trips, but he managed to restock the shed with wood that would be dry and ready, should any emergency occur. He reset the camera wires and double-checked the feeds that came to his computer with ease, still thinking it over. Only when he was sure the line was secure and encrypted did he realize the time. His stomach growled loudly.

  “Time for lunch.”

  Dom was in the mood for something quick and easy. An Italian sub fit the description. Dried oregano, Dijon mustard, shredded lettuce, ham, salami, roasted red peppers, provolone cheese, and small red onion sliced on bread sated his hunger. Gelato, the food monster, whined until Dom gave him some leftover ham slices.

  Lunch cleared his head and he nodded, sure of himself as he opened the message tab.


  I want you to come over this weekend. Pack a bag and send me your address. I will send a car. I have a proposal for you, and I hope you accept.

  He had a sugar proposal, and he was going to propose it to her face. Technology was a horrible medium for things of the heart. It wasn’t the Italian way.

  Anna messaged back within five minutes.

  Of course. See you Friday.


  What could it be? What on earth could Dom want to propose? She knew it wasn’t marriage. Could you imagine? She felt so much for him, and she hoped it was reciprocated, but those feelings weren’t enough to warrant wedding bells. But how exactly did she feel? They’d just met, but the connection was undeniable. It was like magic waiting to happen. It was everything she’d dumped Ethan for. She knew butterflies weren’t just a thing in movies or books. It was real, and with Dom, she had that. So what else could he be proposing?


  It clicked. This entire time they’d been messaging via Seeking Arrangements. This was probably a sugar baby proposal.

  Her stomach flipped, and she wondered if that were true, how would she take it?

  She couldn’t be offended. She was on that site seeking arrangements, and if it wasn’t Dom, it would be someone else. It had to be. She needed it. So why not take arrangements with someone she actually liked, someone she knew and already had a connection with.

  It made sense.

  But it also set her teeth on edge.


  Why indeed.

  She figured it was the money. She felt weird about taking it from him. Arrangements always came with an allowance, and even though she needed it, she didn’t want to take it from him. She could say no to it all, but would she?

  Her mind couldn’t gather an answer before the driver opened her door.

  “We’ve arrived, ma’am.”

  “Great. Thank you,” she said and climbed out, smoothing down her dress.

  It was now or never. She was doing this.


  Chapter 13

  Dom opened the door grinning ear to ear. He grabbed her weekend bag and set it down. Then he grabbed her and brought her close. He smelt so fantastic. Kissing each cheek slowly and grazing her lips as he passed them.

  “It’s so good to see you.” He whispered in her ear.


  Anna expected many things. A candle-lit brunch had not made the list. The little cabin looked a lot like a movie set, with modern appliances mixed in with handmade wood furniture. The living room open to a small dining room and kitchen. In between the kitchen and dining room was the backdoor, and to the right was the hallway that led to the bathroom, and two bedrooms occupied by one bachelor and one dog. Who knew somewhere in the cabinets and drawers lay candles and furnishings to pull off romance in the middle of the woods.

  “Wow. This is amazing.”

  “I would have lit more candles,” he said, ushering her in the door, “but I didn’t want Gelato to accidentally set himself on fire.”

  She could see that happening without too much provocation. The dog was huge, and his fur was not the kind to lay down.

  “Well we wouldn’t want him to melt, now would we?”

  He chuckled and scooted her chair under the table. “He would never forgive me if I let that happen.”

  Two plates with metal covers sat on the table. In between them was a vase holding a single rose, and two lit candles. Anna looked up to see him watching her with anticipation.

  “Hey. I hope you’re hungry,”

  “If you’re cooking, absolutely.”


  She could tell he was excited. He moved with a nervous energy like he wanted everything to be perfect. To her, it already was. They were together. Face to face at his dining room table with homemade French toast, fresh squeezed orange juice, two bowls of fruits, and heated syrup in between them.

  “This looks delicious.”

  Her plate was so pretty, she was debating ruining the moment to take a picture for Instagram.

  “I can’t wait for you to try it. Go on. Take a bite.”

  It practically me
lted on her tongue. She moaned, sucking every morsel of flavor from the fork. “It’s a sin. Toasty, flaky, with butter, cinnamon, powdered sugar and … is that banana?”

  He chuckled. “Yup.”

  “Gracious. Hanging out with you is going to gain me an extra session in the gym.”

  “Nonsense. I love your curves.”

  She blushed at his bluntness.

  “More pounds is just more for me to hold onto.”

  His voice made it very clear what he was referring to, and she took another bite to prevent herself from knocking everything off the table and inviting him to take her body.

  She cleared her throat and spoke in between cutting another piece of her French toast.

  “So. You said you have a proposal?”

  He set his utensils down and nodded. He was nervous, but she could tell by his eyes that he knew what he wanted.

  “I do.”

  She waited to hear it.

  “I want to offer you an arrangement.”

  So she was right. It was about an arrangement. She was just glad he didn’t say, ‘I want to be your sugar daddy.’ That would have been embarrassing.

  “I would offer you five thousand dollars a month. You would come out every Friday after school and stay until Sunday evening. You wouldn’t have to worry about transportation. I would pay for you to have car service with the understanding that you don’t mention our arrangement to anyone and you agree to be exclusive to only me. I want you to shut down your sugar baby account and agree not to date anyone else. If you accept those terms, I promise to be the best,” he confidently stated and continued, “sugar daddy you’ve ever had.”

  She smirked and finished chewing before speaking. “And how long would this arrangement last?”

  “However long you want it to. You can break it off anytime you want.”

  There was nothing for her to think about. It was perfect and exactly what she wanted – Dom.


  So many things ran through her mind. She couldn’t believe this was happening. She tried to remember everything Rachel had said about her arrangement.

  “I’ll need all that in writing.”

  She was only 21, and it was clear Dom was somewhere in his mid or late thirties. She was attracted to him, and yes, they had strong feelings for each other, but she had her entire life ahead of her. In her mind, sugar arrangements were “for now.” None of this could ever equate to forever.

  “I can do that.”

  She almost forgot what he was responding to, but nodded as he walked to the backroom.

  “Be right back.”

  She heard a printer, and then he returned with a simple contract, following the arrangement template, and a pen.

  She signed her name on the dotted line with the date.

  He looked up at her as he signed his name.

  “I am an honest man, Anna. Nothing means more to me than keeping my word. I vow to you that I will do that. I ask for the same courtesy as well.”

  She gulped and tried to smile.

  “I promise to keep every word in our agreement.”

  Those magic words unlocked a wide smile. “Thank you.”

  He signed quickly and took it with him to the kitchen. She didn’t have to wait long to see why as he returned with a bottle of champagne.

  “This is cause for a celebration.” He poured her glass with a steady hand, back in control now, and leaned over to kiss her neck.

  “You don’t know how happy it makes me to know you’re mine.”

  “That’s right, baby. I’m all yours.”

  “I really like the sound of that,” he said, taking her into his arms and kissing her. She closed her eyes to the taste of champagne on his lips and the thudding of her heart in her chest. She was just starting something with Dom… something that would be long-term. A pang of guilt ran through her chest as she reminded herself that she was originally hired to find him.

  Should I tell him?

  Chapter 14

  Anna couldn’t believe her luck. Neither could Rachel. Not only was Dom the perfect sugar daddy, but she actually had feelings for him.

  “I mean, it’s only been a month, but it’s perfect. I kind of feel like I cheated or something.”

  Anna held the phone as she turned the corner, squinting at the street sign to make sure she was going the right way.

  “Cheated at what?”

  “I don’t know. Life? You’ve been seeking arrangements for…. What? A year?”

  “Yeah. So?”

  “So it took you an entire year to find your perfect match, and it took me two weeks?”

  “Hey. Don’t rub it in my face. You got lucky, but don’t worry, karma’s a bitch… to us all. Your time will come.”

  Anna grimaced. “Hey! That sounds a lot like you're wishing something bad happens to me.”

  “I’m not wishing anything, honey. I just know that these are the break. Some people take more hits in life, but we all know what it feels like to hit a home run and strike out when you’re at home base.”

  Anna parked her car and pursed her lips. “Wow, Rach. That sounded a lot like real advice.”

  “Don’t get used to it,” she said in between laughter. “I’m now going back to being the Naughty Jiminy Cricket as your guide.”

  Anna shook her head and was beyond amused. Rachel was turning out to be one of her best friends. Yes, they had met under the strangest circumstances and before, Anna had thought Rachel didn’t like her, but now, they were like two peas in a pod.

  “Okay, Naughty Jiminy. I got to go.”

  She groaned. “But it was just getting fun.”

  “I know, but I have to go. I have something to do.”

  ‘Oh yeah, that’s right. You told me. What are you running off to do again?”

  Rachel asked again like Anna hadn't told her she wasn't going to tell her what it was before. “I hadn’t mentioned.”

  “I know you sneaky bitch. You can mention now.” Listening to Rachel, one would think Anna had a secret lover or baby on the side.

  “No time. Gotta go. Love you. Bye.”

  She hung up with a smile that faded in seconds. Rachel was like a dog with a bone. She wouldn’t let Anna drop it until she spilled the beans. Thing was, she didn’t want anyone to know what she was doing right now. Not Rachel, and especially not Dom.

  She checked her hair and makeup before donning a pair of shades and climbing out of the car. She needed to get in and get out. This wasn’t a trip for pleasure. It was strictly business, and the sooner she was done, the better. She needed to make it to the salon. When she returned to the cabin, her hair had to be done; that’s what she had told Dom she'd be doing while he was gone.

  The hostess held the door open with a smile. “Good afternoon, ma’am. Table for one?”

  “Two. I’m meeting someone.” She skimmed the room as she talked and saw a man waving at her.

  “That’s me,” she said with a polite nod and walked towards the table.

  There he stood in luxury clothes, with his black hair gelled back and a small smile that some women would find inviting. He was young. Much younger than she expected. Most men on the arrangement site were in their older forties, yet he looked like he was in his mid-twenties, and had the demeanor of a man used to getting his way. Anna could see that. He could be considered attractive. His olive skin, dark hair, and dark eyes that were filled with confidence could get him in most doors. In another life maybe she would have considered him attractive, if she wasn’t already falling for Dom. He held his arms out in a welcoming gesture that Anna felt would be rude to ignore.

  “Ah. Mi bella Anna!”

  He talked as if they really knew each other.

  “Um, hello.” She felt awkward standing in his arms as he kissed both her cheeks and finally pulled back to sit.

  “How are you?”

  “Um. Great. Thanks for asking.”

  She didn’t want to be rude, but she really didn’t want
to stay. “Are you thirsty? Can I get you anything?” He didn’t wait for her to answer before waving the waitress over.

  “Yes, Sir?”

  “She wants something to drink.”

  The waitress stared at Anna with expectancy, so ready to serve that she felt compelled to order. "Just a sweet tea, please.”

  “Of course.”

  Again, she sat in awkward silence as the man before her sipped his coffee. “So. You may not know, but my name is Luca Roberto Costa.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” The waitress chose to come with the tea then, and with more gratitude than she had ever had for a waitress, she sipped from the white straw.

  “And you are Anna Adams, no?

  “Yes, that is me. In the flesh.” She forced her lips into a smile before she clasped her hands in front of her.

  How could she ask for the money without being rude?

  “Well, thank you for meeting me.”

  “Well, you do owe me a large sum.” She spoke with confidence, but her flushing skin gave away her embarrassment.

  “I understand. You believe me to be a charlatan, and for that, I am devastated.” He reached for her hand. “I am an honest man and have come to prove my honor.”

  He turned to the duffel bag beside him and didn’t react to Anna’s gasp at seeing his bag was brimming with cash. He pulled out three small stacks and set them in between them.

  “As promised.” He looked very satisfied with himself. “Three grand. For all your help.” He continued talking like there weren’t literal thousands of dollars on the table and she sat unsure whether she should take it and risk looking greedy or leave it and risk the talk the staff would start assuming what exact services she’d rendered him.

  He took the decision from her. “Here,” he said, pushing it towards her. “Go on. Take it.”

  She stuffed the cash into her small backpack, putting them out of sight. “What exactly did you do with Dom’s information?”

  “Ah, my friend, now that is my business.” He had the nerve to appear cheeky, as if they were friends and could joke around. “If I told you, I would have to kill you.”

  He laughed, not caring that she was both too nervous and embarrassed to laugh along. She had just met him; how could she know if he was telling the truth or joking?


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